On the Road to Nowhere (Frogger and Shadows)


Jun 10, 2012
Out Of This World
Another breeze wafted through the trees, causing leaves to rustle and sway under its influence. Jade green, pine, emerald and juniper merged together into a confusing array of green, until the wind came to a close, making everything return to where it belongs. In that breeze, one could feel the chill of winter steadily approaching, its chill sinking into autumn, its poison surging through everything that used to be warm. Ranma grit his teeth, cursing his bad luck for the upteenth time that day. His braid -usually black, but now a rich, velvety red color- went out behind him as he walked.

“Stupid old lech, doing this to me,” Ranma grumbled, dark blue eyes gazing up ahead. “What did I ever do to him, huh? Nothing, that’s what.” Okay, so maybe he went a little too far this time… but so what?! Shouldn’t the old geezer be used to it by now, seeing as how he steals girls’ panties all the damn time, and gets caught red-handed? His -or rather, her- cheeks puffing out in annoyance, Ranma pushed aside a tree branch, looking off into the distance, as though he could find his destination if he looked hard enough. That wasn’t possible, of course, him being in Japan, and his destination being in China… but he can dream, right?
“It’s right past these trees, I know it!!” The seemingly eternally lost boy let out in a determined tone as he struggled in making heads or tails of his immediate surroundings. He was right there only a short while ago. Or at least it seemed to be a short time ago, as the yellow garbed young martial artist rushed through the trees and bushes at a brisk pace. If one were to look at Ryoga Hibiki from a distance, they might mistakenly think he was a man moving with a distinct destination in mind. Which was true in the sense that he at least believed himself to be on the right path to the cursed springs which would solve him of his curse… if only reality line up with what he thought to be true.

Truth be told, this had been the closest Ryoga had gotten to actually reaching the springs that would supposedly cure him of the curse which turned him into a little piglet whenever he was splashed with cold water. The dark haired wanderer had spotted the spring from atop of a hill, less than a mile away, with a straight path through the trees being the only thing which stood in his way. How long ago had that been now? An hour? A day? ….probably longer. Either way, the adrenaline had kept pumping as his poor sense of direction had clearly lead him astray, but it didn’t diminish that determination as he spotted a clearing in the distance.

“There!” The teenager let out as he charged forward at a hastened pace; his legs bounding forward with quick, almost leaping steps, as he came hurdling through the opening in his pathway and was taken by surprise as a female figure ended up cutting him off. “Mph!!” The dark-haired male let out as he crashed into the feminine figure; the impact sending both of them tumbling to the ground with considerable force, as Ryoga almost immediately tried to collect himself and frantically apologize to the poor girl,“I’m so sorry!! I’m so sorry!! I didn’t see yo-”

His words halted within his throat as the young man took notice of that familiar red hair. That familiar choice in clothing. The face which set off a mixture of emotions within the longtime friend/rival. “…Ranma?” He let out with a look of confusion on his features, before suddenly furrowing his brow at the similarly cursed martial artist, “Ranma!!” Ryoga would quickly jump back to land on his feet, as he reached into his backpack to produce the heavy umbrella which he often used as a weapon. “What are you doing here?! Did you follow me all the way to China to try and stop me from curing myself?! ” He accused the currently smaller martial artist; clearly not realizing how lost he’d gotten over the past several days and already jumping to conclusions about Ranma trying to sabotage his chances with Akane.
Ranma continued his journey, the grass growing thicker beneath his feet, the trees spreading their branches further and further out until their leaves blocked out the sky. His eyes -dark blue, unlike their usual brown- lifted, a pot twisting his lips as he remembered, yet again, what prompted this journey in the first place. "Damn old lech..." he grumbled, not paying much attention to his surroundings, and turning his thoughts inward. "Why the hell did he have to put that spell on me? Wasn't stealing girls' panties enough?" Apparently it wasn't, if he went so far as to do all of this. Of course... he may have played a part... not that he was going to admit that or anything, but still! Slants of light broke through the thick foliage high above, dappled green by the leaves.

