From The Ashes The Drill Spins Once More

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Apr 17, 2014
A little boy no older than five laughed happily as he sat on the shoulders of his father while he walked down the busy streets of Kamina City. "Daddy can we get some ice cream?" the boy asked his innocent green eyes looking down at the man whom laughed hearing his son.

"Sure but we have to get some for mommy ok Kai?" The Father said to which Kai nodded back.

"Ok daddy." he said as they approached a nearby ice cream shop. Crouching down to one knee Kai's father helped him dismount before taking the child's hand with his own and heading inside. However before they could approach the counter the father's cellphone began to ring and after pulling it out of his pocket did he frown.

"Kai..." the father said reaching into his pocket. "Go ahead and buy your ice cream. Daddy needs to take an important phone call." He said handing Kai a small silver coin. On one side was a flaming symbol with a pair of sunglasses over it while on the other side of the coin was the picuture of one of the Spiral's greatest heroes Kamina. It was known as a Dai Gurren Coin more than enough to pay for some ice cream.

"Ok daddy..." Kai said taking the coin into both of his small hands he happily ran over to the counter and peekd through the display case looking at the various types of ice cream that were available. All the while hearing his father's voice grow concerned over something called Cypher. Then an explosion rung out shaking the small shop scarring the boy as the patrons of the shop dover under various tables. Panic ensured Kai crying as his father picked him up hurrying out of the shop. The sight of Grapearls scrambling in the skies above heading towards the source of the explosion. The one responsible was seen. The sight of a Grapearl larger than the others with a different head. One with a black shell and red eyes. Grapearls fighting each other in the skies. Screams. Fire. Explosions. Death.

"NO!!" Kai suddenly gasped sitting up straight holding his pistol straight up looking for an enemy. Bare muscles tense as deep breaths filled the twenty five year old Spiral's lungs. Finally his nerves eased up somewhat as the sight of the room within the inn registered in his mind. The gun slowly lowered as Kai took in another deep breath feeling the sweat coat his nude form. A hand slowly ran though his raven hair as he calmed himself down. Right he was on Topac, a small colony planet on the edge of the galaxy. He had arrived just a day ago to offload a shipment of some rare spices the Nova Empire frowned upon. Kai was staying in a local tavern while his ship was repaired and refueled, but didn't he meet some girl in the bar that accompanied him to his room last night? Looking around Kai only saw his own discarded attire but found a note on the nightstand. It was from the lovely red head he spent the night with, 'Thanks for one heck of a night call me." Below the message was her contact information.

Setting the note down Kai pulled on his trousers along with shirt, right now all he wanted was some food and drink to help clear his head for the day. Buckling on his belt that held the holster to his pistol Kai departed from his room to seek some sustenance. Heading down the steps and into the tavern, the barkeep quickly called him over saying a group was looking for Kai and were waiting for him at a nearby booth. Something about a job offer of sorts. Being pointed over to the group Kai thanked the man before resting his hand on his pistol read to draw should these men try to attack him in an attempt to collect the small bounty on his head. "Can I help you?" He asked the group
The group wasn't very big at the moment. The only one who seemed to recognize his presence was a woman in a tight black body suit. When she got close enough he'd be able to see her necklace, with a small golden drill attached to it. "Hey. You're name, it's Kai, isn't it? I'm Rei. Did you sleep well tonight?" She gave him a grin. The woman he had in his room was her best friend, Ticy...but she was out doing some preparations. They were going to leave this planet soon..but not without a new addition to their group. This man seemed good enough..and Ticy apparently thought that he was a good pilot just from the way they had fooled around.

..She wasn't quite sure how that work, but she never questioned Ticy. She was older than her...about seven years older than her. But you couldn't pick your best friends, and when her father died, Ticy was the only one who had been there for her.
As the girl identified herself as Rei and asked if he slept well did the Spiral raise a brow slightly while his hand remained atop his gun. For a second Kai's eyes caught sight of the small drill hanging from her neck. It didn't take a second for him to recognize what it was. A cheap replica trinket, something that was always a popular tourist product. Back during the days when being a Spiral once meant something to the galaxy other than scum.

