Her Best Friend's Brother (JansAgeSolstad)


Sep 28, 2013
Hideki Sato had not been in Republic City for many years, and with good reason. He had always been a bit of a prodigy, good at working with machines and numbers. That was perhaps one of the reasons that his father had sent him out to oversee a few factories in Earth Kingdom territory. Another reason was a likely attempt to keep his youngest child safe before the Equalists made their move (A move that was thankfully bested).

Now at fifteen however he was making a much needed return home. He had worked himself rather vigorously to keep the factories up to snuff with his standards and now he felt he could do with some actual relaxation.

The car pulled to a halt at the Sato manor, parking by the entranceway. The chauffeur exited quietly and opened the door for the young master, who then proceeded to hop out. His shoes were leather and neatly polished, his lower legs exposed while his upper portion was covered by a pair of fine brown shorts. As a top Hideki wore a crisp white shirt and red overcoat, both formed from a fine fabric.

He nodded to the driver in thanks, fixed his circular spectacles into place, and carried on to the front door. Much like his sister Hideki's hair was a lush black, though he kept his short and well maintained in contrast to her temptress fashion. The cute teen pushed the doors open and made his way alongt he lush carpeted floor.

Ah... home at last
Forty-six... forty-seven... forty-eight.... forty-nine... fifty. At last, fifty.

Korra allowed herself to collapse. She'd earned it. After a full two months of practice, she had finally been able to do fifty handstand pushups. That, by itself, wasn't an unheard of physical feat. But what had made it so hard was that Korra had performed that feat after her normal workout. Earthbending, firebending, waterbending, then cardio, then calisthenics and nonbending martial arts.

She'd feel this workout in the morning. But for now, her muscles were taught, tight, and had it not been for a quick use of waterbending, she might have been sweating. Maybe she'd take a dip in a pool next, or a spa, or something else like that. Being friends with a rich robber baroness had its advantages.

Like the clothing she was wearing. It wasn't affordable on an Avatar's wages, not by a longshot. The material was latex, or spandex, or something like that, and it clung so tightly to Korra that she might not have been wearing anything at all. The garments themselves were brief, a sports bra that left her midriff bare and a pair of shorts so short that they were simply a band around her hips.

Panting slightly, just enough that the curves of her chest were emphasized, Korra reached behind her head and undid the band holding her hair in place. She then stroked through it once, then twice, and then she turned to the doorway and saw him. And the moment she saw that face, that hair, she knew who he was.

"Hideki, right?" she said. "Welcome back to Republic City. Asami's not here right now, something must have held her at the office..." she continued to chatter on, then, about what his elder sister was up to, and how much she had been looking forward to meeting him, and all those sorts of things. He wasn't likely to have paid any attention to it, though, given the Avatar's state of dress... or undress.
Hideki liked to regard himself as a calm person, hard to surprise. However a towering, scantily clad brown-skinned woman emerging from the manor's gym was more than enough to make him pause and blink. For a moment he thought they were being burgled only for the taller figure to speak as if she knew him, the pleasant and peppy voice proving to be rather soothing for his nerves. Ah yes... he knew her now.

"You must be Korra... my sister speaks very highly of you in her letters," Hideki replied "Though they never mentioned you were so tall, or fit," he added a moment later. Of course he was young and hardly unfamiliar with people being taller than him, but a woman being so much larger was a bit of a rarity. He would have to consider working out at some point, those muscles were more than a bit impressive as far as he was concerned.

Reaching up he took a moment to clear his throat "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. Speaking from experience the workload is never anything but impressive, and I imagine the head office here is worse to manage than some old factory out in the sticks." Frankly he was somewhat annoyed, having not seen Asami for some years, but in the end he supposed annoyance would get him nowhere.