Happosai is a pervert, through and through. Martial arts master he may be, but it’s hard to believe, looking at the old lech. In Ranma’s opinion, he is the very definition of a dirty old man. Regularly indulging in perverse activities such as groping, attempting to peek on, and/or stealing the panties of Akane, Ranma on occasion, and just about any other pretty lady he lays eyes on… what else is he? An addicted pervert, on top of that… If he doesn’t touch a “pretty lady”, Happosai becomes very weak and starts crawling around on the ground, muttering “pretty ladies” over and over again. Pathetic, really… which is probably why Ranma is so ticked off about all this.

What doesn't make sense is that Happosai goes on panty raids on almost a weekly basis, touring the neighborhood with a sack full of women's underwear... all while shouting out, "What a haul! What a haul!" and being pursued by angry women. Happosai supplies his addiction, so what made yesterday so different? Ranma just refused to let that lech watch him in the bath, what else is new? Ranma, not paying any mind to where he was going, so preoccupied with his thoughts, continued on, the forest giving way to a clearing full of flowers. His pout didn't sway any, though.

Finally... Ranma noticed something in his peripheral vision, and was about to react, when a heavy weight slammed into him from the side, the impact sending both him and it tumbling to the ground with considerable force. The world spun on its axis, making Ranma dizzy. "Ugh..." he groaned, unable to focus on anything. "I'm so sorry!! I'm so sorry!! I didn't see yo-" The voice sounded familiar... though at the moment, Ranma could barely focus. With a firm shake of his head, Ranma blinked up, only to meet dark brown eyes... a pair he recognized in an instant.

“Ryoga!!” Ranma cried out at nearly the same time as Ryoga, flowers weaving into the girl’s hair, offsetting those pretty blue eyes, and smooth, porcelain features. Leaping up onto his feet, Ranma readied himself for a fight, feet shifting into a defensive position, and hands raised. “What are you doing here?! Did you come out here to try and prevent me from curing myself?!” he accused, not realizing that Ryoga had accused him… of the exact same thing. “Nice try, but I’m getting to Jusenkyo, whether you like it or not!” Ranma ran forward, swirling through the air and hitting Ryoga square in the face with the heel of his -her- foot. The landing was quick and agile, leaving Ranma feeling pleased with himself.
“Stop playing games! You’re the one who’s trying to stop-“ The dark haired martial artist started to let out before Ranma came at him with an expertly placed kicked to his face. “Oof!!” The young male let out as he allowed the momentum to fling him backward enough into doing a flip; landing upon his feet, albeit within a crouched position as he raised a hand to brush aside the foot sized dirt mark across the side of his cheek.

“I knew it! You traveled all the way out here just to stop me from finding a cure and being closer to Akane!” Ryoga shouted with an angry scowl as he reached for the often seemingly endless supply of headbands around his forehead and pulled off several of them. “This is low, Ranma! Even for you!!” He accused his long-time rival while spinning and building momentum for the surprisingly lethal headbands in his hands before flinging them at the redhead, “You won’t get your way! I won’t let you!”

The headbands spun out at Ranma with lethal force, which the redhead had often managed to dodge in the past and likely would be able to do so now. If there was one thing Ryoga had come to learn of his rivals other form, it was that while Ranma’s strength may be diminished in comparison to his male side, his speed was increased considerably. It was a source of frustration for the often directionless martial artist as headband after headband found itself imbedded within the surrounding ground and trees as each of them landed with the effect of a thrown dagger.

“Damn you, Ranma!” He cursed out while throwing a few last headbands which the redhead would likely dodge to avoid a potentially fatal injury, before finally stopping that approach and staring the boy trapped in a girls’ body down while stating, “If you wanted a fight, then the least you can do is have the decency of doing it like a man!”
“Hmph, as if.” Ranma dodged one headband after another, hands in pockets, the surprisingly lethal pieces of cloth sinking into the ground and surrounding trees. “I didn’t travel all the way out here just to stop you. I didn’t even know you were out here!” Ranma executed a series of backflips, and planted his feet against a tree trunk during the last, pushing off it and into another direction entirely. Dodging the yellow headbands were easy; knocking some sense into Ryoga’s thick skull was tons harder.

