Looking to try furries!

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Jan 21, 2013
Wherever you want (;
Hey, guys! I'm back after a hiatus, and I've found myself craving a roleplay involving a furry. It's odd, as I've never really been into furries, but lately I've craved one more and more and I want to give it a shot.

Here's my idea:
A company has been experimenting with genetics, and has started a project to create true to life furries, meant as pets that follow their owner's commands obediently like any well trained pet, but they have human characteristics and intelligence. The project is nearing it's completion, and your character is chosen to be one of the select few to recieve a pet as a sort of beta test to see how the furries behave in a home environment.

My character

Anyway, PM me if you're intrested! We can talk details then :)
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