Modern Day and Fantasy---

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May 28, 2013
Here... and there...
Looking for long-term; story-telling. Seeking a male, or a female that can write as male. I'm looking for that unique individual that prefers leisurely posting as compared to daily for the following:

The Beguiled: Definition: to influence by trickery, flattery, etc.; mislead; delude.
To take away from by cheating or deceiving (usually followed by of): to be beguiled of money.
To charm or divert: a multitude of attractions to beguile the tourist.
To pass (time) pleasantly: beguiling the long afternoon with a good book.

Most believe that it is the woman who can tempt a man… lure him to do things that he knows he should not. Most believe that women are the epitome of gold-diggers. Always wanting more. And more.

But in this instance, it is the man who is the Beguiler.

And his prey has just been sighted. Will she succumb? Will she have the ability to see through his ploy? Or will she end up turning the tables on him?

Set in modern day.

Dream Weaver: Oneroi – What if there was an entity that manufactured dreams while one slept? What if these entities were male and female and thus assigned to the opposite gender? What if these entities delved deep within one’s mind in search of our deepest, darkest and secret fantasies? Is there such an entity? There is, of course. They are known as the Dream Weaver – details can be discussed. Source

Open for discussion. Mythological-fantasy setting that moves into modern day.

Reclusive: Loosely based on the films “Finding Forrester” and “Jason’s Lyric”– a woman is hired to take care of a reclusive writer that has locked himself away for whatever reason (to be discussed); he’s not left his home in over 5 years and orders everything over the phone and internet – clothing, food, supplies etc etc -- perhaps he hides himself from her the first few days or weeks that she’s there. Part of her duties would be to cook and clean; lure him into conversation; out of his shell that he has erected and eventually, out of his house.

Light romance with a modern setting. I don’t see this particular story incorporating any kinks.

Open for discussion.

Yahto: Of course Yahto isn’t his real name, it is more the legend of what he becomes when called upon. But is he really a legend? Rumors have long been passed down from generation to generation of Yahto, the Knight that served the people; the Knight that was for the people; the Knight that was created by the people. Yet there is only one family that knows of Yahto’s origins. One family that has never failed to come to the aid of the people.

Everyone in the village of Dahldris had their own idea as to which family Yahto belonged. Was it Lord Mouret? The high-lord himself? Or perhaps it was the family Malik; or Romijn; or Bamjl.

Situated in the Country of Shymalan (the size of Europe today); nestled in the County of Turco, what had once been rumors were now stories that were told around the fire. Some say it was to ensure that misbehaved children minded their manners. Others said it was to hold the thieves and cut-throats at bay.

And still others surmised that Yahto appeared because he was searching for his soul-mate. It wasn’t his fault that he only appeared when there was war. For war had most definitely been waged against the people of Shymalan and its subjects, brought about by greed and the consumption of ultimate power that had eventually been Tak’s only thought. Tak, the enemy of the people who was against the people; the same Tak who wanted the secret of Yahto for his own gain and has had devised a plan to ensure he gets it by kidnapping all the single maidens within the country of Shymalan. One is the soul-mate. One will bring him what he so fervently wants.

Fantasy setting. Open for discussion.

96 Hours: In March, 2012, an armed robbery took place at one of the most prestigious Banks in Chicago, William Blair & Company. At the time the robbery was taking place, Faye Winthrop had been in one of the break rooms located in the basement, where the vaults were located, having lunch. The sounds of gun-fire could be heard, as well as shouting and screaming. The instinct for survival took over then as Faye jumped up from her chair; turned off the lights; and then, pulled the door open a crack to see what was going on.

Since the men believed that they were ‘safe’ from being seen, they had removed their masks, unaware that Faye was watching. She got a very good look, and became a key witness in identifying the suspects.

Now, three years later, the case is finally being brought to trial, but Faye cannot be found. The Prosecuting Attorney for Cook County has brought in one man to find her, and he must do so before the trial starts, which is in 96 hours.

Set in modern day, and open for discussion.

The Picts: 400-500 BC: Recorded Pictish legend of a great warrior and king. Cruithne, who ruled over Alba (a name which can mean all of Britain or just the lands north of the Hadrian Wall) for 100 years. He had seven sons, and after his death each ruled an area of their father's kingdom. These names give us some rough ideas of how Pictland was divided. The western highlands, for instance were peopled by the Scots, originally from the north of Ireland. In 500 AD under King Fergus the Scots invaded Argyll and established the realm of Dal Riada. Pictland, based upon place names and cultural sites appears to be centered in the north and east of Scotland.

Historical setting; more than likely Extreme. Open for discussion.

Some knowledge of this time era is helpful, but not mandatory.
Reclusive is taken -- story being done via email.

The other offerings are still available, however.

Shoot me a PM if something catches your fancy, or even if you have an idea you'd like to discuss. I'm flexible!
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