FREEZING: Innovation! [AnonymousRelated vs Kinarivex]


Aug 23, 2013
The world was simply in a crisis state, threatened by colossal beings who threaten to annihilate humans in their entirety. Some say God as passed judgement on us and the Nova are here to deliver said judgement. Others claim they are other worldly invaders. Regardless to what they are, they are hostile and we must defend.

Up until recently, Our only means of fighting them were genetically empowered women called Pandora, whom were fused with stigmata--bits of Nova, to grant them the ability to fight Nova. Till this day, Stigma compatibility remains at an extreme low, and only females, a small number at that, can wield its power without becoming Nova themselves.

The average number of stigmata Pandora typically have on their backs is one or two. some are strong enough to hold 4...but the freaks are the ones who house 8 to 10 on their backs. As of late, the highest recorded compatibility was 8 stigmata, however that record was broken by America's number one Pandora. A blonde young woman by the name of Elizavon St. Howarth, held ten stigmata on her back but make no mistake, that wasn't even what made her deadly.

Up until recently, as I began to state earlier, Pandora and Limiters; The men who's roles were 100% supportive, had very defined roles. Pandora fought, Limiters supported more or less passively. In America, a movement began to have Limiters fight alongside of Pandora. Of course they were the only ones capable of performing a Freezing or to counter a Freezing area but now they would become much more active in combat, acting as means of either protecting their charge from hits they cannot avoid, blatantly being their shields or even depending on physical parameters of the two, being a veritable catapault for them. Possibilities were theoretically endless. This is where our story begins. A showcase of American innovation. Five A-Ranking Pandora versus One Supra Rank Pandora and her Battle Enabled Limiter.

Via a gauntlet on his arm, he was able to form a Volt Shield without the need of Stigmata. Eliza's Limiter was nearly twice her size, and also her brother.
P.A.R.C. or Pandora Acceleration Research Center had been developing a temporary supplement that could bolster the abilities of Pandora 10 fold without side effects to the Pandora such as turning them into Nova. This failed many times before but a counter agent would be injected simultaneously to counter the effects of the enhancement within ten minutes. Theoretically, this Enabled Pandora with 3 or more stigmata to safely use it. Naturally it required testing...and Eliza was the surefire test subject.

Eliza had already injected herself and felt her body attempt to jump the proverbial gun but she held back. Her right eye gleamed green for a moment--scanning her opponents to decide how much force would be necessary. Considering how the result ended in her giggling and taking a simple martial artist's stance, she probably deemed them unworthy of her volt weapon. This meant she intended to take on all five of them with Acceleration and brute force alone. This severely angered one of the opposing Pandora. She charged at Eliza before the battle even began and tried to punch her straight in the face after materializing her Volt Weapons; a Pair of Gauntlets. The hit fazed right through her dispelling her Afterimage. Next thing she realized, was well, nothing at all.

Double Acceleration, enabling Eliza to be at the girl's back in a heart's beat. Eliza grabbed the girl's head from behind and in one fluidic motion she smashed it into the ground causing a small crater in the arena.

3 of the remaining 4 Pandora were in shock. The remaining one who maintained composure materialized a cannon of sorts and fired a large stream of energy towards her. Eliza glanced over her shoulder. She didn't see that coming but she refused to look like she was over confident. By performing Triple Acceleration, she managed to warp behind her brother to take the hit for her.
It was widely known and common knowledge that the world was at threat, each and every human living on Earth was at risk of being killed at nearly any time. The Nova came without warning and without any hesitation began systematically targeting human civilizations. The Nova however weren't immortal as they had originally seemed. Thus the Pandora were created, and alongside the Pandora came the Limiter class fighters. Though they had never been considered as fighters, simply because they watched and protected from usually afar. Leave it up to the United States to change that stereotype, ever the strong arm and fighting nation they managed to 'weaponize' a Limiter.

Many tests had been done in the past in order to make Limiters more effective on the battlefield. They only really had one job, and that was to defend the Pandora from certain attacks by creating Freezing zones. An area where the space/time field was distorted in such a manner that objects within the field behaved differently. Such as projectiles would seemingly be standing still and things being swung, pushed, pulled or forced into the zone are slowed incredibly. Though this wasn't even enough to properly stop a Nova from tearing through Pandora lines, the Pandora needed something more something substantial.

