Arcadia's Mistake [Skyrim Roleplay || Cupcake & HIY]


Mar 7, 2015
“Arcadia! I brought you what you asked from me!,”

The elder Nord behind the counter smiled, the blooming wrinkles of her age apparent upon her bright visage as the woman clasped her hands in glee all the while cleaning the counter free from the powders of crushed ingredients and vials of mysterious liquids. Her eyes brightened visibly when the tall lady gently lowered the bag filled with goods onto the table, Arcadia searched the contents especially taking out a healthy Dragon bone. The lady yelped when she attempted to hold it up, its weight causing the petite woman to loose balance, thankfully the elven customer caught her before she could fall. With a mighty laugh Arcadia put down the Dragon bone and then she said

“Thankyou my dear~ here have these extra septims. You deserve them~”

Reaching under the tables, Arcadia took out a plump pouch of septims which the other woman plucked up. Weighing the singing pouch of gold coins in her right palm, the elven woman took of her hide hood revealing the fair blushing skin of a young elf, the brunette elf smiled happily and tipped her head to thank a giddy Arcadia who was helping herself to the ingredients that the elf have brought. Leaving the woman be, the silent archer walked across the room, her light metal armour clacking and singing in glee. She was about to reach for the doors when she heard Arcadia shout behind her, calling for her

“Saeledhel! Wait I have something else for you!,” Arcadia ushered the brunette elf close, the elf herself smiled and shook her head, her very body showing the reluctance she had for the unnecessary gifts Arcadia was throwing upon her “Arcadia, you don’t need to….the septims were enough.”

“No no I insist, this here potion is my newest creation,” Her voice emerged from the hall at the back of her shop and so did she but with a red bottle in her hand which she graciously extended towards Saeledhel with both hands as if she was being careful with it “This is my newest health potion, I will guarantee you it will work wonders for you~!”

Saeledhel laughed, taking the potion the blushing elf bowed low in respect. Saying their goodbyes Saeldhel finally walked out of the store with a mysterious bottle in hand. Saeldhel did not even think more than needed on the concoction as she was putting blind trust on Arcadia because the woman has given her full proof potions for ailments and such for years! Why doubt her now when she has given Saeledhel a gift! And a one with such fervor. Therefore, Saeldhel was in her abode with her companion, she was sitting near the burning coals smelling the stew brewing over the cauldron. Stretching her lithe body, one could not bound to ignore the sculptured body the lady held. A voluptuous body that was carved to allow the archer speed and elegance. All in all, Saeledhel, in all her life, has remained an adventurer. With that, she is the Dragonborn. A few were trusted with this information to allow the woman secrecy and the benefit of a normal life hence, Saeldhel, on the excuse of hunting or adventuring would go to lengths to train herself in the language of the Dragon tongue or Thu'um.

She was given a responsibility, it was better to fulfill it than deny it. So here she was, getting ready for a newest trip. She was given a letter by Delphine about a new Dragon burial site, Saeledhel decided to rest and prepare herself before leaving her home, Whiterun for the long journey. Drinking the health potion as prescribed by Arcadia, Saeldehel placed the empty bottle on the top of her bookcase after which the woman called for her companion filling his plate with the stew she made and fresh bread

“Dinner is ready! We must eat before we leave for our journey tomorrow.”

It was then Saeledhel felt her body burn. The burning wasn't irritating her, no but may the divines forgive her, the burn was enticing a foreign pleasure. Each breath she took, each movement she made. It was becoming unbearable. She felt as if she would faint at any crossing second. The burenette elf had to place the plate upon the table before she seated herself away from the fire, releasing shallow breaths from her plush pink lips. Unbinding the buttons of her civilian dress, the cleavage of her breasts were left bare to the cold winds of her abode as they attempted to caress and nip at the elf’s body to no avail. Saeldehel continued to feel an uncomfortable heat within her body, with each second it grew leaving her body in slight perspiration and blush as if some poison was invading her body but this was no poison. This heat enticed every nerve in her body, making every movement and breathe release a spike of pleasure in her body. And so, she released a whimpering moan completely unaware to the shadow of her companion beside her.
Dralos had been under the employ of the Dragonborn for a time he had troubles measuring by now. He had lost count of how many glorious days of battle they had together, of their quest to slay Alduin once and for all. The Dunmer grinned a bit at that thought, kicking a rock as hard as he could across the street and hearing a satisfying thunk of stone on wood when a nearby building stopped the flying projectile. His raven black hair, currently tied up in a high ponytail, swayed slightly with the wind as his hands reached to retrieve the two daggers he used as weapons. His own fingers and hands had crafted the two ebony blades, and he knew for sure that he was going to kill a dragon with them.

