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The Fizz; She Draws

Vivid Fizz

Oct 17, 2009
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... spired.jpg
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... nn/DNA.jpg
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... n10004.jpg
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... eleste.jpg
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... n10003.jpg

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... Fizz12.jpg
I took that pose from the Chobits Artbook: Your Eyes Only. I thought it was so sexy and coy; really fit with my avatar at the time from Gaia Online.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... Elaine.jpg
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... 0020-1.jpg

Note: I know that I a mediocre at best. My skill is in drawing things that only appear attractive instead of things that are actually any good. I can't draw a circle or strait line to save my life, things often turn out uneven, and I tend to fall into patterns with my art. My proportions also suck and I draw the same face most of the time. This is being used as more as a thread to progress my artwork and to, with some works, point out the flaws so I can become better in the style I chose to follow.
Hi wow your pictures were great. Your really good at drawing people I love all your drawings ^_~
Thank you very much. I draw most of my characters, actually. These are, for the most part, from past roleplays.
Well I always thought girls were harder drawing the breasts were too difficult for me personally
The Terror of Death gives constructive criticism.

Perhaps you could do more with the eyes.

Try different shapes and detailing.
*lifts shoulder* Maybe. I like my eyes right now though. They'll change whenever I feel like changing them.
Vivid Fizz said:
*lifts shoulder* Maybe. I like my eyes right now though. They'll change whenever I feel like changing them.

I like the way the eyes are right now ^_^
This is my one character called Gilloleth. Made the picture for my one RP with Kuro and, in fact, he came up with the basic costume design. The wand turned out a little bent and her eyes came out HUGE. Oh well. You guys can used the inked version as a coloring page if you want.

This is a piece of artwork I did for someone on Gaia Online. It is a really rough sketch and the sides of the face are uneven as well as are the edges of the top hat. Not my best piece of work but I think it is decently cute as I don't do very many pictures like this.

This is actually one of the pictures that I have in the first post but scanned instead of taken with my webcam. The details are shown better as well as the flaws. The biggest issue I have with it are the hands and the shape of the feet. They didn't turn out the way I wanted and feet and hands are the things that I have the most trouble with. I also messed up the skirt I am sure. The tire is lopsided, too. I never did a POV like this before and I wasn't sure that it would turn out well. It came out alright but I am certainly try out more positions like this in the near future.
I already told you my opinions about Gilloleth but might as well do it here again (and give new details)

the wand bent? probably but that only adds to the charm of it, after all, most respectable wands must be made out of natural unprocessed wood! it makes sense they'd be a bit twisted now and then

and yes, I might have came up with the basic design but you improved -tons- on it, I am very happy with how it turned out and it really brings her out plenty

as for the eyes? I find them just perfect but then again I'm fixated on old-school manga style so~

another trhing is, the more I gaze at it, the more I notice every detail you gave to the fabric, every smooth fold, every bend on it is shaded so perfectly, you did a beautiful work with her! not to mention the hair, so flowy and soft, the highlights really help out bring some volume to it

just as the character, you captured the right dose of sensuality with beauty and elegancy and yet, managed to keep her graceful and classy, she does looks like quite the strong caster~!


omg haha, the Gaia one is definetly a cuteness overload, it's quite a diferent feel from what you usually do and I like that, it shows skill and adaptability that you can use such a big array of styles like that


I always love it when people stand up and have the courage to try out things they are normally not comfortable with, and this is always the case with 'extreme' points of view, let me say, you did it very nicely in here, even the ropes follow the perspective and help build the effect

<.< I wouldn't complain about the tire being lopside, between the fact that most times they arent perfectly balanced, the way she is leaning and the high angle, it seems understandable to me

as for the lass, she is so beautiful, her expression is cute and her skin is , as always, shaded beautifully, however, what does stands out the most is all the effort you gave to shading her dress, you seem to put a lot of effort and care into shading folds and bringing light up in the 'bumps' very beautiful work overall

and on top of it, with a full background adding those little details that bring a picture to life, congrats, its a very preety piece~!
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