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Jul 31, 2012
Okay so I was watching Dark Shadows (2012), whilst not widely enjoyed I did enjoy the relationship within the beginning between the characters of Angelique and Barnabas, and I really wanted to do something along the lines of that, so this is my proposal. Just a quick note to say I only roleplay on YIM and I write in third person too!

Plot background

Set in the 1800s, a family whose business (your choice) has become one of the most vastly known in Europe is only becoming more popular, giving said family great wealth and reputation. They end up buying a large house and therefore employ servants to go with it. My character was original from France, her name is Vanessa and she was bought at six years old, making her the youngest of all the staff. Coincidently your character is eight years old, and the two have a challenging, yet wonderful friendship.

Now as the friends grow older and become more and more comfortable, your character's parents begin to notice, and they don't like what they see. Status and Social background were a very important factor within that time frame and my character just didn't make the cut. However as the families popularity rose it was apparent that the business was there to stay, so instead your character was sent off for an education abroad, to see the world, and hopefully meet contacts that would ensure a promising and fulfilling future.
--The Plot to be Played--
Now at eighteen years old, Vanessa has blossomed into a beautiful young woman, and it hasn't gone unnoticed by others. However she ignored any advances because there was always the one that had left. The play would begin with your character arriving home after he has finished his long trip, in order to settle down, perhaps find a wife, and start playing more of a key function in the family business. Maybe he is quite the ladies man... and after arriving home to find his childhood friend all grown up, sets his sights on her. Vanessa however knows not to give in all that easily.

I really want to explore the sort of relationship between them, my character wouldn't simply be submissive, the typical yes sir no sir type girl, in many essences she would give as good as she gets. Feisty, teasing, sometimes a little outspoken, but only to him. I'd love to see the relationship blossom and see what obstacles they would overcome, seeing as they would end up in an illicit affair, something that would have to be kept under lock and key.

If a darker element is something you're after, we could maybe have the Father express an interest in the girl, adding to the reason why she wasn't dismissed in the first place after the first signs of friendship were being formed... but it isn't completely necessary if it isn't your cup of tea! (So British :p )

Ideally I would want this to be a long term play, and 50/50 story to smut, maybe even 60/40 story to smut, especially at the beginning.

Please PM me if you are interested, because I'd really love to play this one out!
A x
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