Researching the legendaries. (Ren OlvryxLunlun)


Jan 5, 2015
Merissa was a fanatic when it came to Pokemon. More specifically, pokemon breeding. When she was just a girl she got her first Ralts when her parents pokemon created an egg. She went on to study mating in pokemon and became an esteemed pokemon professor in her older age. She had long blonde hair that she kept in a ponytail and always wore her lab coat as usual. Her blue eyes going over some data for the day.

She was super excited today. Usually Pokemon known as Legendary Pokemon didn't mate. It would be understandable as they were one of a kind however almost any pokemon would mate with a ditto so she didn't understand. Soon however she would. She walked into the enclosed room where they held their newly captured Suicune and smiled. "Well hello there." She said softly to it. Sure it wasn't happy with it's new home. "You are going to help me learn some things." Some doctors had already played with cloning. She didn't want to clone a Legendary, she wanted to learn how to breed it. She walked over to it and patted his head. "And how are you today?" She talked to it with a smile as if it were a person.
He was known as the 'Northern Wind'; being captured was not a thing that was supposed to happen, quick and flighty as he was. Yet here he was anyway. Lots of people, lots of pokemon, very clearly lots of planning and effort had been put into it; but, failing being able to keep him in any sort of pokeball, they'd just bound and dragged him to this place. What they were even after from him here, he wasn't entirely certain... for the most part, he was merely left to his own devices in this singular room, and given food and water as needed. Now though, it seemed, someone was actually coming in. How foolish of them.

"Don't touch me," he grumbled, giving his head a little flick away from this girl's hand. It would be one thing, of course, to doubt that regular pokemon could speak to humans, but he was no regular pokemon; he'd picked up on these humans' speech ages ago. "You say you want to learn things, so what exactly would that be? Why there's only one of me? What my abilities actually are? What, exactly?" he calmly demanded.
She'd clapped her hands together in excitement as the Legendary North Wind spoke to her. Things would go so much easier now. Sure there were people working on communication with pokemon but that never got anywhere, here was a pokemon who was smart enough to figure out communication all on his own. She was thrilled.

She kneeled down so she was sitting on her knees so she could see him better. Careful not to touch him at his request. "Hello Suicune, I am known as Merissa. Maybe we could be friends?" It was a stretch. "Don't fear, we don't want to hurt you, or even keep you in captivity. We're not going to cut you open you or anything like that either. We simply want to learn, and then you can go home. Doesn't that sound lovely?" She smiled resting her hands on her lap. "So if you can tell me... Why is there only one of you? Why don't you breed like other pokemon do? How do you breed, if you did choose to breed? Do you have any mating habits?" She was like a kid in a candy store, asking too many questions at once even though they all linked together.
Friends? They locked him in here, and wanted to be friends? Hah. Not likely, and the annoyed little scoff Suicune gave after that little offer was likely a clear enough indication of what he thought of it. The girl was trying a bit too hard to be friendly given the circumstances, as he saw it. It wasn't exactly endearing, but he supposed it was at least better than various other ways people in this sort of situation might act. Aggressively, for example.

Her actual questions, though... breeding? That was... a bit of a new one. Narrowing his eyes slightly in seeming thought, the Suicune gave another slight scoff before his crimson eyes idly wandered the female's form. No doubt the human males found her reasonably attractive... though for him, he didn't particularly care. If she was going to be so curious about this sort of thing, though, then perhaps he'd just act accordingly.

"I don't breed because it's not worth it. There simply needn't be more than one Suicune," he calmly answered. "All these questions, though... you're certainly unusually curious about the matter, even what with you, a female, currently sitting in here with me, a rather more powerful male. If you're so curious how I breed, I suppose I could show you... so long as you have a female worth that sort of my time," he offered with a slight smirk. He was stuck here for the moment, after all, and seemingly not getting out without tearing up the place, something he didn't particularly want to do, without something to do with him breeding... might as well have a little fun, of sorts, with it.
She was almost giddy at the thought of him showing her how he would breed if he chose to. Of course there was no need to worry about his fears about offspring with a human, wait, she hadn't even thought about the fact that a pokemon and a human might mate together. "And what kind of woman would be worth your time?" She said at first honestly just happy he seemed to have agreed to answer her questions with a demonstration before it hit her, why should someone else have the honor? She was the one who came up with this idea to get a legendary in the first place.

