Sombra's Revenge [BimboficationNeeded and luatesh]


Dec 3, 2014
Most ponies thought that after the victory in the Crystal Empire that Sombra had been fully defeated and likely killed, but he hadn't been destroyed. A stallion as powerful as Sombra could never be fully killed no matter how many blasts of rainbow magic struck him. He was nearly immortal despite not being an alicorn, and as a result he was locked up down in the deepest prisons under Canterlot. In the crystalline caverns a number of dangerous beings were kept, and in one strong cage the king was locked up and had been for the past few years. With a few exceptions his only company was a stallion who dropped off food once a day and made sure Sombra wasn't gone. Today he was going to have some more interesting company. Twilight had been researching the Crystal Empire but found a lot of information to be lacking. Finally she figured that she needed to find a more reliable source, and with her alicorn status she could get into the prison. She hadn't had any trouble getting n, but she had avoided telling Princess Celestia since she knew her teacher would worry. The alicorn had a wide smile as she approached his cell. She was a pretty mare, with nice hips, C-cup breasts, and a pretty face. She had the long wings and horn of an alicorn, and was dressed in dark jeans and a dark purple sweater that clung to her body. She had a notebook under her left arm. “Sombra?” She said a bit hesitantly when she finally reached his cell.
Sombra the true rule of Eqeastrea was recovering after his defeat at the crystal kingdom bidding his time tell he was ready he then heard a farmilar voice as pair of green eye opened and a grin formed as the glow of his eyes and the gleam of his teeth could be seen in the darkness as he said in a playful ton " aww my dear twilight Sparkal or should i say Princess Twilight sense you ascended to a Alacorn now have you come to give me company after such a long time I have not had company in my deep dark cell cease your dear sister Princess Cadence was trapped in hear with you the me by Changing Queen Chrysalis during your brothers wedding for that vary Princess or have you come to mock the beast that is now trapped in his cage what is it mare" he said as he walked out of the shadows trapped within his crystal cell running his hoof across the barrier that sparked against his hoof " speak now mare I have vary little patience for you Princess Twilight
A flash of Twilight's horn summoned a simple wooden school desk that she sat down on with her notebook resting on the small desk. She waited for him to finish with his slightly angry words. She had prepared this offer for him and didn't seem nervous at all when she spoke. “I've been doing a lot of academic research on the Crystal Empire recently, and I found that information on the time that you ruled is nearly nonexistent, and the information that is written is all collected by Equestrian scholars who are likely biased. I want to learn more about how the Crystal Empire worked under your control. If you help me out, I can be helpful. I can get you something better than the slop they feed you or even get you a bed rather than just that cot. You have to be cooperative, of course.” Twilight explained in a calm voice as she faced him. Right now she hoped that he would say yes so that she could learn, but if he said no she was ready to stand up and leave him to rot in his small cell.
Sombra with a grin on his face and a soft chuckle that she is asking him for information and was going to to make her beg for scrap of info tell he could make his move then said to " I though you were the all knowing Princess that knew everything and could answer all queastions well I guess that not true you should be more careful about how you make your self out to be you dumb mare and yes I know the information you are looking for but that's a long story that happened for may decades it will take a vary vary long time to tell I am sure you don't want to ramble on about every little detail for the next hundred years and I dont want to but I know a fasater way I can show you in a first hand view from my own memories of the events if you would like but you will have to come to me so I can show you I cant do much in a magic supressed prison cell or you always take the other path so I can bore both of us to sleep with ancient history its all up you when you deside you know were I will be not like I am going anywere
Twilight frowned at his reply. She disliked the insults thrown her way, but the mention of him showing her first hand what things were like in the kingdom when he ruled it was an interesting idea. She took along few moments to think her options over. Finally she took a deep breath and nodded. “Fine, but if you make any moves against me or to escape I will use my full magical power to ensure that you're dealt with.” She insisted in the strongest voice that she could as she stood up. Her horn gave a powerful glow that shot out and struck the magical crystal that was controlling his magic-suppressing prison. The invisible field around him turned to a visible gold for a moment before quickly vanishing and leaving him without the restraints. “Alright, let's do this. I want to see everything. Social conventions, history, major historical documents.” Twilight explained as she opened the door to his cage with the key she had gotten from the guard and stepped inside. She didn't really trust Sombra, but right now she was too curious about what he had to say to turn down an offer amazing as this.
He smiled as she shield went down when the door open he showed Twilight his kingdom when he ruled as he casts a spell to put Twilight in a trance and have visions of his past from memories from him mind as she see a kingdom were mares are below stallions and treated like third class citizens as they were nothing but house cleaners foal makers and toys for stallions as all the mare had looks of lust on the face and liked how they were being treated.But soon the vision was over as Twilight found her self unable to move as her font hoof were bound together and her hind legs were spread apart with chunks of obsidian as the guard was bound to the wall across from them as Sombra said now that you have seem my kingdom you will now experience it first hand you dumb slutty Alicron Mare you don't have the right to hold your position as princess all you are good for is pleasuring my cock and you mare duits as he slides his large fat stallion hood in her mouth and began thrusting deep into her mouth as far as he count with out her choking to death as the guard could see every thing that was happening to his dear princess
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