Saeledhel soon exited the apothecary and Dralos gave a kind smile, following her back to Breeze home so they could rest after a long journey and prepare for the one ahead. His own weary feet dragged the assassin upstairs to his room, a morrow displaying the crimson irises he called eyes and just how tired they were. His leather armor was she'd into a heap on the floor and he collapsed in bed, his muscular form sprawled on the cow hide as he napped.

He then heard the call for dinner, and his stomach's subsequent rumble at the prospect of food being given to him, and stood up. He took a moment to stretch, his commoner's clothes wrinkled from the nap as he yawned and made his way downstairs. His nose caught a whiff of the meal and he grinned, picking up his pace and arriving on the bottom floor just in time to see the Dragonborn become so heated. Thinking it to be over exertion or heatstroke due to her unbuttoning the blouse, he fetched a nearby waters kin and filled it with some water, handing it to his employer. "Here. Drink."
Saeldehel was oblivious to the presence of her dear kin, the brunette did not need to turn her head to assure herself of his presence. Dralos was an assassin, similar to her, his steps were akin to a cold breeze. Silent but deadly when he held blades in his hands. Saeldehel only continued to pant, sprawled in an inappropriate mess upon the wooden bench, the female had place one hand upon the nape of her neck while the other rested upon her upper thigh, kneading and pressing the quivering skin that burnt underneath the commoner dress which seemed all too heavy and forbearing for the drugged elf. Saeldehel was an elegant lady, her dignity and honor was above her desires at all times. She never wears clothes or armours that show skin more than necessary therefore, the woman never dared to entice sexual desire or drive in the opposite sex.

Even when some clients wished to send her into a quest that required for her to be a mistress or a lustful maiden, she flatly rejected them. The Dovakin is known for the aura of pride and kindness she emanates, known by many names and titles, the young wood elf is a counterpart of her dunmer friend. Saeldehel offered septims for his services when she had trouble with powerful enemies, being an archer by heart Saeldehel could never face her enemies head on therefore, the assassin was hired to be her helper and savior for many tasks until the woman had asked for his allegiance with her. Of course their relationship was strictly professional as per the desire of the modest wood elf henceforth they have never strayed far from the lines they put.

But now…..when Saeldehel’s eyes would peek at the empty vial of the potion she drunk from behind the worried Dunmer. The woman was worried. Saeldehel was not foreign to drugs and potions, she has concocted many kinds of poisons aswell ranging from frenzy to paralyzing poisons. Therefore she easily deduced that the drug she drunk was indeed an aphrodisiac. Now that she recalls, if her memory serves her right, wasn’t Arcadia perfecting a love potion?

Honey hues growing hazed, Saeldehel reached for the cup in the hands of her dear friend. She felt a blush growing over her face when she saw her fingers quiver from the effects of the drug, the over sensitization caused her to draw a sharp breath when she cupped the hands of the dunmer. Rubbing her feet together to calm the wetness growing, the wood elf was reduced to shambles in just moments so in whatever confidence and calm she could ensemble, the wood elf hastily drunk the water feeling no change or forgiveness in her body. The aphrodisiac was indeed strong and if Dralos was to stand near her any longer……..she may regret her decisions all her life for the wood elf was fighting herself to slam his body on the very wooden table and press her hot body against his.

The small portion of his cool skin against her warm palms felt as if she was given a cure for what she was feeling. The frustration grew with her thoughts therefore, in a speed alarming, the blushing woman withdrew her hands on her heaving chest, pressing them close as she attempted to scamper away from him to the opposite side of the wall where the warmth of the fire could not reach. Therefore she allowed herself to be embraced by the shadows as she spoke to justify her feeble retreat…..which she knew was a huge lie

“I-I don’t feel very well…..please eat your fill Dralos. If you need me I will be going to my room.”

