Elvish Turmoil (Me & muhaku2)

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Feb 11, 2015

She said yes. The giddiness that filled the king upon hearing those words peaked, and he felt almost like a child in his joy, if even for a moment. The emotion could have not been any more raw, at least until she continued, explaining her current condition to him. "A child, really?" he asked her, barely above a whisper, shock replacing a huge grin. Of course, Thranduil had hoped beyond hope for another child since they had lain together, but the verility of his lover could not help but give him pause.

"That's... that's great news!" he finally finished after a moment, stepping in close to reach out for his stomach. His new excitement sent shocks through his fingertips as he covered her hands in his, and he smiled back at her knowingly while she spoke of her friend and his needs. He nodded when she finished, thoughtful, yet slow to speak.

"I know not how to help someone with such a hole in his heart, but if it will make my Queen happy, there is nothing I would not do. Just speak for his needs, and they will be as law," he said supportively, before gripping her hand, and pulling her towards him for a kiss. "Now is not a time for such concerns, though. We have much to celebrate first, then you can be a Queen tomorrow."


She allowed him to pull her towards himself and she looked up into his eyes before she bit her bottom lip. She kissed him back once more when he kissed her but she didn't feel too comfortable at the moment. "Thranduil, we have not one the war though. My Uncle's supporter Orcs are still out there and I have a daemon that I have to worry about." she said and rested her head against his chest. "Malerk may be dead but....its all far from over." she said and looked away as she stared down at the floor as tears came to her eyes but she wiped them away. "I can not fully celebrate until all the Orcs, the daemon are wiped out." she whispered as she touched her stomach tightly and grit her teeth together not sure she wanted to celebrate now.

"What do you mean a Queen? What do you mean celebrate...you mean tonight Thranduil? Its so late." she said shutting one eye before she grasped gently onto his armor covered chest and let out a small sigh. She felt pain still from her wounds but they had been healed the best that the healers could have done. "I think it would be best for me to late down for a bit longer, I don't want to stress my body out." Theora said as she began to help Thranduil remove his armor as a shiver ran down her spine. Thranduil was so handsome and in the light of the fire she wanted nothing more than to hold him close but she wondered what kind of things that he had to do that night but she said nothing of it.

Thranduil could feel that she was still nervous, she was still worried and that she was uncertain about celebrating. Theora moved when his armor was off and sat down on Thranduil's bed and stared back over at the fire. "Are you sure its a good idea for me to be in your room?" she said raising her brow. To him, however he would be able to see that she was just teasing him. She lay back down on the bed of his and closed her eyes feeling to tired to remove anymore clothing from herself, she still had her boots on her feet. Theora laughed slightly and tried to get into the celebrating mood but it just wouldn't come to her, she wanted nothing more than to be back out there searching for her Uncle's men.


He knew she would not want to do much, and he would insist on a more agressive way of spending their time if it were not for the grime of battle that stirred within their minds. True rest and joy was still going to be a long road away, but for now he would give her all he was able. That meant a slow approach, pulling off the boots from her toned calves with a soft tug, exposing more of her slinder flesh to his prying eyes. He repeated the process, and smirked as he pointed to a bottle of her people's vintage wine that he had snuck into his room.

"I planned to let you have some, but it is too late now," he teased, uncorking the bottle for himself. He poured out a liquid nearly as dark as her skin into a delicate glass he also seemed to procure from nowhere and sat on the edge of the bed. "You know, I do not want you to be angry, but I... I do not want you persuing this deamon of yours alone. If he is counted among the Miar like the Dark Lord, he is not to be trifled with."

He sat at his lover's feet, and took in the earthy aroma of the wine. The deink was stronger than even his kin's tiff vintage, and he almost could not bear himself to drink. Yet, he had to, if only to take away his nerves. He knew of Theora's irit and even relished it, but it was more than her now. She would have to understand how he felt.