"In any event, would you be against spending a little time with me? I'm surprised my older sister managed to become good friends with the Avatar, and getting a chance to meet someone like you is quite a rarity," Hideki said. He managed a slight smile, and for a moment he looked more his age, a cute young man. "How did you and my sister meet?"
"Through a mutual... friend," Korra said. "And yeah, we can hang out."

He was checking her out, she could see it, but such was only to be expected for a healthy boy of his age. (In fact, she'd have been concerned if he wasn't checking her out.) In fact, she decided to give him a little eye candy by turning to her side and stretching her arm over her shoulder. This gave him a lovely profile of her powerful tricep, her perfect skin, and, of course, her considerable bust. She was remarkably curvy for being so toned; perhaps certain measurements ought to be taken of her. For science, of course.
Goodness she was beautiful. Hideki thought it crude to check her out, not just because Korra was the Avatar, or her sister's best friend but also because of the age gap between them. However he couldn't really help himself, his glasses sliding down his nose as he watched Korra stretch herself. It was hard not to watch, enthralled by statuesque beauty. Such powerful muscles coupled with a lovely face, magnificent curves, exotic water tribe features...

Hideki seemed to snap himself back to reality after just a moment and took the time to fix his glasses once more. She was... distractingly good looking. "Those muscles are very impressive," he said, as if seeming to blurt it out without thinking. "I honestly don't think I've seen a woman in such great shape. Would it be strange if you let me measure some of them?"
Korra arched a brow at the strange request. Measure her muscles? To what point and purpose? Was this kid a perverted muscle-lover, or something? It certainly didn't seem so, his expression was innocent (as far as she could tell) and he didn't seem desperate or even to be staring at her. Perhaps it really was just intellectual curiosity.

And even if it wasn't... he was kind of cute.

Taken aback by her own thought, Korra cleared her throat. Then she grinned at Hideki, as if innocently, and tossed him a rolled up measuring tape. "Sure," she said. "Why not? It's been a while since I've checked my build," she admitted.

Then, so that he could reach her, she knelt on one knee in front of him and flexed her bicep. Although she was strong--very, very strong--she was defined and toned, lacking the overmusculature some women had when they took exercise too far. But no matter what, her arm was a lot bigger than Hideki's. They were probably a solid twelve inches in circumference!
"I thank you," he replied curtly. He caught the tape and moved his hand with a surprising level of dexterity, unfurling a segment of yellow tape and slowly winding a circle about Korra's flexed bicep. To an extent this was all harmless curiosity- he had never actually seen a woman in such good shape, and the more curious part of his mind wanted to be sure it was all real and not some trick on Korra's part.

That and... well, prodigy or otherwise Hideki was still a teenage boy. How could he turn down this chance?

"Wow..." He blinked, almost feeling his spectacles slip again as he finally got a good measurement. "Twelve inches... my my, bending training must work wonders for the body." Unlike his father he had never much had anything against benders. Being away from home had probably done Hideki quite a few favours in that regard, kept him away from any kind of equalist propaganda.

"Very nice. I certainly wouldn't want to be on your bad side Miss Korra," Hideki said, smiling and slipping the yellow tape off her taut arm.
"Yeah, twelve inches is pretty huge, isn't it?" Korra said, binking--or was it winking?--at him. "And no, you don't want to mess with me. Earth, fire, air, water... I'm barely an element away from being Captain Planet."

She laughed to show that she was just joking, but there was no doubt about it, she could do some serious damage to Hideki if she tried. Even without trying, his life wouldn't be long if he crossed her. But of course she wouldn't hurt an innocent boy, let alone her best friend's little brother.

She stood without a hint of strain, showing off her graceful athleticism. When she finished, she planted a friendly kiss on Hideki's cheek before ruffling his hair, just for fun. That lean, toned belly of hers, and those perky breasts were barely a few inches from his face.
The gesture had him flustered for a moment, his cheeks turning a similar shade of red to his coat. "I'm not that young," he remarked, feeling he was being treated as a child. It was something Hideki had dealt with more than once in his time overseas, but he supposed it couldn't be helped. He was rather short and slender after all, and Korra seemed to make him all the more minuscule right now.

