Red Woman, Lord of Light (Celebstars & Orpheus001)


Apr 28, 2012
The woman sat on her horse as she marched up the pathway forged by men hundreds of years before her. It was certainly colder up here than in the south and her breath was seen leaving her dark lips just as the horse's was leaving it's nose. Cutting on to some grass, the animal's hooves sunk in to the wet mud during the night's rain. Melisandre hated the north already.

The priestess who's faith had rewarded her with abilities such as seeing prophecies was travelling after seeing what the future had in store. She had left the house of Baratheon, Stannis not helping her in her quest, not having the army at his disposal which she was led to believe so instead she was shown a new way, a way which involved Jon Snow.

In the distance for the last few days she had seen the wall, the icy large structure which had been the story to young children for many centuries.

Still riding as she came up a hill, she saw the wooden structure of the Night's watch, a building dwarfed by the figure the wall behind it.

Riding in her red cloaked outfit, she had her hood up, hiding her fiery dark red hair which was braided in to a ponytail.

A few hours later, she had reached her destination, and came to a slow halt on her horse outside the large wooden doors.

"I am here to see Snow" she said, her voice loud and clear to the watchman above holding his bow and arrow. "It is of great importance" Melisandre added. Seeing the man look down to the ground below him inside the camp, his nod to another man let her know she was invited in. The big doors swung open with a creak just above the grassy path and the Priestess entered on her horse.

Looking inside and around, she could see wounded soldiers, men being attended to because of their injuries. The man who had let her in approached her, his face covered in dried blood and dirt. "I wish to see Jon snow." Her leg lifted up and she climbed down her horse before tying it's reins to a post.
The night had not been kind to the men of Night’s watch. The wildlings had attacked from both ends and they had barely hung onto themselves. Although their numbers were far less than needed, especially so after the attack the last few remaining men were on full guard.

John himself had taken to resting for the short time that they had. After all the wildlings were much larger in number, and although for the time being they had retreated they would regroup and attack soon, maybe in a month or later. Either way, there was no way to defend the wall. Not with the numbers they had.

He shifted and stirred in the cold room that he had unable to sleep at all despite being tired. That was when he heard the gates open south of the wall. Visitors? More men maybe? He wasn’t sure.

Getting to his feet he walked out of his room putting on the extra layer of fur he looked around the place he saw a woman in red at the gates coming in on her horse. He was unsure of what or who she was. Soon enough one of the men pointed towards his quarters from below and she walked past them all towards castle black and inside.

Was she coming to see him? He had never seen the woman in his life before nor had he heard of anyone like that. Now that all or most of his family was dead, he was not expecting to hear any news of them either. Taking a moment he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword and waited for the woman to come. She would be very wrong if she was thinking she could take him. Even tired as he was he was not about to get fooled.
Walking in the soggy mud filled with water and melting snow, the woman in red looked up at the bastard son of Ned Stark and smirked. He was a lot more handsome than she had thought, which only made her interests in him grow, the last thing she needed was to seduce a repulsive man.

Walking up the wooden set of stairs, they creaked just as the gates did that allowed her to enter. Holding her robes as she climbed so her feet wouldn't get caught, the mystery red head finally reached the landing that Snow was on.

"Jon Snow, a pleasure" she said bowing to him like he was a Lord or King. "I have traveled a great distance to see you, are you not going to invite me in for a drink? We have much to discuss." Walking past him, she took an invitation from him to enter even if he didn't offer. The cloaked figure disappeared from sight among the other soldiers in to the room Snow was staying in.

Looking about the place, a fire was lit in the corner filling the space with an orange glow. A solid wooden chair sat by a table and Melisandre took it to rest and lowered her hood to reveal her face properly.
The wall was no place for a woman, in fact no woman ever really wanted to stay at the wall there were murderers and Rapists sent here to live out their lives. Why she had come was beyond John's understanding. He watched the woman in red climb up the stairs and the way she bowed it seemed she knew who he was although no one before had bowed to him like she did.

Taking a moment to put his thoughts together John followed her inside his room. He was curios what she wanted to discuss but as he saw her take her hood off it was clear she was not from the north, neither was her attire she wasn't dressed for the cold weather of the wall. "Who are you?, and what do you want with me?" he asked her as he stepped up right in front of her watching her.

It took him a few moments to notice that she had taken her hood off and from what he could tell she was calm and at ease. Something he found a little confusing. She had no weapon what so ever to defend herself and yet here she was at the wall.

"I am a guard for the night's watch now, there is nothing I can do for you" he said simply before listening to what she had to ask.
Looking up at him, standing in front of her, the woman just smiled with a smirk, allowing him to know she knew more than he did at this point. He wanted to know what she was here for, and he would know in time.

