Dragon Age - Seeking Long Term Doubles

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Apr 5, 2015
Hello, all. I've been looking to try this roleplay out for a while now, just haven't found the right person. What I'm looking for is to do a DA:I story, though I'd like to double for it. I thought the storyline concerning the Wardens was pretty interesting, so what I'd like to do is to bring back the Hero of Ferelden into the Inquisition story. You would be free to take on the role of Inquisitor, if you so wished, but I'd like the Warden role.

I'd like for my partner to also play the role of Alistair (details will be discussed later). In turn, I will also double and play a second character of your choosing.

So, on to a few rules...

I like a well-rounded story. That means, drama, conflict, romance, etc... With that said, while I do prefer romance in my stories, I don't do the whole 'love at first sight' deal. I like everything to develop naturally.

I have no problem with violence, gore, sex, etc. When it comes to sex, though I have no problem with the details, the story will not revolve around sex scenes. If you'd rather fade to black, just let me know.

I'd like to get what I give.

Grammar and spelling are important, but I'm not going to jump down your throat for a typo here and there.

Create the story with me. I hate having to pull the plot along by myself. You're every much entitled to a say in what happens as I am. It's our story.

I prefer to roleplay over email or PMs. It's just easier to manage and more convenient to keep up with.

And that's about it. I hope it catches someone's eye. PM me if interested to discuss further details.
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