≒ Tit for Tat | League of Legends | HeavenSundered ≓


Jul 7, 2010
In Noxus, the military controlled every aspect of the political landscape, and the High Command, in turn, controlled the military. For much of Noxus' recent history, General Boram Darkwill, the eternally youthful-looking leader of the High Command, has ruled as Grand General. Trade relations with the Zaunites flourished, but diplomacy with the Demacians continued to worsen. The very air tense, carrying with it whispers of war. An ominous situation that deteriorated all the more as startling news shocked all of Noxus - Boram Darkwill, assassinated, his entire platoon of Raedsel Guardsman found slain near a village in Kalamanda. King Jarvan III of Demacia decried the attack, and stated that he did not order the assassination. But all through Noxus the citizenry cried foul. Boram Darkwill was not beloved, but Noxus would not sit idle to see one of its own slain.

It perhaps came as no surprise then, that the High Command ordered an emergency meeting. Nine platforms were elevated above all the rest of the council, spread out in an arc. Curved from black runestone, engraved with the sigil of each House. The platforms more properly compared to conclaves - runestone upon each side, shielding the dignitary entirely from view from the waist below. The platforms interspersed, more than twelve feet between each. Behind them hanged the banners of Noxus, the ghostly blue crest gleaming almost eerily. Light shining from above, casting haunting shadows over the whole council. Beneath the balcony of platforms seated the other High Command members. Each house of Noxus represented. The delegates murmuring among themselves, the tension in the air palpable.

The sound of horns sliced through the tension as if a blade, heralding the arrival of the nine permanent members. They arrived from separate balconies above. In the center, Keiran Darkwill, filling his father's spot. Immediately to the left, Swain, the deformed tactician that had emerged as a forerunner for the seat of Grand General. And further, Darius, a renowned commander. To the right of Keiran, Katarina Du Couteau, standing in for her father, General Du Couteau. The man's fate unknown, having been missing for too many moons now. While she refused to officially take the position, the famed assassin, for all intent and purposes, effectively served as the Head of her House. Katarina did not neglect her duty to act in her father's stead, but stubbornly held onto the glimmer of hope that he might yet live. Five more houses of Noxus were represented as well, taking their respective positions.

The assassin seemed deep in thought as she approached her platform, but her sharp emeralds ever watchful - studying each dignitary from her periphery vision, reading not their faces, but the subtle nuances of their body language. She wore her usual leather armor instead of the finery favored by nobility of every other nation. In Noxus, strength was prized above all, and to foregone one's armor in favor of regal robes was frowned upon. Her fiery hair framing pale complexion, every feature strong, as though curved from a fine-tipped knife. The arc of her brow dauntless, brilliant green eyes rending the air as though but another pair of blades she wielded. The scar she was known for interrupting the smooth skin of her left eye, adding a hint of macabre to her otherwise perfect features. Her visage proud, composed, her expression giving away none of her turbulent thoughts. Every inch of the renowned assassin was lined with battle-hardened muscles, barely interrupting the smooth expanses of skin. An elaborate tattoo of black ink spanning the left side of her torso, each mark a testimony of her valorous deeds. In Noxus, warriors tattooed themselves for each accomplishment, and the sheer size of Katarina's spoke to her power and influence.

As she drew closer to her platform, her eyes suddenly widened, a surprise she covered up quickly. The distance between the Nine and all the rest below meant that none was studying her visage too carefully, but one could never be so sure when situated amid wolves ready to pounce at the slightest hint of weakness. Nestled within the confines of her platform, half hiding in the drapery decorating the runestone, were nine fluffy white tails that could only belong to one champion. Ahri. A name she did not voice, but the way her lips drawn into a thin line said it all. What was the mischievous fox doing here? In Noxus? Better yet, how the hell did she sneak into this meeting? Then again, knowing the vixen, she wouldn't be surprised if Ahri simply Charmed the guards and blatantly made her way inside. Hardly an innocent maiden herself, Katarina had a fair idea already of the other champion's intentions, one that made her abs clench sharply with a sudden jolt of arousal. Even as her jaw clenched with a hint of panic. Not now. She wouldn't have minded even this exceedingly naughty play any other time, but this meeting was incredibly important. She could feel the gaze of the rest of the council burning into her and the rest of the Nine as she drew up to the platform, taking her place. Everyone looked to them for instructions, for guidance in this turbulent time.

To her left, Keiran cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Men and women of Noxus, we gather today not to mourn the loss of Grand General Boram Darkwill, our peerless leader, but to determine the fate of this vaulted nation. Our enemies deny knowledge of his assassination, but will we blind ourselves to the plain truth?"

Katarina will admit, the young Darkwill had a knack for rhetoric, but rhetoric alone will not earn him his father's seat. She forced herself to gaze straight ahead all the while, her fingers clenched against the runestone. Her posture impeccable, hiding her unease with an outward projection of poise. If she was correct about Ahri's machinations, then this was going to end up in all manners of disastrous. But maybe, if stars be willing, maybe the fox had fallen asleep?
RE: Tit for Tat (Krimson & HeavenSundered)

It was on a pure impulse that Ahri had ended up in Noxus after having stowed herself away aboard a merchant vessel transporting goods from Ionia. A foolish impulse, perhaps, though that still remained to be seen. The nine-tailed fox had been wanting to repay her 'friend' Katarina for the compromising position that the assassin had left her in a couple of weeks earlier, though no concrete ideas for her reprisal had materialized.