"Yes I did sleep well...though I did not get much of it." Kai replied with a small hint of amusement in his voice recalling the night with Ticy. "And what pray tell would your group like of me?" He asked getting straight to the point. "You certainly did not go through the effort of looking for me if you were just asking about my sleep patterns." He said
Rei smirked at his answer. Ticy was a fox, it was no surprise that she kept him awake for long. Or maybe it was something else. Whatever, it was none of her business. She flipped her hair to the side and looked back at her group absentmindedly. They were stuffing their faces, enjoying themselves before they left. A pleasurable meal could raise any spirit. "A helping hand. You have a nice Gunman, Kai. We could use one of fact we could use many of those. But, one at a time, right?" She grinned at him. Rei was an easy going girl, even if things weren't going well for her and her fellow Spirals. But there was only so much they could do.

Finding Gurren Lagann...if they did that, then they might be able to stand a chance a chance against Cypher. Most people just laughed when she approached them with her proposal...but she felt like this one was different. Well, only one way to find out...
Oh so the girl knew Kai was also in possession of a Gunman then and that was evidently the main reason why she sought him out. Looking at the other members of the group distracted in their meal, not noticing as Kai grabbed a nearby seat for himself. The sound of the wood scrapping against the floor before situating himself directly across from Rei. "So you are looking for mecha pilots basically. Interesting to say the least." sounding somewhat intrigued. "Though I cannot help but wonder what exactly you would need a helping hand for." Kai spoke with a frown beginning to grow on his features.

"If this is your attempt to pull me into that bold crusade against the Nova Empire then the answer is no." the statement was simple and blunt. "The empire is nothing but a group of brutes with corrupt politicians and war generals leading it. I have seen what they are capable of. Even if you had Gunmen from the Spiral King's era you would still face a hard battle against the Nova Corp's Titans mechs." he said recalling one such machine.

After the defeat of the Anti Spirals so many decades ago the other races of the universe wanted their own mecha to command. Seeing what the Gunmen and Grapearls were capable of others began to design and build ones in an attempt to surpass the others. The Titan was definitely one that came out on top. Kai had seen plenty of them before he knew first hand what a single one was capable of. Standing at twenty meters tall it not only dwarfed an average Gunman but its capabilities were another thing to reckon with. With each capable of removable and replaceable equipment each Titan could essentially carry whatever weaponry and gear it needed into fight. Utilizing a nervous system interface the pilot could essentially control and coordinate a Titan with just their muscle movement and thoughts. It was from these features that made the Titans the image of the Nova Empire's army and the reason why they gained control during Cypher's anarchy.

"So unless you have something to really impress me. Or a very large sum of money. The answer is no." Kai said firmly leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed.
Ooh, what a real hard ass. That was fine. Rei wasn't going to beg him, and she sure as hell didn't have enough money. It really all came down to one thing...whether or not he'd believe her. "Well, I'm not sure if this would really impress you, but..." She pointed towards her breasts. Well, not her breasts..the necklace. "This isn't a replica..this is the real thing. This belonged to Simon...this is the key to finding the Gunman Gurren Lagann." Rei grinned confidently despite knowing the outrageous claim she was making. Not very many people believed her, but she could feel it. Even if the others couldn't..there was power in this necklace that came from her father.

She was certain that it wasn't a fake. She was the only one..but she could feel it pulsating at times. She could feel the power it had. All she had to do was get close enough..and then the drill would do the rest.
Wouldn't impress him? To be honest Kai was very impressed from what he saw. Not many girls had a nice pair of breasts as Rei does. However when she refers to the drill around her neck and what it was related to did the smuggler suddenly tense leaning forward slightly to gain a closer look at it. It couldn't be possible, no it really could not be. For twenty-two years the Core Drill was gone no one was able to turn up a single trace of evidence surrounding Gurren Lagann's disappearance. The fact that it was gone was the entire reason Cypher existed. So many Spirals, Imperials, and even Cypher have spent years attempting to locate the tiniest clue to its disappearance.

