Flowers in the Sand - A Naruto RP (Vandesdelca x JamJessica)


Jun 1, 2014
Gaara pursed his lips as he waited in the pathway that split the high cliffs around Sunagakure. The envoy would be arriving any moment now...

Sunagakure had weathered quite a lot in the past years. Akatsuki had made no secret their desires to capture the Jinchuriki of the world, and had already made an attempt on his life. Deidara had only recently attacked him... and things might have gone quite a bit differently if Kankuro and Temari had not been there to help him in his moment of need. A bomb had nearly killed the people of Sunagakure, and Gaara would have expended himself against Deidara's threat. Kankuro and Temari had driven Deidara off seconds before Deidara had been able to capture him.

It had driven home just how much of a threat Akatsuki was, defeating one of the five Kage with only one of their members. As Konohagakure had already known the sting of the Akatsuki, it had only made sense to ally their villages. Tsunade had been skeptical at first, but an accord was reached... with an unexpected consequence.

The elders of Sunagakure and Konohagakure had insisted on some manner of insurane againsto ne another. And what they had come up with... was less than appealing to those involved.

Arranged marriages.

A member of one of Konoha's major clans marrying into Suna... as well as a member of Suna's ruling class marrying into Konoha. Temari had been volunteered, however reluctantly, into the Nara clan... and in turn.

Sand flitted up into the air on a wave of chakra, covering Gaara's eyes from the sun as he looked out into the distance. The envoy was making its way closer. Ferrying the bride that had been chosen for Gaara -- Hinata of the Hyuuga clan.
Hinata Hyuuga stared out at the desert before her. A small frown on her lips as they traveled closer and closer to her destiny as Neji would call it. She was heading to her new home of Sunagakure. It was the polar opposite of Konoha. She could not help the nerves that began to form on her way there. All she had to go on about her soon to be husband were that he was the Kazekage and everything people said after the chunin exams years earlier. Hinata had never seen him fight personally but she had heard of how he used to be and she truly hoped Naruto was right.

Upon discovering that she would be married to Gaara she felt the need to finally confess her feelings to Naruto. He had only arrived back in the village a month earlier. She could not go and get married until she knew whether or not she would have stood a chance with him. Once he confessed she learned Naruto did not feel the same and Hinata could except that. After thinking about it more he was more like a brother then a lover. After that she confessed she would be marrying Gaara due to an alliance between the villages. It was supposed to strengthen the bonds between the two. Naruto assured Hinata that Gaara was a good guy that was misunderstood, similar to how Naruto used to be but they turned out differently.

Hinata believed what Naruto said and she could only hope that his words rang true. Hopefully it could grow to be more then an arranged marriage between two strangers.

At the moment she only had two people arriving with her. She refused to use a carriage for she was a ninja and it was not that long of a travel. It took longer by carriage. Her things would be arriving in the next day. The only two with her was Neji and TenTen. Her father, and few other members of Konoha would be arriving in time for the wedding.

Soon Hinata and her companions arrived at the large pathway leading into Sunagakure. Hinata took a deep breath and began walking inside. Seeing Gaara was close by. 'time to meet my husband' Hinata took a deep breath and stepped forward.
Gaara was alone at the edge of the village except for the familiar specter of his brother, Kankuro. Dressed all in black but for the colorful splash of face paint, he was a sober figure, standing just behind Gaara's right shoulder. It felt... odd that Temari was not there, but it had been a sacrifice that had been made ofr the good of the village. Besides, they had all known it was coming -- Shikamaru and Temari had been more or less an item since shortly after their Chunin exams. That had been an easy change. But between himself and Hinata...

Kankuro saw the group before Gaara did, unfocused as the Kazekage's eyes were, and he murmured to himself. "Small crowd."

"Ours was no larger for Temari," Gaara said, blue-green eyes refocusing. THey saw familiar faces -- Neji Hyuuga and TenTen, fellow members of the Konoha Twelve. Eleven he corrected himself -- Sasuke's departure was still a sore point for him as well, a member of the failed retrieval operation.

Kankuro snorted. "Only because she's stubborn."

Gaara's lips twitched, almost into a smile.

He stood his ground until the three of them arrived, standing not far from where Gaara and his brother stood.