Hideki reached up and cleared his throat, glancing his head away from her breasts. They were... large, and there was a rather worrying temptation to just reach up and touch them. He couldn't help himself, it was that hormone-addled brain of his! "I am um... envious. You are quite admirable."
"Aww, yes you are," Korra said, taunting him a bit. The slightest blush made him turn cherry red, and his voice very nearly cracked when he complained about how not young he was. It was all in good fun, and Korra laughed, until she saw what he was trying to stop her from realizing, that every few seconds he was stealing a glance at her breasts.

For a moment, she considered earthbending him right out of the room. Out of the house, even. The sea wasn't too far away, and if Korra aimed right, he'd have a very, very long swim home. If he survived at all.

Then she smirked.

"I see what you're looking at, naughty," she chided him. "But it's okay. You can look, as long as you don't touch. I'm surprised that you're a breast man, though," she said. She then glanced down at herself, at the clothing practically painted onto her chest. It wasn't very cold, but two indents where her nipples were could just be see through the cloth.

"Most guys seem to prefer my ass. Have a look at this," she said. She then turned around in front of him, and, looking at him over her shoulder, began to jiggle herself from side to side. Korra was a very toned woman, but there was no denying it, she was curvy.
"W-wha... it's a bit hard not to stare with them in my face," he stammered in return. Really it was like leaving a cookie jar wide open and then chiding someone for looking inside. At the very least she didn't seem offended, though he had to wonder why. Was she just used to it, or was she being nice because of his relation to Asami? Either way he felt a little nervous that he had been caught looking at her bust.

Though if he was surprised by that, he damn near fainted when she showed off her backside, even making it dance a bit with a few swift motions.

Hideki gulped "That is... well..." he glanced to his polished shoes, trying not to stare too long. Half of him was expecting this to be some manner of trap, a trick to catch him in the act and fling him away. "It is... nice, if you don't mind me saying. Though I don't know why you're showing off to me."

As if to distract his hands he started to wind the measuring tape around his hands. Look don't touch... seemed hard to do. And speaking of hard his shorts were starting to feel a lot tighter now than they did a few minutes ago.
"That's what girls do," Korra said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "We love to tease guys. Even if they're shrimpy little young guys, like you." She smiled sweetly at him, runing her hands through her hair to show off her youth, her femininity, before she noticed him playing with his measuring tape.

This made her laugh for some reason. Then she put her handson her hips and bent over the teeniest bit, never taking her eyes from him.

"I bet you want to measure my ass, don't you, you pervert?" she said. "Well... go ahead. But it's only because you're Asami's brother that I'm letting you, and never forget that," she warned him.
He wanted to protest the 'shrimpy' remark... but then again he was on the short side, particularly when compared to towering water tribe women. Still it was mean to say as much, and the teasing was becoming as irritating as it was arousing. He had to wonder if Asami had to put up with similar treatment.

Again Korra's words were enough to snap Hideki from his thoughts, sending him an offer that seemed almost a trap.

"You want me to... measure your ass?" Hideki asked incredulously. The offer seemed too good to be true, and indeed her rear was almost... hypnotic. Well, so long as Asami didn't come home and find out about this he supposed there was no issue with it. His hand moved abruptly, looping the tape around her waistline to get a feel for the diameter of her hips first. "Nice..." he murmured, briefly scanning the number with a quick glance.
Korra was a solid thirty five inches, and while that wasn't quite up there with the real ass queens, the fact that she was toned and tight rather than just jiggly made her--potentially--one of a kind. The slightest twitch made that thick butt of hers positively quiver in excitement, slipping every time Hideki got close to snapping a measure around it.

"Not bad, eh?" Korra said, eyes half lidded. She then blinked--what was up with her? Why was she starting to feel a little, well, steamy, just for getting measured by a self-admitted shrimp?

