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Nov 9, 2014
"We need to find another planet to call home." A man told his surperior.
The woman looked up from where she was seated and nodded. Her legs were crossed delicately over her form, gently kicking one leg out as she looked to her underling. "I am well aware of that, Trandou." She said softly. She slowly rose from the throne where she was seated. The entire hall had been crafted of bones. These bones were collected from their enemies then forged together to build the throne, as well as the rest of the colony. Each of the houses were built of the same bone like structure that their queens throne was built from. This particular colony had a mistress named Sanan. Sanan's species was fantastically skilled at hunting, stalking, and ripping appart its prey. With cat-like bodies and huge muscular jaws, they could destroy anything that came into their path. Sarence glanced back at the throne then looked to her left. "Daedric..." She said, calling to her husband. A large tiger looked up from the ground and clicked a couple of noises at her. She nodded. "Stay here, As leader of the military I shall go prepare to investigate the near-by planets... you, my love, rule in my absence. If I do not send word to you in 3 months time, find me." The black cat with green, yellow, and red markings stood and put his muzzel into her hand. "I will be fine my love." She said, gently stroking her hand over her mates large head, her claws massaging his skull. "It's time we move. Our young have been dying for too long, at this rate we will not last long. I will build up a colony on another planet and send word back here if it is successful. Give me 3 months." She said, repeating the time period. Doing so seemed to make the large cat whimper, a small attest to his annoyance. He complied however, not having another choice as she was the one that was in charge. He watch mournfully as his mate stalked out of the room, to the doors.

Sarence's paws crushed un-settled peices of bone into their places. Their colony was entirely constructed out of the corpses of their foe. Each time their species killed someone, or tortured someone, they would lop off a peice of the body as a trophy and seal it into place in the colony. This was until they had wiped all of the other species from their planet, and the ones they didn't wipe out they had enslaved, working for them on the mining locations across the planet. Those that didn't mine were put into forced breeding, where they would create new bones for the enclosure. This, to Sarence, was a normal day-to-day occurance. People that weren't her species deserved to be tortured for their will and desires to be acomplished, a means to an end one might say. She had no sympathy for those that came into their territory uninvited. If they didn't come in, they wouldn't be captured, that was how she saw it. She didn't realize the hypocracy when was going to be commiting, going to a planet uninvited, she was asking for karma to bite her in the ass.

She made her way to her ship, but just before entering it she was stopped by the tiger at her leg. He didn't stay a tiger long, shifting his form into a naked male form in front of her. "Mistress..." he said softly. "Please, take others with you... I beg you..."
She looked at him, usually she would kill anyone to challange her, but in this case he was her mate, regardless how many actual sexual-mates she had, she would listen. Turning from him she walked back into their hive, shifting her form to screech at them. The hive soldiers looked over from their posts and she screeched again. They all shifted and followed after her. She was taking 6 total with her, 5 other males, they should be okay togehter.
"We will send word if it's in habitable. Three months." She said to her mate, nuzzling him. She was talking to him in a series of clicks and screeches that only their species understood. He nodded and wished her luck, watching her board with the other 5 on the ship before it took off. He stepped back getting blasted by the exhast as he watched it rocket off. He returned to the hive, instructing them to prepare to attack earth in three months time if the queen did not return.


It took 2 weeks for them to arrive at the planet earth, their ship had to travel three galaxies in order to make it to earth. They were from extremely far away, it was cold where they lived but they could easily adapt.

Sarence brought the ship down to the earth, just outside a place that seemed to her to be a giant grey rock. A large one at that. She slowly landed the ship and all of the men and the queen who boarded the ship at the planet. They exited and started to walk along the sandy ground.
"I can breathe..." One of them said.
Sarence nodded. "Yes... toxicity level 4%..." She said, tasting the air. "Perfect for breeding..."
They went on to look around, one digging at the ground. "The ground is dead." He said.
"At least it is here..." Sarence retorted.