"Good afternoon," Gaara said, his voice deep, resonant, and quiet. Powerful but subdued, not unlike the man himself. "On behalf of Sunagakure, I welcome you. I trust your journey was pleasant," he said. His eyes flitted from the serious Neji and TenTen to... He kept the surprise from registering on his face.

She was lovely in a soft, hardly quantifiable way. Her eyes were odd by some standards, but his were no less so. They added to her gentle look, her body wrought of gentle curves that drew the eye naturally -- his eye, at least, though he kept it from traversing too far and too overtly. "If you will accompany me, I will show you to your accommodations. Preparations for the wedding proceed smoothly," he said, turning, hardly gesturing for them to follow as he departed into the heart of the village.
Hinata had not wanted to deal with her father during the travels his was of treating her was never pleasant and she did not want to heard him on the way. Neji was similar in his cold manner at times but he did not speak when it was unnecessary and she liked that about him. He was actually a bit more comforting then she had expected him to be. It was a nice change of scenery.

The rest of the group arriving for the wedding would be arriving later tonight or in the morning. She had arrived a day earlier then scheduled. Before finally stepping up to Gaara she ran her fingers through her hair. Neji patted her on the shoulder. "Relax Hinata. It will be fine." Neji stated simply. Hinata looked over at him with a nervous look but she nodded after a moment and continued forward. She had barely said anything during her travel to Suna.

Upon arriving she looked at Gaara with a soft look on her face and thankfully she was able to keep herself from fainting or freaking out in anyway. It was part of the reason she only brought Neji and by default TenTen. She had not wanted to embarrass herself in front of others. "Y-Yes it was pleasant, Thank you." She said politely, her tone soft but not nearly as quiet as it usually was. While she had not met Gaara personally she had seen him around Konoha from time to time so she knew what he looked like but his bright red hair and greenish blue eyes were nice from so close.

Hinata nodded as he spoke and she and her two companions began to follow behind him. Though she suddenly turned her head behind her and sighed softly. "Naruto alert." She mumbled. Naruto had insisted on coming along but had been ordered to stay with the rest of the group. Of course he would somehow do as he wished. Not that she minded.

Sure enough Naruto arrived next to Hinata and grinned. Hinata smiled a little before turning and following Gaara once more.
"I'm glad. I know how strange it is to go from one land to another," Gaara said. He had been a frequent visitor to Konoha since the Chunin exams, changing the perception of him both at home and abroad. From the self-involved murderer had emerged a kind and merciful man. "I hope that you will like Sunagakure. I know it is..." he paused a moment. "... barren, compared to Konoha. But the people here are good and strong," he said.

Kankuro took up the rear of the group -- and he was none-too-surprised when a figure in bright orange and black showed up out of nowhere, dropping into the street.

"Naruto," Gaara breathed when the spiky-haired ninja suddenly appeared. He smiled faintly -- his first and closest friend. He said no more as he led the rest of the entourage up and into the Kazekage's mansion. It was a great edifice of sandstone, warm colors and round slopes. Kankuro took the rest of them (Naruto, Neji, TenTen) off into the guest rooms, leaving Hinata alone with Gaara.

He cleared his throat, leveling his eyes on her. "Until our marriage, you will be staying in quarters just off of my own. Afterward--" Well, it was obvious. There were things expected of them following the taking of their vows. Political or no, their marriage was hoped to be a happy one.
"it is a bit strange but I am s-sure with time I will grow accustomed this land."Hinata said softly. It was a huge difference from the land she had once known. She had always enjoyed Konoha and it's more lush landscape. Hinata loved flowers and things of the such but she knew this was her knew home and she would eventually become accustomed to where she would be living from now on. "It does seem like a nice place to live, it will just take some getting used to." Hinata said, thankfully keeping the stutter out of her tone. She was surprised by that but she was happy. It was not a habit she liked.

Naruto nodded his head slightly. "Gaara."He said with a huge grin plastered on his face.

When Hinata found herself along with Gaara she was surprised but waved to the others as they headed down the hall toward their own rooms. She turned her head to Gaara and smiled a bit as he spoke. She understood what was expected of them. "Ah, I see." She said nodding her head ever so slightly. Everything that was happening made her nervous but she knew she would have to get over it.

Hinata truly hoped their marriage would be a happy one and one day filled with love or at least tolerance of one another. Hinata walked next to him her hands behind her back. Hinata wanted to get to know her future husband but she was a bit too quiet for her own good at times. So she remained silent for now.
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