My Heart for an Inquisition [Multiple Pairings Dragon Age Inquisition RP]

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Dec 19, 2014
Hello all!
I am not one for big flashy threads (mostly because I'm not good at crafting them!) and this is my first foray into making a post distinctly about what I want. So hurrah!

As the title might suggest, I am specifically looking for someone to help me write a story based on Dragon Age: Inquisition. Specifically I would love a Cullen to play my female Lavellan against for a plot driven role play.
HOWEVER! I am willing to double or make multiple pairings for multiple characters in the Dragon Age verse if you are willing to play Cullen for me. I am fine playing across multiple sexualities as well, so let the good times roll!

A little about me? My name is Arion! I am a female in my mid twenties. Let me make one thing clear - I am FINE with girls playing guys. I will play Solas, Dorian, Blackwall - any you'd like to play against if you're willing to play Cullen with my Lavellan! And if you happen to be a girl willing to write Cullen for me, I will be completely ecstatic and utterly grateful! So don't let real life gender stop you from replying/reading
I've been role playing now for about ten years, and absolutely adore writing. I'm always thinking up a new plot or story and Dragon Age is one close to my heart.

As for limits, I have a few hard NOs and they are:


Everything else? Ask me about it. I'm a fairly open minded gal! As for plot/smut ratio I don't really have one. I do enjoy writing sensual/erotic scenes, but I want there to be at least a little plot in the background. Now! What is this plot you might ask? I'd rather reveal over PM - so if you think you'd like to embark on this journey with me, then don't hesitate to PM even if its just to ask questions.
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