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Mar 10, 2015
The veil of the night was dark and it gave off an ominous sense of foreboding to the Death Eater. He knew that the dark blanket of the night could only be the silent stir before the actual storm that would hit his existence like a rampaging troll and knock the ground from underneath his feet.

“Why did I ever have to tell the Dark Lord about the prophesy? What was I thinking?” The introspective regret which resonated within his being was loud enough to jab thorns into his very soul. He could not fathom why he regretted his loyalty to the lord so much? It was his dream since the very beginning when he coveted to be a part of Slytherin to ultimately join forces with the Dark Lord in order to overthrow the odious Dumbledore and establish the reign of Voldermort. Then why had he experienced such sorrow upon disclosing the prophecy to Voldermort?

He knew something had to be done. The dark Lord had to be stopped within his path. While Voldermort had given his word to Snape to not harm Lily, could he be trusted to keep his promise? Snape had witnessed Voldermort making false promises in order to achieve his end in the past and he could not be sure that he would keep his promise now when he had revealed Trelawney’s prophesy to the Lord. ‘CRCAK!’ was the sound when he disapparated towards his destination.

Meanwhile in Godric’s hollow, the Dark Lord had waved his wand before the gate of the Potter’s. It opened in supplication to might of Voldermort as he walked at a steady pace towards the door. But when he approached the door, he could see that it was bolted shut. The Dark lord smirked with mirth. “My dear James,” Said he in a voice that penetrated the entire structure. “Do you expect to keep me out with such futile charms?”

“CONFRINGO!” Exclaimed he and the door imploded onto the ground of the structure while the lord with his pale ghastly skin glided into the house.

“Lily! Take Harry and go upstairs!” Exclaimed James Potter as he extricated his wand from his robes and challenged Lord Voldermort to a duel.

A gleeful grin emerged upon the pale white facade of the Lord as his vertical snake like yellow eyes fell upon James. “So, you wish to challenge me to a duel? Very well, then.” Said he as he removed his wand from within his dark robes and pointed it at James.

“First, we bow!” Said he and genuflected before James . But when James bent his spine he could here only two words and he knew that were the last two words he would ever hear.

“Avada Kedavra!” Shouted Voldermort as the green light surged from his Wand and hit James Potter square in the chest. His eyes froze and rolled up as if trying to penetrate his brain and with a loud thud! His limp body fell to the ground with the crack sound of bones breaking when he collided with the ground. The dark Lord then began to ascend the stairs of the house, up towards the room of his arch nemesis, to end the tale of the prophesy and prove himself immortal.

“Tell me where it is or I will kill you right now!” Exclaimed the Death Eater as he pointed the wand at the tiny ferret like little man.
“But I don’t know, sire.” Squeaked the little man.
Snape smirked, “Then I have no use for you, Avada....”
“Nooooo! I will tell you, please don’t kill me, I will tell you.”
“I knew you would come to your senses soon, now tell me where it is.”

Within the upper floor of Godric’s Hollow, the vertical slits gazed down upon the young boy in the crib. The malicious yellow eyes devoured the sight of his possible perpetrator as his ghostly skin within dark robes appeared ghoulish.

“Well, I might have to just kill you both since you refuse to move out of the way.” Exclaimed the Lord as he raised his wand and pointed it at Lily.
“Avada keda....” ‘Crack!’

The Lord Voldermort was flummoxed at the sight of the long greasy hair, hook nose, beady black toad like eyes and the long hooked nose and pale skin of Severus Snape standing before him. Snape assuaged the expression of bewilderment of the Lord by explaining, “I came at the right time. I knew you would never keep your promise not to harm anyone, especially her. You really can’t keep a promise, can you, Voldermort?” He asked, his eyes now inflamed with immense fury at the sight of the betrayer of his trust before him.

Lord Voldermort let out a slight chuckle akin to a child as he gazed upon Snape. “My dear Severus, if you trusted me to keep my word in a matter that threatens my survival, I must say you are even more foolish than Sirius to have trusted Pettigrew to be the secret keeper.” He retorted.

“Well then, I have no choice but to force you to keep your promise, Voldermort.” Snape said as he pulled out his wand from within his robes.
“My Death Eater standing before me in defiance? Now that is not the sight Lord Voldermort wants to see. I do not forgive, Severus. You shall not leave this house alive and neither will this woman and her child for whom you have come here, risking your life. You shall all die, but first of all, that little child, Avada...”

“Expelliarmus!” Shouted Snape and the red light buzzed out from his wand in a flash. But Voldermort was much quicker than Snape had anticipated for his hand was up and his wand waved even before the light reached him and it was refracted to hit the wall behind Voldermort and leave a burning hot mark upon there.

“You leave me no choice, Severus, I shall kill you first.” The Dark Lord protested as he raised his wand, ready to strike.
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