Meanwhile, in the city they had seen the ship land on radar. Their system was able to read a UFO and when it landed they were already sending crews out to investigate, with weapons of all sorts. Before Sarence and friends knew it, they were sorrounded. The crew instantly went into fight mode, lunging and tearing appart armor to toss it asside and rip the crucial elements of human life straight from the body of the men. A few of the members were caught easily, a couple of them put up a fight though and all of them took a lot of gas to knock out. Sarence however was a different story, as a queen she was stronger and larger than all of her other comrads, becoming queen wasn't a birthright. She fought tooth and nail for it. It took a lot to bring sarence down, arrows through her bones, daggers in her flesh, and even when she was brought to the ground finally, with struggle, she still didn't give in, thrashing and snarling as her comrades were carried off. She screeched and attempted to pull free but the main hunter lunged onto her and slammed a dagger through the top of her muzzle, through the bottom.She snarled and ripped her head from his hands and grabbed his arm in her mouth and snapped it clean off. The man recoiled and fell over, thrashing as he lost a lot of blood. The remaining hunters slammed the dagger through her muzzel again quickly turning it underneath her chin so she couldn't yank it out, they curled the blade so that opening her mouth would only dig it deep into her throat. She thrashed her tail and continued to struggle as they subdued her and her hive. They used chains to bind her and drag her onto the carrier, along with her pack members, towards the city. They had an underground entrance that they took her into, dragging her up through it towards the inside of the science docking bay that was at the beginning of the lab entrance. They took them in and put them in the gas chamber to completely knock them out so they could fassion chambers to keep them in. Sarence however was another thing all together. Sarence would need to be restrained differently. Being she was the queen of the hive, she had everything - where as her comrades only had one of each of the elements within them. There was only one female - Sarence. Each Hive had but one and killed off the others if they were born. A hive queen could last a thousand years, there was no need for the other females.

"Well now, what are you, all those wounds and you're not dead... How intriguing." An older man with glasses on and a bald head took out a clipboard and started documenting everything about the creature. "Hey, Samsmon, come over here and check out this thing they found." ((This would be the scientist that is the "ass kisser" of the leader))
A man dressed in Khaki's a white t-shirt and a lab coat walked over. "Well I'll be, what in the world is it?"
Another man walked in and was washing blood from his hands with a wet towel. "That ain't from our world." He said. "Best lock it up and figure out the best way to stop it from killing us, it's strong." He'd seen these creatures before, only once though, and only back when he worked with area 15 in the CIA. Jason was an ex-gov official, he heard about this project and after losing all faith in the corruption that was the government, decided to throw his future into the project they had going. He washed blood from his hands and grabbed some gloves made of titanium chain mail. An advancement in the human-age somewhere around year 2800. He slipped it on his hands and walked over to her, careful of her large fangs. "God damn, her teeth are larger than my forearm! I've never seen one THIS big before... She must be the queen." He said, looking at them, he pushed at the tooth and she snarled, a somewhat alien-screech type snarl with some type of clicking sound in it. "Hm. Seems Titanium is going to be our best bet." Jason said. "Samson, go melt down some titanium, we need shackles for this beast."
Samson took off and returned momentarily. They started to go about the process of moving her from the painful contraption that was created by the arrows and chains, to slightly more comfortable but stronger holding devices that would surely keep her in place. When they were done they had a chain around her feet, waist, chest, neck, muzzle and midsection. She was forced in a standing position by the metal stand that was attached at her midsection, like a little statue. Her eyes darted around, looking at all the human signatures in the room. Little did they know, titanium stopped her ability to perform her psychic commands, or all of these men would be swimming in vats of acid, willingly. She snarled into the muzzle. Jason walked up and fastened a spacer of Titanium between her jaws, forcing her mouth open so they could examine here just a bit more easily. He looked at her mouth and his eyes widened slightly. "Hey, Samson, get me a Cup." He said. Samson did as he was asked. Jason put a piece of plastic over the cup, pressed the cup to her fang and pushed at her gum. As he had imagined, she had venom in her fangs. "Hm. Interesting..." He looked at the venom and it didn't take but a couple of seconds for that one drop of venom to eat through the plastic and then fall onto his leg, eating straight through his leg and through the floor below. It happened so fast that his scream was after it was already in the ground. He dropped the cup and convulsed in pain. Sarence looked at him as if she was happy to see the bastard in pain. Jason thrashed on the ground as the medical team rushed in to escort him out, followed by the leader of the facility to come look at their new experiment.
RE: Is Research really worth death? - me and duke

"She's already maimed one of our men, I'll be damned if I let another one of us be injured because they didn't know to take the proper precautions!"

The bald man in a labcoat and thick glasses was livid. It was the first time they had caught a specimen this big in centuries and already they had issues. Containing the large female's entourage had been fairly easy for their men, but containing her was a much bigger challenge. They already had dented a significant portion of their titanium supply just for her and they barely had enough to also contain her escorts. The creatures they had captured could have changed the fate of humanity, but it would do no good if some other government agency thought that they were spending too much for a project that would give them no return whatsoever. As his heavy boots carried him into the room he stood next to Jason as the medical team went over him and watched the acid eat away at his leg. The boss waved his hand away and looked disgusted as the medical team lifted Jason onto a gurney and then carted him off for possible surgery. "This thing better give us results!" Turning back towards the subordinates that had followed him he glowered at them. "I want you two to do whatever it takes to find out how the hell she regenerates so damn quick!" He stormed off and left the two along with the other lackeys and the creature.