Not until she'd caught wind of the Noxian Grand General's death, that is. Ahri would have called Boram Darkwill's demise untimely if not for the fact that he'd lived far beyond the lifespan of any mortal human. With likely valid rumors that he'd maintained his youth over all those years through the use of necromancy, it was more like his death hadn't been timely enough. Regardless, it was not Boram Darkwill that Ahri was concerned with, but rather the opportunity which his passing had opened up.

Through her pillow talk with Katarina - which was rarely ever conducted on actual pillows - the fox knew of her friend's position within the Noxian High Command, where she served in her missing father's stead. And through her own common sense as well as a healthy bit of snooping, Ahri had also discovered when said High Command would be convening to discuss stately matters in the wake of their former ruler's death. Ahri had never seen the chamber where the Noxian leaders held their forums, but she could already imagine her stoic Katarina standing there before her peers, that steely look of determination which the fox found so fatally alluring upon her face. It was too perfect of an opportunity for Ahri to strike, one which she simply couldn't pass up.

Having received a rather chilly reception from the locals to say the least, she did her best to keep out of sight while making her way towards the Noxian Capitol building. Dressed in her skimpy red and white hanbok with nine fluffy tails following her around wherever she went, Ahri stood out worse than a sore thumb against the colorless and dreary backdrop of the city, so it was a good thing that she was proficient at being stealthy when she wanted to be. That got her as far as the Capitol Building, and her ability to temporarily charm people with a simple blown kiss from her luscious pink lips carried her the rest of the way.

One of the love-stricken guards was even kind enough to inform her exactly which of the platforms within the meeting chamber belonged to her dear Katarina. Making her way inside a couple of hours prior to the proceedings getting under way, the fox gracefully climbed up to the elevated dais before taking refuge within her friend's platform. Curling her body up into a snug ball upon a bed of her own tails, Ahri settled in for a little nap while she waited.

She hadn't accounted for the horns. The loud, sudden noise flooding the meeting chamber jostled her abruptly out of her slumber, and she cursed under hear breath as she bumped her head against the platform's unforgiving runestone. Thankfully, the cacophony of stupid horns caused her little mishap to go unnoticed, at least until a certain lovely redhead stepped onto the platform to join her.

Remaining hidden behind a curtain of the softest snow-white fur, Ahri elevated a single one of her tails to tickle lightly at Katarina's exposed midriff just above her belt, which was about as high as the fox could dare to go if she didn't want to get found out. That would probably come with grave consequences, but she doubted that the assassin would want that. "Hello, beautiful," the fox whispered, her tails falling back to reveal the rest of her shapely form. She stared right up at Katarina with two golden orbs framed by smoky red eyeshadow that matched the color of her hanbok, intentionally squeezing her generous breasts together with her upper arms to give the other champion a magnificent view of her cleavage.

"Do you remember how you left me in that tavern's wine cellar last time, naked and glazed in cum after you disappeared with my clothes?" She asked, keeping her voice hushed and low enough so that only Katarina would be able to hear. A cheeky smirk danced upon her lips as she slowly ran a hand up Katarina's leg, pausing to toy with one of the daggers strapped to the redhead's sexy thigh. "Have you any clue how embarrassing it was for me to walk out of there?" Despite the fact that she sounded upset, her smile only continued to brighten. "Not half as much as this will be for you!" she said, unable to restrain a childish giggle as her hands worked their way up to Katarina's belt buckle, beginning to undo it.
RE: Tit for Tat (Krimson & HeavenSundered)

Her abdominal constricted from the teasing brush, as if to escape that finely furred tail, but Katarina gave no outward recognition that she even felt the touch. Her gaze shifted to peer down at the council below, at the sea of faces, each relevant in one way or another. This was the core of Noxus, in this room, power pulsed as surely as a sturdy heartbeat. Noxians fought and killed for a chance to attend a single meeting in these vaulted halls. Here seated not mere soldiers, but every face a champion in their own right, having proven not only their prowess in battle, but equally their ability to maneuver themselves toward the apex of authority.

Du Couteau was an ancient house, but even that would have meant nothing if not for the sheer magnitude of forces it maintained. Every one of the Nine had his or her own legions, not just soldiers, but runic mages, spies and ninjas and an entire elaborate information network. The gravity of this meeting could not be overemphasized, a gravity she was unsure whether the ever mischievous fox grasped - it was not Ahri's intelligence she questioned, but the fox was frivolous in applying her wits. Equally likely however, was that the other champion was well aware just how serious this proceeding was...aware, and simply didn't care.

Those whispered words affirmed the second possibility, and her gaze almost flickered down, but she trained it forward once more. To look straight ahead, to project the image of power and poise. That was, however, not to say that she couldn't see everything in her periphery vision. Even with her chin tilted in that ever arrogant fashion, swirling viridians took in Ahri's enticing display. The image blurred on account of it being the edge of her periphery vision, but that blurriness added only an illusory touch. Casting the temptress in a dream-like light, oddly fitting - this whole encounter was ridiculous. If not for the cool touch of runestone at her fingertips, Katarina would have surely thought that she was inside a dream...an arguably pleasant, lurid dream.

