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Dals new findings. (MxF, primarily)

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Dals Way

Jul 6, 2014
As I've been gone awhile and the old request thread needed a overall, decided to start fresh. Been roleplaying for maybe a decade now? Possibly more, but changes little, point is, I'm a experienced roleplayer. Personal details prefer to leave out, like to keep things separate, but up for making friends here as I go, anyway on to the rest of the thread.

I'll stick to either thread or PM's for roleplay, I'll never use any sort of IM, sorry, just ain't happening. Length and grammar I'm fairly easy on, just ask for enough to work with to reply, I'll do my best to give what I get.

Pairings I'd like to keep really to MxF, MxFuta is good too, but not MxM, not as the over all roleplay. I can do, and am quite happy to roleplay out MxM scenes, but I can't do a whole roleplay on it, sorry. Other than that I'm pretty open to anything kink wise, hard to make a list on that, so if you have anything more out there, best to ask, chances are I'll say yes.

With the whole DomxSub thing, I'm kinda a switch who leans towards Sub, but I'll o some Dom. I just ask not to focus on me being a Dom, not that great with it, so would be nice to do a mix of both ideally. On a similar note, plot/smut I can go either way, your preference I've played both ends quite happily.

Anyway, on with some ideas:
Superheroes: Perhaps a hero and their side kick(each role could be played by either) getting into various shenanigans.

D&D/Fantasy setting: A small party on their adventures, got a few plot ideas for this and of course open to suggestion.

Sci-Fi ship exploration: Similar to the above, but in SPACE!

Modern Day: Specific plots to be discussed, once again.

Labyrinth: An old idea I've played, if you've heard of Corruption of Champions then it is along those lines. A ancient dragon has set up a perverted dungeon where the prize is a unlimited wish.

Pokemon: One of the few fandoms I'll roleplay, mainly due to not needing to stick to characters. Pokephillia is of course optional.

Okay those were some very rough ideas I know, but I prefer to discuss things out. If you have an idea, let me know and we can figure something out I'm sure :)
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