Strangers of the oddest kind. ((Goddess&I))


Dec 4, 2014
Belle Reve

“We had an escape last night. Several explosions were heard, but there was no evidence of an explosion. In fact, all that we found are two metahumans that are not now, nor have they ever been prisoners here at Belle Reve.” Hugo Strange was speaking to Batman and Superman in his office. They had been asked to see if they could figure out how so many inmates managed to escape and figure out who the two newcomers were. “In fact, as far as we have been able to find neither of the two even exist. There have been no matches for prints or with facial recognition software. All we know about them as they both in fact have powers and have no idea on how they got here or who the other one even is.” The warden was visibly concerned for the two that he currently had in solitary confinement. “And what they do know makes no sense. They talk about cities and heroes that don't exist and... Well, we really aren't equipped to handle this kind of situation.”

Superman stepped forward and smiled at the man. “Don't worry, we'll figure this out.”

Mark was trying his best to not be upset. It wasn't working well, but he was giving it his all. Mark was wearing an orange jumpsuit and a collar around his neck that had somehow neutralized his powers. He understood why they locked him in a cell, but that didn't mean he enjoyed being locked in a bare concrete room or being interrogated by a rather apologetic bald guy. He had woken up in the cell and had been questioned very extensively about who he was and what he was doing there. Worst of all they didn't seem to know who he was or know of any of the other heroes he mentioned. At eighteen, Mark thought he was too young to go dimension hopping. The last thing he remembered was going out for a late nigh patrol after finding his mother passed out on the couch, again. After that there was nothing but waking up in a cell with a bulky collar around his neck.

Luckily, the warden seemed to figure out that he wasn't a threat and promised to get a hold of people that could help them. This is why when his cell door opened and two caped men stepped inside he wasn't all that surprised.
Anna Marie was plenty used to isolation by this point, though admittedly it was mostly self imposed. As her lower back leaned on the wall and her arms wrapped around her knees. She half wished to grab hold of one of the many people keeping her there, getting a glimpse at their memories, to understand what the blazes she was doing here, or for that matter where here was. At 18, she was just about to finish High School, to attempt to live a normal life, or as normal as you could get when you sucked the life of every living being by merely touching them.

Last thing she remembered, she was arguing with her roommate, Kitty, for some unknown reason, probably overuse of the bathroom again. It was no mission, it was no mutant power she knew, and the fact that there were so many unknowns pissed her off. She sighed, admittedly getting bored. "Ya know, if you're done with all the questioning, you could at least give me a book so I don't die of boredom," she said snarkily, catching a glance at the two caped men from afar. "You the bosses of here?"

There had been quite a bit of talking next. At first from the costumed pair that had his things returned when they were satisfied with his answers and then the technicians at some place called Star Labs that he had been surprised to find out were privately owned. Some time after getting his collar removed and his costume back, but before they left the prison he had met the girl that had appeared alongside him in the prison. Unfortunately he didn't recognize her and didn't really get a chance to talk to her during the transport to Star Labs where they were separated once more. When he first heard that he hadn't appeared alone he had hoped it had been Atom Eve, but it turns out he wasn't that lucky. Actually, if he had been that lucky he wouldn't have ended up in what he assumed to be another dimension.

The next several hours were just made up of test after test. They scanned him repeatedly with several machines, some looking a bit more familiar than others, while they repeated the questions that the warden and the two superheros that brought them here asked. All of it grated on his nerves, but he didn't need them to point out that he had no way to get home on his own and that needed their help. So, his mouth stayed shut and he tried to keep his comments to himself.

When they had everything they needed he was taken to a room where he found the girl from before. Once more they were led to a new location under the care of the same two capes as before, though this time the method of transport was a teleporter. The new location was apparently some kind of island base used by a youth team of superheros. Some of which had greeted them, three exactly, and where informed that they would be staying there until a way home had been found for them. The three were called Nightwing, Superboy and Miss Martian. It seemed most of the team were out on missions of various kinds, but they would meet them soon enough, or so they were promised before they left. All Mark really knew was that for the first time since they had been discovered by the Belle Reve guards, he was alone with the girl that had appeared with him.

They were in a living room with a an ugly green couch and a large television. Oddly enough though the walls and floor looked like they were made from solid stone and the only thing Mark could think to say was, “I wonder if they have cable.” God, he wished he had changed out of his costume before leaving the lab.
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