"More specifically." She continued. "I would be a woman worth your time, Just tell me what is is you need." She said sitting back a bit more with a smile on her face.
What kind? As though he would really care. It wasn't exactly something he normally thought about, nor was he even thinking about it very much right now. She could just suggest something, for all it mattered; probably one of whatever pokemon they happened to have around here, and he didn't doubt that they had other pokemon, at least some female. He could just have his fun, get the act over with, and be done with everything here. There wouldn't even have to be any risk of him making a child.

At her offer, though, the Suicune could hardly help but blink in surprise. He'd not exactly expected that, but rather some sort of female pokemon to be offered, for him to merely refuse it and go after whatever female human next came anyway. This did make things easier, in a way... but it wasn't going to simply be that easy.

"Rather than me telling you anything, I want you to prove that I should mate you. Any way you see fit," he calmly demanded, his eyes curiously, and slowly, wandering the woman's form once more before focusing on whatever she might do next.
She looked at him blankly as he claimed she should prove to be worthy of him. She was rather unsure how to be honest, but the first step of course would be to see if she could claim his interest. After that she would think of what to do.

Merissa stood up so she was at her full height and then some in her heels. She slowly started to unbutton her lab coat, from the top down, it became obvious quickly that she wore no clothing under it as her black and red lace bra came into view. By human standards she had a great body, she was thin with great hips and large breast. As the coat came down to her stomach she simply let it fall and stepped slowly out of it. She left on the heels though and sat back down on her rear on the floor in front of him, letting one of her legs hand to the side to show off the shape of her through her matching underwear.

She sat close to him and rubbed and lightly scratched at the back of his neck under his mane her face close to his. "Does this mean I can touch you now?" Ironic that she was asking after already touching him.
The woman seemed uncertain at first... he supposed he couldn't entirely blame her, but surely she'd laid with a man before this? Not that he was one to judge in the first place, though if she hadn't and he was actually her first... this could be even more interesting, potentially. For as little as it really mattered to him in the end, anyway; he still didn't intend to stay in this place for longer than he needed to. This was just a means to an end.

So when the woman removed her lab coat, which quickly proved to be the only thing she'd been wearing besides her undergarments, the Suicune watched with some interest, his crimson eyes casually wandering much of the woman's now-bared skin. He had to admit, her shape was a little interesting; and it was only humans that came that way, not any pokemon that he knew of. That came with such curious curves.

"Mm... I suppose. For now," he submitted, making no move to avoid the woman's touch this time. "I do wonder, though, what more you may have to offer... and how sensitive you might be..." he openly considered, giving another slight smirk. Moving a little closer still, he gave the woman's lips a small, experimental lick, even as one of his front paws came to rest lightly on her thigh, soon beginning to rub slowly into it. If she wished to offer herself to him, then that was on her; he'd see, for now, how worth it she may be with what she may still do next.
Merissa obviously knew what human mating was like, however she herself had never been interested in it. Now she wished she'd known a bit more about it to see if it would help her here. The only thing that had her a little embarrassed right now was the fear there may be others watching them through the glass. But if so screw it, she was a revolutionary.

Her left hand reached back and unclipped her bra letting it fall as he licked her lips and started to rub her thigh. Already the idea and feelings sending tingles through her nerves that seemed to collect into a heat spreading through her slowly. She let her tongue slip out and lick against his hoping to gain his approval. Her hand brushing slowly down the fur of his neck.
Another article of clothing removed, and a bit more of the woman's skin and curves revealed to him. And, perhaps, a slight scent... was she just pressing the issue, or did she genuinely want something like this? He couldn't really tell, and it was only a minor point of curiosity, but it was a point of curiosity all the same.

For now, though, he'd play this part. He was the alpha here, in a sense; she was the female seeking his approval. He was the one ultimately in charge, something he made well to prove as he moved a little closer, placing himself partly over her. And her tongue... it was an interesting taste, he had to admit. One that he intended to freely claim more of in the knowledge that she likely wouldn't be stopping him now. Placing his face very nearly against the woman's own, he let his tongue slip out again, a bit more forcefully this time. It wasted little time in pressing into the female's mouth, lapping and rubbing slowly at her own tongue and even, in the process, letting her feel that his own breath was starting to warm up a little. His paw, as well, started to move up still further along her thigh, soon starting to rub slowly and somewhat firmly between her legs. Just how sensitive would she be, he wondered...
She had not planned for this at all today. She thought that she'd end up trying to be friends and having to work a slow relationship before introducing him to other Pokemon. She'd never dreamed that she would be here now being the subject in her own experiment. It was like a dream and she was loving it.