"Its not going to hurt the baby Thranduil, we are not like humans you must remember that." She said and sat up softly and slowly moved closer to the King and grabbed the bottle from him and grasped it in her hand. "Besides there is some magic protecting the child as well, I felt Galadriel put it on me and the healer strengthened it along with me." she said and grasped the bottle then swung her head back with it to her lips and gulped down a lot of sips before she put the half empty bottle down on the bedside table and let out a sigh before she lay back down. "I think you missed more than just my boots Thranduil." she said and lay back down on the bed and smirked at him.

She giggled a bit and then slowly helped Thranduil's shirt off of his body and a smile grew on her face. "You have to be careful if your going to help me with this daemon Thranduil, your kingdom can not afford to lose you." she whispered and shut her eyes. "I don't think Legolas or I can lose you either Thranduil, that is why I want you to be very careful." she said and ran her hands through his blonde hair. She then slowly lay back down the wine now hitting her and she shut her eyes. "I love you too much to lose you." she whispered and rolled over onto her side with her back to him, he could see that she was feeling funny but at least the ale would cheer her more up and make things a lot better for her.

"Father would be so proud of me tonight, though he would know I still have so much to do. Oh I wish he could see me now." she said gently. "I wonder what else life is going to give me, I hope more good things happen." she whispered and buried her head into the covers. She let out a soft sigh as she rolled onto her back again and with her eyes shut she adjusted herself in bed. She was unaware that her shirt had ride up some more and Thranduil would be able to see her belly and her scarred, toned flesh. She twitched her head slightly and grabbed a blanket and hugged it her body was seeming to be growing hotter, it was no thanks to the ale that she had swallowed down.


He swilled the wine in his mouth, watching the woman as she tried to get comfortabble in his bed, and with a smirk he reached for one of her feet. With a gentle tug that caused her to giggle underneath him, he had her dark foot on his lap. The delicate thing twitched under his fingers as he rubbed it down, puahing into where he knew she would be sore after a long march and heavy battle. Thranduil did not allow her to even pull away, instead letting her little movements ride her shirt higher along her body.

"I am not a fool," Thranduil said to the woman, while his hands moved up to her ankle, "That is why I must aid you. This realm is not safe for anyone who loves peace, not with the Necromancer or this new threat looming, ever present. I can only be happy if you are safe." He tugged on her again, playfully, to pull both of their thoughts well away from the tasks that they spoke of. "That is why I also know we have to live now. It is an odd thought, a human thought, but I have lost before..."

He leaned in to her a little, just to look at her body tangled in his bedspread, the ebon skin smoother than the silks. He so wanted to touch her, but he was sure that was not what she needed now. He would allow her to decide, and he would use his hands and the wine to help her relax, to have a night to worry about the small things instead of the struggle ahead.


"I don't think that any of are going to lose Thranduil, I know your not a fool either. But we are going to take this beast down and I already know the good will finish of evil. I have already seen what will happen to this so called Necromancer and who he is. I shall not say this though for its a few hundred years away yet before he will be finished. It is also not my place to share and change the future, what happens will happen." Theora whispered. She had seen Frodo already with the Ring, she had seen Sauron fall but she would not speak of this to anyone. Theora knew that someone might try and change the future and she didn't want to say anything because Sauron could always get the information out of another and she did not want that to happen.

"I do not know what will happen between us and this demon but we must be strong. But enough worry about these things." she said and when he finished the wine she took his glass and put it on the bedside table. "Time to teach you how to drink like a Dark Elf." she said as she grabbed the bottle and smirked taking a huge sip from it then she kissed Thranduil hard on the mouth allowing the strong drink to flow into his mouth, allowed him to swallow it. She stayed in his lap until he had drunk her mouthful before she pulled back and licked her lips. "You Wood elves taste so sweet." she muttered then she smirked putting the bottle down before she lay back down on his silk sheets and stared up at him, her shirt under her breasts.

She slowly leaned back, grabbed a pillow and then threw it at the King. "Come on you being so boring, stop acting like a King for once. You look better when you smile, stop being sour all the time." she teased him as she threw another pillow at him. "Don't make me give you a maiden's braid." she giggled as she rolled to her side her back to him. Long bandages wrapped around her from where she had been wounded but the pain seemed to not be bothering her any longer. Thranduil then would feel her bare foot push against his thigh and soon he was pinned under her and she sat on top of him. "Your acting so much like father." she said and stared deeply into his eyes and bit her lip.