And so, Saeldehel went against her desire and trudged to her room located on the second floor. Slamming her doors shut, Saeldehel had forgotten to lock the doors as she stripped herself free from her form fitting dress left bare in her undergarments that smelled heavy from the stench of desire especially the panties that were growing awfully wet. Whimpering from embarrassment and confusion, Saeldehel fell upon her comfortable bet all the while sighing in pure content as the cold sheet welcomed her. For moments she laid there, bare and exhausted calming herself until an idea sprung into her hazed mind. She was quiet until she readjusted herself. Her back rested straight on the bet, her eyes boring into the roofs of her humble abode and so, biting her lower lip her quivering fingers reached into her panties to her clitoris. Even with a single flick, the elf’s eyes grew wide as she let out a satisfied moan followed by a plethora of rushing emotions which she could not understand.

And so she continued playing with herself, her body arching and sometimes bucking from the waves of heat and pleasure driving her into a complete moaning mess. It was almost as if she forgot that Dralos could easily hear her but in that moment, she could careless for what he would see it was because…..she has succumbed all to easily into the pleasures of lust.
Dralos watched as the water did exactly nothing to help her plight. He frowned a bit and busied himself with trying to think of a solution. What would work? A health potion, perhals? He shook his head. Those only healed wounds, and since she wasn't injured at all right now, he doubted a health potion would do them any good at all. Perhaps a potion of cure disease? That could work! He reached into his pack and ran his hand through the potions he had, not seeing any of that description and huffing. Of course. The one time he needed it, he didn't have it.

He sat at the table and did as she requested, eating his fill and smiling to himself. At least she was smart enough to know that laying down was likely her best course of action at this time. He swallowed the first bite and moaned in delight, a sound which drowned out the first sound of pleasure from his companion. He Wolfe down the rest of the humble meal, feeling rejuvenated like he always did after a meal and putting his plate and utensils with the rest of the dirty dishes.

The second moan came out and he passed it off to a moan of discomfort. After all, she wasn't well, and he knew that he would have been making similar sounds should Dralos be in her situation. Then the second moan came out, and he stopped. Was she...was she pleasuring herself? Curiosity immediately snatched up his interest, but he knew it would be disrespectful to go and see if that was the case. But another moan came, and then another, and his feet were soon propelling him in the direction of her quarters. The Dunmer had a feeling that he was going to regret this, but was curious and concerned at the same time, something that he was sure his employer would understand.

He opened the door a crack and saw what his suspicions had guessed. She was on her back, staring at the ceiling, one of her hands rubbing her most sensitive areas as more moans escaped her. She was sopping wet, like a sabre cat had just swam through a river, and he had to use all his willpower to suppress his own hand from rubbing the growing bulge in his trousers. He closed the door gently and sat up against it, breathing a little harder as his mind processed what had just happened.
Saeledhel whimpered similar to an exhausted dog. The slow pace from fear grew to a fierce speed in order to grant the elf the pleasure she wanted. Sometimes she would whisper out incohorrent words as her free hand would wander her body and bed aimlessly showing the turmoil the elf was in. Sometimes she would bite her finger in order to quiet her squeaks and moans of pleasure down, then the moistened fingers would hastily travel down her jawline to her neck then dip down her perspiring neck, blushing from the sheer adrenaline that was coursing through her entire body causing the elf to quiver and breath in shallow breaths whenever her pulsating skin would come in contact with skin. And hence, her body arched when her busy finger gyrated her clitoris. Her wandering hand left the crumpled sheets to her mouth.

She bit down her finger as her husky scream left her swelling lips and while the umpteenth release left her, Saeldehel was still in heat. The longer she teased herself, the worst the situation became. It was as if the bar was being raised and the damned drug would only fuel her sexual drive. Slamming her bottom down, the Dovakin whimpered in confusion. Her both hands flew to her head, cupping her sweating forehead in pure desperation as she would look outside the window to the cloudy skies of Skyrim hoping that the divines would take pity on her and use their powers to somehow…..banish this damned drug from her system. And it was then, Saeldehel sucked in another breath and bit her finger upon feeling a spike of pleasure…….

“Does this damned drug have its own mind?,” Saeldehel whispered in agitation, pressing her thighs tightly the elf sat up and turned her attention to the door, despite the drug’s effect Saeledhel was embarrassed……she felt as if her status in front of her kin was…..falling “Dralos…..I-I know you are there. I-I must explain myself to you.”

