Time's Change (NerdGirl)


Sep 28, 2013
There had been a time, some months ago, where Shego had been a femme fatale henchwoman, working the life of crime and drawing upon her paranormal powers to further the schemes of anyone who could meet her paycheck. But it was only recently where she had retired from that life now that she was both content with the money she had earned and feeling that she wanted something more in life.

Whatever 'something more' was, she had yet to find it.

She bought a new house, a nice one too, in Middleton and worked toward reintegrating into normal society. Normal... she very nearly forgot the meaning of the word. All was going well but of course she knew a certain red-haired witch was spying on her. Kim Possible... that girl always wanted to push her luck. But Shego let her be, raised no fuss. She just wanted to live something simpler.

Another morning started up and she headed for the gym, getting set by donning a black sports bra and black lycra shorts, both articles clinging tight to the toned light green flesh of her bosy, framing her womanly curves and leaving her toned midriff on display. Shego had tied her long raven locks back into a ponytail that left a good deal of the raven hair looking free. Looked good on her. Finishing up tying her laces she made her way out toward the main body of the gym.
Kim had been following Shego for the past few days, after hearing that the henchwoman was leaving the business of working for the highest bidder, Kim couldn't figure out if it was a story or true. It had been a cole months and the ex-henchwoman had not done anything evil. Today was a saturday, and so Kim was heading to the school's gym, just like her, Bonnie, and the other cheerleaders did weekend. Only this time was different, half of the town was sick with the Flu, so the other cheerleaders were at home.

Kim walks inside of school, and gets into the girl's locker room. After seeing that no one else showed up, and having just missed Shego, she strips down to nothing. After waking up this morning, and finding out that her family was still sick, she didn't get to take a shower, so she figured she would just take one here. Kim looks around again, before getting in the shower and turning it on, the water loud enough that she won't hear any 'Visitors'.
The hard workout had persisted for the better part of an hour, though ultimately Shego supposed she just wasn't in the mood for a lengthy workout. She had worked up a fair bit of a sweat from the act and burned off any unnecessary fat on her body and that was perhaps enough for today. Proceeding on she headed back to the locker room and proceeded toward her gym bag, removing her tight top and soon sliding off her pants.

She looked good, a woman entering into her mid thirties and yet bearing a body every inch as fit and firm as what Kim had... with the bonus of having wider hips and a larger bust. After undoing the binding of her hair Shego made her way to the shower and only seemed to brief examine the redhead beneath the spray. After all, she was working to keep a good image. Couldn't go getting into fights. The lime-skinned woman made her way under one of the available showerheads and slowly flicked it on, letting the hot jet blast down over the curves of her female form.
Kim hadn't heard Shego enter the shower, but when one of the other shower heads turned on, she turned towards the older woman. "Oh, I didn't hear you come in, Shego." Kim says, trying not to fill every word with the hatred she feels for the lime-skinned woman, she had been watching her ex-enemy since she bought the house. "So, since we haven't talked…you know since the last time you tried to kill me, why don't you tell me what you are doing in Middleton?" She asks, turning so she go can see her entire front.

Kim couldn't deny that she had one point lusted after this woman, after all the lime-skinned woman never wore anything besides that skin tight suit showing off her every curve.
Shego gave a quick smirk when the younger woman looked her way, fully reading her body language. Much as she wouldn't want to say it aloud Shego knew that her former nemesis was more than a little 'hands on' when it came to her. "Looking for something new in life princess," she said as her skilled digits slid down through the wet raven locks that rolled down her back. By now it was good and wet, choosing to stick to the taut surface of her back.

