For the Sake of the Empire? (Shadows & Higeki)


Jan 18, 2015
Esdeath strode into the throne room, holding her chest up proudly as she approached the Emperor. However, there was a faint trace of uneasiness present in her typically cold, sapphire eyes. Once she was standing a few feet before the royal child, she bent down on one knee and bowed her head in respect. "Word has reached my ears that you have captured one of the members of Night Raid."

A tiny smile formed on the young boy's lips, and he nodded in affirmation. "Yes. I believe his name is Tat... uhhh... Tat..." His face twisted in confusion as he attempted to remember the captive's name.

"Tatsumi?!" The female straightened up as the name instinctively left her lips, and her eyes lit up with a spark of passion. As I thought...

"Yes, that was it!" The Emperor snapped his fingers. The prime minister suddenly leaned over and whispered something into the young boy's ear. Moments later, the latter spoke up once more. "We were planning to interrogate him tonight regarding the plans and whereabouts of Night Raid."

"Is that so?" Esdeath clenched both of her fists. "If that's the case, then I have a request, My Lord."

"What is it?" The Emperor raised an eyebrow.

"Please allow me to be in charge of the interrogation." She placed a hand over her chest, bowing her head slightly.

"Very well." The young boy seemed to have no preference as to who performed the interrogation.

Esdeath blinked, and her eyes widened. She clearly wasn't expecting her superior to give in to her request so easily. Then again, he did seem to have a soft spot for her at times. "Thank-you, My Lord." She straightened up again, then turned around and departed from the throne room. A faint smile appeared on her lips as she made her way toward the dungeon.

Once she arrived in the underground chamber, it took her less than a minute to locate the cell where Tatsumi was being held. A sense of longing began to well up within her as she gazed at his motionless figure from in between the bars. He seemed to be unconscious, and his Imperial Arms had been confiscated.

After reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a set of keys. Although they all looked the same, she knew exactly which one belonged to each cell. Sliding one of the black metal objects into the keyhole, she turned it and slowly opened the door. Then, she bent down and placed a hand on the young man's shoulder as her cheeks began to rise in temperature. "I've been waiting for you, Tatsumi..." She whispered in an affectionate manner. Her personality had completely changed in his presence.

Carefully lifting the limp male into her arms, Esdeath carried him like a princess up to her room. When they were inside, she locked the door and laid him down on her bed. Afterward, she stepped over to her nightstand and fumbled around inside one of the drawers for a few moments. Eventually, she pulled out a pair of handcuffs and bound Tatsumi's wrists to the headboard. Sitting down beside him, she started to caress his right cheek. "You'll tell me everything I need to know, won't you?" She continued to speak in a soft tone, uncertain if he could hear her.
His eyes would start to flicker with signs of life as she caressed his cheek and heard a soft female voice in the distance. A low groan would pass through his parted lips as Tatsumi’s eyelids would slowly open, with the world around him gradually coming back into focus. The member of Night Raid would faintly remember the assassination mission on an important and crooked political supporter which ended in his staying behind to slow down the unexpected number of guards in order for the others to slip away. It was a dangerous move. One which ended in a numbers over skill defeat on his part, but still let the others slip away following a successful mission and Tatsumi’s own (ideally temporary) stay in a cold, harsh cell.

As such, with the feel of a warm bed beneath his battle weary body, Tatsumi had half-expected to see Mine or Akame as the one watching over him following a rescue mission. But once this mysterious figure came into focus, the young swordsman would instead be met with a rather surprising sight. “E-Esdeath?!” He blurted in surprise as his arms immediately tried to move, only to find themselves halted by the handcuffs. A glance up at his restraints, then another quick look around at his new surroundings, as the presently weakened Tatsumi gazed up at the blue haired beauty and inquired with a sense of reluctance to his voice, “What am I doing in here? The last time I regained consciousness I was locked away in a cell…”

Of course, Tatsumi was no stranger to some of Esdeath’s more… lurid, quirks. Nor was he quick to forget her past interest in himself. With these taken into account, he already had a vague idea on what might be happening here, even if the remaining cobwebs in his awakening head had caused him to voice that initial moment of innocent naivety on his part. Combined with how he quickly recognized that he was previously stripped of his Imperial Arms, and Tatsumi was left questioning whether this was better than if he were kept in a cell to deal with whatever the Empire originally had in mind until he was able to escape.