Red braid flying out behind the young lady with every move, Ranma finally came to a stop, and not without a frown. His strength may be diminished, true, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t any less the martial artist. As a guy, he may be stronger… however, as a girl, he’s faster. None of those headbands are going to hit. “I was just coming out here to find a cure!” Ranma made himself clear, blue eyes intent on the brown depths glaring daggers at him. “Do you think I’m a girl because I like it? Huh?!”

Okay, so MAYBE he's taken advantage of his female form in the past, to get what he wants and all... but as a whole, Ranma doesn't like being a girl. No, far from it. With a frown, Ranma continued dodging the headbands, to avoid a potentially fatal injury. One tore at the sleeve of his shirt, another at his pants... not to mention one across his chest, two folds of material falling to reveal a generous amount of breast. "Hey! Do you mind!" Ranma yelled, not so much embarrassed, but aggravated. This was one of his favorite shirts, after all! "Let me just knock some sense into that thick head of yours!"

Teeth gritted, Ranma ran forward, just as the other boy stopped throwing those damn headbands of his… and smacked him, right across the face. Maybe it was a girly move, but hell! Trapped in a girl’s body, traveling to go and find the cure… and this knucklehead is getting in the way! “I’m not here to prevent you from doing anything! I’m on the way to Jusenkyo, just to get my body back! It has nothing to do with you!” Ranma leaned back, crossing his arms under his breasts.
The cut to the front of Ranma’s shirt hadn’t gone without notice from Ryoga. Far from it, as the larger martial artist found himself staring for a couple of seconds too long at his rivals rather generous endowment. Doing so was both embarrassing for Ryoga, along with being a big mistake in their short scuffle, as the unintended distraction allowed for the redhead to charge in there and deliver a smack right across his face.

“D-Did you just slap me?!” He blurted out, seemingly reeling more so in surprise rather than pain from the blow, although it had the same desired effect of stopping the guy in his tracks as he cupped the side of his face.

The yellow garbed martial artist finally stood still without any weapons drawn instead of trying to fight for a change, as Ranma’s words seemed to begin registering through his admittedly thick skull. “Wait, you’re going to Jusenkyo, too?” He actually seemed to be catching on, even if there did seem to be a touch of skepticism in his voice on the matter, as he argued, “Why didn’t you just say that in the first place?!”

Now it seemed like his anger and frustration was starting to find itself redirected toward the misunderstanding (which he naturally blamed the other boy for), before another glance at Ranma’s partially exposed breasts caused his face to grow flushed in embarrassment as he looked away. “And for somebody who claims to hate being a girl, you sure have no problem with flaunting your body around!” Ryoga accused, clearly not knowing the current predicament which kept the other boy from changing his body, “Will you cover up or boil some water so you can change back already?! I can’t talk to you comfortably when you’re like that!”
Ranma had to admit, seeing that look of surprise was... absolutely priceless. It isn't often that something throws Ryoga for a loop, and the slap had done just that. Pleased with himself, Ranma slipped his hands back into his pockets, taking his trademark stance while he watched the gears slowly begin to turn... hitch, and then turn again. Finally, Ryoga spoke, indicating he was finally catching on. "Wait, you're going to Jusenkyo, too?" A touch of skepticism were in the words... then... "Why didn't you say that in the first place?!"

"I did," Ranma replied, point-blank. "Two or three times, if you were listening. Figures that you’ll blame me for the misunderstanding.” A shake of his head made the red braid swing back and forth behind the young lady, not to mention caused her breasts to bounce with the motion.

This time, Ranma happened to catch the glance directed at his chest… not to mention the flush of embarrassment. His blue eyes widening, Ranma couldn’t help the blush spreading along his cheeks… nor the embarrassment he felt himself. “Don’t you think I would, if I could?!” Ranma burst out, stomping his foot childishly. “I’m stuck this way, dummy! Trust me, if it was that easy, I’d certainly would have done so by now!”

