Crimson smiles(Sub~Zero& AsianPseudonym)


Nov 5, 2014
Lin Kuei

Integra Hellsing laid in her bed fast asleep. The moonlight shined through her bedroom windows highlighting her aged face softly. There was no sound that late at night, nothing to disturb her sleep.

In the basement behind closed doors, a blood trail appeared ontop of a coffin. The blood formed the well-known words,

I am the bird of Hermes, eating my wings to make me tame.

A shadow appeared inside Integra's room and morphed into a silhouette of a man. As the shadows dissipated, Alucard appeared in his red trench coat and black clothes. He gazed at his master silently, and began to move forward. The only sound was that of his footsteps on the tile floor.

The human still laid silent.

He got close enough to where he could lean over her neck. Alucard opened his jaws with a hissy breath. His sharp teeth glistened in the moonlight. He got close to her neck, so close.

As if a silent alarm woke her, Integra shot up and turned her gun on the intruder and opened fire multiple times. The body was flung back into the wall.

The bedroom door flung open to reveal Seras in her red Hellsing uniform with her two heavy guns pointed to shoot.

"Are we under attack again master!?" she asked wide eyed.

The down figure of Alucard began to laugh like he was out of his mind.

"What a way to greet me. I thought you had forgotten about me." He said.

"Your back!" Seras exclaimed as she moved forward toward her master.

"You're late Alucard. Thirty years too late. I am ancient." Integra said with a mournful expression on her wrinkled face.

"And I'm not?" the king of vampires asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You must be hungry." She said as she stood and moved toward him.

His hair fell into his face and over shadowed his red demonic eyes, "I have not had anything to eat for thirty years. I'm starving."

She just smiled as she loomed over his sitting form. Integra put her right hand to her mouth and bit down on a finger, enough to draw blood. It dripped off her finger and onto the marble floor.

She moved the hand over Alucard's face as he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

"Your home my Count." Integra said softly.

"Back forevermore my Countess." He said as a drop of blood descended to his tongue.
"Master!" Seras had cried happily. She watched Sir Integra and her master for a moment before leaving, feeling a bit like a small child invading on a private moment between her parents. Though, she could never place Alucard in any type of paternal role. A father her master was not. She left the room quickly and smiled widely to herself. He was back and that was enough for her. Not that she wouldn't have preffered he came to her first...

From her own crimson shadow she heard the sound of laughter. Not the maniacal laughter of her recently returned master but the low chuckle of her friend Pip. "What, is so damned funny?" she asked glaring at her shadows a bit annoyed at him for interupting her musings.

"Nothing ma chere I simply found the fact you still pine after that crazy monster to amusing..." the response was. She glared at Pip's form in her shadows before blushing and rolling her eyes "I do not pine after him... he is just my master, I am glad he has returned... it was getting boring with out him." she said indignantly. The chuckling began again as Pip's head shook and he faded back into the shadows "Whatever you say ma chere"

Seras rolled her eyes then as she walked toward the kitchen the light chuckling faded as Pip quieted. She wandered through the halls pulling her own soul of protection back from the mansions grounds as she felt her masters swath over the household like a cacoon. She would assume most people were frightened by her master's presence, they may feel a cold chill up their spine, or perhaps receive the feeling of impending doom. Seras? Seras was actually comforted by it, she reveled in the feeling of his soul taking its place back over the estate.

She walked through the corridors of the Hellsing manor silently. There wasn't a soul left that had gone through the war all those years ago. Many feared Seras for being a vampire, others who knew she wouldn't hurt a fly respected her. Nobody but Sir Integra called her police girl, and even that was a rare occurance. In all honesty she had missed it a bit.