Enter Zane Howarth, even as a child Zane was given the moniker Insane Zane. And it wasn't for nothing, as a boy he was crazy. Jumping off of roofs into piles of leaves, climbing trees and hanging from them like a monkey. Just doing things that no other person would willingly do, but he always did it with a smile on his face. And as he grew older, that brazen and bold attitude only became more defined. Cars, bikes, trucks, Hell anything that could go over forty miles an hour was his forte and adrenaline was his drug of choice. Which lead to the current predicament he was put into, it wasn't really a predicament but more or less a show of strength. A show of his and his sister's strengths, and show they would.

At least, his sister did. She wasted no time getting right to the heart of things, and baited one of the Pandora into attacking. She formed her Volt weapon and dove directly at his sister with a right straight. Rolling his eyes and scoffing, Zane folded his arms across his chest and eyed the other females. One down, four to go. With the obvious difference in strength, and the blatant showboating his sister was doing. Another opponent stepped up to play, though her aim was a little more spot-on. The volt weapon formed in her hands as she lowered them into a position that led Zane to believe she was going to attack from ranged. And as the weapon materialized in the female's hands it verified what Zane had thought, a cannon.

As particles began to get pulled into the barrel of the cannon, it whirred ominously and charged. Then without warning the cannon blasted out a torrent of directed energy. The beam tore through the tile floor and Elizavon used a Triple-Accel in order to disappear and then reappear behind her brother's towering frame. As the female Pandora turned the cannon to face Zane, he simply held his hands out in front of him, one above the other with his palms facing. As the beam neared the light was intense, but he wasn't even phased by the blinding light. He and his sister disappeared into a large eruption of light. The Pandora holding the cannon let it fall some as she figured they had been blasted badly enough to force them out.

But the light slowly began to dim, and dim further until the silhouettes of the two could be seen within the ball of light. Zane's arms were still outstretched and between his hands the ball of energy causing the bright light could be seen getting smaller and smaller and smaller until it simply vanished altogether and the attack had been completely nullified. Something he had figured out after being trained by the best, using a Freezing Zone one could literally force the energy of an attack to dissipate by compressing itself against itself. With the warped space/time zone there wasn't anything for it to use as a source of fuel to erupt out any further, voiding the attack completely. Zane had named this technique, Null Void.

Closing his hands completely together, Zane clapped his hands together as if he were getting dust off of them. Looking up to the females, Zane took a step forward and cocked his neck to the side making it pop loudly. Looking over his shoulder at his sister, he laughed quietly his eyes scanning her over taking in her body language. She obviously wanted to show everyone their strength, and he figured they'd done a good job so far, but she wasn't done. Looking back to the other Pandora Zane smiled and folded his arms again. "Well, is that it? Are we done here already ladies?" Zane taunted.
Elizavon felt her adrenaline rise endlessly. She felt her lust for combat also increase. Giggling a bit more sinisterly she felt herself enjoying herself a bit too much. Within her brother's shadow she avoided the blast. Gripping her bicep, she clenched her fist--somehow generating blue eletrical sparks in her hand causing minor spasms. Within a split second she vanished once again.

Needless to say, the remaining four girls where in shock. That cannon had leveled countless others before but was completely denied by some limiter! The government officials were truly impressed. What happened next was a blood curdling scream. The girl with the cannon looked over her shoulder at the screaming pandora as Elizavon appeared in front of her with a dark pleasured grin on her face, one she often got when endulging herself in a beating. Eliza was in midair, fist poised to crush anything it came into contact with. Unfortunately it was the pandora's face.

The Impact was so fierce it caused a shockwave to resonate throughout the arena--sending the poor girl packing straight into the concrete wall. Engaged in a slow aerial spin before landing gently, she giggled hysterically. "I love the terror on your faces so much~<3 I love ignorant little shits like you who think they know everything and are superior to everyone~<3 Makes it so much more fun to destroy you~<3" She said with deathly intent. It normally took more then that to provoke her lust for combat to this extent. It seemed as though the drug did something unexpected, Amplifying her desire to crush her enemy, directly stimulating violent tendencies. Fortunately it didn't cut off her ability to be reasoned with.