“I... I don’t suppose you brought me here to let me sneak away in the middle of the night, have you?” The younger male asked with a nervous half-smile; largely already knowing what the answer might be, yet couldn’t help but to inquire anyway as he gazed upward at the beautiful, if intimidating woman. This was somewhere between an erotic dream and a nightmare come to life.
Esdeath continued to stroke Tatsumi's cheek when she heard him groan. A barely audible sigh of bliss was released from her lungs as her eyes met those two emerald ones below her. Her hand teasingly slipped down from his cheek to his chest, and her mouth opened slightly.

"I'd say your circumstances have improved significantly since the last time you were conscious..." She remarked, leaning down until her lips were mere centimeters from touching his own. Her large bust was pressed right up against his chest. Upon hearing his second inquiry, she smirked slightly. "Why would I do that? The last time I let you slip through my fingers, it took months for us to be reunited." Her warm breath blew against his lips as she whispered.

Her hand continued to move lower, and it eventually slipped underneath his shirt. Her palm gently rubbed his stomach in a circular motion as she began to explain the situation. "I was ordered to interrogate you tonight, but I'm sure the Emperor wouldn't mind if I began early... just in case everything doesn't proceed as smoothly as I had planned." Her lips finally pressed against the young man's, and her eyes closed briefly. As she pulled away a few moments later, they reopened, and her cheeks turned a brighter shade of pink.

"You wouldn't deny me the information I require, would you?" She continued to rub his belly, tilting her head slightly to the right as she finally started the interrogation. "Where are the other members of Night Raid hiding?" She asked, and she was still using a gentle tone.
The restrained rebel reflected on how questionable it was that his circumstances had improved in any way since he was last conscious, although it was a little hard to not see the argument for it as Esdeath moved in closer until her considerable bust was pressed along his chest. Tatsumi felt his heart racing while her lips were held so teasingly close to his own, as the feel of her warmth breath caressing along his lips would cause a shiver to race throughout his body. “I was afraid you might say that…” He admitted in response to her answer; his own breath coming out to mingle with hers while brushing upon her lips, before he took in a sharp little gasp at feeling her hand beneath his shirt.

His eyes would start to harden their gaze slightly when Esdeath explained the situation, before growing wide at the feel of her lips finally meeting his own. “Mmmph!” Tatsumi let out within her mouth as he started to squirm beneath his interrogator. The kiss itself actually wasn’t bad. It was actually rather nice, and Tatsumi’s lips would even remain slightly parted from the liplock for a few seconds after she pulled away. No, it was the concern of what was coming after she got in these early signs of gentle affection which had kept the Night Raid member on edge.

Breathing heavily by now as he felt goose bumps along his skin where her hand continued to gently caress his stomach, Tatsumi would look up into Esdeath’s eyes as she began her line of questioning about the location of his allies. For however taken aback Tatsumi was over his current predicament, the younger male’s softly panting face took on a notably more determined expression when dealing with this subject. “You know I can’t give you that information.” He stated rather matter-of-factly, as his uncertainty started to be replaced with a steadfast resolve on not selling out his companions, “Even if the scenery for it has changed, you said it yourself that this is still an interrogation. And I wouldn’t sell them out to you any sooner than I would anybody else working on behalf of the Empire.”

One look into her captives eyes would tell anyone that he wasn’t going to budge on the subject anytime soon. That being said, Tatsumi still wasn’t looking forward to whatever it was his refusal to cooperate might entail, as his fingers curled into tightly wound fists in anticipation of whatever may come next.
Tatsumi's unwavering defiance caused Esdeath to sit up straight. Removing her hand from underneath his shirt, her affectionate expression suddenly hardened. "I see." Her voice had returned to its usual deep tone. "I had a feeling that would be the case." Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a dagger shortly. Then, she moved the blade down toward his neck. However, instead of cutting him with it, she began to slice through his sweater as well as the T-Shirt underneath it.

