Kuro (Myself and wiki234)


Jan 5, 2015
Mikhail was up before the sun working for his mistress. As usual he had all his chores done so early that he could make her breakfast and gather the things that needed to be done for the day. He'd made a list and was ready for anything unexpected that may or may not happen as per usual. He karted up the breakfast and drove it into his mistresses room. Placing it next to her bed he quietly went to her closet to gather the clothes for the day before opening the curtains to allow the sunshine in. "It is now time to get up." He announced.
Serena (pic in avatar)was fast asleep from being somewhat very tired with the tasks she recently had and all the different things she had to do, especially talk with business partners about her company most of the time and going out to town in general. Slowly opening her eyes, Serena laid on her side with her back toward him, with her hands under the pillow still laying there for a moment before she slowly yawned and sat up on her bed and inning her eyes with a yawn. " so what stupid things do I have to do today..." She said feeling a little lazy and not wanting to do anything with business again if she could stop it.
((Here is the picture for my girl)
Mikhail nodded and laid the clothes on the bed for the moment. He pulled the list out of his pocket mostly for show since he had it all memorized anyways. "Today we have to meet with the donators to discuss the charities involved with the company. After that we must meet with the manager of the south district over his demand in pay raise for his district and himself. Following this there will be lunch before another partnership meeting before coming back home and writing responses to the many parties you have been invited to tomorrow evening." He folded the list neatly and set it in his pocket before he went about getting Serena dressed for the day. Once she was dressed he discarded her night outfit and brought her breakfast closer to her bed so she could eat. "We leave in an hour."
(You know the what my butler looks like *cough* sig *cough*)

Serena stretched and sat up a bit, before standing up and going over to change into her dress for today, a red and orange dress, with a matching larged laced bow on it (don't know what it really is) she stretched and looked out the window before sitting on the bed again and crossing his arms watching him for a moment and suddenly smelling food. She took the tray and laid it on her lap, starting to quietly eat already, " now they expect me to rush my mornings, don't be surprised if I'm not more than my usual self." After she ate breakfast Serena turned and slowly walked out of the room, "where's my cane?" She asked not noticing if she just walked past it or if she put it somewhere, the cane only being for show.
(Of course~)
Mikhail shook his head and fetched her cane from where it leaned against the wall near the bed. He then brought it back for her and handed her the cane. "Of course your morning would not have been nearly as rushed if you had made the appointments for later in the evening." He decided to point out as they walked down the hall headed to the transportation that would take them to the first appointment of the day. "Your schedule is not nearly as full as it was yesterday." He also commented while checking the time. Perfectly still on time.
"Well I did, I know it might bite me but Im trying to have some during the day and some at night, I have a little time for a break though..." She took the cane and nodded back, walking down into the hall and out to the front of the mansion where the carriage was waiting. "It's still bad to have all these people wanting to same damn thing...I don't know why they would invite to a random party anyway..." Serena looked around for a moment before she swaited for him to open the door for her.
Mikhail opened the carriage door and then helped his mistress into the carriage before stepping inside and closing the door. He tapped the top to signal for the driver to pull away. "Of course they invite you. You are in charge of a major corporation. The people who don't want you for your money or potential business transactions want you for the fact that marriage to a young lady as yourself would bring more business to their own greedy corporations. Everything in this world has to do with connections and money." He smiled darkly knowing she herself had some of the best connections of course.
Serena rolled her eyes, if they marry me they try to get money, if they don't theyll try to ask for a stupid business partner thing. It's all the same, so no I don't want to marry...I think all men are stupid and the same." She sighed and leaned back looking out the window, "I want someone opposite of all that...I'm never gonna find that and even if I could I won't live to see it..." She said referring to their contract. Serena looked over at him, then looked back out the window.
Mikhail chuckled a little. "So depressing you are. Not all men are the same I am sure. And you're not dead yet are you? You should at least try to enjoy the life you still have left." Mikhail smiled knowing to himself it wouldn't last forever. Most demons picked people with a fast wish, one that could be granted easily and quickly so they could feed on the souls. Not Mikhail, he was one of the few that enjoyed the hunt, the ones who didn't mind being chained to a person for an extended time knowing if they could shape the lives of their masters the soul would taste however they desired. It was usually the older demons who felt this way. The ones who grew tired of bland souls filled with hate and despair over their poor lives. Only the best would do, and for a demon with eternity waiting was not a problem. "We shall be there soon." He said with his smile still plastered on his face.