He was taken aback by the boldness of his lover as she shared wine with him through her mouth, and seemed to freeze until he forced himself to swallow. The youthful spirit was brought back with a frenzy to his eyes, and he swatted away both of her fluffy attacks before to his surprise Theora tackled him. He was pinned under her, with her crotch grinding against his torso as she tried to get a good grip. Yet, she was smaller than the king, and it was not hard for him to playfully grip her hips, to press her against him.

He let her think she had won, before with his powerful arms he all but lifted her off of him and dropped her into the silky sheets. "Let me be sour when I will, and you be sweet when you want to share a bed with me. It will be better that way." He grinned, and reached over to steal away the bottle of wine back from his ebony lover. The cool glass felt good against his hand and he teased her, letting the bottom of the bottle graze her stomach, giving her a chill. Then, he let the wine bottle tip, drizzling the cool liquid against her skin. He licked his lips, before whispering, "Since we are sharing culture, let me show you how Sindarin drink wine together."

Slowly, he kissed her skin, the earthy notes mixing with the slight sweat of the day on his lips. He breathed in, clutching the bottle tightly in one hand, before he found a pool of strong drink at her navel. He reached out with his tongue, licking it, taking it all in as he held her down. When he was done, another swig of drink showed that he was serious about having fun.


She yelped when he threw her onto the bed gently and she stared up at him raising her brow when he spoke to her. "I am sharing a bed with you for the rest of my life, you did as me to be your wife after all Thranduil." she whispered. She then glared at him as he stole the bottle from her and she narrowed her brow some more before she wondered what he was saying. She yelped when he touched her belly with the cold bottle and she clamped her eyes shut tightly. "What the heck..." she groaned then shivered when she felt him pour the wine over her stomach, just enough to pool at her navel but not get onto the sheets, she was worried it would stain his sheets badly but she did not say this out loud to him however.

She moaned softly when she felt Thranduil kiss her stomach and slowly work his way down her stomach, she then cried out softly when he licked her navel clean of the drink before she watched him sip from the bottle. "That isn't quite as fun as other things. Try not to waste the drink Thranduil its hard to make." she said as she leaned up and kissed his lips again. She grasped the bottle and his hand and drunk some more of the wine until there was hardly left in the end of the bottle before she slumped back weakly on the bed and smirked. "Your such a grouchy old man sometimes." she teased him but he knew and she knew that is was all in good taste and sport and they were not fighting.

She let out a soft sigh and slowly began to pull at her shirt trying to get comfortable again, instead of pulling it down she pulled it up and off her head and threw it to the floor. She then pulled one of Thranduil's pillows against her half naked body and looked back over at him. "If you want to play then we can play Thranduil." she whispered and shut her eyes again. She twitched slightly before rolling over again the sheets fully wrapped around her now and she was stuck under them her arms pinned at her side. She bit her lip and stared up at Thranduil, she was totally drunk now and her eyes were glazed over but at least she had a huge smile appearing on her cheeks now and you could see that she was happier.


"It is good you always taste sweet, then. Otherwise, sharing my bed every night would be a chore," Thranduil said, his mouth planting kisses along her dark skin as she leaned back into a slouched position on the pillows. He let her keep the bottle for now, and instead stroked her skin along the side of her body until he felt her writhe. He was going to pay her back for the comment about his age.

Long fingers dug into her sides suddenly and without mercy, to bring her writhing underneath him. "You need to watch your tongue around your elders. If you want to be treated like your age, I can arrange that," he said, hands raising up her body until they reached her tender armpits, to find even more sensitive skin. It was soft, too soft, that flesh he touched, and her laughter was infectious as he held her down.

The wine slipped from her hand, neck nestling between two of the reclining pillows, threatening to spill over the king's bedspread. He grunted, stopping for a moment, before leaning into her, his face stern, as he was about to scold her, and then with a grin he swiped the bottle back and drank the last of it. The king, who was not for strong drink, swam a little from the alcohol. The bottle rested against her side when he was done. Tickling her with a chill differently than how he could make her chill.