Dummy, dummy, dummy! Ranma could feel the heat on his face, practically burning the skin there, and out of frustration, he stomped his foot again. Of course… that didn’t make matters any better, for with every stomp, his breasts jiggled… and the rip widened, until… finally, his breasts just sort of… fell out of what remained of his shirt, everything revealed in a matter of seconds. Ranma’s blue eyes grew to the size of dinner plates, and quickly he turned around, hiding the pair from view. “Now then… why don’t you be a gentleman, and keep looking somewhere else?!” Wait… did I ever pack clothes?! I don’t think I did… Ranma slung off his pack, now digging through its contents.
The taller martial artist gave a pause as a perplexed expression made itself present on his features at the revelation. “Wait, what do you mean you’re stuck that way?” He inquired while starting to turn to face Ranma, only for the renewed view of his rivals ample breasts threatening to spill out of the ruined top turned to a full on peep show when the material finally did rip the rest of the way. “You see what you did?! Why did you have to keep… bouncing around like that for?!” Ryoga stammered out as his face flushed to a bright red, with his eyes perhaps gazing on the other ‘boys’ chest a little longer than needed before turning away again.

Turned away and fidgeting in place as he tried to get the mental image out of his mind, Ryoga let Ranma sort through his belongings for a second change of clothes as he processed what the other had revealed. Could he really be stuck in that form, or was this another one of his tricks? Ryoga peeked out from the corner of his eyes while the redhead continued searching in his traveling pack. It would be just like Ranma to make up some excuse about not being able to change forms so he could keep embarrassing him like this. Yeah, he wasn’t going to fall for another of his games!

Ryoga took off his own large backpack and sorted through its content for a few seconds before finding a teapot of water which he’d kept prepared for any emergencies. It was still warm enough to do the trick, as the headband wearing male picked it up and snuck up behind Ranma, before quickly tipping it over to dump the entirety of its warmed contents onto the other boys head and soaking him on the spot. “Nice try, Ranma! You must think I’m really dumb to fall for a trick like this!” Ryoga stated while emptying the last of the water onto his head, before the empty container drop onto the other boys head and using the distraction to grab at him from around the waist.

“See?!” He exclaimed triumphantly as slipped his hands upward to grab at what he expected to be a male’s bared chest, “Now there’s nothing here but a set of br-” His words trailed off. Both hands by now having a palm full of the still redheaded martial artist’s ample bosom, as he felt the pair of soft, fleshy mounds within his unintentionally groping grasp. The realization caused most of Ryoga’s body to freeze up in ‘terror’ at realizing what he was doing, even as his hands continued to lightly squeeze at Ranma’s breasts as if trying to disprove his own findings.

With his eyes wide at the revelation, Ryoga would slowly turn his head enough to face Ranma head on, as he looked into the still redheads eyes with a nervous chuckle over this whole misunderstanding. “So, uh…. I guess you weren’t lying, huh?” He stated the obvious, while his body remained unintentionally pressed closely to the other martial artist while both hands were firmly cupped over the others breasts.
Don’t tell me I forgot to pack some clothes! In a state of panic, Ranma didn’t notice the glances being thrown in his direction, or the thoughts going through the other boy’s head. No, he had other things on his mind… particularly, where he will find another shirt. I can’t believe it… I did forget to pack another shirt! What am I going to do?! His hands pausing in their fruitless search, Ranma cast his mind about… trying to remember what he was doing, at the time of him packing everything. Of course… his thoughts came to a stuttering halt when a waterfall of hot water came down on his head, blurring everything within sight and soaking the redhead from the waist up. “H-Hey!” Ranma managed to choke out, anger flaring up. “Whatcha do that for?!”

Something heavy fell onto Ranma’s head next, making stars dance in front of his eyes… and proving to be the perfect distraction. A set of thick arms came to wrap around the redhead’s slender waist… firm muscle pressing against his back. “Nice try, Ranma! You must think I’m really dumb to fall for a trick like this! See?!” Before Ranma knew it, hands crept up in less than a heartbeat, in less than a blink of an eye… grasping onto a pair of breasts that are his, and are not. “Now there’s nothing here but a set of br-” Ryoga was obviously just as shocked as he… or rather, as her. Terror caused his body to freeze in place, shock disrupting the young man’s train of thought.