The girl with the cannon was frozen solid. Eliza smiled softly. "You're only here before me on orders though. I already destroyed the arrogant one~ You may flee now if you don't want to die~<3" One thing was certain. She seemed more lusty then anything else. She normally would retain her elegance and grace at all times during battle even while getting carried away. But now her voice carried a powerful sexual tone, a tone that would entice even the most disciplined of men.

The remaining two girls rapidly fled, the girl with the cannon was paralyzed. Eliza turned to her and smirked.
Dr. Greed, a lead researcher contacted Zane and told him the showcase was over and to subtly immobilize Eliza to avoid any unnecessary tragedies. Dr. Greed was a highly respected and high ranking member of PARC. He was also the one who developed the drug. "Please bring her by the lab after as well. I need to do more tests. Make sure she rests for at least an hour. We need the drug completely out of her system." He concluded.
Zane didn't even have time to enjoy his gloating before his sister went into her tunnel vision. She was so solely focused on destroying her enemies that she hadn't even realized that the fight was being called off. The display that he had shown, being able to contain such a blast and minimize the damage completely was on the level of a Nova's abilities to disperse energy. Zane was about to call out to her but the fist already connected to the face, and sent the poor pig tailed girl spiraling. Eliza then went on a small tangent about how she hated that everyone else was so fired up about their abilities and how she loved breaking their confidence. The glance she sent the girl wielding the cannon was enough to break anyone's confidence entirely. Only Zane noticed the change in her voice, and how she was acting it was as if something had taken root in her that brought out the most primal of instinct; truthfully Zane liked this new side of her.

After Eliza turned away from the remaining defeated Pandora, Zane looked at the medical staff fetching the other heavily injured Pandora. When Eliza passed him and started walking towards the exit. Zane looked at her, his eyes scanning over her face he noticed her eyes were very dilated. "That was a little overboard, don't you think?" he asked her. Zane had heard the request to keep her subdued and calm her down before bringing her to the lab in order to do some more tests, an order he didn't really want to obey but nevertheless it was an order.

Walking up behind her, Zane wrapped his left arm around her shoulders and pulled her tightly to his side as the two walked towards the exit. Once in the hall Zane's grip moved down and around her arms at her midsection, he guided her to the locker room and where they would be changing into something not intended to fight in. From their close proximity Zane could easily tell how hot her body was, and not just in an attraction sense. She was burning up, and that was very abnormal something that he'd surely have to report. After they got down to the automatic door which slid open for them Zane ushered her into the small private locker room. When the door slid closed, it pressure sealed and locked, the lights blinked on making slight crackling noises as they came to full brightness.

"Hurry up and get undressed, you need to get into some cold water. Your body is burning up and it's probably from your injection," Zane said as he released her and headed over to one of the shower stalls. The stalls were lined up right next to one another, and were separated by a thin fogged layer of tempered glass. Making it impossible to see what was going on through the glass, aside from being able to see silhouettes of the people showering. Turning the knob on the shower to have it start spraying cold water, Zane walked back to his sister's side and started pulling off his shirt while he watched his sister take a seat on a bench. Her cheeks getting more and more flush the longer she sat there.
Her body temperature continued to rise the more she stayed idle but her mind remained unchanged. "Overboard? They said fight and I did just that. Accepting a fight against an S-Class Pandora was something only someone with a severe mental retardation would do." Her words went from her normal soft gently sugary words to words coated in her truest, barbed sentiments.

Her cheeks also became red. Her body perspired non-stop. The contact she shared with Zane wreaked havok on her body. She began to pant and even moan suggestively. She began to rebel by clinging to him and rubbing against the much larger male. Her breath and her training attire only got more provocative.

(sorry bout that nodded off >< work in a few hours see)
Zane listened to his sister talk about her actions being an example of their true strength. Her words held a venomous tone that spoke volumes about her mental state. She was obviously not being herself and had an aura about her that even made him uneasy. Though when she clung to his much larger six foot frame Zane noticed just how much of a change she was undergoing.