One of the men following, one dressed in a black lab coat and balding hair sneered at the creature. Running a glossy black glove along his smooth head and staring with yellow eyes he took a scalpel and approached. Without warning he jabbed it right below where her ribcage should be and then dragged it along her belly seemingly disemboweling her. With a smirk he watched as the flesh healed itself and didn't even leave a scar. He did it again and again and again and each time he smiled as the flesh knitted itself back to a perfect form. Circling around her body he continued to stab and slash and cut as many places as he could and simply watched the flesh heal. "Fascinating. I can do this all I want and she simply regenerates the damaged tissue!" The voice was trembling with excitement and a bit of haughtiness as he circled around to her backside. Grabbing her tail he yanked it up revealing her backside as he licked at the blade of the scalpel. "I wonder if her regenerative energy also applies to her womb as well?"

"L-Leave her be! We're here to do research, not toy with the specimen, Jaeger!" The man with brown shaggy hair and glasses stepped forward finally clutching a tablet with both arms. Jaeger turned to him with a wild look in his eye and he stepped towards him. The one who challenged him stared with passion in his eyes and the man in the dark lab coat finally backed away and bowed in false deference to him. Approaching the creature he looked at it in awe and smiled with excitement in his heart. "H-Hello, I'm Alexander. I don't know if you can understand me, but we're here to study you." Looking back at Jaeger he swallowed then turned his attention back towards the creature. "I apologize for my colleague. He gets... excited when it comes to doing exams on creatures. Don't worry, I don't intend to do the work like he does, I prefer more painless methods, but I still have to do it. So forgive me for now. What I do is for the betterment of my people." "Why the hell are you wasting your time, Alex? It's not like these animals can understand us!" Jaeger was preparing a series of saws and syringes to collect tissue and fluid samples for them to experiment on and examine. "I'm sure she can. If she's a queen then she's the smartest and deadliest of them all. I think the being under her thrall must be amazing."

One of the scientists rolled in one of the males strapped to a gurney. The black and white colored beast roared loudly, his claws extending and tearing into the metal but not enough to free him from entrapment. They rolled the gurney in front of the queen and began jabbing the smaller one with cow prods, long sticks with high-powered tasers that produced enough juice to kill a man and knock most animal unconscious. Jaeger then approached and started up a large saw once used for cutting wood and approached with a big smile on his face. Alexander approached the female with a set of metal prongs attached by a long wire to a readout instrument. Once they were in place it began. The sound of spinning metal tearing through flesh filled the air along with the screeches and howls of pain as the male had his ribs cut open and cut his way into the internal organs with blood spilling in all directions. Alexander grimaced at this and then jammed the prongs into the queen's spine before turning to gauge her reaction to the killing. There was an incredible amount of carnage happening, but Alex had to watch her reaction despite this. Gingerly he reached out and touched her foreleg, as if trying to comfort her through all this. "It'll be alright. Your sacrifices will help my people. You must believe that."
RE: Is Research really worth death? - me and duke

Her treatment and current caging was excruciating. They had her held up on a table where she wasn't able to move much as they could perform whatever tests they wanted to, or so they though. During the course of his investigation, each time that they cut into her she dripped more acid onto the table, slowly making the table weaker and weaker. Her acidic blood was eating away at the delicate metal of the table beneath her. She snarled and clicked as the man cut into her, feeling her stomach rip open, then her shoulder, neck, back, and whatever else the man decided to cut into. She was left panting and her tail thrashing as she attempted to grab him. It wasn't till the man came into the room that she narrowed her eyes on a single form, rather than everyone in the room. Her eyes were oval shaped. They had 3 lids, one inner one which was more of a film that she could close or open at will, a second layer which was completely translucent and closed from side to side instead of up and down like the first layer, then a 3rd layer which was actually 2 layers that were thin but incredibly protective. This layer closed over itself twice, once from the side, and once from up and down. The first layer was to keep dirt out of her eyes during dust storms, the second was to protect her eyes while under water and let her not have to blink in order to look around and the third was impenetrable, not by a knife, and not by anything else known to humans. This third layer, like her flesh was heavily armor'd, the outside of her flesh were scales, overlapping and very strong scales. Through these scales her fur stuck through. If one wasn't looking for it, they wouldn't see the scales at all it would just look like fur the way it pushed out between the scales. She could shift this form into several different ones, but due to the titanium she didn't have much of a chance at shifting to these different forms.

