Never NeverLand ((Pazzo and freckle_beauty))


Queen HunyBee
Jul 27, 2012
Lady Termaine's School for Girls was falling silent on the freezing winter night. Female students from ages six to eighteen were falling asleep in their beds. The school had grown since it was established in 1893. Since then three additional buildings had been added to the campus. In one of the outer buildings one particular woman was toweling off from a hot shower. Across her shoulders laid her towel hiding her nipples while still showing off her round breast. She pulled on black yoga shorts that had a decorative green band. "Did I really forget my shirt?" She frowned looking around the steaming bathroom and sighed seeing that she did. Shaking her head she left the bathroom after gathering her dirty close and quickly hurried to her room down the hall. A flip of the light switch and the room was a glow from a bright lamp in the far corner. Tossing the bundle of dirty clothes and towel on her shoulder to the floor. She opened a drawer and pulled out a large white t-shirt that had Run DMC across the front with the members of the group near the bottom.

The young woman was a was a Teacher's Assistant in the Math Department. She was finishing the last part of her degree that would get her to being a real teacher. There were times where she was mistaken as an upperclass students due to her young features. Stepping out of her room she saw two girls giggling at one end. "Hey! It's past lights out, do you really want a detention?" She called out seeing them freeze. "No Natalie." They sighed annoyed that she had caught her. Natalie Bernet was twenty two years old and in addition to being a TA she was also a mentor to the girls and monitored a few of the floors in the building making sure the girls got along and stayed relatively happy. Like most night Nataile was walking the halls making sure all her girls were in bed and not up and getting into trouble like the two she had seen not long ago She started one the floor beneath her own peeking into each room and then moved onto her floor. Starting at the end of the hall where some of the young girls stayed and would slowly make her way to the end of the hall. She expected it to be a quiet night, but expectations didn't always turn out the way one hopes.
The darkness watched her quietly... A shadow of hidden desire... It slowly followed her across the floor down the tile hallway, hiding under her feet with each step... She was beautiful... It longed to touch her, to feel her, to smell her... Oh yes...

But it was patient. The shadow merely followed and waited... It was weak in the bright fluorescent lights of the hallway. And so it waited. The young teachers assistant unlocked her door with a coded card key, and stepped into the room. The shadow followed her, and with blinding speed, it slithered up the wall and behind the wall light switch place, severing the power wires, bathing her room in darkness...

It then flowed outward like an inly black velvet blanket across her bed, eager to envelop the gorgeous woman in its dark embrace, completely hidden in the lightless environment.

It waited for the girl to test the light switch several times... The darkness heard her rich voice utter a few choice obscenities... It waited patiently for her to get close enough to the bed, at which point it would strike... And she did. The shadow lashed out with a black velvet tentacle, wrapping around her leg tightly. She struggled, but it was immensely powerful. It managed to cover her mouth quickly before she could scream, and pulled her down tightly onto her bed. Its black fold caressing and fondling every part of her body with complete abandon...

A sultry, masculine voice emanated from the direction of her desk. "Let her go..."

Abruptly, the light came flickering on. The Shadow emitted an ear piercing scream of extreme torment... It tried to dash out of the open window, only to have it slam shut... It attempted to hide in a drawer, but it suddenly closed as well...

A black leather gloved hand reached out and grabbed an inky back tentacle of the shadow, and held it tightly...

The hand belonged toa mysterious young man was perched on his tip toes, high on the back of her wooden desk chair. He was clad in dark clothing, with longish shiny black hair that his eyes. His mouth smiled cruelly, his lower lip framed by two snakebite type piercings. And oddly enough, he did not cast a shadow of his own...

"Hello my shadow, " He murmured to the writhing insubstantial darkness flailing before him... "Just what have you been up to?"
"A quiet night." She smiled to herself heading back to her room. Producing the keycard she opened her door and reached for lights. Her thin fingers found the switch and flipped it up to on. Nothing. Down and then up again. Nothing. Down and up down and up down and up a few times. Her lips parted in a heavy sigh and out flowed a few choice words promising herself to yell at maintenance come morning to get them fixed.

Her long legs stretched out and crossed the floor heading to her night stand. She kept a small light in the drawer and knew that it would be useful at least for the few minutes she would be up since grading papers was no longer an option with out light. Natalie gasped feeling the restriction on her leg wapping around it like a snake as she went to tug away tentacles lashed around her waist and shoulders pulling her to the bed and chaining her down with it's strength. Terrified at what was going on she screamed out. Nothing, muffles. She thrashed with out yield on her bed trying to escape the thing that was crawling all over her, and caressing her in places she didn't want.

Just as she thought there was nothing more she could do her muscles starting to give up on her growing tired the lights flickered on and she was released from the things grip. She gasped pulling oxygen into her lungs and coughed a bit so not to hyperventilate and scare herself even more. Natalie sat up looking across the room at her desk. Her eyes caught the blackness going to the window. She quickly moved out of her bed falling to the floor when it jumped towards her open drawer. She heard it slam shut but did not see it. Once he picked her self up off the hard carpeted floor she could see that the thing thrashed about in the man's grip clearly wanting to escape.