Her demeanor went from aggressive and hostile to clingy and seemingly aroused. His eyebrow raised and he watched as she pressed his forearm and elbow between her large round breasts. They were almost spilling out of her top and he could clearly see her nipples poking through the fabric. Moving so that he could wrap both his arms around her frame Zane lifted Eliza off her feet and carried her to the shower stall. His arms directly underneath her ample bust, and he could feel the massive breasts bouncing against his arm with each step. Once they arrived at the stall, Zane placed Eliza down and leaned her against the fogged glass panel. His hands went to the top zipper on her training suit and unzipped it completely upward. Pushing the top of her outfit away from her body his sister's massive tits spilled outward. Her pink nipples already stood on end and were as hard as Zane was getting. He was a mammoth of a man and would put other men to shame. His dick was over a foot long and was nearly five inches thick, and currently that big dick was swelling and pushing the front of his tight pants outward making a nice outlining of his girth. "Fuck... If we weren't related, the things I'd do to you..." Zane said under his breath.
Eliza could barely contain her lust for her big brother. As he carried her the way he did, she continued to pant, her heated breath visible in the air. When he set her down and released her chest she bit her lip hard drawing blood. "You will destroy me or I'll destroy you..." She whispered with breathy moans as if giving him an incentive not to care about the fact they were family- she slid her hands in his boxers and yanked out his monsterous cock before singing to her knees to give him a boobjob while licking his cock like a lollipop as well as massaging his cocks frail points with her tongur
Her words first struck him as odd, but then when her hand dipped into his boxers and pants, Zane realized what her words meant. Watching as she pushed his pants down as she sank down to a knelt position. She pushed his thick cock between her ample chest and began rubbing his shaft with her massive tits. Her mouth was simply going to work on the head and first inch of his cock. "Oh... Fuck!" he exclaimed and lowered his hand to pull her blonde hair out of her face so he could watch her work. "If I had known that you were like this, I'd have wasted no time before getting you undressed." Zane added with a grin using his hand to encourage her to take more of his fat cock into her mouth, he wanted to feel her throat around his cock.
She wasted little time in obeying her brother's lewd wishes. She slowly pushed her throat deeper and deeper taking his cock deeper then any normal woman could. She managed to squash her face into her own breasts before starting to Bob her head.

(gonna message u about something important didn't wanna risk killing it here XD u can post while I pm u)
Zane watched as she looked up at him while her head went lower, and lower. Soon her face was pressed against the tops of her breasts, and she had nearly four long and thick inches of her big brother's enormous dick in her throat. She kept herself composed, but he could clearly see her eyes water and he could feel her throat closing down around his shaft, squeezing each vein. Then she pulled her head back up away from her large chest before she began working her head up and down again, sucking him off. Zane reached down and pinched both of her nipples between his index fingers and thumbs, using this hold on her nipples he worked her breasts up and down along his shaft. Rolling her nipples between his fingers, Zane moaned loudly and let his head fall backwards so he was looking up at the ceiling. "FU~CK YES! ELIZA YOUR MOUTH IS SOOOO GOOD!" Zane moaned loudly.
Eliza made a whimpering sound of sorts as her nipples were toyed with. No longer able to hold her breath, she slowly pulled back gasping for air once free. She coughed a bit as his colossal member had completely filled any space in her throat. Her face was beet red. She panted more. A thick hot sticky string of what seemed to be pre-cum and saliva leaked down from the corner of her lips. She wiped it off and nuzzled his shaft, feeling it's every vein against her skin. It was Coated in thick saliva which was now pressed onto her face. "Put it inside me now...I'm...I'm ready." Fortunately for her it wasn't her first time so her hymen wouldn't be causing any problems. She turned around on her hands and knees and raised her rear to him. She was uncontrollably horny but her body temperature seemed to stabilize somewhat which was good.
Zane's attention went back to his blonde buxom sister as she pulled her face away from his monstrous dick. When she coughed and looked up at him panting his dick twitched and made a small drop of his pre-ejaculate fall down and onto her full lips. As she nuzzled up against his dick, Zane couldn't help but grin wickedly and widely. She turned around for him, and pushed her ass up into the air, her chest down against the wet tile floor. He had to make a decision, this was his sister and even if they weren't blood related. She was still his family, here he was wanting to fuck her senseless but all the same it was his family. Fortunately for Zane, his dick was doing the thinking because without hesitation he turned the knob for hot water in order to make it so that the water hitting them wouldn't be cold but rather just warm. Reaching down, Zane grabbed the back of her suit and pulled it down exposing her ass to him. Zane forced her suit down around her thighs and spread her round large cheeks so that he could see her pink pussy and her tight ass. "Which hole little sister?" Zane asked with a low very aroused tone.
Anticipation, nervousness, desire and lust coursed thru her body as though her mind and body both conflicted. She inhaled heels feeling the suit being moved away--plump rear spread apart. "Lower...go lower..." She said referring to her pussy.

