Taming the Kyuubi (JamJessica X Sintan)


Feb 13, 2011
Rhode Island

Naruto X Hinata
Hinata stood outside Naruto's apartment complex and sighed quietly. Apparently the Kyuubi had taken control and Naruto was going berserk. So Hinata had decided to volunteer. She had not been thinking when she volunteered for the position. Now though it was a little too late to change her mind. She cared for Naruto and did not want him to be taken over and unable to regain himself. "Alright...here we go..." She said look up. Hinata had purposely avoided telling her father what she was about to do. Knowing he would veto the idea immediately. Her father, while not being very keen on her being heir to the Hyuuga cared for his daughter. He did not want her walking into a lions den...or a foxs den in this case. Clearly it was dangerous and she understood that danger. She could be killed immediately if she made a wrong move.

So at almost seventeen Hinata found herself standing outside Naruto's apartment door. They had three Anbu outside the door and surely more unseen keeping him contained in the room. He had full access to the apartment but could not leave thanks to the barrier. They nodded their heads to Hinata and she smiled lightly. One of the Anbu stepped up and spoke to her quietly. "Are you sure Hinata-san?" Hinata nodded her head knowing who it was. Her cousin. He was to tell her father if something went wrong but she refused to think of that possibility.

"Yeah. I am sure." At least she hoped. Carefully they opened a hole in the barrier and she stepped inside, it immediately closed behind her. "N-Naruto?" She said looking inside for the man she had always cared for. She did not know what to expect when she walked through the door but she knew he would not be the Naruto she knew. At least that was what she was told. It was her responsibility to help him regain his consciousness.
Naruto was laying down on his bed in a feral fox manner, with his head resting on his paws. When the kyuubi heard someone enter the room, he slowly looked at her with his fox ears and tails twitching as observing her. So far he had no reason to move or attack unless provoked; the kyuubi did have some recognition of who she is, the memory was still there when she tried to free him from pain and saw her get sent flying by pain thus igniting the nineties from Naruto ' anger.

The kyuubi in naruto was curious as to why Hinata is here, his eyes didn't move from her wagging his tails slightly.
Hinata stood by the door when she finally noticed where Naruto was. He was on his bed, staring at her. She had not really seen him in such a form before. She had been unconscious when he took this form after the Pain attack. The girl did not move from her position by the door simply waiting. How did one approach a boy crazy by the nine tails demon? She took a deep breath and stepped forward.

Naruto was in their somewhere and she was going to get him out. One way or another. "Naruto? I k-know your in t-there somewhere..." She said softly staring at him for a few more moments not positive how to go about this. Did she approach him like one would a feral animal or treat him like nothing was wrong. "W-We can always get s-something to eat? Ramen or something. I am s-sure your hungry....." He said been here for a few days at this point.
His fox ears perked up when heard the word eat, the kyuubi wondered instinctively if she had food on her. He hoped off bed and walked to her on hind legs and began to sniff her for any food but he did like the scent of her and inhaled it, may it be natural scent or a nice subtle perfume or both. The inquisitive beast investigated her clothes for any food and even down her cleavage for anything hidden. Kyuubi had no shame or innocence, but it did know it could trust her and was on food subject.

It took everything Hinata had not to jump back when he came over and started to sniff at her. Obviously looking for food. She linked her hands behind her back as he sniffed at every part of her. A blush starting to coat her cheeks. "I...I don't have any food with me. I can h-have someone bring some in?" She said looking at him as he sniffed at her clothing. "Do you want me to get you some food?" She asked again. Clearly he reacted to the word food.
He nodded at her in response to bring him food, he sniffs at her more. Before he lets her go, he puts his paws on her shoulders toppling her down to ground and licks her cheek and nuzzles his nose around in her voluptuous cleavage. Naruto even nudges enough of the very loose fitting tank top to show one of her nipples and laps at it with his tongue. He kneads at her tank top more just being curious like a young pup, then even bites at her belt on her short shorts and pulling at the shorts getting close to exposing her tight ripe virgin pussy. Before the Kyuubi in Naruto hopped off, he took off her belt and takes it in his mouth; hopping on bed and gnaws on it like a chew toy.
Hinata gasped as she was toppled over,leaving her laying back on the floor. Of course it was not simple as he somehow freed one of her nipples and took a lick or two at it. Causing her to shiver slightly in pleasure. Though she remained silent. Thankfully he seemed to get distracted by her belt and pulled it free and went to chew on it. Hinata sighed softly and stood tugging her shorts up a bit and holding them in place. Hinata opened the door and looked to the Anbu that she knew was Neji. She did not trust the others with Naruto's wellfare as much as her cousin. "He is hungry. Can you bring back some food...I guess food Naruto would eat as well as food a fox would since...I really don't know who is controlling his stomach right now." She said sheepishly.

He nodded and returned around ten minutes later with a few bowls of ramen. "If he eats that I will get more...if not I'll find some type of food a fox would find good." Neji said passing her the ramen in the containers. She thanked him before heading back inside. She set the bows of hot ramen on the table. It was fresh from Naruto's favorite place. Maybe it would bring back part of his conciousness.
As soon as the three bowls of ramen hit the table, the Kyuubi picked up each bowl at a time downing a bowl into his mouth; til all was done. He licks his mouth then walks over to his window looking outside to the village; been so long since he had been outside and been able to exercise his legs nonetheless feel any kind of exercise at all. He looks over his shoulder back to Hinata then back to the window. The Kyuubi or Naruto felt very bored with nothing to do and being bound to his apartment.
"You were definitely hungry." She said watching him eat the ramen rather quickly. He ate even faster then Naruto normally did. It was amazing to sat the least. As Naruto began to look out the window before turning around to look at her she sighed softly as she wandered over to stand next to him. Crossing her arms lightly as she stared out at the village. "U-Until you can regain some form of yourself I cannot let out into the village." She turned to look at Naruto. "Their is no way of knowing whether or not you will cause any damage." She explained. Besides it was not her decision either. If he could regain some form of Naruto's consciousness and be able to prove it would be a whole different story.
He looks back at her then lays down on back staring at ceiling, then turns his head to her direction with a look on face showing how bored he felt. A much deeper voice than Naruto's voice came, "There has to be some sort of activity we can do in this cramped apartment..." It was Kurama, the fox himself speaking. "Oh by the way, don't worry about Naruto. I have no plans to kill him. I very much like the boy, he's grown on me quite a bit."
Hinata was slightly shocked to hear a different voice leave Naruto. Though she should have expected something like this might happen. So now she was talking to a demon. The Kyuubi. She doubted that was his name but she did not know anything about him. She smiled a little at his comment. "I...I cannot seem to t-think of anything." She mused softly. It was a small apartment. They could go out if she could prove Naruto was in control but at the moment that was not possible.

"W-Well that is g-good to know." Hinata responded when the other said he would not be killing Naruto any time soon. Though she wished she could talk with Naruto and make sure. After all it was hard to be convinced.
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