Taking the sheets in hand, the female wrapped itself around her quivering body, her damp hair sticking hotly around her neck as her eyes would set themselves downcast so the shoes of Dralos were the only thing in sight…..she couldn’t dare see the disappointment or shock in his eyes…this was far too embarrassing so, in order to save a shred of her dignity. The ‘Dragonborn’ whispered, the after effects of the orgasm along with the aphrodisiac’s beckoning caused her vocal cords to become somewhat…..husky

“I apologize for the scene I have created. I accidentally drank a strong aphrodisiac thinking it was a health potion now… my attempts to ‘relieve’ myself I only made my desire stronger….”

Licking her chapped lips, the elf’s golden hues looked up to see the crimson irises of her kin hoping, halfheartedly, that he would……help her out of this predicament but then…..he mind would soon shout out a warning in the Dragon tongue.
Dralos listened to the Dovahkiin and her desperation for one final release, a huge orgasm that would come to her after enough manipulation of her nether regions to finally release this heat. However, the Dunmer had seen this before in Morrowind, long before he ever came to Skyrim for work. This wasn't the simple heat of a female deprived of sexual interaction. This was more. She must have eaten a plant or drank a potion that caused her body to become so aroused, and so insatiable. The cure for the similar predicament back home was the use of a male. If this was a similar case, then that left one male to relieve her as soon as possible...

With as many looks as Saeledhel got in their adventures through tombs and caverns, most of them centered around Riften, he himself had seen her beauty in other areas. Her voice, her eyes, and her personality all stood out to the dark elf and, honestly, he felt that he may have some feelings for the hero. His will had resisted the idea for the longest time, but with all that was going on right now, his will had dissolved and he felt little else other than desire right now. Dralos failed to figure out if that was good or bad right now.

Then the female contacted him directly, making him turn and look at her embarrassed position. Her sheet stuck to her body, her hair doing similarly to her sweat ridden neck, and her eyes hidden by a downward tilted head. She explained what had haplened, and sure enough, it was a potion. Just like back home, and the worst part was, she had that same look of desperation about her that the woman before had. He knew what he had to do, but not out of lust, out of necessity. For her.

Dralos moved forward when her head tilted it back upwards, and, always being a man of few words, gently took hold of her chin and let her focus on his crimson eyes.

"I know what I have to do, Dragonborn. I..." He looked away. Should he tell her? "I need to have sex with you. Will you accept it?"
Saeldehel was a stranger to these emotions. The woman did not know what to do in this situation and the hazy conversations and advices from the female companions back in Jorzasker was going unrecalled in her mind. Saeldehel could only sit upon her bed and bite her bottom lip in utter embarrassment wishing that her dunmer friend could move or comment on something rather than observing Saeldehel in all her messy glory. However, when the brunette would look up to see his reaction, she would see him lost in deep thought. Was he still trying to make sense of this situation or……was he lost in a memory? Twas the lady deduced, did he ever come across a situation such as this?

Saeldehel’s amber gaze trailed down his towering being fueling the jittering drug’s causing the lady to unknowingly bite her lip when she saw the bulging cloth between his legs. Taking in a deep breath, Saeldehel attempted to calm her clouded mind as she snapped her head away from him, refusing to gaze upon his body. The girl respected the dunmer, many times in his service has he saved her or have been in use to her. His company has been a delightful one, he has this comfortable calm about him that urges the wood elf to converse with him to see what he will answer. Sometimes she would ask him dumb things but as a gentleman, he would give a confident reply to them with all the calmness he could conjure. Regardless, the lady was no nun. At nights when she would take a peek at his tent, she would wonder if she were to sleep with him. Will he take her? Would he kiss her? Would she be able to see his body upon hers and take the chance to rake her fingers across his beautiful hair?

Nevertheless, the thought would go ignored and forgotten by the Dragonborn a day later, far too busy with the Dragon attacks and all the other queries made by the citizens of Skyrim. So, at this very moment. Saeldehel could be lying to herself if she wasn’t admitting herself to like the situation. Sometimes she would dream of this very moment, hoping that the Dunmer would tower above her and show her the strength of what a man could conjure. The very thought caused the wood elf to redden and turn her head to her side to press her chin upon her shoulder…..