Sighing after watching the feed from the training arena, Dr. Eliot Greed placed his hands on the desk and stood up, pushing up his glasses with his middle finger- "We are aborting this experiment. It failed." With the good Dr. Was yet another man in a lab coat. "You can't be serious! It went flawlessly! The data reports a 300% performance increase within Elizavon!"
Dr. Greed turned to face Dr. James Goodall and shook his head dismissively--eyes closed. "That wasn't Elizavon Dr. Goodall." Dr. Goodall's expression became confounded. "Look. Compare this to her previous battles. She's a sedentary or stationary fighter. And yet shortly after injecting herself she resorts to brute force and become a nomadic fighter." Dr. Goodall couldn't see the problem like Greed could since he wasn't particularly interested in the Pandora. They were weapons to him, not human. "Yes you fool! That was the point!" Greed shook his hhead. The point was to showcased our weaponized Limiter...remember? Instead we showed the board of directors a beating so brutal, Madame Karling actually turned away, closed her eyes AND covered her ears and still heard Elizavon's fist make contact with Ember's skull. Elizavon's Cold Weapon is the Phantom Fan Clairissa, a bold weapon formed out of her own life force. With it she can level an entire city with hurricanes up to 400 Kilometers per hour. Either that, or she could simply blast away any foes with wind strong enough to carry people to incapacitate them. She's a passive fighter. She does not favour close quarter combat. And yet when I see what the drug does to her..." Greed went just before being cut off and interrupted. "Need I remind you The Nova have no need tor remorse!? If we don't destroy them they will us! There were no fatal side effects recorded thus far therefore we should continue!!" Dr. Greed snapped. "SHE HAS TEN...TEN!! TEN BLOODY STIGMATA!" Greed's outburst caused Goodall to quiet. "If she lost control of herself...with ten stigmata backing her up...then what the bloody hell do you think will happen to a Pandora with three...." Goodall remained quiet and defeated. He threw his head back and exhaled. "Forgive me."
Zane watched as she breathed heavily, and told him to go lower. Reaching down, Zane gripped his dick just before the head and rubbed it against her tight pink entrance. He could feel her pussy lips spreading in order to accept his width and length, he wondered just how much she could take, though she'd already blown his mind by taking his big dick deep into her throat. Slowly pushing forward with his hips, Zane groaned quietly as he began to push into her wet cunt. "AAHN!" Zane groaned out loudly as the tip popped into her. His hands immediately went to her hips and he gripped down on his small sister's frame. "You'd better not regret this decision!" Zane warned her as he shifted on his knees then he suddenly thrust into her. Sinking in six inches with one push Zane moaned loudly, his eyes glued to her pink flesh hugging the width of his dick. There was still plenty more to go though, and he had plenty of stamina to go a round or three.

