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Cloud Nine R&D Station

Indigo Steel

Feb 3, 2015
Cloud Nine R&D Station

This is a "future in space" story, focusing on a massive scientific research station within a nebula. The results of the experimentation tends to be funny, strange, and/or sexy. Including, but not limited to:

Semen and/or vaginal juices taste like chocolate, fruit, etc.
Vibrating body parts
Pain/pleasure switch around
Long prehensile tounges
Sexuality stimulating chemicals
Splitting into many people

There will be multiple storylines, including failure of station systems on some levels either by accident or design, containment breaches of the more volatile experiments, and, of course, reckless scientists wanting to use their experiments in "unauthorized" ways...and that's just an average week...

Any interest?
Sounds interesting to me. I'd probably play a scientist contaminated by the containment breach, who now has tentacles and abnormal sexual desires that a nerdy scientist shouldn't have. :p

I'm overloaded with too many busy one-on-one roleplays. A group roleplay might give me a bit more breathing room.
Welcome! Hopefully we'll have enough interest to start up!

Meanwhile, some background on Cloud Nine:

The station is massive, roughly the size of a small city, cubed. This is because the facilities are handling dozens of projects, backed by foundations, governments, and corporations alike, requiring hundreds of scientists and thousands of general staff members and security support; The station also fulfills the residential requirements of all personnel and their families. Naturally, some projects are more secretive than others, hence some labs are more secured than others, thus equipped with more "extreme" containment measures, if required. By extension, the entire Residential Section is designed to be detached from the rest of the station and remain self-sufficient if the worst ever occurs. The station's position inside a nebulae allows for ambient energy collection and to obscure detection by scanners. All communications are monitored and recorded for purposes including surveillance and training.

D-Sub and VT personnel: Short for "Disposable Subject" and "Volunteer Trusty" respectively, these people are utilized whenever human test subjects are required. D-Subs tend to be convicts (including death row inmates) chosen for experiments with a high degree of fatal, terminal, or highly damaging results. VT's, on the other hand, are simply individuals hired, ordered, or otherwise commissioned to participate in human trials.
Hmm... This concept actually sounds interesting... Perhaps I'll join in. I'm currently looking for something to do while I'm waiting on my other RPs.
I need to inform everyone that I'm unfortunately not able to do much rp'ing here anymore, if any. I'm probably even going to sever ties with the site entirely, so it's not you folks, I promise. I apologize profusely for this, and wish you all the best. If you like, you can continue the rp on your own terms, but I have to bow out. Thank you all for playing and take care, okay?
I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope that maybe you'll be able to come back at some point! If not, then it's certainly been fun, and I wish you well.
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