Only reality wasn't quite so forgiving. Ahri spoke still, the volume low, nearly drowned out by Keiran's continued speech, but not missed upon the assassin's trained hearing. Something flickered through those gleaming emeralds; the fox wouldn't catch it from her angle, but that first fleeting glint of lust was present nevertheless. A vivid image recalled, painted by nothing more than that ever alluring voice. Imbuing her with baser desires - to throw the insolent fox down, to fill every single one of her holes, to bite and mark her until the mischievous champion was begging for her mercy. Her throat shifted, swallowing even as lithe fingers danced along her thighs, settling upon her belt. Her fingers twitched against the stone; she considered trying to pry the fox away with force, but concluded that was probably a poor idea. Ahri held the advantage here, and she knew it too, any physical resistance on her part would likely only make the shenanigans going on beneath her dais all the more obvious. And that, she couldn't afford.

Keiran finally concluded his pretty words, having rather successfully riled up the council below. The climate rift for war; Demacia, after all, was as different from Noxus as day and night, and the conflict between the two nations oft interrupted, but never entirely ceased. Katarina flickered her gaze to the right, then to the left again, studying each of the Nine. She held her tongue, for now; it was unwise to so openly support or oppose the young Darkwill. House Du Couteau did not flourish for this long without some semblance of neutrality, of tact. Plus, if she was not wrong...

"A moving speech," the plate-clad man a platform away from Swain spoke first. Darius managed only barely to conceal the sarcasm from his voice, his chiseled jaw hiding the hint of a smirk. "Shall we rally for war then?" His own penchant for shedding blood obvious, but Katarina paid less attention to him and more to the silent tactician - she knew well that Darius was nothing more than Swain's mouthpiece. What were they planning?

A voice three seats from her left interjected, laughing melodiously amid all the cacophony. "So very hasty...aren't we forgetting the last two rune wars? I'm all for righting a wrong, but how about we ascertain that this was indeed an enemy attack first." An accusation in the woman's voice, barely veiled.

"What are you implying, Carmen del Cierre." A gruff voice seats away from Darius interjected, the bearded man putting his meaty hand down upon his dais, earning nothing more than a roll of the elegant noblewoman's eyes.

"Oh, I'm not implying anything~ Merely that perhaps you should spend more time sharpening your eyes than your axes, Bjore LaVile." Mockery all but seeped from her voice. Meanwhile, the two seated most closely to Keiran, Katarina and Swain, both seemed content to remain silent. To let the dogs fight it out among themselves.

Outwardly, the flame haired assassin was still the very image of dignity and strength, but her mind was decidedly less calm. Was Ahri really going to...? All the way...? Should those deft fingers finish toying with her belt, the fox would no doubt find the assassin dressed as she always did underneath those sinfully tight leather pants - entirely bare. It was only practical, after all, skintight leather was horrendous at hiding any panty-lines. An arguably practical consideration that was coming to bite her in the behind. Completely groomed as she was, nothing stood between her and the naughty vixen, a vulnerability that heightened the unease she felt. Something she couldn't admit to hating - the evidence of her indulgence moistening her nethers with the first hints of dew, even without so much as being touched. But dread was a far more accurate account of her turbulent mind. If Ahri sought to embarrass her...well, she simply had far too much arsenal at her disposal.
RE: Tit for Tat (Krimson & HeavenSundered)

The devilish fox was far from oblivious to the events currently unfolding around her. Her keen ears were perked up and attentive, catching every poignant word that the younger Darkwill spoke so articulately in his address to the rest of the Noxian High Command. In her pursuit of attaining the most pure level of humanity, Ahri had versed herself quite well on the humans' world, which included the politics that governed their existence. She was certainly no expert politician by virtue of theoretical knowledge alone, but at the very least she possessed the tools to comprehend the gravity and importance of this meeting that she was infringing upon.

Unfortunately for the captivating Miss Du Couteau, the mercurial nine-tailed fox simply did not care - she had her own selfish agenda to take care of. Well, not entirely selfish, as Katarina was about to discover, although by that paint Ahri was certain that her friend already had at least some idea of what to expect. Perhaps Ahri might have felt some remorse, or even decided against this flight of fancy altogether had she believed Katarina to be close to her former ruler and grieving his loss, but she knew from their previous conversations that that simply wasn't the case. There would be no mercy.

As Keiran continued his rousing speech, strongly campaigning for a declaration of war against Noxus' eternal rivals to the west, the fox could tell that this meeting would surely drag on for quite some time. Perfectly convenient for her, since she was looking forward to taking her sweet time with Katarina. The fox languorously went about unfastening Katarina's belt, letting her friend simmer in her helplessness and the inevitability of what was to come as she slowly pulled the leather strap through the metal buckle. By then, Keiran had concluded his monologue and more confident voices - some of which Ahri recognized - interjected with their own opinions, although the discussion seemed to be rapidly devolving into petty squabbling, as could be expected when so many great egos faced off against one another.

