WoW: The Rise of the Empire of Fel (MysteriousD and Kaybee)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
In the world of Azeroth, there are many wonderful and terrible secrets and powers. Not just from Azeroth, but from beyond. The magic of Fel from the power of the demons, this is one of the most powerful corruptive influences in the lands. Corrupting orcs, elves and so much more, it is dangerous and powerful. Was there any potential of someone controlling it? Someone not of demon origin? This was the story.

In The Lost Valley, there was countless corpses. Corspes of demons everywhere. They littered the landscape like wildlife. However, something was running down the barren lands. It was blood. The blood of demons. The blood that contained the power of Fel, they soaked the lands as they kept going. Where was all the blood going? To a lone figure standing. A powerful preist, he dontated an experiment technique to rid of a source of fel and the demons guarding it. He was virtually near death, but the forces of dark has other plans. As he fell near the source, the blood ran to him... to his open wounds and to the source.

By a single foul miracle, a healing spell was cast. The valley glowed and shaked as the massive amounts of fel energy condensed into the figure in a burst of healing and corrupting energy, attracting important figures, wondering what the source of strong magic.

The Fel Emperor was born.

And soon... he would have an empress to carve out this world. After all, the strong sought the strong and only the strongest would be called to investigate.
Senna Brightblade could feel her teeth grinding against each other and she forced her jaw to slacken, forced her fists to unclench themselves. Demons had been slaughtered by the hundreds here but while their wounds were such that only the light could cause, the bodies had not been cleansed and Fel power was thick in the air.

There was something at the center of the valley, something massively powerful, something that hadn't just slaughtered all thses demons but was now absorbing their energy, taking it in. It was something that she could not understand beyond it's immense power, and that frightened her, but she was the only one here, the only one who knew, and with every second that thing was growing stronger. She'd sent a message off with her pet drake to the order, telling them to come, to bring everything they could to stop this and now she was going in.

Her light could counteract the fel a bit, delay the ascension until more people could arrive, a force large enough to kill this thing rather than merely slow it down.

She was expecting to die here, die fighting to buy time. It was what a paladin did after all, they sacrificed, so that others might live free and happy lives.

The crest of the last rise approached and she mounted it, glad for a moment to no longer be on soil that was sticky with demonic ichor as she looked down to the heart of the valley. She had expected a great demon, a massive beast of some sort, btu what she saw was merely the size of a human, Fel energy coalescing around him, his robes -priestly robes? she wondered for a moment- fluttering around his body in tatters.

He looked at her...

In the face of overwhelming power that easily outmatched her own, that would swallow this entire area if she did nothing, Senna did the only thing she could. She drew her blade, shining silver of steel against the cloying darkness of this place, and she leapt from the ridge, charging down into the valley, drawing all of her power into one single and powerful smite.
Diego Sunblood did not expect this. He first heard of the Valley from spying on a demon. It contained a nexus of fey... a portal to where the energy could leak into the world and it could corrupt everyone. He was exploring the area befoe the demons noticed him. Diego drained every bit of potion, elixir, vials and so on that he had on him to fight the demons.

He was barely living when he killed the last one and would have died had his magic not been forcefully refueled by the Fel energy. By instinct, he cast a healing spell on himself. That's when it all went wrong. His body was being healed by Fel energy and as he was slowly being healed, more and more demon blood flowed into his open wounds.

His body and mind began warping as Diego succumbed to the madness... no... NO!

He was him.

He was Diego. He was no peon of the Burning Legion. He would serve himself only! He gave everything to stop the Legion and it was not enough! No more! He will become all-power and crush the Legion with his new might! He promised this before a shockwave admitted from his body. This triggered some rockslides, trapping anyone in the valley. His healing magic abilities have been mutated and augmented by the arcane energy. He walked around before approaching a demon corpse and crushed him into the soil while emitting a dark healing energy. The demon corpse was buried and a small plant appeared.

He smiled as he realized that he now has a way to feed on Fel energy. He looked at himself. His skin was mildly tinged red as he has horns and fangs as well. He still resembled human, but his power was so much more.

Diego then looked up to see a Paladin coming at him. He caught the blade easily. He smiled at her as the whites of his eyes were now black and fangs were now present in his pearly whites. He threw the blade and began coming after her.

Senna's power... she was a powerful Paladin. She will make a perfect partner for his empire.
Senna could see her blade cut the human-demon thing's palm as it struck but rather than splitting his arm to the shoulder as it should have, her strike halted with barely a shallow scratch to show for it, one that healed even as she watched. Her eyes were growing wider and wider now, with every passing second as fear realized itself in her, and the realization that before she had even truly begun to fight she had practically failed.

