Walking Dead rp, looking for a Daryl

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Jan 17, 2009
Hello all, as it says up above, I would like to do a Walking Dead rp and I'm looking for someone to play as Daryl for me, I would be playing as an original character for this. I have an idea of maybe they knew each other before everything happens, maybe because she worked as a bartender at his and Merle's favorite bar.

I can start the rp, we can either start before everything starts so we can have them get together first, or we can start at the encampment they were all in at the beginning of the first season.

Willing to rp over email

Name: Jamie May Grimes
Nickname: Jaybird
Eyes: Green
Hair: Shoulder length dirty blond hair
Job: Bartender
Likes: Her family, dogs, sweets, and reading
Dislikes: Her ex, sour things, zombies, and rude people
Ex: Shane
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