He was large and this became more apparent as he stepped closer. She made no move or sound to protest him taking her mouth, she tried to keep her tongue in time with his dancing around each other. As he began to rub between her legs however her eyes shut and she let out a soft moan unused to being touched there by anyone else. Her hands reached behind his neck to rub and scratch lightly there and down his back unsure of what he may or may not actually enjoy.
Indeed... the woman definitely wanted this, it was seeming. And with how things were going, he could hardly object to it, really. The taste and feeling of her tongue was still fairly interesting to him, enough that he sought a bit more of it. Slipping his tongue a little further into her mouth, he let his tongue slide firmly over hers, taking in every bit of the taste and texture of it. His back even arched just a little to her touch, finding himself enjoying it a bit more than he expected now especially he was going about the unexpected route of working toward mating with a human.

After a little while, Suicune slowly drew his tongue away from her own, along with removing his paw from between her legs. There was still one more thing in the way to take care of, after all. "Remove that last piece of clothing of yours," he calmly demanded, turning his crimson eyes to the female's panties that were still covering what would be his end goal, in a way. Or perhaps more so her end goal, since she was the one who suggested he lay with her in the first place. "And these... I will admit they are a bit curious," he added, his eyes then turning to her chest. Tilting his head down some, he gave one of the woman's breasts a little nuzzle, his soft fur rubbing into it, before turning to the nipple atop it to start nibbling carefully and gently at it. Another small point of curiosity for him, mostly in how she might react to it.
She gasped quickly as he nibbled at her nipple, tingles and warmth shooting out from it to spread out through her body. "And, what would you like to know about them?" She said in a rather breathy voice. He was doing this for her, the least she could do would be to sate any of his curiosities.

Her hands trailed down as she wiggled out of her underwear, one of her hands trailing through her hair and pulling it down as well letting it fall around her as she looked into his eyes. Licking her lips more than thoroughly already enjoying their play. She did wonder though if there was any place he was more sensitive so she let her hands roam around his body, playing at his fur and trying to watch for his reaction, seeing as he had only shown real curiosity so far she wanted to see if she could find more.
"Mm... nothing much. Why they are so large and apparently sensitive, perhaps," Suicune idly submitted. Seeing especially that they were so apparently sensitive, he soon moved over to the other one. Giving the nipple a careful little tug between his teeth, he started to slowly and somewhat roughly lap at it. Might as well pick up as much as he could, he figured... who knew, it could be worth something to know how to please a human. Likely there could be all sorts of things it could get him.

"If you truly wish to please me, however, you'll have to reach down a little... further," he offered, making no real secret about what he was talking about. The curiously dark blue length between his back legs was already starting to show itself a little, in fact; already a bit wider than a normal human's, though the full length had yet to be seen. As much people as there were that had completely failed to classify him because of how flighty he was, he was, in fact, decidedly male. "And, admittedly... I wonder a little about the very same..." he spoke, his eyes turning pointedly downwards. Turning his attention from the woman's breasts for now, he dipped his head down until it was pressed between her legs, his tongue soon coming out for a long, experimental lick straight along her slit. "Mm... not a bad taste, I'll admit..."
Her head rolled back letting out a moan as he tugged and licked at her other nipple as well doing her best to answer him though her quickening breath. "They, are large to attract a mate. Some men like them smaller but the vast majority of human males like large breasts." She took a deeper breath to continue her story. "They are so sensitive because they have many nerves and promote the production of." Like he cared which hormones? "Hormones throughout the body. This way the woman will feel more attached to her mate. Or child as they are used for feeding young as well, they just aren't sexual stimulants then." Was her explanation too much? She couldn't tell.

She let out a soft hum as he licked along her slit, enjoying the feeling as she looked at him and his growing length. She licked her lips wondering about so many things, the feel, and texture, and it was already so big? Should she worry? For now however she did not as she reached down to grasp it lightly and teasingly in one hand, brushing her hand and fingers against it, rubbing it softly able to reach it only with one hand at the moment.
Hm... so that was it, then, was it? An... interesting little tidbit, in a way. Gave him a few small ideas, at the very least, and he had to admit that the curves weren't bad. Hardly something he'd look for, or even be able to look for, in a pokemon, but apparently something that could be used for human girls. Something he was giving a little more consideration to given the likely lack of actual compatibility... he'd probably never even have to risk a child that way.