Now here this girl was claiming the drill around her neck was the same one responsible for activating the legendary Gunman. There was to many variables that didn't make sense. If this girl had the drill was she a Spiral as well? His green eyes darted back up to Rei's as he stared at her for a moment seeing if their was false intentions behind the drill. "Let's say I believed did you get it? For twenty two years thousands of individuals have dedicated resources and their lives to recovering it along with what it goes to." Kai said in a low quiet voice.
Eh, she saw him looking at her breasts. It was hard not to considering the skin tight suit she was wearing. But, eventually he pulled his eyes away to look at the real thing she was pointing at. Of course he was skeptic, any smart person would be. But at least he was humoring her. "I got it..from my father. He fell ill, and right before he died he gave it to me and told me it was special. He said it was the real thing. I can't say why he didn't bring it up before. I know that he had a spell of amnesia before I was born..before he settled down with my mother. So I believe he was the last pilot..."

Rei's face turned serious as she regarded him for a moment, letting what she said sink in. "You don't have to believe me. I can try to find someone else. But you, you have this fire in your eyes. And not many people impress Ticy. She thinks you'd be useful."
"Ticy?" Kai said remembering the name, looks like that red head other motives then just needing a bed partner for the night. As Rei continued though he rested his chin atop his fists in thought. The claim of being the daughter of the previous pilot and the fact he gained amnesia actually made some sense. It would explain why he never attempted to return home. Though why wasn't he still in possession of Gurren Lagann?

Kai couldn't believe that he was actually considering this girl's offer! The chance that Rei litersll held the key to the Spiral's salvation was a chance to great to pass up. With a sigh Kai nodded "Very well then," he said agreeing to join her. "I know someone.... an acquaintance out on the Spiral colony. If he's still alive then he will have the equipment needed to help find where Gurren Lagann is
"Useful," Rei purred with a grin before she sat down on the table. She wasn't hungry..was a bad habit to skip out on meals, but that was fine. "Very well. We'll make a trip there first. And then...we'll see for sure how well your friends thingy works. Better than wandering around the galaxy like a band of merry idiots wasting fuel. Glad you decided to join us..I'm sure Ticy would be happy to know that." Ugh..would be super annoying to deal with her when she was around a handsome face. Oh well.
"I'm sure." Kai said rising from his seat. "When do you wish to leave? I assume you have a ship designed to carry Gunmen correct?" He asked curiously. Gunmen and other various mecha were capable of travel on their own but having the convenience of a vessel capable of carrying and maintain such machines was always an invaluable resource should an unexpected malfunction occur with the robot.
"We wouldn't be taken seriously if we didn't." Rei answered as she looked up at him curiously. "We have our own mechanic too...and a cook. I am one of two pilots. So with you, that brings our team to five!" That was still a tiny, tiny number. Three gunman and a ship though...they had more than what most people did. Even if they stole all of it, it still counted...totally. "Ticy is the mechanic..since she isn't here I can only assume she's messing around with your Gunman. What's the name of it?"
"She's....messing mech..." Kai said slowly blinking for a moment. Apparently Kai mentioned something about his Edge Master during the night. "Please excuse me." he suddenly said getting up from his seat and quickly departing from the inn. It was one thing to have a night stand but something about her messing with his Gunman without his consent rubbed Kai the wrong way. Approaching the docks Kai would be greeted by the sight of various ships and mecha currently occupying the various hangar bays. Walking down the extensive lines of these hangars Kai would come upon the sight of the one where his own mecha the Edge Master stood


the Edge Master was not technically a Gunman itself however. Sure Gunman was a fairly common term for mechs but the Edge Master more along the lines resembled a mix of various other mechas currently in use or considered outdated. It should considering Kai had the thing put together with whatever scrap he could find in order to find work. As he approached the hangar he would catch sight of a familiar red head standing in front of it.

"Do you normally moan that loud when you are looking for people to recruit Ticy?" Kai asked approaching the woman still somewhat trying to register this woman was looking to recruit him before they spent the night having sex.
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