In a matter of seconds, she had completely cut through the garments on his upper body and removed them. Then, she returned the blade to her pocket and proceeded to adjust her captive's position. After flipping him over onto his stomach, she rose to her feet and walked over to her closet. She returned to the bed about thirty seconds later, tightly clutching a white whip. "Even if it's you, Tatsumi... I won't go easy on you." She warned him, fully knowing that he wouldn't heed her words.

Her eyes narrowed, seemingly devoid of emotion as she raised the whip and then cracked it down on the young man's bare back. The whooshing and slapping noises that reached her ears provoked no visible response from her. To Esdeath, this was just a normal part of life. She repeated the process several times, giving Tatsumi a thorough beating. It almost appeared as though each new strike landed with more force than the last. Before long, she would probably start breaking through his flesh.
The shift in her voice was expected, but it didn’t prevent the cold chill which promptly raced up his spine as she turned to making good on her word. The younger male’s eyes widened when she produced the dagger from her pocket, as he felt his heart racing when it came down toward his neck. The lack of flesh that it cut was appreciated, but Tatsumi was now left wondering what Esdeath had in mind as she went about cutting away at his garments in fairly short order. A look of temporary relief was expressed on his features when she put the dagger away, even if now his entire upper body was exposed to whatever came next, as his toned abdomen would slowly rise and fall with every heavy breath he took.

After she adjusted him into lying flat on his stomach, Tatsumi would crane his neck in an attempt at catching glimpses of what the older woman had in mind next. When she returned with the whip, he knew exactly what was about to come, as his fingers curled into the sheets beneath them in anticipation of the first lashing attack. “I know you won’t.” He replied, holding fast to his earlier words as he added, “I suppose we’re both going to do what we feel needs to be done...”

His fingers tightened their hold on her sheets, jaw clenched, as every muscle in his body tensed up seconds prior to feel the first crack of her whip. “Mnghhh!!” His muffled, shameful first cry of pain was stifled within his clenched jaw, as he managed to hold back a similar sound during the second crack. Or the third. And fourth. Mustering the strength to hold out, yet not finding it to be any easier as Tatsumi buried his face into her sheets while enduring the beating. Briefly, between a few of the lashes, he noted upon how the covers carried a touch of Esdeath’s scent. A rather nice scent, if one were to be honest, which served as a stark contrast to what was happening as his back grew red with the unyielding lashes along his flesh.

Before long, Tatsumi would start to feel a liquid starting to roll down in thin trails on the sides of his back, as the young man realized that her beating had managed to break through the skin. It brought to mind the fates of his original traveling companions, Sayo and Ieyasu, and how they horrifically met their ends after arriving in the Capital, yet never submitted. It helped to give him strength in not giving over so quickly to Esdeath’s lashings as his back grew to be decorated in a series of deep red markings; a number of which were glistening with crimson fluid which was also starting to splatter little by little onto the sheets due to the repeated impact of that whip.
Tatsumi's muffled pained noises seemed to make Esdeath more fired up. She continued to crack the whip down harder with each strike, hoping to coax some louder noises out of the male. His blood soon began to splatter in all directions, yet she still didn't relent. By the time her final, brutal stroke landed, her beautiful face was decorated with several droplets of scarlet.

Placing her whip atop the nightstand, she once again took a seat beside her victim. Then, she reached out and grabbed onto his chin, lifting his head to look at her. "Are you willing to tell me the information I require now, or shall we move on to round two?" She inquired in that same deep, heartless voice. However, her grasp on his chin was quite the contrary... it was gentle. Those two intense blue eyes locked on his own as if she were attempting to read his thoughts.