I...I can’t believe this! Blue eyes met brown, and Ranma felt heat crackle and burn along his features, unbidden and unasked for. A tingling sensation radiated out from his breasts… making heat pool in the lowest depths of his stomach, and leaving everything else tingling. “So, uh…. I guess you weren’t lying, huh?” Seriously? You dump hot water over my head, grab onto my breasts while I’m wearing nothing but threads of a shirt… and that is all you can say?! Ranma was at a loss for words… which had to be a first for him. Normally, he knew exactly what to say… but not now. Torn between anger and this strange new feeling coursing throughout his body, Ranma grit his teeth… the blush steadily growing darker on his cheeks.

For the first time in his life… Ranma felt weak in the knees, hot, bothered… among other things. His… His nipples hardened into peaks, the continued contact -especially the light squeezing- made it that much harder to focus… to piece his thoughts together, or to make… sense of the situation. Blushing ever darker, until the red spreading along his, rather, her cheeks, matched that of her hair, Ranma jerked his gaze away from Ryoga’s, looking elsewhere. “Y-You think?” Ranma managed to grumble, disgruntled and confused… more than words could say.
“Why would I lie about this, huh?” Ranma wrestled his smaller, more curvy, body away from the more… firm, and muscular body of the boy’s, and stumbled forward, trying to hide his breasts from view. “I’d much rather be a guy than a girl! Why would I be out here, stuck in this body, anyway!” Ranma pouted, his blue eyes focused on brown.
It was surprise and embarrassment more than anything else which kept Ryoga in place with his hands wrapped around to cup at his rival’s unexpectedly still available breasts. As such, when Ranma did work to wrestle herself away from his grasp, the other boy would offer no real resistance on keeping the smaller figure within his arms. “I’m sorry, okay?! I’m sorry!” He let out when the currently smaller martial artist pouted and told him off, as both of Ryoga’s hands remained raised with his fingers frozen in a similar cupping gesture as they were while on Ranma’s chest.

“Hey, it’s better than being a pig!” The yellow garbed male retorted, albeit realizing that he wasn’t presently trapped in his own alternate form, as their eyes continued to meet for a few lingering moments. His surprised and flustered expression started to soften, with both arms slowly lowering to his sides, as the boy suggested honestly, “And, besides? It’s not exactly like that body of yours is so disgusting or anything, Ranma.”

The way he looked at the boy trapped in a girl’s body had made it evident that he wasn’t lying in that opinion. The first time he’d seen Ranma’s cursed form, he’d even stated as such, albeit right before he then resumed in trying to kill the rival which Ryoga blamed for his own cursed form. Everybody else who fell into those cursed springs ended up with the secondary body of a farm or circus animal. Meanwhile, the boy who was indirectly responsible for the curses of several others than themselves had been ‘cursed’ with a beautiful female body. A curvy, soft to the touch, warm….

It was about then that Ryoga realized he was gazing at the partially exposed martial artist a little too long, as he quickly shook this off and looked away while awkwardly offering, “Listen, I was just near Jusenkyo a little while ago.” More like several days ago, but it seemed Ryoga sense of time wasn’t much better than his sense of direction, as he continued, “So how about we call a truce for now and work together on getting both of our curses reversed?”

A short pause as he waited for whatever Ranma’s response might be, while the pair seemed to remain oblivious on how the clouds had darkened the sky above the trees throughout the duration of their initial encounter and ongoing fighting. As such, it wasn’t until a crackle of thunder echoed outward, that Ryoga would look up just in time for the first of many cool drops of water to fall upon his nose. His eyes widened as the rainfall would begin to come down very quickly from there, with his hands fumbling to grab for his umbrella, “Now?! Are you kidding me?!”