With six inches of his big rock hard dick inside of his sister, Zane pushed forward slowly feeling her pussy starting to stretch wider than he was sure it'd ever stretched before. His slow penetration into her would be torturous for the extremely aroused female. Though when he reached a barrier, he found that he could no longer sink any deeper without using excessive force. Thus excessive force was used, and Zane pulled out some before pushing down into her as hard and rough as he could. Feeling that barrier, her cervix open Zane pushed into her womb deep. "GAH! OH FUCK YES!" Zane shouted out as he felt her insides clamping down on him harder now than ever before.
The poor girl's body became as sensitive as her crotch over time. Her pussy started to drool in anticipation as she swayed her big bottom beckoning for her brother's monsterous cock to be plunged into her. This made her rear jiggle a bit. Her tongue hung out as he gripped her large jiggly rear and plunged his six inches into her making her knees slip farther apart as she screamed in pleasure. Her chest slowly lowered and pressed to the floor along with her right cheek as her brother fought her to push in even deeper. She felt nothing but intense ecstasy. When he managed to burst into her womb her back arched and her euphoric screams of pleasure resonated through the showers. Saliva stringed down her hanging tongue as her body was paralyzed from the intense pleasure. She slowly moved a hand to touch her nude wet stomach and fell her brother's girth inside her, bulging as if her stomach were a cock mold. She rubbed on the large bulging shaft in the shape of his cock as it was inside him legs spread wide. The pleasure was so intense she came before he even started moving but still wanted more. She wiggled her rear again and slowly attempted to ride his huge cock--eyes behind head and tongue hanging out. Her breasts bounced heavily and her nipples throbbed.
Zane moaned out loudly as he kept pushing deeper into her, and when he had finally managed to stuff the entire length of his massive cock inside of his sister he felt like the pleasure would be so overwhelming that it would make him cum immediately too. But he didn't, not like his little sister did. He could feel her insides spasm and clamp down around the intruding giant object. His sister was screaming out and moaning loudly like a sultry little whore, it was very becoming of her in his eyes. He could see her tongue hanging out of her mouth, and as she wiggled backwards and ground him inside of her Zane groaned out his sister's name loudly. Then he felt something he hadn't expected to feel, pressure coming from outside that was stimulating the portion of his cock that was stretching out her womb excessively. She was rubbing the big fat cock through her stomach, which was being distended sexily. Zane wasted no time in starting to thrust into his sister's tight cunt, watching as her juices from cumming spurted out with each rough thrust. He reached forward with one hand, taking a handful of her blonde wet hair in his hand and pulled on it. Arching her back so that her chest was jutting out towards the wall, Zane roughly began to fuck his sister. "Such a good little slut," Zane said, breaking his sentence with a loud moan. "You've already cum once, let's get you squirting and screaming out." he added as he used his other free hand to slowly sink his index finger into her ass.
Eliza was making loud breathy sexy slutty moans as her elder brother ravaged her pussy. She whined a bit as he pulled her hair resulting in her breasts bouncing extremely hard while sticking out. Her nipples even started to leak a bit. The pleasure was insanely intense before but then he forced a large finger into her tight ass making her eyes roll behind her head while he fucked her womb so hard. Her body had completely lost control and she began to pee all over the floor which only amplified her pleasure to the point her mouth was wide open--tongue ever hanging and drooling on her breasts.
Zane's mouth was almost equally agape as his whore of a sister's, though he didn't have his tongue hanging out like she did. She was moaning and screaming out in pleasure as she fucked herself on her big brother's gigantic cock. Zane pulled his finger out of her ass and gripped her thigh, with his dick still deep within her Zane turned his sister over so that she was now sitting on her ass and facing him. He could feel her insides twisting as they clamped down on his dick while it turned within her. Zane pulled his legs underneath himself and grabbed his sister's body by her thighs and hoisted her into the air. Pinning her back to the wall directly under the shower head Zane began to thrust up into her with his hands on her thighs, forcing her legs to be spread wide for him. He could see her stomach bulge each time he pushed up into her, making his cock throb and jump within her. Zane put his mouth over one of his sister's nipples and bit down on the stiff nipple gently as he began to suck on it, being rewarded with a slightly sweet, but strong tasting fluid. Pulling his lips away from her chest, he noticed that she was lactating. "Mmnn!! Ah! Sis... Squeeze your big tits for me! I want to drink your milk!" Zane moaned loudly.