"Take a seat, there is no need for you to be alarmed." Her gloves were pulled from her fingers, she was now making herself at home, allowing herself to be at ease. "I am of no danger to you Jon Snow, I am here to help you."

Gazing around the room, she was quite disappointed with her surroundings, how men were meant to fight in these conditions were beyond her, plus, after living in with royalty such as with Stannis this was a much bigger step down.

"You do know of your father do you not? I assume work has reached as far as the wall. Ned Stark, beheaded, humiliated in front of King's Landing. Do you not revenge for it Lord Snow?"

Her eyes were filled with menace, but equally filled with motivation to help the young man.
Jon knew for certain that he had never seen the woman before he watched her quietly as she told him to take a seat. he was surely on guard but he was not about to sit just because she asked him to. He waited and watched her. Unsure of how she wanted to help him. He knew that his family had trusted the wrong people and ended up with in a hole. He wasn't about to make the same mistake.

"Is that right? how would you help me? Who says I need help?" he asked her. He was at the wall no one was coming to hunt him down.

"Of course I know what happened to my father, what I do not know is why are are you here, and why would you want my father avenged?" he asked her as he took a step closer to look at her "I have never seen you before, and my father certainly never mentioned anyone like you." he said watching her intently.

His hand rested on the hilt of his sword and was ready to draw at a moment's notice if she tried anything. "Even if I wanted to Avenge him, I cannot, The night's watch would never let me go. And I doubt a single woman could change their mind especially now when the wild-lings might attack at any moment. So tell me how will you help me avenge him?" he asked her doubtfully.

It was clear she wanted to help him, although it was also clear it wasn't just out of the goodness of her heart she surely had ulterior motives. "What do you get out of it all?" he asked.
"You have your father's traits, well as I was told of him." Her hands rested in her lap, she didn't flinch or move when he placed a hand on his sword. But the fire in the corner flickered and waved like it was alive, almost as thought it was her guardian in the room.

"Do you know why they would let you go? Because you have King's blood in you, and does a King serve the Night's watch or does a King serve his people in his Kingdom?" Her eyebrows raised, her eyes telling as they looked deeply in to his.

"I am here to balance the play, the Lannisters hold to much over you, they have your sisters, well at least one of them so I here, I thing the youngest escaped although my spies can't confirm it. But they haven't seen her in months. What if she to has been killed? Like your father? Let me help you."

Standing up, the Priestess moved towards him. "What if I could kill anyone you wanted, anyone, and all you would have to do is fuck me." The last part was a whisper in his ear, her mouth so close to his ear drum. The words fuck me lingering in his mind with the way she said it.
He could tell she had a way with words and she was manipulating him or at least trying to. He knew that his was sort of plot although he couldn't see how it could be one. One thing he was certain of was that he wanted to leave the wall to avenge his family.

He grabbed her by her hair when she came closer although not in a threatening way more so to keep her away as he looked at her and thought her words over "What kind of a witch are you?, Why would you come all the way here just to bed me?" he asked her as he pushed her into a corner.

It had been a while since he had seen the flesh of a woman it was true. But this was too good to be true. A woman offering herself to him and in return offering to kill anyone he liked?.

He walked upto her and placed the sword back in its sheath and whispered "What do you want from this, why would you want me to be the king?" he asked her as he slowly parted her robe looking down at her body. Still covered by the red dress..
She grunted and yelped as he pulled on her long red locks. She had a beauty about her which was hard to describe, nevertheless she could tell he was interested, what man wouldn't when he had sworn a oath never to be with a woman again.

When she was pushed in to the corner, she looked calm an composed rather than scared and intimidated. "I want to be Queen, I want us all to worship the flames." Feeling his hands start to part her robe, signaled his intent and interest.

The woman still have a dress underneath, but given the man's strength she was sure he would be able to rip it off if he wanted to.
John looked at the woman and slowly Eased his grip on the woman when she admitted what her true intent really was. He knew that she had a agenda, however hers seemed to change the faith of all that lived in the realm, maybe it was possible but maybe it wasn't. Either way she could help him get his revenge.

He laughed at her offer "Why would I make you queen if I were to sit on the Ion Throne?" he asked with a smirk as his hand slowly moved to grab her dress in a messy bunch. "I could make you the high priestess...And if you were to ask the men of north to follow your gods... they would not follow me... and how are we to win a war without soldiers?" he asked her still holding her in place but not making a move just yet.

He took the moment to look at her study her before he slipped her Robe off her body and smiled "I have to admit, your offer is quite tempting however...your body is more so" He said as he slowly moved his hand up to her breast grabbing through the dress and massaging it lightly.
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