Unfortunately, he wasn’t near fast enough, as his body seemed to turn within the blink of an eye from a firm, taller human male, to a tiny black piglet with a familiar headband tied around his neck. The small creature grumbled to itself with tiny, unintentionally cute squealing sounds, as he sat there with the rain continuing to fall onto them. Not only did they now need to either set up camp or find temporary shelter until the rain stopped, but he’d already wasted his emergency supply of hot water on Ranma. This earned the redhead a sharp little glare as ‘P-chan’ started to oink and squeal at him to hurry up on doing something about shelter.
“And besides… it’s not exactly like that body of yours is so disgusting or anything, Ranma.”

The words came as a surprise, given they were coming from Ryoga… but, to be fair, Ranma’s memory isn’t all that good in the first place. Dark red replacing the dark pink which had spread over the girl’s features, Ranma felt the heat contained within those brown eyes, almost as though it was a physical touch on his skin. It caused… strange things to happen in his body, strange things he couldn’t begin putting words to. A tingling sensation creeping over his skin… making his nipples harden, and also tingle, Ranma cleared his throat and looked away, lost for words.

Why am I feeling this way? It’s just… It’s just not natural! So lost in thought was the boy turned girl, it was a long moment until his mind registered what was being said… and another moment still until its meaning set in. “You were just near Jusenkyo?!” Ranma cried out, whirling around to face the other boy. Ryoga’s sense of direction may be lousy, but if he was just near there a little while ago… maybe, just maybe… they can get there, and reverse their curses!

“Consider it done,” Ranma declared, right when a crack of thunder broke out. Sometime during their conversation, grey clouds have rolled in… darkening the sky, and making the trees rustle. It was just moments later that the sky opened up… rain falling, at first just one drop at a time… and then a whole tirade falling down. Ryoga fumbled to bring out his umbrella. “Now?! Are you kidding me?!” In the blink of an eye, the tall martial artist was no longer just that... having taken on the form of 'P-chan' - a tiny black piglet that any girl would fall in love with. Cute, tiny squealing noises punctuated the silence, a sharp glance following quickly on its heels in the redhead's direction.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." Ranma scooped up the piglet into the crook of one arm, all while picking up his and her things with the other. "I don't want to be out in this rain any more than you do." Dark red strands falling against the girl's cheeks, dripping wet from the rain, and little drops of water trailing down any and every inch of skin available, Ranma turned this way and that... looking for something, anything, that could provide shelter from this storm.

It didn’t look promising. Ranma ran underneath the trees, their leaves providing a small bit of protection against the rain that was falling harder, and faster. “Seriously?!” Ranma grumbled under her breath, taking shelter underneath a large, ancient oak and scowling at the sky high above. What did he do to deserve such punishment?! Holding onto the piglet still, though unaware that she was keeping Ryoga in the crevice of her breasts… the girl continued on, shouldering the heavy weight with no complaint. As a martial artist, Ranma has experienced worse than this… though what, exactly, she couldn’t remember at the moment.

Luckily, Ranma did not an old, run-down shack behind a line of trees. “Finally,” Ranma grumbled, rushing to the door and pulling on its handle. When it didn’t give, the girl gave another yank...which didn’t work. “Oh, come on!” Ranma growled, gritting her teeth and moving back, lifting a leg and giving the door a swift kick. The door burst open… revealing a tiny, cramped room. It wasn’t much, but given the situation… it was perfect. Ranma hurried inside, closing the door behind her and dripping right where she stood. “Oh, right. Here.” Ranma set Ryoga down on the nearby bed, and plopped down onto it next, letting out a sigh. Red material clung onto the girl’s breasts, blue onto her long, slender thighs.
The small black piglet continued to grumble a bit while Ranma scooped him up into her arm, but was at least glad to have somebody around to help out in carrying his belongings while in this form, seeing as how tiny pig arms and a snout didn’t exactly offer much use in terms of lugging around a backpack. A grumpy look lingered on his features as the redhead sought out shelter, which only began to waiver when Ryoga noticed exactly where she was nudging him ever closer during the search for shelter. A few oinking noises came out as if trying to utter a protest, which was then silenced by how his face was inadvertently pressed and held into one of Ranma’s generous breasts.