Meanwhile, her Katarina remained perfectly silent and stone-faced, like a magnificent statue carved from ivory, but she wondered how long that would last as she slowly began peeling those skintight leather pants down inch by inch. Tilting her eyes back down so that she could look straight ahead, Ahri allowed herself to admire the redhead's perfect anatomy while she unwrapped more of it, just like she'd do if she was opening a gift. Just the sight of Katarina's taut, exquisitely toned midriff along with the intricate tribal tattoo covering her side was always enough to get Ahri's heart pounding, and it only raced harder as she uncovered more of the redhead's sexy hipbones.

With more and more of the assassin's entirely bare mound coming into view, Ahri slowed the descent of the leather pants to an excruciatingly slow crawl, leaning forward until she was close enough for her breath to lick at Katarina's exposed flesh. Already, the fox's delicate and discerning nose scrunched up slightly as she inhaled the redhead's intoxicating aroma. "Here, kitty kitty..." she whispered with a giggle before gasping with excitement and mock surprise once she laid eyes upon Katarina's inviting folds.

Ignoring that deliciously fragrant blossom for now, Ahri brought her lips to bear against the assassin's creamy thighs instead, not even kissing or suckling, but simply grazing them all over that flawless skin while she continued to pull Katarina's pants down to her ankles. "Now, let's see what..." the fox started, pulling her face back so that she could gingerly drag the pad of her middle finger across Katarina's slit. "Oh my!" Ahri exclaimed, tilting her effervescent eyes up to gaze upon the redhead's face once again as she felt the powerful heat radiating from Katarina's cunt like a furnace as well as the first hints of moisture.

"I think someone might be a little bit more excited to see me than they're letting on, mmm?" Holding her hand up in front of her face to make sure that her friend could see it too, Ahri brought her thumb and middle finger together, circling them briefly before pulling them back apart. Bringing several of her tails around to tickle across the entire length of Katarina's legs, the fox watched with a mixture of amusement and amazement as delicate strings of the slightly sticky liquid stretched between her digits. Then she sucked both fingers clean very thoroughly, not at all hiding that she took great pleasure from the act and taste, her own wetness intensifying to the point of nearly soaking through her white panties by that point.
RE: Tit for Tat (Krimson & HeavenSundered)

She had to actively fight the blush threatening to tinge her features. What a disaster that would be, her, Katarina Du Couteau, Head of House Du Couteau and member of the Crimson Elite, blushing like a school girl, or worse, a nubile virgin shying away from her betroth's ardent gaze. A comparison most humiliating, one thankfully spared as she put all her years of practicing the perfect poker face to good use, managing to retain the utmost decorum even as those devious fingers slowly peeled her pants down inch by inch. Her glutes flexed, then unflexed, subtle contractions of her muscle that she couldn't entirely control, betraying her unease.

Because she was standing, lofting above the Noxian Council, overseeing perhaps one of the most important meetings the High Command had to convene for in recent Noxian history, and she was naked from the waist down. Not entirely, but the leathers still cladding her thighs hardly made her feel any less exposed. She could practically feel the eyes upon her - calculating gazes burning into her features. They could not see below her waist with the dais in the way, nor could any member of the Nine, should they choose to glance her way. But that hardly helped her embarrassment. An embarrassment that lent itself easily to excitement.

Anyone who had spent any time in the assassin's company would know that Katarina loved danger. Got off on it, in fact. The fiery-maned dagger-user was always most passionate after a particularly thrilling match, when her blood had been set ablaze by the glint of swords and claws, shadows of enemies leering over her back. And the peril of her current situation could not be underestimated. One mistake, and the whole High Command could potentially catch onto Ahri's presence. There wouldn't be too much consequences for the fox, probably, being regarded as a mostly neutral champion with a loose affiliation to Ionia. But for her...caught with her pants down in the middle of a High Command meeting, practically mocking the last Grand General's demise. Her reputation would be ruined, the name of her house in tatters...So why was the heat in her stomach coiling tighter and more trickles of her arousal tainting her flesh?

Ahri's words didn't help. The vixen seemed intent on mocking her, keeping her one-woman recital hushed still, but nevertheless enough to cause Katarina to glance to her sides with trepidation, ascertaining that she was indeed the only one who could hear that purr of a voice. The score of teeth upon her flesh made her tense again, every sinew coiled with tension, power palpable just beneath the surface of her smooth skin. A potency Ahri was not unfamiliar with - they'd danced in a duel of blades often enough on the Rift, and in not entirely dissimilar dances off that illustrious battlefield. But her might was tethered, trapped, not by crude chains or clever machinations, but merely by this inescapable situation. No way forward, no way back, only to stand tall and bare the transgressions the fox seemed intent to inflict upon her flesh. Transgressions that Ahri knew she liked.

At the proffered fingers, she clenched her jaw, refusing to acknowledge the blatant evidence of her arousal. Her heart pounded a tad faster at the enticing display - even in grooming her digits, Ahri was ever one to put on a show. Had they been in the privacy of Katarina's room, she would have shoved the fox against herself already. Grabbed fistfuls of the woman's silken hair, commanding her with a hint of pain to satisfy the assassin. But here, she was allowed only to silently fume, to struggle with herself even as the fox seemed intent on having her revenge in the most devious and titillating fashion possible. By the will of Noxus...please let this meeting be short.

