Threads of Death (Kaore and Wiki234)


Apr 8, 2015
Tenzo Seiya was a 0 star student at Honnouji a place ruled by the iron fist of Satsuki Kiryuin the daughter of some stupid fashion mogul or something. He was six foot three inches tall, has two red eyes, slightly tanned skin, short blood red hair and had a muscular but sleight frame. He did his schoolwork and avoided any student that had a Goken uniform with life threads.

He wasn't a normal student however. Many years ago he had found something... an aliean that looked like a green thread that merged with his body and taught him many things about life threads. He probably knew more about them then anyone else on earth. The thread called itself a 'Death Thread' and was symbiotic as opposed to the parasitic Life threads. The Death Threads were natural predators of the Life Thread. Normally the Death Thread would advise its host to start fighting the life threads immidiately... but Tenzo decided to bide his time until he had a better advantage... like not fighting them on his own.
Raizu hamaki was also a regular person though she was good to get a slightly better living than anyone though it was still as bad as everyone else who lived mostly like her. She was someone who wasn't as high up and who also had a no star uniform. The kung girl was mostly white skin though a sligt tan to it, had black hair and bangs that was brushed to mostly one side. Raizu did was usually calm but she could be easily annoyed by people's stupidly over simple things though that didn't have her act as if she was the mean popular girl. Razu was mostly tough and stubborn if really anything.
Today Tenzo had decided to skip school and go off to explore outside the city. He wasn't particularly afraid of that giant idiot who was the head of the disciplinary committee and so usually did what he wanted. He was currently walking through some woods a few miles from the city with no real goal as to his wanderings. When he went to class tomorrow he would tell Ira that he was sick and couldn't call in due to his phone line being down.

"So bord." He muttered to himself as he walked along a path.
She sighed as she headed off to the academy, she actually did want to be on the committee herself and even the leader of the school was really someone that she admired personally instead of being somewhat forced to follow her. Raizu pulled up her black fingerless gloves and started walking quietly up the path until she saw the giant gates in the distance continuing to head down until she finally arrived seeing everyone else as well.
Finding himself in an empty clearing Tenzo decided he may as well train a little. He needed to be ready for when he took down those pricks ruling the school. He stretched a little bit making sure he would pull or sprain somethign while training before getting into a horse stance with his right fist on the ground. He thensed and was sudden;y covered in a pale green energy that swirled around his form. This was one of the things he gained by being the Death threads host, and energy field around him that he could use for attack and defense alongside enhanced physical abilities.

He dashed towards a three foot thich tree and threw a punch at it with a fierce yell. His fist punched a six inch hole in the side of the tree. He pulled back his fist and gave the tree a spinning kick to the same tree, snapping the tree where the hole was punched. He then turned and fired a small orb of the green energy at a large boulder on the opposite side of the clearing. The orb exploded upon contact with the boulder blowing it apart.
The young girl sighed as she finally arrived in the courtyard this time, wearing a casual dress even maybe Sinclair to nui's with her black fingerless gloves. Raizu didn't really have anything set for now in what to do and she wasn't really much of a fighter anyway though she could over power someone who was weaker or even stupider than her most of the time. As the sun could be seen rising higher the light ahined down around the courtyard as everyone slowly started to look up at the building seeing the only figure that would be able to stand above the school.
(I don't think the y know about Nui yet... unless your using her to describe the dress.)

Tenzo eventually reduced the clearing to a series of craters, and shattered trees. He had been training for several hours and it was close to when school would be starting. He wasn't sure what he should do right now as he was bored again. So he decided that he should head back home and see if he could steal a T.V. from the One-star living level to watch.

Raizu sighed continuing to walk past everyone else boredly, it was in forever that something fun even happened, seeing that there wasn't that was low that's even looked tough for her to fight if they could. She sat down leaning against the wall with a bored sigh, pulling down her dress and her gloves again.
(Wouldn't she get in trouble for not wearing a uniform to school?)

Tenzo somehow managed to get lost as he tried to make his way back to the city. He hadn't been paying attention as he was walking, which may have had something to do with it, and went down the wrong path. Right now he was staring up at a run down mansion that looked like it had been hit by a fire or a bomb. Deciding that he would try and remember how to get back here later he turned around and headed off, trying to find his way out of this damn forest.

(You may as well skip ahead. It'll take him hours to get back.)
(I'm modeling her as strong herself as niui though not super strong yet)

Raizu crossed her arms, "jeez this is so boring." A second later everyone formed a line as the committee stood on the sides watching everyone, even with instinct she could tell that looking up knowing the queen of the school was to make her presence and give her little speech. Maybe she could be as high as the committee, those uniforms were cooler than what she saw before. Maybe a powered up dress would work even better than this though she liked this style a lot.
(If she's gonna be as strong as Nui without Senketsu... why does she need him?)

Tenzo finally found his way out of the forest and was making his way back towards the city. He hated the very appearance of the city that Honnouji Academy was buit in, rising concentrated rings which represented the areas the students and families were allowed to live in. The lowest slums were for Zero star uniforms, the second level were for One star students and were like uniform apartment blocks but a considerable upgrade from the slums, and above that were for Two star students and had several mansions were the students and their families lived in the lap of luxury.
(Why not, she can be even stronger than nui and everyone else, you can never be too OP though she does have some weaknesses)

Raizu looked up and watched the queen, she was strong and she had a clear goal. It was the thing she dreamed of being and hopefully she could be part of the elite four under her. Raizu was excited to see her power and her beauty. She stood up and giggled, looking around at everyone else who was still standing there and listeni as well.
(OP is dull.)
Tenzo was starting to get hungry as he walked down a road leading intot he city and wondered what he should eat. Maybe some Udon or Ramen from a stand he liked in the lower area. The food was good, the ingredients were identifiable, and it wasn't very expensive. It was the equivalent of a five star restaurant in the slums.
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