Game of Thrones F/F (some F/M)

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Jan 3, 2011
Hi again. This thread is for my recent Game of Thrones craving. It has become so great that I needed to make it's own thread. Please take a look and see if anything interests you.

I’m looking for F/F role plays at this time. (F/Futa, and F/M is acceptable within reason and are marked in the stories where I am willing to play it as such) That does not mean I am against male RP partners playing female characters.

My likes and dislikes can be found at F-List, the link is in my signature too. I also have a link to my old Requests thread because some of those interests still hold true but at the moment I’m trying to branch away from those ideas. Been there and done that you know?

Basic Need-To-Know
  • I reply by paragraph. Multiple paragraphs most of the time. I expect my partner to do the same. Not interested in one liners or one word answers after writing several paragraphs. Kills the muse and the interest in the story.
  • Discussion. I thrive off of discussions about the story, the characters, and the plot. Keep the lines of communication open it makes for a great story and ride for everyone.
  • I DO NOT do bathroom play. Bloodplay is open for discussion if it fits the RP. (I.E. Vampires, demons)
  • Recently I've begun to prefer playing through EMAIL, but I will play through PM, threads and IM (AIM, YIM) in that order.

Most of the story ideas can be short lived or long term. Up for both.

Many of the stories are romantic in nature however that nature can easily be switched to darker themes as I am open to suggestions.

Do not be afraid to message me. I don't bite and I love a good discussion.

I am currently craving a storyline with Daenerys Targaryen. I have several ideas on this below if you would like to take a look. I am open for discussion as I can see a great many possibilities with the Queen of the North and the Mother of Dragons meeting.

I enjoy playing Sansa Stark, however I have played as other female characters of the show and may be convinced to play as them if the idea is good enough. I do not mind playing against original characters in Game of Thrones but I prefer canon characters or female version of male characters from the books/show.

Below you will find my cravings where I play Sansa Stark.

Idea: Daenerys arrives in Westeros far earlier than anyone expected. She takes over Kings Landing and the South of Westeros, reclaiming it. Now all that lays in her way is Rob and Catelyn Stark. Realizing she has something that they want, she uses Sansa as a bartering tool.

Idea 2: Ned Stark is able to convince Ser Barristan to send Sansa away from Kings Landing. He plans to do this favor for his honorable friend until he himself is discharged from the Kingsguard. Instead of merely sending Sansa away he takes her with him, originally intending to bring her to Lady Catelyn until word arrives of her death at the Red Wedding. Fearing for Sansa's safety and knowing of a place she would be accepted and free to come back and take what was rightfully hers, Ser Barristan brings Sansa with him on his quest to find Daenerys Targaryen. When the two women meet, passion ignites.

Idea 3: Sansa is sold by the Lannisters into slavery. She is purchased by Ser Jorah and 'given' to Daenerys as a gift.

Idea 4: Sansa can speak with animals/dragons and connects with Daenerys dragons. She begins to dream of dragons and the mother of dragons who is not burned by fire. They continue to meet in this dream world for years. When they finally meet in person will things be as easy between them as they were in their dreams or will it be more complicated when they stand on opposite sides of the battle field?

]Idea 5: Years after Sansa Stark became Alayne Stone she has recreated herself and found a good life with a good man in the Vale. Petyr and Robin are long dead and with them her true identity and yet she has still become Lady of the Vale and the stewardess of House Aryn. In the time that has passed Daenerys Targaryen has come to power and calls for all the houses to come and pledge their loyalty to her while actively seeking to wipe out the bloodline of the Houses Stark, Aryn, and Lannister.

When Alayne is found out Daenerys cannot spare her although they have grown close. However the plan to kill her by use of her dragons goes haywire when one of the dragons ‘claims’ Sansa as their own and thus the other two cannot harm her and Sansa now has a draconic protector against Daenerys and her revenge. Will this protector give Sansa the time she needs to convince Daenerys of her loyalty or enough time for Daenerys’ hate for Sansa to grow?

Sansa/Margaery Tyrell
Idea 1: Unwilling to remain in the castle and marry Joffrey after seeing how cruel he is, she conspires with her grandmother to escape the hells of Kings Landing. Her grandmother, Lady Olenna Redwyne, insists she wait until after the marriage. Margaery promises she will on the condition that when she leaves they find a way to take Sansa Stark with her.

Idea 2: Sansa forms a rescue party for Margaery when word reaches her that after being put on trial she was found guilty (falsely) and is to be executed.

Sansa/Podric Payne
Idea: While serving as Brienne of Tarth's squire he helps find Lady Sansa. In finding her and befriending her, he realizes she is far more beautiful than he remembered. He must decide whether or not he can break his vows to Lord Tyrion or break them by sleeping with his wife.

Sansa/Brienne of Tarth
Idea 1: Brienne of Tarth promised Lady Catelyn Stark that she would find her daughters and ensure their safety. She never imagined that this pledge would lead her down a path she could not resist. While protecting the Queen of the North Brienne finds it harder and harder to resist her growing desire for the firey haired Lady she is sworn to protect and serve. What is she to do when it appears as if Sansa returns her feelings?

Idea 1: Melisandre seeks out the new Red Witch that there are rumors of. She kidnaps Sansa away from little finger to teach the young fire bender about the magic she can connect with. The control of her gifts isn't the only thing Melisandre teaches the innocent Lady of the North.

Below you will find pairings I will play as either character:
Daenerys/OFC (Lady of Westeros)
Catelyn Tully/Lyanna Stark
Lyanna Stark/Elia Martell
Daenerys/OFC (Dothraki)
Daenerys/Margeary Tyrell
Brienne of Tarth/Female
Brienne of Tarth/Male

Need to Knows
My knowledge is from the show and from research that I’ve done on the books and heard from those who have read the books. I’m sorry if that isn’t good enough for you, but I work hard to know the backgrounds of my characters and the world that they’re playing in. Just like I enjoy coming to an agreement about things that can happen in the roleplay that differ from the show and the books. I like taking the characters and some of the set rules and tweeking them. So I am not a stickler for sticking to things like the ‘timeline’.

I will only play Sansa and all the characters at the age of 18 or older.

A link to my other thread: Fandoms [GoT, Frozen, Twilight etc.] and Original Plots, w/ Sex (F/F, F/Herm, F/M)

She is a fantastic partner and I would highly encourage anyone who enjoys both Game of Thrones and good plot to send her a message!
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