She groaned and shifted under Thranduil as she narrowed her eyes and glared at him but it softened though. "Oh come on Thranduil I am just teasing you." she whispered and bit her bottom lip. She whimpered as his hands moved over her body and he started to tickle her body. She then giggled when he drank the last of the wine and seemed to be drunk now. "You can't hold the wine can you?" she asked and cocked her head to the side. "I do have respect for you and I owe you my life Thranduil, you saved me from dying." she whispered a very serious look on her face before she wrapped her arms around his neck. She buried her head into his shoulder and let out a small sigh.

She groaned and bit her bottom lip and let out a groan as she lay there under Thranduil and she shook her head slightly. "What are you going to do now, you know I am starting to get this strange feeling." she said and grasped his hand and slowly brought it to her chest. She bit her lip a bit harder before she leaned up and kissed him on the lips and let out a soft sigh. She wrapped her arms around Thranduil's neck and hold him close to her before she let her eyes close for a few minutes just enjoying his body against her body. "I love you Thranduil, when do you plan on a wedding ceremony, are you going to tell your people tomorrow?" she asked and cocked her head to the side.

She grit her teeth together and then groaned as she brought his hand to her stomach then she reached and moved her hands to his pants. "I want you Thranduil." she whispered and slipped her hands into his pants. She grasped his length gently and ran her hand gently up and down his fat cock. She groaned enjoying the way his cock felt in her hand. She was not sure why but Theora was feeling really really horny and she wanted nothing more to have his cock inside of her. "Your cock is growing so hard in my hand Thranduil. Are you enjoying yourself my dear King?" she asked and cocked her head to the side as she started deeply into his eyes and let out a soft sigh.


The desire he had for his fiance was shown in her hand as she reached for him, and he grew hard on the words she spoke about her desire alone, ignoring even her beauty or the look in her milky eyes as she stared at him. Their playful jesting was over as quickly as it had begun, and was replaced with a new role, one that they had played before: lovers.

He tossed the bottle aside, the clank of it as it hit the floor filled the air. He smiled then, knowing the delicate thing did not break, even under his carelessness. "I need you too," Thranduil told Theora, gripping her left hand to feel the ring press hard against his fingers, "I always have, from the moment you stepped into my kingdom, and I love you for that." He kissed her again, looming over her with his strong form, and found his flesh wanting more contact with hers, as if the air were poison.

He continued, mixed between his desire to press against her and the burning need in his loins that she fueled with her hand. Finally, he gave in to lust, and snaked out of his trousers, fumbling so as not to let go of her hand for another moment. Then, he eyed her, as he kicked the last of his modesty away, and admired her as he had before, only with even more revelry. He knew know that she was his, more than he knew it then.


She blinked and stared up at Thranduil as he towered over her again his body pressed down against her own. She smiled softly at his words as she felt him grasp her free hand and she held his hand back. She smiled more when he spoke about how much he loved her and it made her heart race faster once more. Her right hand still kept working his cock moving up and down, over and over still being gentle. She could feel Thranduil's massive cock was fully erect in her hand now and she could not help but grin from it. She then moaned when he kissed her and she made sure to kiss him back his body pushing down on her own while she felt him trying to remove his pants, she wished she could help but both her hands were busy.

She smirked when he stared down at her, her hand moving harder and faster up and down his shaft now, her thumb ran over his cock head. "Your so handsome." she whispered as she pulled her lips softly away from his own before she let go of his cock and hand and pulled her shirt and pants off so that she was naked other than the bandages that covered her body. Theora then slowly moved forward and grasped his cock again her white hair falling around her in a sheet. "I want to try something." she whispered and soon Thranduil would feel her mouth wrap gently around the head of his cock and it slowly began to bob up and down his shaft, her tongue moving over the head of his shaft.