"Welcome home, my master." she said softly as she opened the door to the basement passage where she had taken up her own chambers.
"You have grown police girl."A low voice said behind her, however she did not jump like she used to thirty years ago. He did not scare her when he did that now.She still wore the Hellsing uniform. The short skirt, long socks, and the tight uniform top. Her outer appearance had not changed in the thirty years he had been gone. Her inner self was a total different story. He could sense the power within her. The darkness."You have been drinking blood. You have accepted your true nature now." He commented as he stood beside her. "You still cling to your humanity slightly?" He asked. He smirked and transformed into a cluster of bats. They surrounded Seras, she screamed moving her hands to try and keep them away from her face. The bats continued until she was forced to land on the ground. As quickly as the bats appeared they vanished and Seras felt strong arms wrap around her waist from behind. Alucard moved his mouth close to Seras' ear.
"I caught you, Seras Victoria." He said in his Romanian accent. Seras could feel a shiver down her spin at his voice. "Seras come to my office now." Integra said in her mind. Alucard had already disappeared when Sir Integra's words were said. She opened a portal to the office and stepped through to the other side."Good. You did not keep me waiting. I have a mission for you." Integra said from behind her desk."What is it Sir?" Seras asked as she stood straight."A freak vampire has been hunting down humans at a gothic club close to town. I need you to find it and destroy it.After that it should be back to like before he vanished. Now go and change clothes. I am sure that new black outfit you bought should do nicely." Integra dismissed her.
Appearing from the shadows of Integra's office He was surprised by her again. The last time she had been shy and meek, just like he had remembered from thirty years ago. Now she was more serious and unemotional not even an hour later.What had happened while he was away?Alucard made his way up to the higher levels of the mansion. He was so board. He had just finished his sixth blood pack since he got back from defeating his inner soul.
Alucard smiled up at the full moon. It would be interesting to see what happened next with his police girl….. no, his Seras Victoria. Alucard saw her and after a moment of watching her stand by the roof railing,he finally sat his hands on her shoulders. "Hello Police Girl." He said grinning as he got the reaction he wanted.
The young draculina jumped slightly at the feeling of her master’s hands on her shoulders and the silky voice that followed the touch. “Master…” she said giving him a small smile and a nod. She took in his face for a moment as she craned her neck to look at him. He appeared the same as he had over thirty years ago. However, it did appear that her master had decided it fun to try and bother her. “You’re still so mean.” She said a small tell tale grimace on her face like she had often done before Millenniums’ attack on England.

She shook her head then and a stoic look return to her features. “When you left, all the fun did as well you know? There are freaks and the occasional rogue vampire but nothing really all too interesting.” She frowned a bit then “I had to learn fairly quickly but I suppose it forced me to accept what I was, Sir Integra needed me to be strong and fight, she needed that symbol of power and fear that you were.” Her lips quirked into a smile then “And try I did, but I could never match up to your set standard for scariness, Master. Integra, still the fierce iron maiden she is, she will be gone in just a blink of an eye, I wonder then what will happen to us? She still has no heir, and she won’t let me change her, she actually shot me the last time I suggested it.” She said giving a laugh and rubbing at her shoulder.

“At any rate I have a freak to kill tonight, surprising as it’s the first one in a few days.” She smirked. “Will you be going Master? I am sure the creature I’m going to hunt tonight would just bore you though.” She shrugged “Up to you, if you’ll excuse me my master, I must go change and grab my gear for the mission.”

She nodded her head at him then before fading through the floor, much like Alucard had always done. It was obvious Seras was much more powerful now, but she still had some of that girlish immaturity that probably just came with her personality. Her eyes were a consistent bright crimson these days, her skin a little paler, her hair a little longer. She opened her closet and peered inside before grabbing the outfit Sir Integra had recommended. The black leather skirt and low back top would suit well to help her blend in with the humans. She quickly changed clothes then set about fixing her hair.

Now looking the part of a human ready to hit the club scene in London, Seras phased herself to Sir Integra’s office. “I am leaving for the mission now Sir.” She said with a nod of her head. Sir Integra simply waved her off and went back to her paper work, grumbling something about vampires and regenerators. Seras sighed before fading out of her human master’s office and proceeding to transport herself to the side of the club in London, the loud thumping bass a dead giveaway. Passing the human women in line Seras walked straight to the front and smiled a sweet sultry smile at the male bouncer “Let me inside won’t you?” she said. The bouncer looked over her form for a moment before nodding his head and lifting the black canvas rope thing. “Thank you” she said as she passed by the human.

Once inside Seras looked around her crimson eye flicking over the humans, the heavy bass sound thumped and even shook the floor. She wandered through the crowd headed straight for the bar. “Martini, dry,” she said to the bartended giving him a small smile.
The Hellsing leader was sitting at her desk, eye glasses in place.Integra smirked as she looked up from her work, already knowing what Seras wanted to ask."Sorry, you don't have a mission right now.""Police girl, come to my room. I have something to discuss with you." Alucard's voice said in her mind.Seras looked around the room and saw his coffin in the left corner of the room. His throne like chair sat in the middle of the room with the small table in front of it. Alucard sat in the chair, gazing at her from within the darkness. His hat and glasses were on the ground beside the chair. He only had on his white undershirt, black pants, and black riding boots.
Two glasses sat on the table, both filled with blood.He smirked, "Come have a drink with me." "Tell me police girl do you think of yourself as a true nosferatu?" Alucard gazed at her.

Her eyes widened. The only thing was that…. she had not drunk his blood. She was still his fledgling.

Alucard smirked at her. She had figured it out.

"Yes, you may be powerful but you are not a true vampire until you are released from me." Alucard move faster than she could see. Her glass was snatched out of her hand and put down on the table. He lifted Seras up around her waist and sat her on his lap. She gasped and blushed at their close proximity."Will you drink my blood and become the vampire you were always meant to be?" he whispered into her ear that sent a chill down her spine. Alucard pulled back from her to gaze into her eyes with his. He watched as she thought it over.
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