Rise of the Dragon Limiter (duke and Kinarivex)


Jan 12, 2015
Seattle, Washington
The smell of flowers and a calming azure. That's what was most vivid here. Everything was in a bit of a haze as he moved through the waves upon waves of flowers that were before him. Laughter, joy, innocence. These words meant nothing to the boy that ran and yet they meant everything to the young man who was seeing this scene. As he moved through it he could see her off in the distance, but she was getting closer as his tiny legs ran. Soon he could see her smiling face and the those vivid crimson eyes staring right back into his own yellow ones. "Alice are you gonna be a Pandora when you grow up?" The girl nodded at him and simply grinned sheepishly. "Yes, I will. I'll be so strong that all the NOVA won't dare a face me and I'll protect you!" The little boy shook his head, the long dark hair waving in the air. "No Alice, I will become more than a limiter and it won't be to any girl. I will become a dragon and I will protect you!"


Alexander King awoke with a sudden start as the dream came to an end and he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Having a little nap on the way to our school?" A girl opposite of him with her eyes nearly closed sat there with a smile on her face. Right next to her sat a girl with darkened hair that also watched him. Chiffon Fairchild and Ticy Phenyl, the student council president and vice president, sitting across from him made Alex more than a little nervous. He knew why he had gotten the invitation to West Genetics, but he didn't know if they knew.

"I-I just didn't get much sleep last night. Packing and everything." Chiffon cocked her head to the side and placed a finger on her lips in ponderous, "Oh? Burning the midnight oil on projects again?" Alex's eyes widened at the statement and just as he was about to respond Chiffon simply giggled at him and shook her head. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with us. As student council president I have to know when Chevalier brings in something new that might change the landscape between Pandora and Limiters." Ticy spoke up at this point, "I hope you will find yourself with great success with your projects. Come to us if you need anything to assist you."

Alex simply nodded as the osprey banked on its approached to West Genetics. There were students sprawled out all over campus though it seemed many were embroiled in something else at the moment. The young man descended from the osprey as it landed and looked around before following the student council president and vice president into the campus and through a large foyer.

"I'm glad that you have come here to West Genetics. There are a lot of opportunities that could be had for you here. Though I'm sure that you'll be able to find your own opportunities here." Chiffon continued on as she made her way towards the lunchroom where everyone was gathered. Several dozens of students gathered around big screen tvs displaying something. Ticy paused before it and looked up at it. "Oh, it looks like the second years are doing their summer carnival! You might be able to see some of your potential partners out there showing their abilities right now."

Alex already knew who he wanted as his partner, but it was a longshot. Most girls went after guys who were fairly attractive and Alex could barely pass for somewhat attractive. The messy hair and glasses could barely count for anything and he wasn't looking forward to the selection process that most pandora went after. His only chance was the secret project that he was working on and even then it was a longshot since he was specifically going to use it to attract one pandora. Looking up at the screen, he decided to look in on the carnival.

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