She stumbled back as the blade was wrenched from her grasp and sailed away to skid to a halt in the blood and dirt, the sheer amount of fel power tainting the sword slowly as it lay there, but she had little time to worry about her blade's corruption when she herself was (she assumed) fighting for her life.

Raising her fists, Senna hurled herself into the attack, aiming a punch at Diego's face and trying to slide to the right to avoid any counterattack before following it up with two more strikes, targeting his face and his gut in turn. Her fists blazed with light still, weak weapons compared to her consecrated blade but not without force behind them, enough force to at least stagger a demon if they connected.
Diego turned back to see the sword beginning to mutate and transform as a result of his corruptive magic. He simply walked slowly toward her, his mind still hazy from pulling itself together after being nearly stretched and ripped apart by Fel magic.

"I gotta say. Those are some admittingly strong punches. Had I been a demon, the force would have caused me to stagger," Diego said as he took the blows before catching one easily. "Of course... I'm not a demon. I'm still a human... in a way. But I am now so much more than a human or a demon as well," Diego said to her before he flicked his fingers at her to cause her to stagger to the ground.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you. Likewise, I'm going to show the power... the glory... the ecstasy of Fel," he said to her with a smile. Whether she ran so he could chase and break her or submitted already didn't matter to him.
Two strikes, flesh yielding only slightly, the demon-man hybrid barely even shifting from the force she knew had been behind the blows. Then he spoke, and her eyebrows went up. "What?" That was wrong in so many ways she could barely even begin to count them, but how well Diego understood the mechanics of Light and Fel interactions was rather immaterial at the present moment, she might win the argument of course, but she certainly wasn't about to win this fight.

Flick of his fingers catching her eye, too fast and too small for Senna to do anything about, and then green fire blossomed in front of her, tossing her backwards, desperately trying to catch herself before she struck the ground and failing. Senna landed on her back and rolled immediately, gasping for the air that had been knocked from her lungs by the impact as she struggled to her feet. The man was riding a massive high of fel magic right now, and without her sword she couldn't possibly hope to pierce it, and now...

Senna tugged off her helmet as she pulled herself up to her full height to face Diego, a few strands of dark hair that had come free of their ties fluttering gently in the wind as she steadied herself. Her connection to the light was flickering and fading in the midst of this Fel Aura and her own reserves of power were dangerously low. Unconfined by the helm, she scanned the landscape, seeking her blade but catching only a faint gleam of steel beyond Diego. Whether he'd meant to or not, he'd put himself between her and her sword...

"Pox and damnation..." She swore under her breath, and threw out her hand, spending precious mana to bring a golden hammer from the skies above down upon Diego's head mid-sentence, hoping that the attempt to smite him would distract him enough for her to close as she charged again, determined to sell her life as dearly as she could manage.
Diego licked his lips before he looked at her. "You will be perfect. Your beauty and your power... all you need to do is to embrace the Fel," he said to her with a smile. His eyes widened when he saw the golden hammer come.

Fel rushing through his veins and permanently augmenting his magic, he drew his magic from the arcane instead of the divine. Diego shows out his spell: "Shield!" Diego shouts befoe summoning a shield of Fel around him, taking the blow of the golden hammer easily.

"That was a good blow. Now for me to show you some real power!"

Diego casts Smite on Senna and releases a burst of Fel energy. Furthermore, with the powerful Fel aura he has, he notices her armor is beginning to corrupt. She will either leave it on and it will begin getting her hooked on it slowly or take it off, which will allow him to take her.

It will all leading to corrupting her to his side before building their empire.
Senna reeled as he struck her, stumbling back again, eyes wide. Nothing she was doing was getting through or even slowing him. He was already reaching the peak of his power. Her armour was blackening now, corroding, no, corrupting. Eyes wider still in surprise as she realized, feeling tendrils of dark power moving through the consecrated steel.

Taking stock in the space of a few seconds, seeing the malevolent glitter in the demon hybrid's eyes, Senna poured all of her mana that was left -all of the light that remained within her- into her armour, seeking the tendrils of darkness, trying to burn them out, or rather, trying to make them clash with her light, to quicken what was left of her power into one final explosion, self-sacrifice.

Her armour glowed, darkness standing starkly against brightness, fading away, then fighting back...

For one moment, she thought she'd done it, her armor crackling and trembling against her skin, shining like a second sun in this darkness forsaken land.

