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darkness unleashed (Genx196×DonVoltonus)


Oct 7, 2013
Michael wiped away the sweat accumulating on his brow as he trudged deeper and deeper into the darkness. His only source of light emanated from a glowing ball that flew beside him, a very basic spell that virtually anyone could learn. Other than the bits of ruble that littered the floor and the stale air the old ruins looked untoched by any living soul, their weren't even cobwebs or any other form of insect or arachnid life that would normally flourish in this type of setting, it was very unnerving. "Come on you can do this, your basicly a man now and men dont get scared. Especially not of some dusty old ruin like this." Michael said unconvincingly to himself, trying to steady his nerves. As he continued to move forward he couldn't help but think about the events the led him to this moment.

Michael had awoken that day before his alarm had even sounded, he was bursting with too much excitement to really sleep. He walked across the room and made a check on his calendar. "One more day then im free. Free of people telling me what to do, of all of their restrictions. I will finally be abel to leave this place and move on with my life." Tomorrow was his 15th birthday, the day every boy is considered a man. 15 is the age everyone's magic fully awakens and they can become students of the Magic Academy. The most prestigious place throughout the land that teaches all young magic users how to control their magic. Of course you have to get into the school first which was no easy task, infact many people say it was the hardest experience of their life. None of that bothered Michael though he had been studying magic sense he was able to read so he wasnt that worried.

Michael finished getting himself ready before setting off for the day. In the begining everything was perfect, he met up with his friends before school and had a great time. He was even having a great time in school which was very rare for him. Most of the time he was plagued with boredom or getting into arguments with his teachers about the importance of all the non magic related stuff. Even James Murry the biggest bully in school couldn't get to him, or so he thought.

School had only been out for 5 minutes and James Murry had already found his first victim in Scott Morris, a geeky looking 13 year old with thick black rim glasses, greasy red hair and a pocket full of pens. Scott had been James is main target this year so he lost interest in him rather quickly. He was having trouble pickin his next target until he seen Michael's giant smile as he walked by. "Whats got you so happy?" James asked as he glared at Michael. "Well if you must know i turn 15 tomorrow and get to take my entrance exam for the Magic Academy." Michael shot back givimg James his own glare. "Oh please you? In the Magic Academy, like that would ever happen. not after what your father did. Tell me, did they ever find all of your mom?" James asked with satisfied grin on his face. Michaels blood began to boil as James began to speek. Even tho it happen 5 years ago when ever anyone brought up Michael's parentsin front of him the reaction was always the same from him, anger. Michael wanted to kill him, and hundreds of different spells flashed through his mind everything from literally making his blood boil, to summing a small parasite that would eat his brain and then using his body like a puppet. These were all just thoughts tho, its not like he actually act on these feelings, if he did the Magic Academy would never let him in. "Why? we can't can't all fail twice in a row like you did now can we?" The statement made jame's cheecks flush with anger and embarrassment. "You think you're so smart don't you? Because ypu have so much faith in your abilities why don't we make this interesting. Tonight you go to the old ruins on the outskirts of town. Theirs a legend that says an old whitch was tapped their hundreds of years ago. I want you to find something from her body and bring it to school tomorrow. If you do i will give you all of my magic power. But if you don't then you give me yours." Under normal circumstances Michael would never make this deal, especially when it involved some stupid local legend but he was still seeing red and wasnt thinking clearly. "Your on you pice of shit." James only smiled. "Good then lets make this a blood pact shall we." Each mage took out a sliver knife and made deep cuts across the plams of their hands. When their blood mixed a surge of magical energy passed between them, bindimg them to their promise. "James smiled once more. "See you tomorrow loser"

Michael was brought back to the present when he stopped at a 2 long dark corridors, each leading in opposite directions. Michael made a quick decision to turn left and continue his search. He had only made it 8 steps before his glowing light that was floating beside him exploded in a small display of fireworks. "Happy birthday to me." Michael mutterd to him self. A moment later he started to seize up as his eyes rolled to the back of his head, dust and stone began to swril around him getting faster and faster as his convulsions got worse. Suddenly everything stopped and for a few moments it seemed like time just stood still, until a wave of magic energy exploaded out of Michaels body in all directions, sending the dust and stone along with it. Michael collapsed to his knees to catch his breath, he had never been so happy to feel like trowing up in all his life. He knew what happen, his magic had ascended bringing with him a new sense of power he had never known before. After a few minutes he began his search again only this time he felt something, some kind of invisible force pulling him the other way, taking a deep breath he began to follow it.

Michael followed the force pulling him for what seemed like hours, making twists and turns and going down paths he not sure he would of even noticed if not for the force leading him. The journey finally ended at a stone wall. At first Michael was angry, being led all over the place only to stop at a wall. His anger quickly faded as his eyes were drawn to a small inscription by the same force that lead him their, it wrote "Only Magic's purest form will open the door." surprisingly enough Michael actually knew the answer. His father had always told him that "Magic is connected to life and that its purest form is the very blood in our veins." He wasted no time, he quiclky pulled out the same silver knife he used earlier and reopened his cut and wiped his blood across the inscription. The effects were instantaneous. The wall began to shake and be pulled down by some invisible force, what he saw next took his breath away.

