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The Fruit of Knowledge


Oct 30, 2009
Raleigh, NC
This story is an rp backdrop for something I am doing on a game. It's about one bounty hunter and her rise to the occasion when everything else falls apart. This is my NaNoWriMo story :D hopefully I do it this year :) Wish me luck!

Prologue: Last Chance

I realized I was fucked about the time I walked in the door. Not because of some strange sixth sense that some people think cats have.

Rather the fact there was a gun being pointed at my face, by a not so nice looking lizard that looked like it could break me in two if it tried.

“Well, well…we’ve been expecting you.”

What had been supposed to be a relatively easy mission on bounty hunter terms had turned out to be my worst nightmare. You see I’m not like most people you might meet on the street. Well maybe here, but in cities like Aalia and Zion where humans still prosper in their little cities, we don’t exist.

That is what they think. Outside the cities they are subject to Our laws, the No-Man’s laws. Laws even we hunters had to abide at some point in time. It just didn’t help the fact that I happened to not exactly be string free. Not many people believe me if I tried to explained to them how this all started.

Maybe I should start now.

My name is “Blooded Cage”, slave number 2952, and I am an Amurjin. If anyone had any common sense they would figure out that the –jins were a type of people that had retained more of the human characteristics. Unfortunately that put us below the full blooded morph kin around me. Humans were the cattle amongst beasts.

“Expecting? I wasn’t aware the invitation was made public,” turning my attention back towards the lizard. I couldn’t quite tell yet if it was male or female, but I was pretty sure by now it was more of a crocodile than a lizard. They and bears seem to be the new type of henchmen.

Crocs while all big and strong, were dumber than bricks, however those jaws was rumored to be as strong as their feral cousins.

I wasn’t in the mood to really find out if that rumor was true or not. Instead I remained at the door, ears perked. There were specific advantages of having feline anatomy. You could hear things others couldn’t pick up from rooms away.

In fact, now I could hear laughter from the rooms above as the roulette tables were at work, the target in question owned the casino that bustled to life above my head. The Crimson and Clover was the perfect place for any man, or woman’s wildest dream. They gambled their riches, and paid for the extra ‘services’ behind closed doors.

Services that had landed me down here to begin with, after all the ‘boss’ supposed resided here so why not make it easy and to the point?


My attention shifted again when the sound of clapping greeted my ears, my hands still purchased on the steel fans that hung in the obi of the kimono dress that had gained me entrance into the building. My tail kept hidden beneath the knee-length gown. Apparently, the man had ears in a thousand places in the underground as I became face to face with my quarry. He was taller than I was, maybe six feet even, blonde hair back and braided down to his hip, his fedora covering his expression for now.

“Bravo, my dear, welcome to my humble abode. I see Max here has introduced you to the facility with his normal flare.” Well that answered my gender question. “And I suppose this is about that bounty that was put on my head not too long ago about the compensation?”

It was only then I had a good look at him, his suit was well pressed, buttoned to the nines from my prospective. He reached then to pull his fedora to one side. “Lovely lady, you have been tricked. The only compensation your employer will be getting will be your head on a platter.”



My ears perked at that, please let there be some sort of alternative that wasn’t as humiliating of a defeat as this!
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