Then like a wave the darkness returned, and in an instant all that light, all that gathering power, was snuffed out, and Senna fell to her knees, gasping. "No..." She choked on the word, and tried again, reaching, only to find that not scrap of light was left in her. "No!"

She had failed, and now her armour was blackening faster, corrupting with her inside it. "No no no no!" She tore at the plates, pulling them from her body, already feeling tendrils of darkness reaching into her self as the light inside her had been used up, leaving nothing to hold it back. "Finish it then!" She screamed at Diego, her arms falling to her sides in futility. This armor had never been meant to be removed quickly and her panic was only hindering her ability to do so. Better to die than become a corrupted monster. "Finish it! Kill me already!
Diego smiled even more upon seeing her attempt to purge her armor. With her magic nearly out, it will be eaiser to refill it with arcane. He was also impressed by her continued defiance. Her strength was immeasurable. He couldn't wait until she stood next to him.

He raised his eyebrow at wondering why the armor was turning black. He wasn't sure if Fel corruption was that color. He shrugged his shoulders. He looked at her; she was begging to kill her.

"Sorry, but that's not my intention. Let the Fel in," Diego said to her as he made sure the sword was away from her so she couldn't try anything. "I will help you though," he said before grabbing her. He took control of the Fel on her armor and used it to immobilzie her. He tore off the codpiece, leaving her maidenhood exposed.

Getting a glowing Fel finger, he began to tease her maidenhood, using her Fel-corrupted armor to keep her from moving or resisting.
Fel Energy was actually predominantly a bright green glow but as with all magic, it tended to take on certain aspects of expectation and metaphor. While that brilliant emerald glow was actually present, pulsing and shining in the chinks and joints of her armour, the armour itself was growing black, darkness as the absence of light.

Diego would be able to tell for certain that the armour was succumbing more and more to the corruption purely due to the fact he could manipulate it as he did, and Senna -despite her weakened senses for such things in the absence of any but the faintest trickle of power left to her- could sense so too, and she whimpered as she felt him manipulate the metal around her, forcing her body to contort as he pleased. It was terrifying, both the ease with which he could kill her while she was in such a position and the simple fact that he was not doing so right now, to say nothing of the implications behind leaving her alive, that he needed her for something...

Though knowing it was futile she struggled as he tore the codpiece of her armour away, tearing the leather of her breeches and sending her faulds skidding over the bloody soil as they came away from her hips with a horrendous screech of tearing metal. It was immediately obvious that he meant to rape her from that moment on, but as she whimpered in fear and his fingers probed at her folds she realized that the sheer amount of Fel power that was radiating off the once-human male was worming it's way into her with every touch.

"No no no no no..." Newfound strength was born from panic, but even then her struggles were futile in the face of Diego's power at this juncture. Senna had already exhausted herself both physically and magically, and now she was helpless but to stand there as Diego manipulated her and a faint buzzing rose in the back of her brain.
Diego smirked evilly as he watched her try and struggle from her captured state. While he wanted to have his way with her now, he decided to teach her and to have the Fel power go and tease and make its way inside of her. He began picking up the pace with his finger before going to two fingers to try and pleasure the Paladin.

"Oh, is the brave, powerful and sexy paladin enjoying being teased? Is she enjoy the Fel running through her?" Diego teased at her with a husky voice before he went down on his knees and went close.

"Maybe this will help," he says before sticking his tongue inside her maidenhood and began slowing licking and eating her out. The armor was now fully corrupted and was more than likely almost finished corrupting her clothes underneath it. THere was nothing left for it to go and fill Senna's empty reserves.
The buzzing was growing louder, words hidden in it as the corrupted mana began to flow into her. Terrible things, horrible actions, whispering in a voice that was her own and yet was not her own because she would never suggest such things, and at the fore of them little suggestions, ideas...

Just relax and enjoy it... You can't fight back any more anyways... He's already won... So just... Lie back, and take in the pleasure... It's not like you have a choice anyways right? Confusion reigned in her mind, caught between the inborn disgust at what was happening to her and the fel-influenced curiosity and desire for more, and despite itself, her body began to respond as Diego's tongue came into play, a moan escaping her lips as it glided over her clit.

