The Collector [Thomas Hellsing and toiletslag, DW]


Mar 31, 2015
Rose was shocked awake. She was lying in a metal corner of the Collector's TARDIS, her eyes still a little golden. She shrieks and gets up, her naked breasts bouncing as she goes to see what her master wants.

She gets lost easily in the TARDIS, it is so huge, corridors looking the same. She is desperate to please the Collector, it is all she knows now.

Following on her heels is an equally naked Amy. She has been shocked too, sending her whole body flying through the small room.

Her wedding night now long forgotten, she could only think of the Collector. They both arrive at the same time at the TARDIS console room, collapsing at their knees.
The Collector noticed his chosen two subjects enter the room. He lazily gestured towards his hard cock, it was as long as a woman's fore arms, and as thick as a fist. The Collector was probably a good three hundred pounds over weight, for a human at least. He had medium length white blond hair, and sapphire blue eyes. Thick blond pubic hair was obvious.

Unlike The Doctor's T.A.R.D.I.S., The collector's was a much newer model. Black was a major color, along with chrome, ad oak resembling wood, and L.E.D. esk lights. It should have seemed a bit dark, but because of the lighting it worked. His T.A.R.D.I.S. was a combination or two types used heavily during the war, a heavy assault, and prison model. Thus he could make nearly infinite cells, cages, etc.

The collector had started out collecting spores and fungus's from various doomed and dying planets. But as time passed his interest grew. Soon he was collecting species. Then people of importance. Recently he'd decided to go after The Doctor's companions. Watching on a screen as Romana 1 and Romana 2 were introduced to the 100 tentacle beast of Rigel 2, in a dome pumped with a potent arousal forcer. The Collector liked watching the bitch suffer.

The Collector spared his pets a look, Amy Pond and Rose Tyler, both allowed only 12 inch heels, and collars. He chuckled ass he looked at the utility pet. While Amy and Rose were kept around for amusement and to help him in the ways he needed, Jackie Tyler was kept around for sustenance. She was responsible for looking food for him, and giving food to the pets how became obvious her breasts swollen to twice the size of watermelons. Full of the vitamins and nutrient enriched fluid that allowed the pets to function and not starve or require liquid. Jackie was kept in a state of near orgasm a thin pair of lycra shorts hiding her constantly wet cunt and the toys that kept her on edge. The pants were in truth a living organism that kept Jackie from being able to get off and fed on her aroused hormones and cunt juices. She produced the most "Milk" while aroused. Of course her nipples were as sensitive as a clitoris and her breasts were agony thirty minutes after the girls had fed the pain only growing as they did. I guaranteed he wouldn't forget to feed his pets since the clips on her nipples could only be removed by The collector, she knew to beg him to allow the girls to feed when the agony reached a certain point.

He listened for the pets to beg him to allow them to pleasure him. It had taken alot of training to properly prepare them, but he enjoyed the work.


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