"Sh-Shadow? That thing is a shadow?" She laughed nervously and shook her head. Impossible. Shadows did not act as living beings because they were not living beings. What he held in his hand could not possibly be a shadow.
The young man tossed his glossy raven hair from his eyes, tightening his grip on the writhing black mass...

"Yes" he murmured to the girl... " Its a manifestation of my darker side and desires..."

He regarded her thoughtfully for a moment from his perch, and in a spectacular display, vaulted up into the air, did a single flip in a swan dive pose, and landed just a few feet in front of her. His scent was dark and mysterious, but pleasant to her senses.

" I am terribly sorry to have disturbed you... " He began, "But might you have a needle and thread? I have tried soap in the past to make this stubborn momnter stay in place, but it has never seemed to work..."
If it was indeed a shadow, and that's a very large if, it made Natalie wonder just what kind of shadow could be the manifestation of ones darkness and desire. If a shadow was so powerful how could needle and thread help.

Natalie sat in the same place simply staring at him for a few minutes. Shadows that were alive, boy who appears to fly, and now he was asking for needles and thread. "Y. Yeah. Yeah I have those things." She said and stood up looking at him. Natalie looked him over. Her olfactory senses were flooded with a new scent. It was strange, yet appealing to her. Her hand lifted and pointed to her desk drawer. "It's in my desk." She whispered looking at the squirming shadow as one tentacle reached out to her wrist. Natalie jumped quickly drawing her hand in and went over to her desk. With shaking hands she opened the shallow middle drawer and pulled out a spool of black thread and a needle. Holding it out to him "What exactly will needle and thread do to it?" She asked her eyes focusing on the shadow that was still in his grip.
The dark young man smiled at the pretty girl as she spoke to him in her melodious voice. It was arguably the most pleasant voice he had ever heard...

"Yes, it is indeed a shadow. Like all things of darkness, it reflects the worst qualities that we have hidden deep within ourselves..."

He inclined his handsome face, and considered the teaching assistant for a moment. She was very attractive, even sexy... He liked her tan skin and alert, innocent looking eyes... Perhaps she could be tempted...

"The needle and thread will be used to sew this little beasty back to where it belongs..."

He stood up to his full height, and drug the squirming shadow behind him... "Please forgive me, I am being rude... My name is Peter, what's yours?" He murmured to her softly...

Peter then extended one of his black gloved hands to her, Palm side down, in an offer of friendship...
She tilted her head to the side as he confirmed that it was indeed a shadow as if he knew what she was thinking, and wanted to confirm her suspicious thought.

Natalie lowered her hand when he did not take the needle and thread from her. She looked around the room before turning her gaze to him. He was much taller than she had expected. "Oh. Right..." She mumbled and placed her hand in his.

"Nice to meet you Peter, I'm Natalie." She said with a smile and then looked at the shadow. "Do you..want any help sewing it on?" While her hart still beat fast just looking at the shadow it was obvious to her that he wouldn't be able to hold the thing and sew it at the same time.
Peter smiled a whimsical, enchanting smile...
Her fingers felt hot against his skin, and he found that he liked it.
He could tell she was nervous, with her beautiful eyes watching his every move...

The dark young man gingerly sat in the chair that he had perched on earlier, and murmured "Yes, if you please... But be gentle, that's a sharp object you have there... "

He watched her as she began sewing... The slight little pinpricks sending electric sparks of pleasure up his spine...

"Tell Me something..." He said to the pretty girl "... Do you enjoy your life here? Grading papers and tutoring young girls, or do you dream of adventure and fantasy? Perhaps just to escape?"
Natalie nodded and sat on the floor in front of him. Before grabbing the shadow she threaded her needle. Carefully she began to see it to the sole of his shoe. It was strafe holding it in her hands. It did squirm a bit but she did her best not to jump when it did.

"Yes of course. I mean all I've ever wanted was to teach, math and science." She explained her eyes focused on her stitching. She fell silent upon the second part of his question. She did day dream a lot, and wonder what it would be like if she hasn't choose to teach if she picked something with more excitement.

She snipped the thread and looked up at him nodding. "I do wonder what it would be like to travel to new places. Grading papers does get boring after so long." She sighed looking at the stack that sat on her desk.

"Why do you ask if I like it here?" She wondered.
Peter immediately stood up and stretched lazily, watching as his shadow followed his every movement...

Nodding his approval, "You do very good work..." He murmured, cracking his neck to each side with his hands...

He then looked to her, tossing his dark hair from his eyes, with his pierced lips curling into a scintillating smile...

"Because I am About to fly home, and I thought you might like to come with me..." He said to her, in a very seductive voice...

Peter stood up, and slowly rose up into the air, and doing a very graceful backflip, slowly glided out of the window...

He came back just as gracefully, standing there in mid air among her flowing curtains, offer her his well manicured hand...

"Just think of the happiest thought ever, and feel your heart become lighter than air..."
Natalie put away the needled and thread and took a step back as he tested out his shadow making sure it followed his movements. She gave him a nod.

Natalie thought about it, it did intrigue her thinking that she could go for an adventure just on a whim by taking his hand.

She walked to the window and placed her hand in his. Slowly she closed her eyes and thought. Many memories ran through her mind. Happy ones, sad ones, but she finally settled on her happiest memory, the strongest one.

Before she knew it she had been pulled out of the window as was floating next to Peter.
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