The man moved behind her and was about to shove the knife into her when another man walked in and warned him not to. It was a good thing he did, in fact, because Sarence had just lifted her tail and squeezed it tightly around the mans neck, choking the life from him through any protection he might have been wearing. She snarled as they released her tail from his neck, securing her tail rather cruelly to the table, drilling a screw straight through it, another mistake as the acid from her blood started to again eat at the table slowly. Her eyes locked on the man that was rolling in one of her underlings. She clicked a noise to him just before the blade met with his flesh. Her eyes locked on the male and she pulled free of her contraption quickly enough to scare them, but not quickly enough to allow them to escape unharmed. The only thing that remained on her was the muzzel in her mouth, which she would deal with. The table collapsed under her after a couple of slashes towards a weak spot with her claws, and she was free. As she lunged towards the scientist that was hurting the male, a bullet collided with her skull. It only went in a little bit but it dazed her enough to send her reeling backwards for a moment, her tail thrashing wildly, sending her acidic blood all around the room from her earlier wound. Soldiers faceted with titanium armor quickly flooded the room and shoved the scientists out.

They were able to finally subdue her and bind her in full titanium. Screws through her muzzle into a titanium mouth piece, the back part shoved down her throat ending in a ring to open up her throat forcefully, and the bottom part looping over her tongue with another plate holding her tongue down so it couldn't be used as a weapon. Her tail was chopped off and a titanium cast was fitted onto the end, forcing it to stop regrowing. Her paws were placed into casts and melted titanium was poured into them, the smell of singed fur filling the air. Once they were complete, once removed she would still have paws, but they would be covered in the metal so that she couldn't claw them to death. Once finished, they finally let the scientists come back into the room to look at her. The amount of security required to keep the female was enormous.
She stared at them making low growling noise, most of her noise having been cut off by the device shoved so painfully into her mouth. She was shackled to the floor this time, no mistake of a table. Titanium also seemed to be the only metal that her blood didn't melt, so it was used as a floor covering and bolted into the stone floor below.
RE: Is Research really worth death? - me and duke

It had been painful for Alexander to watch them do all those things to the queen. Such a majestic creature maimed and now clad in metal in order to protect themselves from the abilities that she had. Each of them now received new clothes laced with titanium that would offer some protection from any blood splatter which was sure to happen when did collected samples or experimented. Jaeger was beside himself with excitement at the prospect of cutting into her more and not having to worry about a repeat incident of her getting away because of the acidic blood in her veins. He had already cut up a male in the corner of their examination room, the same male they had attempted to cut up earlier before the queen's rude interruption into their examination. The corpse had been left there in a bloody heap, the scientists picking through bones and organs trying to find anything special as they hauled away parts of the skeleton for further examination.

Jaeger had a big grin on his face as he waded through the blood that stained the floor and was glad that he wasn't melting into a puddle of goo. Each of his cutting tools was soaked in the blood of the male he had practically slaughter, a strange smell much different from iron filled the air. Alex had been by the queen the entire time filling syringes with samples of her own blood and also prodding in places to gather what fluids he could collect. From what he figured, he had probably gotten some fluids from most of the major organs that they had been able to detect with a scan. However, his superiors needed him to do more invasive surgeries in order to really take a look at what was going on under all that skin and fur. Standing next to her he ran a hand along her side as if trying to soothe her. "I'm sorry that we have to do this, but I need to do this to learn about you. You're a leader, you should understand that. Doing things to save one's people?" He ran the scalpel down along her spine and peeled the skin apart to reveal the bone and connective tissue underneath it. Grabbing a syringe he shoved it into her spine and drew out some of the fluid before placing it back onto a tray.

The more sadistic of the two approached the queen with an even larger syringe and came straight at her from the front. "Why do you bother with the spinal fluid? If we can tap right into the brain it'll be an even clearer sample!" Alex scowled at him and shook his head. "We shouldn't do that. We don't want to impair her cognitive functions if we can help it. Drawing from her brain might do irreparable damage." Jaeger simply ignored him as he grabbed a separate drill. Spinning it up he reached forward and jammed it between her eyes and pushed it trying to get into her skull. The bone was incredibly thick and he could see smoke coming out from the hole he was trying to drill in her head. It would probably take multiple attempts for Jaeger to get in, but he would get into there eventually.