Theora wondered what Thranduil would think about what she was doing to him, she made sure to stay gentle however. Her left hand gripped his shaft base this time however. She was on her knees as she moved her head a smile on her face though he couldn't see it with her hair in the way. She moaned again and again trying to send vibrations through his cock. She smirked as it throbbed inside of her mouth and she could see that she was causing him nothing but pleasure which made her happy. Theora wondered what he was going to do next, she was not about to stop sucking him off just yet, no it felt so damn good to have his fat dick inside her mouth.
Thranduil was taken aback by his lover's boldness, and could do little but run his fingers through her white silk hair when she began to please him. He tensed when she gripped him firmly by the base in surprise and moaned. Then his knees locked and toes stretched when her tongue ran across his glans, and he could not help himself. He had to hold on to her, to keep from giving in to his lust.

Eyes locked on his lover's when she looked up to gauge his reaction and fingers that were exploring her hair started to grip into her locks. He refused to guide the independent soul pleasing him deeper on his cock, but encouraged her with gentle tugs and impassioned sounds with every bob of her head. Precum even started to seep out of him then, coating her tongue with saltiness and lubricating her throat just a little more.

Then, he felt a change, a tension deep inside his loins building, and despite himself, he started to pull his lover away. It was a slow process to get her to slow down with his hard cock in her mouth, but gradually his groans made her begin to look up at him again, if only to find why he was hesitating. "I'm going to cum," he panted out after a lot of effort. A look of concernwas on his face then, as if he was sure she would be disgusted with the thought of a load forced down her throat.
Theora stared up at him keeping a firm grasp on the base of his cock again with her hand but not enough to hurt him while she kept bobbing her head up and down. She was aware that he was nervous about cumming in her mouth and when he spoke warning her she just smiled. Slowly Theora pulled her mouth back from Thranduil's cock and stared up into his eyes as she licked her lips. "Its alright Thranduil, your my husband to be and already part of me. You can cum in my mouth I do not mind your taste at all. Actually you taste really good and I would love the honor of having your seed in my mouth." Theora said as she slipped her mouth back down on his cock head and slowly began to suck on it as her eyes closed.

She would keep sucking him, her suction getting stronger and stronger as she could taste more and more precum on her tongue. Thranduil tasted like the wine he drank, his precum was so sweet and fruity, she was starting to grow addicted to it. Theora's eyes rolled back into her head the more she sucked and the more she tasted. It was one of the best tasting bodily fluids she had yet to come by. Theora's pussy was soaking wet between her legs but she hardly noticed it until she shifted her hips and brushed her pussy against his leg. It sent a shutter through her body but once more she forced herself not to touch herself. She wanted Thranduil inside of her so badly but it was hard to pull her mouth away from his cock.

"So good, please, cum in my mouth, give me your seed. I want you in my vagina as well." she whimpered with his cock still inside of her mouth. She felt another shutter run through her body and she began to shiver. He could see that she was horny, he could see that she was so hungry and craving nothing more than for Thranduil to make love to her. Theora had nothing but love for him in her eyes, though they were closed at the moment. Anyways she made sure to keep her hand at the base of his cock to keep it from slipping from her mouth or him from pulling away from her. Theora let out moans, trying to send yet more pleasure through her lover's body.
She insisted that he give her seed, and despite reservations, Thranduil found himself obliging. He touched her blissfilled face and held her onto his cock. He leaked precum onto her tongue as she just about wrung an orgasm out of his mouth, and during a particularly hard intake that brought the softness of her cheeks alround the sides of his cock and held it firmly in place, he started to groan loudly. The king then gave up his composure when her tongue scraped the bottom of his shaft and sent the sweetness of his fluids into her mouth. It filled her with a mouthfull of the thick, creamy cum immediately, and followed up with more of his potent seed.

"So good, Theora," he cooed at his lover, petting her as she sucked him clean, looking into her white eyes and seeing the trust she had for him. He trusted her too, expressed by the fact her teeth had been wrapped around his cocks moments before, and for some reason his mouth watered at the thought of her vunerable body yielding to him in the same way he had sucummbed to her desire for his seed. He pushed her away gently, to lay her ebony form onto the covers, and his mouth hungry for her dipped low in mere moments.