When he felt her hand upon his slowly growing length, however, Suicune's hips gave a small, instinctive twitch. A warm breath washed out between the woman's legs as the pokemon let out a minor rumble; plenty of proof that he already enjoyed the touch, especially having not really been touched there before. "More... it's not ready to enter you yet, after all. Something I should help take care of on my end as well..." he calmly spoke. Pressing his head a bit further between her legs, his tongue continued to lap slowly and firmly at the female's slit, then a bit more firmly, to the point where it was slipping partly into her. As she was getting him ready, he only felt that he should do much the same.
Not ready yet? Her hunch was right then, that was impressive. Even if he were to try to make another Suicune she doubted how well it would work, she doubted there was another of him, a female, he was one of a kind. And she knew no other Pokemon that would be able to take him on as he was, maybe another legendary but that was a question for another time. She was having a hard time focusing anyways as he was paying attention to her body.

She wondered if any one part of him was more sensitive than the rest, she ran her hand up and down his length, petting and stroking as well as squeezing it lightly with more and less pressure at different times. All so he could feel different sensations, plus she was actually enjoying it, and him licking her so completely just made her want to add more pleasure for him. She licked her lips as she watched and played with him. She loved the feeling of his tongue all along and slightly entering her, her whole body felt like if was being set on fire.
As the woman continued to touch him at that most sensitive area, Suicune's breaths warmed up still further. An occasional little grunt or other such sound escaped him as her hand and fingers explored, more and more of his length exposing itself as time went on. No way could a pokemon likely do this, he knew that much; perhaps there was something to laying with these humans after all. Especially with the slightly louder sounds he occasionally made as she rubbed a particularly sensitive spot, and occasionally with her little squeezes.

Rather than being content with that, though, of course he intended to go further. More to the point, push his tongue further. Shifting his head a bit further between her legs, he pressed his reasonably long canine tongue steadily forward beyond the woman's slit itself. Soon enough, he was lapping slowly and firmly at the female's inner walls, rather enjoying the taste he caught as his tongue pressed steadily further and further into her. For the moment, he seemed quite content with pleasing her like this, and having her please him in the way she was now, but with his member very nearly reaching full length, it wasn't likely that he'd be content with just that for much longer.
Noting the sounds he made she made sure to pay more attention to the spots that he liked the most. Her squeezing became a bit harder and her moves more erratic as she paid attention to every inch of his growing member. She tried to reach farther and farther all the way down and back up. She found she really liked the noises he made as she continued to play with him.

She also learned she loved his tongue lapping deep inside her. She hadn't even thought it could go that deep, not only that but the texture was wonderful as it rubbed against the walls inside of her. She felt herself growing wetter, mostly thanks to him but also her own body as well, a good anticipation growing for what she knew would be coming soon.
As the woman granted him still more attention, Suicune's breath warmed up a little further, his hips occasionally starting to shift a little against the touch. Hardly could he even start to deny that he was quite enjoying this, but it was fast becoming... not quite enough. He needed more, and didn't doubt that she did as well. And besides, his length was as fully grown as it was going to get thanks to her actions; it was about time to put it to actual use.

"Mm... I think it's about time we got to what we both truly desire," he spoke after slowly drawing his tongue back out of her depths. Carefully licking his lips clean, he let his eyes wander once more over the entirety of the female's figure before turning to her eyes, his head tilting slightly to the side. "I'm not certain how you humans do this, but I'd quite prefer you on your hands and knees, ready to be mounted as I would my own kin," he calmly insisted.
She was impressed as he stopped at the full length of him. Her body was sad that he had stopped, enjoying every second however she was more than happy knowing it was only a prelude to what would be coming next. She bit her own bottom lip as she watched his tongue lick his lips clean only adding to the tingles her body was feeling. Now that he had pulled back her hand was resting on her arm as he spoke.

Her body glistening as she smiled and nodded at his words. "Humans have many different ways." She smiled but she didn't really feel like wasting time with too many words. And that would be one of them." Was all she said. Merissa shifted and started to roll her body over, first onto one leg and then the other. She rested on the palm of her hands before looking back at him with a smile and wiggling her butt a little.
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