Eliza had her chest pressed to the wall as well as her cheek before her brother decided to turn her around feeling his cock carve her up so good. He picked her up with great ease and pressed her to a wall. She whined loudly as he gently bit down on her sensitive nipples and sucked on them which to her surprise was producing milk. Her big brother asked her to grope herself but she didn't need him to as she immediately went into groping herself wildly while moaning like a veritable slut. Both her nipples were squirting out milk all over her brother's chest and in hi mouth. She adored the feeling of his massive cock bludgeoning her womb to the point where his girth could be seen in her belly. "Cumming...!! I'm gonna cum!! C-cummimg!!" she repeated as her climax drew near fast.
Zane felt her warm milk squirting all over his chest, and as his mouth was open she shot it into his mouth as well. He was surprised as to how much she was able to produce, enough to give him a mouthful and more. Swallowing the mouthful of her milk, Zane continued to plow into his sister's tight cunt. His mouth went over each of her nipples, one after the other using his tongue to toy with the firm pink lactating nubs. She began to cry out that she was near her climax and that she was going to cum. His thrusting only got harder, and faster, pulling his lips away from her breasts, milk ran down Zane's chin and he looked at his sister's slutty expression. "Yes! Cum all over my big dick! Cum for your big brother!" he exclaimed as he held the pace and force of each of his thrusts. He wanted to feel her body clamping down against his dick like a vice, he wanted to see her squirt all over and then he wanted to fill her womb up to it's limit with his seed.
Her breasts began to bounce extremely hard as he became more aggressive in her. Her milk never stopped flowing and she was no longer able to hold out. Her pussy contracted greatly on him as she began to fire off her love juices uncontrollably. She screamed as her brother filled her womb to the brim causing her belly to expand. Her asshole twitched almost as if begging for attention as well. The busty girl ppanted--heart beating rapidly as she finally got to breathe for a moment.
Zane moaned out loudly as she contracted around his dick, as she started to cum around his fat cock. The constriction and the motion of him fucking her as deep as he was brought Zane over his limit and he too started to cum. He made certain that he was deep within her womb as he shot out a massive load of his seed into her. His eyes closed tightly and he placed his lips over her right nipple sucking on it roughly to be rewarded with her sweet milk. His orgasm was long, and it was very powerful making her belly swell from his seed. Zane panted and kept himself buried deep within his sister's womb, feeling his cum around his cock. Zane was still hard though, and he knew he could cum again if she were up for it. "Hah.... Ahhn... Do you want more little sister?" Zane said pulling his lips away from her breast, milk running down the corner of his lips. He grinned and locked eyes with her, licking her lips.
Eliza took her time to catch her breath as her brother finished inflating her though continued to drink her milk which kept her moaning. Her arms were wrapped around his neck and kissed him deeply as he licked her lips. She wiggled her rump as if to say she wanted more.
As she kissed him passionately, Zane pulled her from the wall and took her wet body over to one of the long benches that separated the shower stalls from the lockers. Laying her back against the bench Zane slowly pulled out of his sister's tight, sodden cunt. As he felt his dick slipping out of her womb, he could feel the cum that he'd stuffed up inside of her start to gush out. He broke their kiss moaning, and leaned back at the sensation. She had wiggled her ass when he'd asked her if she wanted more, which he took as a literal answer to the question, and a suggestion as to where to put it. Zane's dick was still rock hard and ready to go, so he pushed the tip of it against her asshole and watched in awe as her ass stretched around his massive head and began to sink into her tight ass. Zane reached down and took her hands, interlacing their fingers Zane used his hold on her hands to pull her body down further onto his big cock. "FUU-CCKK! SIS!" he cried out in pleasure as he sunk four inches into her ass, and continued to watch his dick disappear deeper.
Eliza adored the taste of her brother's tongue. She was sad when the kiss ended but she was happy ad he slowly forced his cannon into her tight ass which happily stretched as wide is needed to fit his girth. She happily laced hands with him loving th romantic gesture and arched her back screaming and drooling as he pulled her deeper down on his cock causing her back to arch. Once again her tongue hung out and she smiled in slutty euphoria while wrapping her legs around his body.
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