She sighed, " well I know that...its just I've met too many people like that to know what it feels like..." She shrugged and crossed her arms leaning back as they continued. Serena didn't really have a love interest even before this. She didn't know love at all not even much from her parents with her mom gone and trying to get revenge on her father while fighting off other company owners and nobles trying to get her to get with then. It was busy, she didn't really have a break and even if she really did it didn't last long. Serena was never busy will these meetings before and she just had to worry about so much at any given time. Serena glanced over at him slowly then looked back out just listening but not saying anything.
Mikhail smiled leaving her to her thoughts for a while. It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination and he opened the door to the carriage. Once outside of the carriage he helped Serena down and out, before closing the door so the carriage driver could find some place to park. "Remember now." Mikhail said quietly as they begun to walk in. "We may not get business from our charity works but it looks good for the company and in the end brings in more customers." He said knowing that this being an early meeting and one that was almost unnecessary would irritate his mistress. Every month or so they had to have this meeting, to set how much money or resources Serena would be willing to provide to charities and volunteers and what not.
She sighed and just leaned back to relax quielty for the rest of the trip before they finally got there. Serena got out and looked at the tall and very big building in front of them with brown doors showing the way inside in front of her. "Whatever...." She simply replied really hoping she would get a break from all the meetings and business for at least a little while after this. " they really are testng me with having the nerve to keep having these meetings and asking for help...it really just bothers me...maybe once in a while but they just don't get it..." Serena started walkig slowly inside.
Mikhail escorted her through the building and to the office where the meeting would be held. Of course he was a gentleman the entire time, holding open doors for here as well as other things that would be befitting of a butler to do. It wasn't long before they were sat in the meeting room going over charts and what not. The charity workers trying to convince her that the more money she would offer the more return in profit she would see. Mikhail just stood there a smile on his face knowing that Serena was not stupid enough to give them more money, the profit would plateau after a while and these men just thought they could swindle a woman.
She continued through the hall of the building into the same room they always held the meeting. She didn't wanna be here and she already knew she had offered enough already so there would be no convincing at all to say no though the effort was a bit interesting at least. Serena shrugged and sighed, quietly listening and looking over. "Well I'm busy and this time I can't give you any help for now...Ive already helped enough already and it doesn't cost more than what I gave you to help out the charities. AND if you were using the money more wisely in the first place you wouldn't be asking to again would you?"
The men looked shocked at how blunt and quick she was to say no, and rather rude about it as well. One of them just looked angry while the other still did his best to convince her to stay. Mikhail could only cough into his glove to hide the smile that was obviously behind his hand.
She glanced over at him then back at the men, " I'm busy...dealing with other stupid greedy people..." Serena sighed and stood up turning to go out. When they were out she just went over to the carriage and waited for him
Mikhail bowed to the men before following his mistress out and opening the carriage for her. Helping her in before getting in himself.
" jeez I feel like everything is just about yelling at these stupid idiots. Why can't someone jsut go. Well that wouldn't work either anyway." She sat down and yawned jsut wiaing for him. " when we get back home. I want some tea and a bath. I'd maybe rather do one everyday or something." Serana said feeling she was really alone in taking what she wanted and keeping on being Rich and beautiful.
The carriage startled moving taking them home. "Yes, of course." Was all he said with a devilish grin. Once they arrived at her estate he helped his young mistress out and went to draw a bath for her.
serena sighed and looked out the window like she always did waiting for the carriage to finally bring them back. she walked out of the carriage and walked inside, deciding to go out to the backyard garden and sit down to relax for a little while. She really didn't want to worry about anything but that wasn't really possible at her with always having something either minutes or hours away wherever she was, always needing to get things or go somewhere.
(I'm sorry. I'm getting bored with this and don't really see it going anywhere so I am going to quit.)
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