In front of him was a figure being illuminated by somthing looking very similar to moonlight. It was covered in dirt and dust with what looked to be a large red crystal coming out of its chest. It was being held in place by large chains wrapped around its wrist. Soon Michael felt the invisible force pulling him again, bringing him closer and closer to the mysterious bound creature. The closer he got the more he could make out through the dirt and dust, it soon became clear that it was a woman bound and a very beautiful one at that. The longer he stared at the mysterious woman the stronger the force pulled at his hand until he found him self wiping dirt off of her cheek.
A drop of his blood ran to the crystal, shattering it and throwing him back. The shards flowed up into her body, restoring flesh and cloth alike. Her eyes flew open, glowing with power as she released a magical pulse that shattered her bonds.

"Ahh sweet freedom..." She grinned, dropping to the floor and pulling the new mage to his feet. "What year is this little human?" She asked with a grin, looking him over. "New and pure, perfect." She muttered under her breath.
Michael didn't even notice her hand when she offered it to him, he was too busy looking at her face. He was completely captivated by her, he had never seen a more beautiful woman in all his life.

"M....M....My....My name is Michael.... ma'am."

He wasnt sure why he added the "ma'am" part but she seemed to have an aura of dominance around her and it only seemed right. He almost didnt hear the last part of her question.

"......Human? Your human too right?"
"Well, close enough." She chuckled, looking around. "Wow, this place has gone right to hell. Guess they stopped the sacrifices some time ago, no wonder a mere droplet was enough to free me." She looked him over. "You're a strong one, lot's of potential. How would you like to have a Master? Much better training than the schools those old coots used to run." Her eyes glinted darkly.
A chill ran up Michael's spine at the mention of sacrifice, only the strongest and darkest of spells required the sacrifice of life. But even as the chill traveled through him his cheeks turned a deep red when she complimented, he didn't know why but he found her approval of him strangely pleasing. He had wanted to go to the Magic Academy his entire life and was about to decline her offer when he stopped. He felt that strong sensation again, pulling him to her only much stronger this time. Screamimg at him to accept her offer and before he knew it he agreed.

"Yes......Mistress please teach me."

He lifted his eyes to meet hers and gage her response.
She smiled widely, and with a red flash, they were back outside the ruins. "Wonderful. Do you have any family to tell? We won't return to this town for some time. We must go to a special place to teach you."
Michael closed his eyes at the flash of light, when they open he was a little surprised. Teleporting isn't the hardest spell in the world but it was still beyond anything he could do. He was just about to say how amazing that was, when she asked about his parents. His mood immediately changed from excitement to sadness.

"No ma'am they both died a long time ago."

As hard as it was not to dwell on his parents he pushed them from his mind and gave her a big excited smile.

"But could i have a piece of your clothing? I have a bet to win."
"I'm unsure what a bit of cloth can do that I cannot." She grinned. "Lead the way, we'll settle your bet."
"Oh....ok lets go."

Michael said beaming at her. As they made their way through the tiny village he told her all about the bet, and how it lead to her discover.

"So yea when i show him you i will get all of his magic. Not alot to begin with but every little bit helps."

He looked at her face, trying to gage her reaction. Most people frown about taking anothers magic. Even if won fairly.

"Oh were here."

They stopped in front of a small two storied house. Givin how late it was he wasnt suprised to see every light off.

"So what do you think we should do now Mistress? Should i just leave something of yours so when he sees it he knows our deal is complete?"
"Who else lives here? We could always give him a rude awakening." She grinned, lightning sparking around her fingers.
Michael placed his hand under his chin in deep thought. To be honest he really didn't know that much about James. The only reason he even knew wherehe lived was because he had to walk past his house every day to get home. He only remembered seeing two other people as he passed by.

"As far as i know its only him and his parents. Why Mistress? What did you have in mind?"

Michael asked with curiosity. Egar to hear what his new master had planned.
"Well, if we're leaving, there's a more effective way to take his magic... Nobody would miss him, I could make sure of that."
Michael was completely caught off guard by her statement. Even tho it was true that he had absolutely no love for James Murry, he still didnt think he deserves to die. Michael shook the thought from his head, surely he was overreacting. She didn't actually use the word kill, he was just jumping to conclusions. She probably ment something like making people forget about him for a week, or something like that.

"Yea that has to be what she was talking about."

Michael thought to him self. He gave her a big smile.

"That sounds like a great ideal. So what did ypu have in mind? After i take his magic through the bet, you place a spell on him? Make the whole town forget him for a week to make him stop bullying other kids?"