A wish that seemed unlikely to come true. Carmen and Bjore were still arguing. That much was nothing new. The House del Cierre and LaVile never did see eye to eye; these two practically bickered at every High Command meeting, over one thing or another. She half wondered if the two were fucking each other behind closed doors. Or that might just be her own desires tainting her analysis of the situation. Because she very much would have liked to fuck Ahri right now. And then Bjore finally shut his yapping lips, even as another woman began to speak. Elina Astor, a dignified matron in her forties, but the hardened lines upon her face spoke to her own days upon the battlefield. Casting a voice of reason over the squabbling children, only to be interrupted by Lucille Guinness, the headstrong young mage that had only recently taken over her house. Katarina didn't pay too much attention to their words, unlike all the councilmen below all but worshiped the ground the Nine walked on. Worshiped - only so long until they could displace them at the slightest hint of weakness. Thus was the law of Noxus.

"Enough." A single voice rang out, Keiran placing his hand upon his dais, a hint of displeasure on the young man's face. He had commanding features, his father's blood flowing strongly in his veins. He could be an icon, perhaps, a grieving son avenging his father...something Noxus could get behind. Her mind was turning even as Keiran began to speak again. More rhetoric, playing his part...until he directed attention to the two silent parties, querying both Swain and Katarina for their stances on the matter.

The deformed Tactician looked to her, his eyes as sharp and twisted as the beak of his ravens. He nodded to her in feigned politeness, indicating that he would hear her opinion first.
RE: Tit for Tat (Krimson & HeavenSundered)

The scene was even more stimulating than Ahri had imagined prior to setting her hastily crafted plot into motion. Having the fearsome Noxian assassin at her mercy, not bound by any physical restraints and yet still utterly defenseless, forced to maintain her composure and keep Ahri's presence unknown to the rest of the High Command. Under any other circumstances, the fox knew that she would never be able to get away with inflicting such embarrassment and oh-so-delicious torment upon Katarina without consequences - which generally included having every one of her orifices pounded into submission - but that was precisely what made this so special and particularly exhilarating. She still fully expected that to happen eventually, of course, and was as usual very much looking forward to it.

There was also the ever present danger of being discovered that Ahri got off on just as much as her fellow depraved champion, the possibility of being caught still very real. Indubitably worth it, though. Just the way that Kat's abdominal muscles contracted slightly and her skittish little sideways glances had the fox feeling giddy all over, and just like the meeting, they'd barely even gotten started.

Scooting up even closer to the assassin, Ahri used her hands to spread the redhead's legs as far as they could go with the leather pants still being around her ankles before lashing at those shapely inner thighs with her tongue. Just small, almost sheepish flicks, but there was nothing sheepish about the way the she steadily worked her way up until her tongue was licking at the little nook between Katarina's leg and her outer labia. Ahri mirrored her teasing on the other side, all the while caressing the outside of Kat's long legs with his hands and fluffy tails, very intentionally trying to build up her friend's arousal further without any overly direct touching.

She was waiting for the right moment before getting into the more hot and heavy action, which conveniently arrived soon enough in the form of Keiran requesting Katarina's opinion on the matters being discussed. Glancing up briefly, Ahri gave the assassin an almost encouraging smile before letting the tip of her nimble tongue dance lightly over Kat's velvety soft outer lips. Occasionally, she would pause just long enough to blow some air over that adorable little pink button which peaked out from beneath its hood, sustain that routine right up until Katarina began to speak.

For Kat's first few words, perhaps even a sentence or two, Ahri would maintain the course, hopefully lulling the assassin into a false sense of relief before her mouth claimed Katarina's clit. With her lips clamping securely around the tiny nub for an air tight seal, the fox sucked in to coax it further out of it's home while giving it a few tentative pokes of her wet tongue. She didn't give the redhead too much time to cope, however, before progressing to full strokes of her tongue, directing most her saliva forwards so that Katarina's clit remained constantly immersed.

Meanwhile, her left arm was wrapped around Kat's leg, but Ahri's right hand was free to reach up and play with her friend's pretty pink folds. Her graceful digits would carefully capture Katarina's inner lips one at a time, rolling the slick and impossibly soft flesh between the pads of her fingers and tugging down until she felt it stretch, holding it there for a few seconds at a time before letting go. The mischievous fox wondered how the proud assassin would handle this new challenge, her eyes and ears all perking up to concentrate intently on Kat's reactions.
RE: Tit for Tat (Krimson & HeavenSundered)

This was a matter she'd long pondered over, mulling over it at length, preparing her response accordingly.

On one hand, despite her propensity toward bloodshed, she wasn't fond of wasted efforts and lives. Unlike some other Noxians, notably Darius, Katarina didn't buy into the grandeur of conquest; strength was self-evident, it needed not subject all else in order to prove itself. An avid pupil in her youth, she still heeded the stories her father told her. Stories of the two rune wars, one of which General Du Couteau fought in himself. Those were grand tales, but every words true, she still recall his solemn voice telling her about mages shattering the very fabric of reality, of creatures from the Void, tearing through the rifts created by men, drawn by the irresistible allure of rune magic. Of craters and explosion, irrevocable marks upon the very core of Runeterra. All in the name of glory, all because men with excessive prides wanted to butt heads against one another as though nothing but rams attempting to prove their manhoods. She would hate to see her homeland torn asunder by a pointless war, and though she didn't have concrete proof one way or another, her instincts told her that Darkwill was not assassinated by Demacia.

