Renewed Kingdom [Azecreth x Anzekoni]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
Sora sighed as he relaxed against a large tree branch, lands interlocked and acting as a rest for him as he leaned back, his vision fixed on the shoreline and the blue sky beyond. His was calm, and content, enjoying the fruits of his labour. At least, he liked to think of it that way. He had fought, suffered, made good friends, and eventually triumphed, and could now enjoy the peace that he had won.

And he certainly deserved it. The fight against Organization XIII had been tough, and he had definitely grown as a person, as the magical clothes attested to. This might have only been a break, a calm before the storm as King Mickey had told him it would be, but he would enjoy it nonetheless. Destiny Island had been saved, and it was as beautiful as he remembered it being. Surely he deserved a break after traveling the width of the worlds, fighting so many Heartless, Nobodies, the Organization members, and everything else that had happened.

And his friends were doing well, for which he could be glad. Riku had recovered from his time under darkness and as the host for Ansem, and Kairi was doing alright as well. At the moment he wasn't sure where they were, but that didn't bother him too much, both could take care of themselves, and he trusted them to call him if there was trouble. Especially Kairi. It had taken the end of the fight with Xemnas, and his nearly being trapped opposite the world of light that had gotten him to finally propel their relationship along, if the kidnapping and everything else hadn't really done that.

"Ahhh," he sighed, basking in the sun with nothing better to do. Today was a good day, and if all luck held, it would stay like that. Just the way he liked it.
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