Start of an Adventure (Sirix and Wind)


Aug 24, 2013
The afternoon was proceeding quietly as Jeric worked his family's small garden outside Falkreath. This really was a rarity in the lands nowadays. Dragons and the war seemed to plague the lands around the other holds, but Falkreath remained in its quiet little corner of Skyrim, relatively untouched other then the occasional bandit raid and that one Werewolf that the guards had caught a few weeks back. Life was generally peaceful.

Jeric was rather large for the way he looked. His father was a Nord through and through, but his mother was a Bosmer. This odd combination came out to look like a Bosmer wrapped around a small Nord. To big to be truly stealthy like his Mother, but to small to be strong like his father, Jeric was just...awkward.

As the day afternoon progresses, few small thud could be heard in the distance. Jeric looked up from his gardening to look at the disturbance to see what he had hoped he never would. A dragon heading for his house, the rest of his family proceeding with their normal chores. "Run," Jeric's deep Nordic voice rings out in warning, as he runs towards the small walls of the city.
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