On the other hand, war offered an opportunity. She was well aware of Swain's ambition, and knew that the Master Tactician would seize this opportunity by the jugular. But similarly, so could she. Even if not directly, perhaps she could work her influence by the young Darkwill. He was young, brash, but not foolish - intelligence shone in his eyes, and he had the kind of charisma needed to lead. She was concerned, however, about his strong advocacy for war, Noxus hardly needed another warlike Grand General. At the same time, she couldn't very well oppose him directly. It would be unwise for the vaunted House Du Couteau to take a strong position one way or another, at least not before she heard what that snake Swain had to say.

Her foresight to have thought the whole thing through was most fortunate indeed, because at present, she was finding it hard to concentrate, much less to analyze the delicate issue. Ahri hadn't ceased at all. She couldn't even profess surprise as the vixen only pressed her attack, growing bolder with each passing second. Ahri was deliberate, every lick placed just so, hinting at something more. A deliberation frustrating; patience was not her strong suit. She half wished the fox would just get to it already. They both knew that Ahri wasn't going to stop at merely lathering her inner thighs. But the fox seemed to wish to take her time, and every teasing touch only fanned the flames of her lust. Katarina clenched her jaws tighter, biting at her own tongue with a hint of pain, needing to remind herself where she was, to remind herself why she most definitely couldn't just reach down and force the fox to desist or carry on, to do anything but teasing her so cruelly.

"Very well, Katarina, please share with this council the stance of House Du Couteau." Keiran spoke again, acknowledging Swain's decision to speak second.

And even his voice just barely pierced the fog starting to settle over her mind, those gentle motions combined with her vulnerability pushing her into a maddeningly susceptible state. The assassin reminded, once more, of exactly where she was and what she was supposed to be doing. Katarina glanced down, those emeralds usually as sharp and penetrating as the edge of her blades carried a hint of pleading, silently imploring the mercurial fox to relent long enough for her to finish her address. Something not granted, but at least Ahri did not seem intent to escalate her ministrations. She inhaled, steeled her will, and gathered what remained of her wits before beginning to speak, her voice admirably smooth and eloquent given the unseen menace between her thighs.

"I would like to remind the council that I am acting in my father's stead, that only his words would mobilize the Du Couteau swords." That wasn't true. The men were as loyal to her as they were to her father; she'd made sure of that, ensuring that their basic needs were met, spending time training with them, personally pulling the strings to fix some of their problems. An untruth more intending at tact than an outright lie, indicating that she wished to remain neutral on this issue.

"However, should it be proven that Demacia was behind this cowardly assault, we would most certainly not relent until --" Her words interrupted by an untimely pause, Katarina barely managing to choke back a needy gasp as Ahri suddenly intensified her actions. Gentleness forsaken in favor of sudden pleasure and heat, the wet embrace of those perfect lips sealing around her sensitivity almost made her buck. Her nostrils flared, her lashes fluttered, her breath caught as the pleasure was near mind-numbing. A pleasure only augmented by the fox's prior teasing touches, having successfully built up her anticipation, making her all the more susceptible. She tensed noticeably, hands digging into the dais as she struggled to maintain her composure.

"-until our..." What was the word she wanted? It was hard to think. Ahri only continued her own brand of torment, assaulting her clit and lips alike, barraging her with unrelenting pleasure. "...peerless leader is avenged." She wanted to say more, to emphasis that her point was the need for certainty rather than a rallying cry for war, but simply could not find the words.

"I second that assertion." Jericho Swain echoed, his expression perfectly impassive, revealing absolutely nothing. But there was a curious glint in his eye as he regarded the flame-maned assassin. It wasn't like Katarina to stumble over her words. The pause was brief, easily dismissable as entirely nothing, but Swain knew better. It would be a mistake to regard Katarina as merely a skilled assassin. No, the young Du Couteau knew her way around politics, transitioning almost seamlessly into her father's shoes. His glance lingered for a moment. Interesting.

Meanwhile, Keiran had began to speak again. The young man unsatisfied with such a vague response from both Katarina and Swain, but knew better than to press for a firmer stance from either. The conversation, if it could be called such, continued between the Nine, some fiercely opposing the war, others candidly supporting it. Some of the other councilmen's voices were now heard as well, standing in a center podium before the Nine. Katarina was only half-paying attention now, concentrating the majority of her efforts toward maintaining her appearance, keeping her breath as even as she could, her posture straight and valorous still. Her platform was too high for the councilmen below to notice the obvious signs of her discomfiture, but it was questionable whether members of the Nine were entirely oblivious. Her cheeks were tinged with the lightest of flush, something she couldn't control as her pleasure mounted. Her forearms strained as she clawed at the runestone. The tension in her jaw, her neck, her almost too uptight posture...
RE: Tit for Tat (Krimson & HeavenSundered)

Ahri had to admit it, she was impressed with Katarina's ability to retain most of her composure as she addressed the room filled with every important person in her nation. Had their roles been reversed, Ahri was not convinced that she could display such poise while the assassin toyed with her. Lucky for her, then, that she didn't need to worry about that. The fox did, however, realize that she had to display some restraint despite the position of power that she was in. After all, her goal was to torment Katarina to the furthest limit that she could without being discovered, so treading carefully and not going overboard was a must.