Michael's mischievous yet innocent smile only grew bigger, confident he had figured out his plan.
"Something like that." She grinned, hands glowing. "Yrrum Semaj..... Nosirpmi!" The world melted around them, leaving them in a strange round room with walls of swirling black and purple. It the center, James was bound by chains on his ankles and wrists, held up in his pajamas.

"W-what the hell is this?!" He yelped, struggling against the bonds.

"Well my apprentice, tell him what he's going to lose."
Michael watched in awe as his master preformed magic he could only dream of. The way reality seemed to warp around them, seeing the magic radiat from her. He couldn't help but feel joy and pride swell in his chest, knowing that such a mage was going to be teaching him.

When the bound James appared in front of him, he wasn't worried. It was most likely just to scare him even more, something Michael was completely ok with doing. Upon hearing his master's words he walked in front of James.

"Well you see James i won our little bet. Not only did i find the witch."

Michael moved aside and extended his arm twords his new Master.

"But she actually agreed to be my master and teach me magic. You know im not lying to you, our pact wouldn't allow it. I'll be collecting now, so i can begin my training."

Michael couldn't tell if the horror on James's face was from being bound, or from hearing he wpuld be losing his magic. Michael gave it no more thought before turning back to his master.

"May I proceed Mistress?"
Michael gave her a quick nod before returning his attention back to James. To be honest hhe wasn't quite sure what to do next. He had never actually researched how to complete the ritual. He was about to ask his master how when he felt it. A strange sensation washed over him. It was different from what he felt before, internal instead of external. Like it was his own magic guiding him.

He drew his silver knife and made a deep cut along his thumb. Blood ran like a river as it spilled on to the floor. His hand moved on it's own, drawing a symbol he had never seen before on James's forehead. Then Michael whispered a word in a language he had never heard before.


The blood symbol began to glow and Michael's sense exploded. He had never felt more powerful or focused in all of his life, the complete opposite of James who was screaming in agony. In reality only a few moments had passed, but to Michael and James it felt like an eternity. When the glowing finally stopped James fell to the floor passed out. Michael let out a deeply satisfying sigh. He turned back to his master and gave her a goofy grin.

"That was intense."
"Yes. Well, I guided you into a lovely curse. Now even his descendants will lack a magical spark. You've drained the very power of his bloodline."
It was clear the curse was dark magic, but he wasn't sure how he should feel about that. He had always been told that its called dark magic for a reason, it's evil and corrupting. So he had always avoided it when ever he was studying. Seeing it in action however sent a small tingle up his spin. He had never known magic to be that powerful. The prospect of actually being with someone that could teach it to him made him excited. But excited as he was he still had his reservations about it.

He looked at James, he almost felt sorry for him.....almost. James Murry was a no talent bully who liked to hurt others so he got what he deserved. His children would probably turn out to be just like him, so its best that they not be gifted with magic, to help minimizing the suffering of others. Atleast that is what Michael thought.

"Are you sure that's safe Mistress? I mean it is dark magic."

His only concern was with their safty In using such magics, not any moral dilemma someone else might have.
She chuckled. "No danger in that dear. People who are hurt by it are those who are afraid. They flinch, lose control, misfire spells."
Her words made perfect sense to Michael, if you weren't absolutely focused on a spell it could backfire on you. Looking at her inspired confidence he wouldn't normally have. He knew as long as she was next to him, their was no spell he couldn't master.

"Well Mistress, all my business in this town is done. I'm ready to leave if you are."
"Certainly. Though if you want more power, you could finish this pitiful weakling off. That his very life-force, and your first step into truely great power." She smiled, producing a spear of the red gem. "Up to you my apprentice."
Michael gave the gem spear a wary look, before shaking his head. He may have done some things he wasn't proud of, but he still wasn't a murderer.

"No. I've already taken his magic, and its made me stronger than I've ever been. But i won't kill somone who can even defend themselves."

Michael pointed to the passed out mass of flesh on the floor next to them.

"Please Mistress, let us leave this town so we can begin my training."

Michael's eyes pleeded with her.
She smiled, tossing away the spear. "As you like, my apprentice." A snap of her fingers and they were outside again. "Let us be off then." She smiled, leading him toward the Forest of Shadows, said to be a corrupt, poisoned land.
(Was she going to be female or futa)
Michael let out a sigh of relief. He was happy to see that his Master wasn't angry with him for going aginst her suggestion.

"Thank you for understanding Mistress."

Michael quietly followed along beside her, his mind on al the different forms of magic he might learn from her teaching. It wasnt until they were outside of town, and on the edge of the forest before he realized where they were headed. He stopped in his tracks before calling out to his Master.

"Wait Mistress! You can't go in their, That's the Forest of Shadows. They say all kinds of monsters live in their! They say a dark curse was put on it, one that attracts the monsters and corrupts what ever else go's in their. Even the strongest of magic users avoid it if they can."

Fear was drupping from every word that Michael spoke. His legs were who literally trembling as he stood their.

(Futa please)
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