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Back To Get You [Me & neoncyanide]

Devious Slave

Feb 11, 2009

Pixie had gotten out of school and now was walking home wondering where exactly her new parents were. They usually were ontime to pick her up all the time and this time not seeing them at all was a little distrubing. Feeling a slight breeze a chill went down her spine and she looked behind her thinking she saw her brother "It's not might be but it's not". She had wanted to be with him again the power he had over her and how he made her submit. She missed how he was so dominant and how he was so protective and possessive of her. Shaking her head slightly she remembered the nickname he always used to call her.

He used to call her IceFire since she could be as cold as ice and she could be as stubborn and hot as fire. Sighing some she looked back foward the memories of what he did to her and how he affected her where making her wetter and more excited by the minute. If it was him she knew he would show himself and when he did she would have a flow of mixed feelings. Excited, Scared, Happy, Vunerable, and even more. Closing her eyes she walked past a building having flashes of how he used to push her or even slam her against the walls at home. She wasn't even thinking of that it just came to her like someone was putting them into her mind. She knew he was there or she hoped at least.
It'd been years since Havoc had seen the outside.
The jail had consumed him, changed him.
It was in the jail that he'd been bitten by a vampire, and it was in the jail that he went through the terrifying and painful transformation from a human into an immortal. It was where he changed his name from Zane to Havoc.
The only thing that Havoc wanted was to escape and get revenge.

In his youth, Havoc decided that he wanted to have his sister for his own. He raped her, abused her, and, when he was sent to jail, he made a promise that he'd come back for her. No one would have her but him; he'd make sure of it. He loved the look on her face when he would punish her, and he adored it when she would submit. He knew that, even though she fought back sometimes, she loved it. She loved his attention and his controlling behavior. Havoc was sure of it.

Havoc was a tall and slender man. He'd grown up in jail, and he'd become more mature. With dark-set, dark brown eyes and black hair that clung to his face, his pale skin that he acquired from the vampire's bite wasn't much of a change from his normal, pale skin. Though he was thin, Havoc was not weak by any means. HIs toned muscles were strained every day as he worked out, just waiting to be let out of jail to go find his sister.

He'd make her his again.

Leaning against a brick wall on the north side of an abandoned building, he crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. His sister was near, and he could feel it. He just needed to wait for her to come closer.
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