And as Ahri's very presence in the Noxian capitol proved, controlling her impulses was not exactly her strongest suite, especially when it came to her more carnal desires, and even more especially not when Katarina was just being so damn precious! A bolt of arousal crackled through her body, leaving her flesh feeling all atingle and making her loins clench hard with yearning when the assassin jumbled her words uncharacteristically. Now that was exactly what Ahri wanted to see!

The sight was actually so priceless and surreal that she froze, affording Katarina a brief second of reprieve while she remained mesmerized, but her tongue and fingers sprung back into action with renewed vigor soon enough. Smartly, the redhead decided to keep her reply to Keiran rather concise, although it was a double-edged blade in a sense because having the spotlight drawn away from her also gave the fox more freedom to get creative.

Capturing Kat's little bundle of nerves in between her teeth, Ahri gingerly nibbled on it for a few seconds before finally pulling back, grinning proudly up at the other champion as she licked the sweet juices from her own lips. Leaving Kat's folds, Ahri's hand went to the front of her hanbok and tugged down impetuously, allowing her generous breasts to spill out with a slight bounce. Cupping one of the fleshy orbs in each hand, she crushed them firmly together while bouncing her whole body up and down to make them jiggle enticingly for the assassin's viewing pleasure, deciding that she could also tease Katarina with what she couldn't have. Once she stopped bouncing, the fox pushed both of her tits up so that she could lick at her own nipples a little before turning her attention back towards Kat.

Giggling girlishly, Ahri flicked her fingernail against the assassin's erect clit before turning around and scooting backwards, leaning her head all the way back so that she was looking up right in between the redhead's legs, feeling that vivid heat wash over her as if she'd just stuck her face inside an oven. Purring appreciatively, she found Katarina's dripping opening and plunged her tongue right in, swirling it around through the velvety soft and wet depths with a wild fervor.

Deciding to treat herself at the same time while she was at it, Ahri pulled the hem of her hanbok up and eagerly shoved a hand down her panties to find her own clit. Spreading her legs wide, she started bouncing again, thrusting her hips up and down while she stroked her love button, causing her tongue to dart rapidly in and out of Katarina's luscious snatch. Every now and then she would intentionally let her tongue miss Kat's opening, only so that she could lap at that sensitive little area between the redhead's two holes instead, completely unashamed as her nose was practically buried inside the other champion's tight rosebud.
RE: Tit for Tat (Krimson & HeavenSundered)

The pleasure assaulting her did not relent; even the ginger nibbles of teeth were unbearably against her sensitive clit - she gripped the dais harder, gritting her teeth as she bore the assault with as much dignity as she could. An edge of pain, but pain was but a different side of the same coin. If anything, Ahri's roughness was precisely what made her so enticing a bed partner to Katarina, who admittedly, similar to the fox, was not lacking ample volunteers in that regard. Whether due to similarly savage disposition, or because the experienced temptress was just keen at figuring out precisely what her victims liked, it wasn't hard for Ahri to reduce her to a writhing mess even on her best days. Of course, that was /if/ she allowed the fox to work her magic long enough before tossing the insolent creature on the ground and fucking her as she deserved.

Unfortunately, she was not given the luxury of a counterattack, trapped as she was in the High Command meeting. The pressure suddenly withdrew - dazed viridians gazed down, her confusion obvious. Only to be greeted by the sight of those fleshy orbs bouncing free, each rose tip prominent, begging the tongue and teeth of a lover. Something Ahri chose to indulge as she teased Katarina with her incredibly sexy form, fanning her own desires even as she reminded the assassin what she couldn't have. That drew a faint growl from the red-maned woman; her canines bared as her chest heaved at the display, the needy throb of her sex continuing, and she all but demanded the fox resume her task before she once more remembered just where she was, wisely trapping her words and once more playing a silent spectator. Only with a more prominent flush on her cheeks, her embarrassment at the temporary slip obvious.

Mercifully, Ahri didn't tease her too long before once more delving into her...her task? Her torment? Katarina wasn't sure anymore. All she could focus on was that sinuous tongue, plunging so sensuously within, arcing and swirling in that perfect way, hitting all the right spots even as the vixen all but fucked her with her tongue. Fuck...Her mind echoed, and she could barely prevent herself from groaning out loud. She could feel her arousal climbing steadily, dangerously. Ahri ever so efficiently bringing her toward that inevitable finish. Her bared thighs quivered with the strain, a strain she barely kept out of her upper body, but not entirely. If anyone was paying close attention to her, they certainly would have noticed the way the famed assassin seemed to shiver at random, the way her nails was all but raking against the runestone.