Desire brought him down the pussy he so wanted to worship, and as he peered onto the dark lips, puffy from desire and dewed from need, he took a deep breath. He smelled her sex deeply, and savored the way the earthy tones matched her own people's preferences in drink. Then, he reached for it with his fingers, spreading the ebony vulva like a dark rose budding before him. Then, he craned his neck forward, and tasted his love with a careful scrape of his tongue.
Theora groaned and stared up at Thranduil as she felt himself reach down and grasp her cheeks. She felt him gently hold her head in place as his cock leaked more and more precum onto her tongue. However she really didn't mind the way he tasted, it was so yummy to her. She just kept staring up at him, he could see that she was happy with him cumming into her mouth. He would hear her swallow his seed before she would start to clean his cock off gently with her tongue and mouth. Theora made sure to keep her teeth off of his skin not wanting to cause him any pain in any way, she loved him.

When he said she had pleasured him she couldn't help but smile as she licked his cock clean of his seed. She could feel him staring into her white eyes and it made her blush slightly. However she was so happy that she had been able to make him cum in pleasure inside of her mouth. She gasped when he pushed her from his shaft and she stared up at Thranduil in slight shock worried that she had done something to anger him, however he seemed to not be angry. She went wide eyed and yelped when he went between her legs and she gulped, she knew he was craving her pussy now.

"Thranduil what are you doing, you don't have to do that?!" Theora whimpered and clamped her eyes shut tightly. She could feel his eyes on her naked pussy as he breathed against it. She suddenly cried out as he spread her pussy lips and licked her with his warm tongue. "Thranduil...aw....." she whimpered and grasped tightly at the bedding under her. She had never asked him to eat her out but here Thranduil the King of Mirkwood was, eating her dark pussy out and causing her to moan and cry out in pure pleasure. e
The woman obviously enjoyed the insistent way the king had spread out her body before him, and even moreso with his tongue. Slowly, he learned her folds, tracing circles around the dark outer lips of her neatly groomed pussy. He enjoyed her in ways that were all but cruel, sucking a flushed set of lips into his mouth first, so that he could gently roll the soft skin with his tongue. He waited for her to grind avainst him, taking more of the tasty flesh in, before letting go with a soft slurping sound.

Then, after mentioning once or twice how much he loved her taste, he dug in, covering her already wet slit in juices by pooling her gushing juices on his tongue and tracing it upwards. He would dig fdeep with his tongue for more, using it like a smaller, more flexible version of his cock as he used his neck to thrust into her pelvis for more. His tongue became almost slippery with her fluids, sliding unhindered up and down, up and down, and then it stopped, suddenly, just shy of her clit.

He was ravenous for the thing, and more than ready, but he stopped anyway, letting his eyes wander up her body, to her perky breasts that hid her face and then back down to her stomach, where he knew his pride was growing. He flicked it then, that little nub, imagining the pleasure of his love would show that little child that he loved its mother. Then, he flicked again, lost in the profound notion of making a pregnant woman cum, despite already fulfilling her duty. Was he rewarding her? He hoped he was, as he flicked a third time.
She couldn't stop crying out loudly from all the pleasure that Thranduil was giving her, the way his tongue worked her pussy lips and into her hole. She was growing closer and closer to cumming it was hard for her to think straight. "Thranduil...." she whimpered again and again his mouth was an expert at what it was doing. She squirmed softly and frowned when he had stopped eating her out, her eyes stared down at the blonde King's head. She wondered what was going through his mind as he seemed to in deep thought. Theora yelped loudly when he hit her clit the first time, it sent a huge and powerful shutter through her dark body.

When he did it a second time she cried out again and pulled hard at the bedding. "THRANDUIL!" she cried on the third time when he forced her to climax hard. She blushed deeply, she felt her walls cramp up and her fluid rush from her pussy. She was gasping and moaning as she tried to catch her breath. After Theora had come down from her climax bliss she just lay there on the bed weakly, her legs trembling and her inner thighs along with her pussy and ass covered in her own cum from it dripping down between her legs. Her hands trembled slightly and she whimpered ever so slightly trying to sit up.