Alex continued to collect samples, but kept his hand running against the queen trying to keep her calm and sooth her despite the violent maiming that was happening to her. He knew that she would regenerate any wounds that were inflicted, but that did not mean that he enjoyed any of it. It was purely scientific, but part of him also felt bad that he was defiling such a beautiful creature. Each time he collected some muscle tissue, a scale, or fluid he sang an old French song to her. A lullaby he once knew that soothed him as a child. Perhaps it would help to sooth her even through this most trying of times.
RE: Is Research really worth death? - me and duke

Sarence put up with her own torture for long enough, when they started to dice up the male she started to thrash, spitting acid from her mouth using a pocket under her forked tongue to do so. She used any part of her body she could to attack the guys around her, they had to secure her multiple times and hope that she couldn't get loose, but she did quite a few times, shooting acid from her tongue until her head was fully secured and her mouth was secured with a ring around it to keep her muzzle shut. They were kinda stupid though and didn't secure it correctly, not using titanium to do so, and she snapped it only to have them learn from this and quickly secure her with titanium plates in her mouth on the top and bottom, shoving them down her throat so it was holding her throat open with a ring that was attached inside. of her mouth to stop her from moving her tongue, on top of all of this she had another ring at the entrance of her mouth that held her mouth open, connected to another ring that was on the entrance but on the outside, that held her mouth still.

Through these a bold was screwed through the bone into all 6 plates of metal. It left her eyes watery and her mouth dry from exposure. She watched as they killed her comrade and she wasn't able to do anything about it. She snarlled and attempted to free herself, but to no avail, they had finally secured her perfectly. One of the men cut into her back taking spinal fluid, the other had a more direct method and she felt a bit against her forehead ripping flesh and burning the bone. She screeched in pain and the other 4 males screeched back, Finally, the bone gave way and they drilled straight into her brain, causing her extreme amounts of pain and her vision went black. She wished her body would let her pass out, but she wasn't that lucky.
RE: Is Research really worth death? - me and duke

The new restraints and the rings and plates securing her mouth certainly helped them as Jaeger continued to drill through the flesh of her brain, metal spun and stirred up flesh for a few moments before he finally pulled it out and looked at the drill bit coated with significant levels of brain matter. While he would have continued to drill further to see how long it took before the creature passed out, but they needed her awake in order to run more tests. Part of it was to test the pain threshold and also to see how she responded to the males being tortured or killed. The response so far was on par, but there also sensors being used to pick up any strange signatures from between her mind and the males. Jaeger took a large needle and jabbed it into the hole he had drilled and pulled as much brain matter and blood from it before the wound could be healed.

"Hey!" The voice of their boss came over the intercom called out to them as some of the unoccupied scientists turned their attentions up. "Alex, I need you to test her breedability. Some in the ministry are asking to see if we can breed weapons from her. Take as many samples as you can." The scientist's eyes grew wide as he filed away another blood sample along with the spinal fluid sample he had collected earlier. Jaeger simply laughed as he sliced into the queen's gum line trying to find the venom sacs that fed into her teeth and collect them. "You always get the fucking fun jobs! Oh well, at least I'll enjoy myself carving up this bitch!"

Alexander grimaced as he put on an arm length glove, coated it with lubricant then approached with a syringe clutched in his hand. Coming up from the rear he started to lube her vaginal opening (or what he assumed was her vaginal opening) then shoved his arm as deep as he could until he hit was he assumed was most likely her womb. It was incredibly hot and tight and he was probably almost to the shoulder as he struggled to get his arm in position to use the needle. Finally he jabbed it into her womb and did his best to draw in a fluid sample into the syringe then pulled out, blood, lubricant and other fluids coated his arm. He patted her on her backside as if approving of the fact that he still had a limb attached to his shoulder. "Creating weapons? I thought we were just here to learn how to stop them and prevent humanity from dying? Why do we need more weapons?" He walked away to file away his report while Jaeger returned with a sledgehammer.

"Time to take a sample of some of those teeth! Maybe it's time to defang the bitch!" He raised it back and then brought it down to smack against her jaw. There was a crack of the sledge against her flesh and bone, and Jaeger smiled as he kept swinging at her and hitting her in the mouth while also being careful not to loosen the metal plates bolted into her mouth. Small cracks were starting to form after a while and bits of teeth were coming out, but he wanted a while fang so he continued to swing.

Returning from filing away his samples, he grabbed a speculum and then returned to opening her vaginal entrance. Categorizing each and every detail down, he then started cutting into her now opened channel to collect tissue samples and also samples of any fluids that she might be excreting. He disagreed with breeding her to create more of them on Earth, but orders were orders and he could disagree with them but he would rather he try to be somewhat humane rather than let Jaeger do it.
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