After a few seconds, she released his face and leaned down, whispering into his ear. "Depending on your response, I can give you either pain or pleasure..." Simultaneously, she stuck her index finger inside one of Tatsumi's open wounds and gently started to nip at his ear. Her finger began to explore that warm crimson crevice as she pulled away from his ear and decided to try a different form of pleasure. Blowing softly on the back of his neck, her eyes narrowed. "Well, Tatsumi... what will it be?"
Tatsumi allowed himself to relax those tensed and already throbbing muscles when Esdeath came to a halt in her whippings, but the damage was already done in terms of his back crying out in barely withheld pain from her lashings. The younger male didn’t offer much resistance when she grabbed onto his chin to lift his head into looking her face; his mouth slightly slacked with the sides of his lips slicked from the drying saliva which seeped out during those barely muffled noises. The contrast of her harsh tone and the gentle hold she had on his jaw hadn’t gone without notice, as his own eyes, already starting to show the faintest hints of watering, gazed into her own as she questioned him.

The gentle grasp on his jaw, along with her whisper into his ear, were almost oddly comforting for Tatsumi in moments of weakness where he’d seek any sort of relief from the pain. Then her finger dug into one of his opened wounds, causing his panting face to tense up in a showing of the fresh pain, as the rest of his body tensed in turn and tried to shift itself away from her finger to little success. Despite this steady, throbbing source of pain, Tatsumi did let slip a very light gasp of something other than discomfort over the initial feel of Esdeath’s teeth nipping at his ear before starting to blow softly over his neck.

These contrasting sensations were perhaps worse than if he were simply left to somebody intent on delivering straight punishment to his body, as Tatsumi gave a sharp pull on his cuffs while the older woman’s finger explored his wound. “Esdeath, I’m…” The younger male started to respond, a sharp jolt of pain causing him to rather painfully bite his lower lip to stifle a cry, as he looked up at her while his head rested flat upon her bed, “I’m not.… changing…. my answer.…“ His voice came out labored due to the amount of pain he was already feeling from her whippings and now prodding at the fresh wounds. The look in his eyes continuing to hold onto that previous spirit set against selling out his friends, albeit with that stare seeming less intense due to the pain now flowing through his body.
"Very well. You've brought this torment upon yourself, Tatsumi." Esdeath removed her finger from the young man's wound and once again rose to her feet. Returning to her closet, she began searching through a collection of glass jars that were stored there. After pondering over her choices for nearly a minute, she finally chose one and carried it under her arm as she returned to the bed. Setting the transparent cylinder on the night stand, she took a seat beside her victim once more. Then, she started to undo his belt. In a matter of seconds, she had removed his pants and boxers, tossing them onto the floor to join his ruined shirts.

At times, this woman seemed to have no shame. Her cheeks appeared to be a faint shade of pink as she reached out again, cupping the male's testicles in her right palm. A few seconds later, she squeezed them firmly, but not hard enough to cause any permanent damage. Without having any second thoughts, she was stealing away every last inch of his innocence.

Her eyes soon glanced over at the clear jar. Within the glass walls, a strange, large worm was squirming about. It was bright yellow and covered in purple spikes. Upon catching a glimpse of this creature, there could be no doubt in anyone's mind that it was poisonous. "Have you ever seen one of those before, Tatsumi? They are extremely rare, yet I managed to locate one." Her voice was still deep, and it sounded rather proud as she spoke of her accomplishment.
The bound captive felt his heart racing as he tried not to let his imagination get carried away on what Esdeath may have in store for him next as she searched through her closet. When she returned, Tatsumi’s focus was immediately pulled away from the container she brought with her as she then went about removing the last of his clothing. “H-Hey! What are you…” He started to protest as his legs attempted to struggle to little use; finding that his earlier defeat and time in the cell, along with the fresh whipping which left his back a bloodied mess had still drained a lot of the fight from his body.

Lying there, Tatsumi modestly attempted to press his legs together in an attempt at decency, only to have Esdeath reach in to take hold of his sensitive testes. Looking over his shoulder, the younger male silently prayed for her to be gentle, only to have that non-spoken plead go unanswered as she squeezed at his sack. “Mmgh!!” He let out through gritted teeth as his entire body suddenly stiffened and quivered in place a the applied pressure; finding himself starting to harden at the attention there despite himself, as his semi-erect cock began to press rather uncomfortably into the mattress beneath him.