She was wishing that he could leave her be in silence than just standing there without words. Without any movement except for his calming breathing…..she thought to say something but in her peripheral vision she saw his hand. In a few moments, Saeldehel found herself gazing longingly into the crimson pools of the Dunmer, her soft breaths mingling with his as she would leave the sheets to fall beside her in a crumpled mess while her fingers would circle and knead the skin of his neck. During this all, she was unaware of her parting legs which allowed the man to comfortably sit near her

"Please don’t address me as Dragonborn when you are here…...” Smiling subtly, the brunette raised herself to plant kisses upon each of his eye lids "I’d rather share the moment with you than anyone."

Without waiting for his answer, the female closed the distance and kissed him deeply. The kiss that was once filled with innocence and confusion would last long, Saeldehel became hungrier. Her fingers wrapped themselves around his neck whilst her fingers would unbind the strings holding his beautiful hair so that her fingers would find themselves distracted with his hair while Saeldehel, boldly, fought in dominance with his tongue. During it all, the drug seemed to flare inside her body causing it to arch and grind against him and for many times she would purr internally when her wet nether would come in contact with the healthy bulge of his manhood.
The Dunmer saw the embarrassment on her face as her chin touched her shoulder. Had she thought of him before in a sexual matter, only now she was forced to act on them from the drug? His eyes were confident and his mind concentrated as she led into the kiss, their lips mashing together. Soon, she became needy and more fevered with the kiss, her actions more lewd and aggressive than the start of it. Dralos had always been one to adapt to a situation, Saeledhel knew this all too well in the various battles they had shared, so he was equally aggressive, his tongue dueling with hers, complete with feints and reposes.

Then her hips began to grind, eliciting a small grunt of pleasure from the dark elf. His mind flared with images he concocted on his own long nights alone in this abode, and he turned slightly red, but it was light enough he could pass it off as the rush of blood due to the experience if she questioned it. His own bulge was throbbing, and it was a hearty enough throb to be felt by her when she ground her hips into his. Saeledhel surely was being driven by this drug, and Dralos was still having difficulties with just how rough he should be.

His hands began to wander, both to cause her more pleasure as well as his own selfish desire to do so. They trailed down her back, fingertips grazing down the smooth skin to hopefully leave a trail of chills as he did so, and finally settling on her rear, grasping it and kneading it, respectfully staying clear of her back door. That tended not to end well from the stories he had heard, and drug or no, he still wants to stay in the Dragonborn's good graces and employ.
No longer was Saeldehel was in control of her blushing body, she didn’t know that she was grinding herself greedily against the cold body of the Dunmer nor was she aware at the hands that played with his dark locks or were now roaming upon his torso, leaving trails with her finger nails following the definition of his muscles her mind failing to recognize that he had his clothes on. Her mind fell deeper into the heat of her lust as she continued to kiss him, her breasts pressing into his torso. Whence he began to reply to their forbidden dance, the elf rewarded him with moans and squeals whenever his bulging manhood touched her sensitive bundle of nerves.

Thus in a matter of seconds, Saeldehel was needy, her very hands that reached under his shirt could tell the fact. The elf’s fingernails continued to trail his skin, teasing and kneading his muscles until they slowed around nipples. Smiling into the kiss, she continued to circle his nipple when on some moments her nail would flick at the tip of the hardened flesh.
Hearing his grunts of pleasure would only enhance her sexual drive, causing her to lock her legs around his hip as she followed his movements so his throbbing manhood would come into contact with her wet flower as much as possible.

Soon, Saeldehel’s embarrassment and reluctance began to diminish as she forced herself to go further to relax her partner for this purpose her fingers continued to play with his skin, leaving teasing flicks and kneading upon his nipples till it hardened under her warm hands. Seconds later, her lips parted from his to gulp in air. Yet it did not take time for the female to leave hot and lusty kisses down his jaw, leaving trails of saliva down his neck. Whenever he seemed to jump, Saeldehel would conclude that she found his sensitive skin therefore, she would suck there all the while her fingers would trail downwards. Leaving his torso to touch his belly then her finger came in contact with his pants.

Biting his neck gently, Saedehel whispered as she slipped her fingers in an achingly slow speed into pants, her slender fingers pressing and scratching his inner thighs as if to give him a taste of what she might do next

“L-let your inhibitions free Dralos,” Breathing hotly upon his neck, she slipped her hands further into his commoner pants to grasp his firm manhood “Be as rough as you want……serve me well darling.”