A demonspawn is pleasuring me, he shouldn't be able... It shouldn't feel good... But it does... Two sides of the coin, the one that knew she should feel nothing falling in the face of sheer fact that she felt something, something wonderful building and growing inside her, terrible and dark but wonderful and powerful, something that she both wanted and did not want in the same breath, but the voice of want was growing stronger with every second, either every drop of Fel that infiltrated her, spreading through her from the inside out. Her eyes were already changing, turning from the deep brown to paler hazel, with flecks of brilliant green around the edges growing larger and larger, more and more powerful.
Diego smiled as he continued to slowly lick the wet pussy of the paladin he has under his thumb right now. He could feel the Fel leaving from him and filling her up. Thanks to her emptying her magic reserves, her body was absorbing it faster. Furthermore, it was also at the area that could easily influence her and allow her to better and easier wield Fel magic.

"The ultimate power is Fel. Worship the light of the Fel and we will rule together as Emperor and Empress," he whispered in her ea before he lined up his cock near her entrance. He grinded against her pussy a bit at first in order to tease her some more.

Diego then roughly penetrated her. With a solid connection, the Fel could more easily flow into Senna. Furthermore, he was going rough and fast, not giving her a chance to rest. He let himself get lost in the pleasure and indulging in the Fel. Eventually she will go through the same transformation and produce Fel energy, becoming like him, not human nor demon, but something more... the Felborn. He held her by the hips as he kept going at a rough pace.

"You like this, don't you my naughty paladin?" he manages to say to her.
Senna gasped, writhing in her armour, feeling Diego's words strike her like physical blows, sinking deep into her body, into her mind. It felt so good, what pleasure came from him? What pleasure came from the fel? There was nothing but sensation, carnal, forbidden, but oh so wonderful, sensation and thoughts, words, joy and pleasure, twin forces to batter away at her resolve relentlessly.

She wasn't given a moment to rest, not a moment to recover, to marshal her mind once more, from Diego's fingers and tongue teasing and pleasuring her, to his cock, sinking into her with impossible ease. I must be wet... But I'm not, I can't have wanted this! Should it not hurt? And then thrusting, over and over again, waves of pleasure, fel and physical lust mingling inside her.

"Y-Yesss!" No! Now her words betrayed her, as though like the flip of a switch the voice that had been growing stronger and stronger suddenly took control of her lips. "Yes! Yes! Oh fuck me! Fuck me harder!" And her mind screamed against it, but now it was the one that went unheard even as it railed. No! No! Get Out! Get Away! Just kill me! Let me die pure! She could feel the energy, burning inside her, eating away not at her body but at her spirit, twisting her, reaching through her self and altering it.

She felt like she was dying and in a sense she was. Senna the paladin would be no more when all this was said and done, and while Senna the Fel Empress might carry the same name as the woman she had once been, the two were already nothing alike.
A sense of triumph filled Diego as he heard the sweet words of his paladin come out of her mouth. He knew that she was attempting to resist him even then. However, he didn't want the game to be over. Being the first Felborn, he possessed the intricate feeling of the fel. He knew that it would eat at her. He remembered feeling it at first. Feeling like he was dying, but it was the wrong way of looking at it.

It was rebirth.

Once she saw it as the miracle it was, she would then be the Fel Empress.

For now, he indulged in the pleasure as he went faster, harder and rougher as he leaned in and licked the nape of her neck before he finally went and came inside of her, releasing even more Fel.

He leaned back and pretended to be spent... well more than he was. It was his first time and he was still learning what he could do. Regardless, her armor was no longer under his control but the loss of magic left it brittle and beginning to crack, along with her sword.

He gave her an opportunity to run, which is what he wanted her to do.
So close, and yet, so far. The side that wished for this the most snapped back and Senna came to the fore again as Diego unloaded his seed inside her, burning and yet pleasurable in a way that even she as she was couldn't deny. She fell back as he leaned away, huffing and panting, her armor crackling and flaking away...

But with her self came desperation, and it surged and raged. She turned, scrambling to her feet with not even a bit of the grace she had once held and ran, her armor coming away in pieces, parts failing from the fel that ate away at the sanctified metal.

She ran, caring not for stealth or subtlety, throwing everything into a headlong sprint away from Diego, motivated by nothing but sheer terror.
Diego watched her leave and smirked. She had nowhere to go. The valley became isolated from the rockslide. She didn't have nowhere really to hunt. He would play this game with her. Have the fey inside of her grow naturally and let her learn to love it. After all, even when her magic storages are replenished, they are now also filled with fel energy and she got a taste of power.

Power to do anything.

To be Empress alongside him.

He waited for day to become night before he decided to go on the prowl for her once more. He wondered if she would set up camp or trying to escape. Or maybe the fel made her horny and relieving herself, he hoked to himself as he went to look for the paladin.
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