Theora sighed and gently moved her hand down and grasped her stomach and bit her bottom lip. "Were you thinking about the baby? You really are pushy you know." she teased her husband to be but she had nothing but a smile on her face. She had never asked him to eat her out, she would have fine with out him doing this but she didn't say so. Theora could tell that Thranduil had enjoyed the way she tasted and what he had been doing to her. "Your penis is still hard, let me guess you want to be one with me again, my love?" Theora asked and lifted her head staring down at him and then leans back against the pillows.
He nodded, licking his lips to enjoy the taste that she had gushed all over his face. He was slow to move away from her delictable folds, as if he wanted to taste her some more, but Thranduil could only breathe onto the oversentive surface of her pussy. He would not torment her like that, not tonight, yet there was still a lotleft he wanted to do.

"Of course I still wish to make love to you," the man said reassuringly, kissing her thigh as his hands moved from their current home between her legs and to wither side of her body. He shifted his weight onto them, her body dipping into this mattress and tipping Theora's hips lower to allow his toned body to slide up the dark skinned beauty he was loving so much. Slowly, tantalizingly, he let his shoulders press apart her thighs and his mouth kissed her now-flat stomach. Then, he eased up her body, kissing as he went, finding her in ways he could never get bored with until his stiff cock was right against her wet opening.

"I will never stop wanting you," he said, before pushing into her with his hips. She was as inviting as ever, tight walls all but sucking him in and tensing in encouragement. First, he hilted her with the gentle press of his hips, then ground into her pelvis so that her folds ground on her clit. He let his cock get slick with her juices as he rested there, barely moving, until he knew he was not going to hurt her. Then he started to pull back, only to grind her again, thrusting in short, controlled tests of her sex which got longer and bolder with every stroke.
His words echoed in her head and she blushed, she could hardly believe how much he really seemed to love her body. Theora meanwhile moaned as he kissed his way up and over her body until she felt him close to her face. She sneaked a kiss from his lips before his massive cock rested against her pussy lips. "And I will never stop wanting you either Thranduil." she spoke then cried out in pleasure as she felt him slide deep inside of her pussy. Her walls instantly wrapped around his length and clung to him tightly not wanting him to pull back out. Theora panted, she finally felt she was full once more with him so deeply inside of her. Theora could not get enough of his scent and the feel of his meat inside of her pussy.

However she started to moan when he began to thrust in and out of her. Her hands grasped the blankets under her dark body and her hips arched up against his own. "It feels so good, it always feels so good having you inside of me. I don't feel whole unless your with me, inside of me Thranduil." Theora whispered and rocked her hips weakly down on his. Her heart raced harder and faster in her chest as she breathed his scent in deeply. Soon she kissed his shoulders the best she could while she was pinned under her lover, listening to the sound of his balls slapping away against her ass as he pushed as deeply as he could inside of her body.

"I swear, it just keeps getting better and better." she whispered and stared into his eyes with her white ones. "You know you didn't have to return the favor, I liked sucking your cock like I did. You really do have a kind side, I however thank you for eating me out." she giggled softly and ran her hands over his face. "Tell me Thranduil, do you really plan on marrying me tomorrow, really are going making me your Queen?" she asked cocking her head to the side. She really had to make sure that she was not dreaming. She could hardly believe everything was going to change for her the next day and she would be shown to his people.
"If I did not plan it, it would not happen in my kingdom, my Queen to be. I would not make my child a bastard, or you a whore when I brought my seed upon you of my own choice, and when you received my love freely, well, you recieved the blessings of this kingdom," he explained, stopping with his cock deep inside of her and her legs tangled around his waist. He leaned in then, kissing her fully on her dark lips, and breathed warm life into her with the movement of his warm lips and tongue against her.

They stayed like this, pressed against one another for a few more moments, tasting one another in their mouths so that they could share the passion they had for one another before he pulled away and whispered to her a little more, "I did what I did to please you, as a man should a woman, and besides, I knew how much you appreciated my tongue by the way you coated it with juices... that said, I know how much you must love my cock."