With a growing flush that was visible even on the piglets black complexion, Ryoga had little choice other than to wait it out against his rivals ample cleavage, until the still human martial artist managed to find them a small shack to shelter themselves away until the rain subsided. Being set down on the bed, the piglet was quick to jump to one corner when Ranma followed, as he shook himself off to get rid of the beads of water. He had traveled on his own and gotten lost plenty of times to know the routine of getting himself cleaned in such a situation.

Despite the situation, the small creature actually gave a rather satisfied little squeal after drying itself off, as he smiled in a way that might make one forget this was Ryoga. It was little wonder why Akane and certain others had never been able to piece together how the pet piglet and the yellow garbed martial artist were the same person. Still, as he looked up at the buxom martial artist in ‘his’ current state of near undress, with the remaining clothing clinging tightly onto every alluring curve of their body, there was an unmistakable human reaction of trying to divert his eyes away from Ranma due to a sense of human decency.

This was certainly quite the mess they had gotten themselves into, as Ryoga spotted a leaky corner in the room and hopped off the bed for a few minutes to fish out the pot from his backpack. Dragging it over to the leak, he placed it beneath the falling droplets of water to slowly collect for use in the morning. Returning his attention toward Ranma, the piglet felt a fresh flush come to his cheeks, as he started to oink and squeal at the boy in a girl’s body about covering up or trying to do something about those wet clothes. There were at least some blankets in Ryoga’s pack which could be warn while Ranma waited for his single set of clothes to dry. Judging by the sound of the rain outside, it looked like they were in for a long night.
“Oi! Can’tcha be quiet for five minutes?” Ranma growled, forcing herself into an upright position to give the black piglet a glare which, on an attractive little redhead with curves any girl would kill to have… only looked cute, possibly adorable. Strands of dark red fell forward, plastering against the curve of the girl’s cheek, the longer pieces against the curve of her neck. While very little light managed to sneak into the shack they are taking shelter in, somehow or another, those dark blue eyes of hers shone and rippled in the semi-darkness, taking on a luminous quality which shouldn’t be possible, given their situation. It is almost as though… her eyes are pieces of night sky, having fallen at some point during their journey.

A couple rebellious strands falling into her eyes, Ranma ran a hand through these in order to get them out of her eyes… only to make several red pieces stick up towards the back. "Gosh, I can't believe it started raining all of a sudden..." Just their luck, really. Anyone cursed seems to get hit with the worst of it, making things difficult on their end. Ranma stretched her arms high above her head... completely unaware of how scraps of navy blue fell away from her breasts, revealing the pair in all their glory. "I'm soaking wet! I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna borrow some clothes from ya," Ranma threw out to the little black piglet, rolling over to open the giant pack.

None of the clothes would work, given that Ranma's a girl now, not a guy... but she did find a blanket that would at least work until her clothes dry. Judging by the sound of rain outside, they were in for a long night. Bright, and yet dark, red strands dripping water against flushed skin, the curve of her neck... a few drops even going into the valley between her breasts, Ranma pulled out the blanket she found, tossing the pack into a corner where it will be out of the way. "Now don't look, Ryoga!" Throwing a fierce look in the piglet's direction, Ranma hopped onto her feet, straps of fabric falling away from her breasts once again, revealing their full, lush shape... and the nipples topping each mountain, hardened and a rosy red.

Ranma shed her pants within moments, and wrapped the blanket around herself in the next. "Mmm... Much better..." came the girl's murmur, who twisted around to gaze out the nearest window. Outside, sheets of rain was pouring down, hiding everything within view, and making it obvious that there would be no leaving tonight. With a disappointed sigh, the redhead plopped down onto the bed, glimpses of long, slender legs and narrow hips from underneath folds of black. “What now?!” Ranma grumbled under her breath, glaring up towards the ceiling with dark blue eyes… eyes that many men have fallen for in a heartbeat, sometimes in less time than that.
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