Letting out a gasp of relief when she let go, his eyes would inevitably follow her gaze as she looked to the clear container, which caused Tatsumi’s face to immediately show signs of concern and fear for his safety. The younger male didn’t answer her question, but despite this being the first time he’d seen one of these creatures, he could certainly recognize the dangerous signs of this creature and the possible implications of her bringing it out now. “You’re… You’re going to poison me?” He let out with a voice of genuine surprise at this revelation, before finally clicking, at least to an extent, on how her removing his pants after bringing out this creature may be related.

“W-Wait, why do I have to be naked for this part?!” Tatsumi blurted out, his cuffed hands starting to pull at their restraints in a desperate bid at freeing himself, as he displayed the first showing of a true break in his previously firm hold against giving Esdeath the desired reactions to her torture. “There’s no point to any of this… I’m not giving you the information you want!” The young man would reassert with a voice which showed conviction behind those words, yet very clearly was nervous about what she had in store for him next.
After hearing Tatsumi's first inquiry, a smirk formed on Esdeath's lips. "Don't worry, Tatsumi. This creature's poison isn't strong enough to kill a human... usually." Reaching out, she grabbed onto the jar as well as a pair of metal tongs that were laying beside it. Then, she slowly twisted the lid off the top of the jar and set it aside. "You will merely experience a high fever, and the toxins will also strengthen your pain receptors." Using the tongs, she reached inside the cylinder and picked up the worm. As she pulled the creature out of its container, her lips once again parted in response to the second inquiry. "I believe the reason for that should be obvious... if not, I shall leave it up to your imagination..." With her free hand, she spread apart Tatsumi's puckered cheeks in order to gain access to that particular entrance.

"Yes, I realize that. Therefore, I must deal out punishment. Is that really such a strange fate for a prisoner who refuses to cooperate?" The sadistic woman moved the squirming creature closer and closer to that small hole. "You'll feel several stinging sensations very soon." She was at least giving him the courtesy of warning him about his imminent pain... but that was probably more of a curse than a blessing in this case.

As soon as those words left her lips, the blue-haired female started to push the protesting creature inside the male's small entrance. When it was about halfway inside him, she caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of her eye. A small damp spot was forming on the bed underneath her captive, and she could see the pink, pulsating tip of something sticking out from beneath his figure. "Now... don't tell me you're actually a masochist, Tatsumi..." Did Esdeath just attempt to make a joke? With the tiny smirk still present on her face, she continued to push the creature further inside with her tongs until it had been completely swallowed up by his bottom.
Her words did little to assuage the younger males’ fears as he squirmed in place while watching her remove the slimy creature and bring it closer towards his restrained body. Feeling her hand moving to spread apart his firm cheeks for the creature, Tatsumi would try to squirm around in hopes of making what came next that much harder of a ask for her to accomplish. His efforts were for naught, however, as that poisonous worm was inched closer and closer to his vulnerable entrance, with the captive Night Raid member registering everything Esdeath was saying, yet only being able to ebb out a desperate, “…please… don’t….”

Unfortunately, any such pleas for her to stop would go unheeded, as Tatsumi suddenly stiffed up at the feel of the disgusting creature being forced into his puckered hole. “Ngh!!” He’d let out with teeth clenched at the combination of being violated by this disgusting creature, along with the initial stings of its poisonous spikes. Tatsumi felt a sinking feel in the pit of his stomach when he looked back to see the creature sill stick out partway from his puckered bottom, as any attempts at clenching down to stop the worm only resulted in a sharper sting of pain from its spikes.

It was about then that Esdeath drew attention to the males shameful arousal, which caused Tatsumi to give a brief flush before turning his head away to bury it into her sheets. “Y-You’re wrong!” He let out, genuinely not wanting this, yet not being able to fully deny the strange response the treatment was having on his body. With the creature pushed forward until it squirmed itself in the rest of the way, Tatsumi was left with the strange and incredibly uncomfortable sensation of the prickly worm squirming around inside of his body. “Take it out, Esdeath!!” He let out through gritted teeth, squirming about himself upon her bed, as his lower body shook in place as if somehow hoping this would discourage the creature into working its way back out.