"So, that's the hips done. Want to get my waist next?" she heard herself asking.
Hideki had never considered himself to be an ass man in the past, still wrapped up in an adolescent obsession for breasts, but... well her ass was positively phenomenal. If he were a brave enough sort he probably would have put his face between those cheeks and- and... well he didn't know what exactly he would have done, if he got that far at all, but something about that ass seemed to beckon to him.

"Waistline too? I imagine it um..." he glanced to his fine polished shoes and eyed the leather, keeping his gaze downcast as if that would make his blush died down. No such luck. It was almost as if she was trying to coax him into doing something suicidally stupid.

Hideki gave a firm nod and didn't get around to finishing the sentence. For now he focused on the waist before him and slowly wrapped the measuring tape arpund until it had formed a tight ring to encapsulate Korra's waistline.
Korra's waist was barely twenty four inches around, and if she had a less powerful abdomen, it would likely have been a few inches less even than that. As it was, her core was lean, sure, but it was muscular and powerful at the same time. This was the apparent result of years of hard training and a near obsession with fitness that carried on until even that day.

When Hideki had finished taking that measurement, Korra grinned at him, turning around to face him from the front. Something about his shyness and the way he looked made her feel a bit adventurous. And there was no harm in what she was doing, it was just a little innocent flirting, after all.

"I guess that leaves about one measurement to take, doesn't it?" she said. She slowly began to slide her hands into her hair, purposefully emphasizing the curves of her breasts.
"One... measurement...?"

The statement had his heartbeat rising up higher and higher, and he seemed to doubt that she could be serious. And yet Korra went ahead and did something he would only fantasize about in the past. She was presenting those ample orbs his way, the sight making his mouth run dry. She couldn't be serious, Hideki was half expecting to get catapulted into the air as soon as he moved his hands. Hideki's bespectacled eyes glanced to her toned arms resting behind her head.

Hell, she would hardly need bending to stop him. He awkwardly reached around and started to loop the tape around her breasts, only applying enough pressure for her to be aware of the item's existence. Once he had a full loop he was standing to Korra's side, the knuckles of his right hand just very gently brushing into the side of her bust while he registered this final measurements. Blood was flowing down south and from how the left leg of his shorts began to raise it was clear he was getting some... enjoyment from the act.
It wasn't remotely cold in the house, not even a little bit, but Korra felt something. She looked down and saw that her nipples were hardened, prodding against the sleek fabric of her sheer top, as if she was aro--no, that was nonsense. This was just innocent flirting and teasing. She was just doing it to watch Hideki blush and stammer, and there was no doubt that she was succeeding on that front.

What was remarkable about Korra's chest was that despite how toned she was, she was still quite curvy. She had D cups, for example, and around her bust, she was just a few fingers under forty inches. She noted this with pride, and, flushing, turned towards Hideki halfway. The result was that his face wasn't an inch from pressing into her cleavage.

She stayed lik this for a moment, looking down at him.

"You're like obsessed with my breasts. You pervert," she noted. "I bet it's making your cock hard, isn't it...?"

With that, she reached down and very softly stroked her hand against the midsection of his shaft.
"Y-you're the one who told me to measure 'em!" Hideki defended, his cheeks turning a deep red from the embarrassment of her realisation. He had... indeed lingered on these measurements, and it was only her words that managed to snap him back to reality, the yellow tape slipping away from her prominent bust. Just when his daydream of sticking his face between them was getting good...

However if her words surprised him, then the actions seemed to shock him much more. While Korra's curves were impressive for her powerful frame, Hideki's shaft was certainly impressive for his short stature. His cock felt... tremendous, and only half hard to boot! He must've had at least ten inches making his shorts rise and there was more to go.

His glasses slipped down the bridge of his nose, looking down silently as she brushed his member, as if curious and somewhat afraid of what she would do next.
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