So close...Her sex wept even as the heated coil within wound ever tighter, the pleasure unrelenting waves beating against the dam of her self-control. Her breath came ever quicker, her fiery mane shook from her slight motions, and she dimly realized that she was biting harshly enough on her bottom lip to taste copper. She wanted to come...but yet fiercely resisted precisely that. She didn't dare - this was already incredibly taxing, her control over her voice and body steadily decreasing. A silence uncharacteristic; Katarina was never the quiet lover, but the situation demanded her reticence. Even the calm and collected assassin couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't lose control should she actually be pushed over the precipice, a thought both frightening and arousing. Her abs clenched, the muscles of her powerful legs twitching with strain, even as she all but braced herself against her dais. The councilmen were still talking, but she had no idea what they were saying anymore. The words reached her ears, but the meaning beyond her comprehension. The entirely of her mind focused upon that pleasing tongue buried within her honeyed depth, bringing her such decadent pleasures. Her hole clenched tighter, an unmistakable sign that she was getting close, but she refused to allow herself to let go. Not. Here.
The pair of champions had tussled together between the sheets - and in various other less traditional locales - often enough for Ahri to recognize the subtle and less subtle signs of Katarina's cresting pleasure, even if every other soul in the room remained oblivious. To be fair, she was at a considerable advantage by virtue of having her face buried directly between the famed assassin's legs, hungrily tunneling into that luscious slit with her tongue. While she was down there, the fox lapped up Katarina's syrupy juices with all of the urgency of someone who'd been lost in the arid desert without a drop of water for a week.

Ahri's fingers worked at her own clit more assiduously while she continued to gorge herself, pushing her tongue in as far as it could possibly go, splaying the fine pink petals of Katarina's cunt wide open. With her own arousal rapidly increasing, she became even more acutely aware of the way that the redhead's muscles strained, the way that she shivered and shuddered, trying desperately to contain the eruption building up deep within. It was almost as if their bodies were connected, doubling the tension, allowing it to course in a loop between them both. Ahri couldn't even imagine how difficult of a task it must have been for her helpless friend. Ironically, the lack of physical restraints probably made it even more challenging, since Katarina would have to divert part of her willpower into suppressing her own impulses to act rather than focusing it entirely on keeping her impending orgasm at bay.

Thankfully, Arhi didn't need to imagine it, since she was the one calling the shots. The sensation of Katarina's slick walls clenching around her tongue drew a low, muffled moan out of the fox, likely sending faint vibrations echoing through the assassin's cunt. Unable to take any more herself, Ahri brought her free hand down to assist the one on her clit, yanking the crotch of her panties aside before thrusting two slender digits into her sopping depths. Retracting her tongue, she sucked hard on Katarina's engorged folds, moaning again as she rolled her hips up and started drilling into herself with reckless abandon. If she looked down, Katarina could enjoy the view, but even if she opted not to she would still hear the lewd sloshing noises.

"I'm...I'm going to...I'm going to cum!" Ahri murmured breathlessly, again taunting the assassin with something that she couldn't have, even though it was so agonizingly close. "Yess! Yessss!! Ooohh- " Before she could get too loud, Ahri sunk her teeth into the tender flesh of Katarina's inner thigh, biting down hard while she rode out her orgasm. Wrenching her fingers from her pulsating sex, the fox spread her legs wider and allowed her juices to squirt freely over the platform's floor, knowing that the obscene display would only drive her friend crazier.

When she was done, Ahri released the redhead's flesh from her mouth with a satisfied growl, sloppily licking over the dark red circle that she'd left. Allowing herself only a few seconds to recover, she quickly went right back to work on Katarina, not wanting to let the other champion's arousal decrease to anything less than maddening. Of course, the mischievous fox hadn't come without a few new tricks up her sleeve, and now seemed like just the time to unveil some of them.

Gripping Katarina's firm buttocks with both hands, she parted them roughly and took a second to admire that adorable little rosebud before feathering its outer edges with her tongue, slowly working her way towards the tight opening at the center. Meanwhile, Ahri released one of Katarina's ass cheeks so that she could reach her arm around the assassin's thigh. Finding the redhead's throbbing clit, she nimbly peeled its protective hood back before capturing it with her thumb and middle finger. Ahri gingerly rolled the delicate bundle of nerves around between the pads of her fingers as her tongue forcefully snaked its way through the defenses of Katarina's anus, fluttering wildly once it had penetrated that hot, snug passage.

Whenever it felt like the redhead was getting a little too close to her peak, Ahri would give her clit a cruel squeeze before dialing the intensity of her teasing way down, pulling her tongue out to slowly lick up the juices trickling down her thighs before eventually returning to her backdoor to start the entire process over again. As for the discussion that still seemed to be going strong between the councilmen, the fox only followed it with the most cursory interest, listening only to hear if and when Katarina would be called upon to speak again.

"Shhhh...control yourself, kitty Kat," she said, obviously finding great satisfaction from denying the redhead another orgasm. Katarina would surely be able to visualize the impish smile on Ahri's face even though she couldn't see it, buried deep in the cleft of her buttocks as it was. "Don't tell me you can't handle a little foreplay? Nnnghhhh...mmmppphhh..." the fox's tongue jabbed at Katarina's rosebud some more. "Look around, this really isn't the time or place to be showing weakness!" And then her tongue slid all the way back in, her fingers resuming their sensuous assault on the assassin's sensitive little nub.
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