The creature was hurting Tatsumi, to be certain, but the cursed thing was also starting to stimulate the male in ways he’d never experienced prior. The worm was actually hitting his prostate on occasion, which at least offered some relief from the stinging sensations he was otherwise experiencing, if only it didn’t come from a very unwanted source. His eyes started to water at this mixture of sensations, as his breathing grew ever labored as he fidgeted about on the woman’s bed. To make matters worse, whether it was the effects of the poison already starting or a placebo result of Esdeath’s words, it did seem as if those previously made lash markings were already starting to throb with a renewed sense of pain along his back.
Esdeath's cheeks became a bit redder as she watched Tatsumi squirm around uncomfortably on her bed. The sound of his heavy breaths was having an effect on her own body. She was feeling a bit tingly, and a clear liquid started seeping out from one of her lower areas. Leaning down and pressing her two large breasts against the male's injured back, she started to whisper into his ear again. "I refuse. This creature is affecting you more than I anticipated..." Her voice had become gentle once again, and her stern expression softened. Setting her tongs down, she caressed his exposed right cheek. "You can feel it, can't you? The inexplicable sensation of bliss that it's giving you..."

The sadistic female was no longer torturing her victim for the sake of the interrogation. She appeared to be genuinely enjoying herself. The things that aroused her certainly weren't normal. Sighing in a content manner, she pressed her lips against Tatsumi's neck in a few different places. Her breathing was also becoming slightly irregular as her own stimulation continued to increase. The damp spot in her panties grew larger with each passing second, and before long, her entire crotch was smothered in the sticky fluid.

Sitting up a bit shakily, Esdeath moved her hand slightly and started tracing the young man's circular entrance with her index finger. "Embrace it, Tatsumi... embrace everything you're feeling right now..." As she spoke, her eyes instinctively glanced back at the erection under her victim's body.
In almost any other situation, the sensation of a woman like Esdeath embracing one from behind while cuffed to their bed may have been heavenly. For Tatsumi, it was a source of considerable pain, as his body arched into her slightly due to the resulting friction of her clothed bosom rubbing along his freshly marred back. “B-Bliss?!” He let out in surprised confusion on how she could take what he was feeling as anything other than agony, as he tried to pant out, “I-It hurts!! Like nothing I… I’ve ever…” His voice would trail off as another sharp sensation caused by the worm hitting his prostate caused the male to partially bury his face into the sheets while letting out a silent cry.

The feel of Esdeath’s lips searching along his neck only added to the conflicting sensations which were ravaging the younger male’s body. He could tell she was enjoying this in ways beyond a professional manner, which both a confliction of emotions in the pain ravaged rebel. When she sat up a bit, Tatsumi would find he surprisingly missed the feel of her body pressed into his own. It was at least something to feel other than the continued violation of his body by the squirming worm which was poking and scratching away at his virgin hole, as the captured Night Raid member trembled and squirmed around on Esdeath’s bed as he felt her finger moving toward his recently penetrated entrance.

“I… I refuse to… to even…” He tried to let out as she spoke of somehow embracing everything he felt, only for another nudge of that spikey hide against his prostate to silence any protests as his head shot up and his back arched almost violently. This time the resulting scream was anything but silent, as his head flopped down to lying on its side, which unintentionally allowed Esdeath a nice view of his tear and drool streaked features. His hair was a mess at this point, with beads of perspiration along his forehead, making for quite the sight.

Panting away as his body continued to tremble and shake while the worm ravaged him and Esdeath’s finger teased at his entrance, Tatsumi started to wonder if she was correct on his enjoying this treatment. It was hard to continue denying the notion as he felt his shameful erection rubbing rather uncomfortably along her sheets while his lower body squirmed around on the bed. The tip of his cock was even glistening with precum as his hips rose to inadvertently give her a better view of that engorged organ. Tatsumi really did question if he was perhaps a masochist deep down inside, as he let out another vocal groan of pained pleasure from the creatures continued violations.
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