Now she turned, letting the redhead see her own body full frontal. She walked closer and poked at Kim's left breast before casually saying "Not that it's going to stop you from stalking me."
Kim grins as Shego pokes her, taking her off guard. Acting quickly, she reaches up and squeezes both of the older woman's breasts. Kim stops grinning, she didn't actually mean to touch the other oman's breasts, she just couldn't stop herself. As she stands next to she go, a new wetness begins to form and flow down her legs, just as the water does.
The sudden grope of her breasts was enough to make Shego blink in surprise, briefly glancing from her heavy mounds to Kim's hands as if inwardly working to make sure that had actually happened. She made a snorting noise and then slowly reached a hand up, one finger pressing under Kim's chin, tickling lightly at the pale surface. "My my princess... I never thought you'd be the kind to do something so bold. Trying a little lesbianism?"
Kim blushes even more "I…uh, No I was just…trying to push you away from me, and I accidentally touched your…soft…breasts…" She says, getting flustered, and looking way, feeling extremely embarrassed. Kim had just wanted to push the woman away, not wanting Shego to smell her arousal. Kim looks back at the older woman "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened."
"I think I got an idea on what happened," the older woman said, smirking and then looking down at her former nemesis. Suddenly she had two strong hands clasping the soft surface of Kim's shapely hips, honed from all that time spent cheerleading. And added to that was all the energy she spent fighting criminals... Shego smirked "You're into me, princess. You can act like it's not the case, but you and I both know that you've been staring at my ass like it was solid gold since the day we met."
"I mean…I guess I have found you attractive for awhile now. But, I'm sorry I groped you…" Kim says, looking away with a large blush on her cheeks. "I'll just go…" She says, turning away from the lime skinned woman. Kim was the good guy…while Shego was was the bad guy…but this time Kim was in the wrong. She just couldn't decide how to proceed in this situation. A few months after Kim & Ron had stopped Shego and Drakken for the first time, Kim found out that Ron had snapped a picture of Shego. After Kim took the picture from Ron, she looked at it, and notice that the super powered henchwoman was actually rather hot.
"Well... I don't think running away is the most heroic action," Shego said, clearly confident with a coy smile tugging on her plump ebony lips. She proceeded to move closer, a powerful arm wrapping around Kim's waist and promptly pulling her in close, so Shego's heavy breasts were quashed into the sterner surface of Kim's back. "I think this is a good sign Kimmy... You want me, I want you... could come to work out handsomely for both of us."
"W-wait…you like me back?" Kim asks, turning to she so they are face to face. Before she know what she is doing, the younger woman kisses Shego on the lips, "When you put it like that, its only fair that I help you." Kim wasn't exactly new to this, infact she and Monique had experimented on multiple occasions.
Shego looked set to answer, only to find herself suitably surprised when those soft lips briefly grazed her own. A quick act, but the lustful intent was clear. She managed a wry smile despite the shock of the act coming from her old nemesis, and she proceeded to reach around to grope Kim's naked backside while the hot water blasted over them "Glad to hear it Kimmy. If you think you can take it, then I'm set for you here and now."
Kim smiles at Shego, before pulling her in for another kiss, this time making sure it lasts as the redhead raps her arms around the older woman's kneck. Stopping the kiss for a second, Kim whispers in in her bely found lover's ear "Sounds good to me…" then goes back to kiss the girl.
The redhead was more than eager it seemed, and Shego was more than happy to fully accept that enthusiasm. She made a few muffled noises of pleasure, groaning into Kim's mouth before gripping her backside and pulling her up to a tight warm hug. "Fuck yes..." Shego hissed, before pinning her back to the wall and moving a hand to grind at the soaked surface of the super-spys positively soaked pussy.
Kim continues to have her arms wrapped around Shego's kneck, but when she backs her into the wall, Kim jumps up and then wraps her legs around Shego's waist. When the woman rubs her pussy, she moans around the passionate kiss the two are sharing. Kim's fingers dig into the lime skinned woman's back, though the spy doesn't realize.
The raven-haired beauty gave a low hiss of arousal, the sensation of Kim's digits stroking along her back sending sparks of pleasure and pain racing through her very being. The busty former villainess smiled and began fingering Kim with a renewed vigor, energy seeping straight into the warmth of her pussy. Shego smirked "Like that princess? I know you do..." Shego teased in a low hissing tone.
RE: Time's Change (Things came up IRL, sorry)

Kim nods her head, the pleasure making her voice catch in her throat. She tightens her grip on Shego, not wanting this to end. She begins to thrust her pussy to meet the raven haired woman's finger fucking. Kim moans in pleasure, immensely enjoying the pleasure being given to her by the woman.
"That's right Kimmy, keep on going. I'm gonna make you gush for me, and when I do that I'm gonna fuck you like you wouldn't believe!" the older woman boasted while keeping her fingers awork at that magnificent pussy. She was seeking out Kim's weakspots, wanting to find her g-spot and get her off on the spot.
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