So the experienced hands of the archer circled around his manhood, pumping her hand around the length of his penis in a slow motion while her other hand went to grasp his testicles, pressing and massaging them so it would relax him. Saeldehel felt as if…..she was free. She never felt such a rush in life than she was at the very moment. Ofcourse she was a bit embarrassed but the confidence she had was quite a thrill for her~ she could have stopped if she wanted but…..after seconds passing, she wanted to witness her nightly lusts to come true. She wanted to be under the man who came in her dreams…..she wanted him to take her as roughly as she would often dream.
Dralos felt his employer get bothered with herself. Her hips moved in rhythm with his grinding, getting a good amount of his bulge rubbing against the folds of her nethers. She was certainly wet, the fabric of his pants dampening slightly as the grinding continued. This was an experience. It made the dark elf wonder if he was Saeledhel's first sexual experience, and if the drug was just enhancing all of this for her. It was possible, but Dralos hoped the archer wasn't saving herself for someone special.

Her hands flew up under his shirt, much to the Dunmer's surprise. They started to toy with his nipples, a groan or two of pleasure escaping his lips as she did so, exposing one weak point on his body for exploiration, an act which she performed. Her hands lingered there, distracting him to the point of him not noticing her lips trail downward and find a sensitive spot of skin, indeed causing him to jump. It was clear she was breaking down some sort of defense he had, his hands trailing up from her hips to her ribs, just under her breasts. He was still restraining, not wanting to offend or dominate the Dragonborn.

Then Saeledhel whispered to let go, to unchained his desires from his mind and run wild. It seemed that was all he needed. His eyes opened, and the crimson irises seemed to alight with the fire of lust natural to a man. He moaned as her hands slipped into his pants and started to work his meaty shaft, his own hands moving to her breasts to toy with them. He was quite rough, as her desire seemed to be, squeezing the breasts themselves and pinching the nipples. He was curious to see her reaction to all this, already having deduced that she likely was not a virgin.
It took the wood elf a few words and enticing touches to break Dralos out of his restraints. He was rough and urgent when he squeezed her ample breasts in his cold palms, her skin visibly quivering in delight. The female squeaked and arched her head to a side. Behind the half crecents of her lids, the amber hues of the lust driven elf watched as the fires of lust burnt within the hues of the Dunmer. Saeldehel did not know that only a few touches could leave her in a confused shambel, leaving his thick shaft be, the fingers of the elf clutched onto the hips of the man above her. Slowly she untied and revealed herself to him so he may touch her more. Bring her to see the lusts and luxuries of the darkness.

It was enticing. It was addicting. It was lulling.

The orange glow of the sun filtered as it traversed in the Dragonborn's sleeping quarters, shrouding it in a comfortable darkness as they continued their foreplay. Growing restless, the panting elf pressed her cheak against his as she whispered into his ear, licking the outerlobe suggestively in the end

"Allow me to pleasure you."

In a speed alarming, Saeldehel took hold of the man's broad shoulder after which she flipped him onto his back so she may be straddling his hips. Sluggishly, she rotated her bottom on his thighs so she may tease the growing buldge under her wet flower. The blushing elf bit her swollen lips as she reached for the strings of her undergarment behind her back. With just a pull, the undergarment came loose upon her which the blushing elf caught and discarded it into the corner of the room in haste. Giving no time for Dralos to oggle at the newly exposed skin of her amble chest, Saeldehel bent herself to reach Dralos while one hand was gently planted on the buldge of his trousers. The other began to tease his nipple, playing with the tip or flicking it while Saeldehel began to leave a trail of feathery kisses down his neck, torso and then stopping above his hardened skin. Looking up to his eyes, the bold eld descened her lips upon his nipples, her tongue swirling upon it all the while playing with tip. She continued the same treatment with his other nipple after which she left another trail further downwards until she stopped at his buldge.

"P-please enjoy yourself....Im still new to this."

Saeldehel whispered out as she slipped his trouser down to clutch his manhood to her eyes. At first, she oggled at it in awe quietly formulating a plan on how to pleasure him. Many women in Jorvasker or throughout her journey spoke some annecdotes of their sexual life and they would share their tips with each other. So, upon remembering that, Saeldehel lowered her lips to the tip of his manhood, licking it then swirling his tongue upon it. After a few seconds of the stimulation, she lowered her head further, taking his impressive length into her mouth as she began to pump her head, her eyes watching his reactions.
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