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Star Pupil

Old soul
Apr 30, 2011
Does anyone else here collect Amiibos? If you do you know the fucking struggle.

I get to Gamestop at 1:30pmish, knowing that the preorders for wave 4 would go live at 3pm. Well, the GameStop servers crash and there is a huge line building as we wait for the servers to come up. I'm the first one there, a little nervous of the possibility that it's only our region having issues...

Finally after 55 minutes, the servers come up. I get my Lucina and Robin amiibo and then hop on Reddit to see if other people got on.

There was so much rage. People were saying they were first in line at their gamestops and stuff had already sold out within MINUTES, including Robin and Lucina.

I feel like the heavens literally aligned themselves for me today. Because initially I had a phone interview at 3pm that was pushed back to four (I left gamestop a few minutes before I got my call). If I had to do that, I would have never gotten my hands on these things.

Nintendo is kind of fucked up for having such little supply when they have seen the demand for these 13 dollar toys. I don't know what they were thinking.
Nice title.

Beautiful Disgrace said:
I don't know what they were thinking.
Because it generates publicity and chatter and because Japan.

Nintendo is well aware their fanbase can be more accurately described as a cult, and while there are a number of expected hiccups when shipping stuff like this between countries Nintendo has used that to drum up demand and draw attention. I didn't even know what the hell an Amiibu was until I heard people complaining about how hard they are to acquire, so I guess it's working so far.
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