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Beebo's Corner

Hahvoc The Decepticon

Mar 4, 2009
As the title suggests this is Beebo's corner. Beebo is a character I created back in high school when I was doodling one day and, due to my mood, I decided to post him up. It took me a very long time to come up with a body for Beebo, since he was just a head and said silly things. But, this is the first I've drawn of him in full body and I'll be putting up little doodles of him saving the world and what not.

In this first drawing, he looks kind of like...he has weird eyes, but that's because I went over it with a fine-tipped sharpie and pressed a little too hard. But oh wells. He'll be better in drawings to come.

No! XD He is suppose to be...bug like? I am not sure. It's just how I draw him. His big eyes make him cute, I think. >.>​
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