There, hoping to see her flush, he started to again thrust inside of her. He was harder than before, now that he had heard such things from his wife to be, firm in his needs to fill her already used womb with his seed, just for the pleasure of feeling her tight around him and the warmth that filled his loins when he came. The thrusts pushed her into the mattress and up towards him with each movement, and only seemed to drive him deeper.
She stared up at Thranduil his words sent a shiver down her spine but she understood what he meant. She was glad he had explained things to her but was not happy about him stopping his thrusting in and out of her. She shuttered happily when he kissed her mouth deeply, shoving his tongue deep inside and she wrestled her tongue against his own. She was panting weakly, her legs still wrapped tightly around his waist and as soon as he began to thrust inside her again she cried out happily from the pressure building inside of her body. "Ah...your so naughty...you really are." she croaked and shut her eyes his words still causing her face to stay beet red thanks to those lewd words that left his mouth.

"Well you did guess right and actually I love your cock both it inside of me and the taste of it." she muttered before opening her eyes again panting harder now as he sped up. "Ah...don't go too roughly with me Thranduil, remember the baby is inside me." she whispered and and leaned her hand up to touch his cheek. She blushed more and more as she heard the bed creaking under them, sweat ran over her body and down her face, she knew that sooner or later he was going to cum inside of her and she herself was going to cum all over Thranduil's cock. She was glad he had given her his seed before, it meant a lot to her and was such a huge honor in her eyes.

"So good Thranduil, I can feel you pushing against my womb. Maybe you will get more than one child out of me if you keep this up." Theora said grasping tightly at the bedding under her with her one hand. The other moved from his cheek and down his chest where she touched over his heart. "I know that your heart is racing for me, I know your going to feel me up again with cum." she whispered as she moved her hips weakly down to meet his. The pressure was growing more and more however she forced herself to hold back and not to come just yet. No she wanted this to last a bit longer.
It took a lot to submit to her request to slow down, especially when her body had started to tell him a different story and seemed to desire nothing more than to plant him deeper inside her pussy. Yet, he slowed, his groan tensing in anticipation as he let out a frustrated sigh along with a matching one from his lover. He knew she wanted him completely, but a concern for their new seed planted inside her seemed to hold her back. Theora was an odd creature, one who would like to be overprotective one moment and brash the next.

"Filling you up is what is getting me a wonderful wife, so of course it seems like a good idea," he mused between thrusts. The king's weight shifted again, this time to one side as a hand moved out a bit and the other lifted onto the to be queen's body. As he thrusted, he put gentle pressure on that hand that touched her, so that her shoulder dug a little into the mattress. There, his palm could feel her heartbeat as it raced and built, and his thumb followed the contour of her neck to rub as he made love.

He built them back up again, tediously, without the wild rutting that their previous lovemaking sessions seemed to have had. Instead, they brought themselves to orgasm together gradually, a little more with each thrust, until they were both fighting back, wanting the other to explode so that everything could all come crashing down.
Theora groaned and stared up at him knowing he didn't want to slowly down but she was glad he did. However she gently allowed him to adjust her body around so he could push deeper into her. "I am going to a healer or to Lady Galadriel, there must be a way to protect the child so that you can um, still go as you did the other night. I just want to be really careful, its my first child." whispered Theora as she panted harder and harder her body trembling against his. "I know there is a permanent charm that will be able to protect the child until it is born, then we don't have to worry so much." she gasped and clamped her eyes shut.

Theora moaned more and more as he picked up the pace but made sure not to hit her in the womb to hard as to hurt the child. She cried out loudly and suddenly when he finally hit her sweet spot a final time and she came down hard on Thranduil's cock covering him in her cum. She grit her teeth together to keep herself from screaming to loudly for she did not want to call the guards in on them, that thought made her flush the more she thought about it. However she knew most likely they would keep to themselves and not speak about anything sexual or if they heard anything like that, it was not their place.

"By the Graces Thranduil, you really know how to force things out of me. Its not fair actually is it?" Theora croaked and cocked her head to the side. She then smiled and shut her white eyes and let out a groan. She wondered how much more he would be able to get out of her, she had a feeling if she came again as hard as she had just done she would pass out. At that idea she smirked and looked up at Thranduil before she moved and kissed him hard on the lips as her heart beat was at its strongest now just racing away inside her chest. "I can't get enough to you my husband to be." she whispered against his lips.
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