Mud in the streets (Myself, Ryees)

Phoenix Rising

Like the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Sep 25, 2012
Amelia ran through the streets her long black hair blowing in the wind as she tried desperately to get away from the assholes that chased her out of the bar, well it was hard to run when you were constantly tripping over your skirt. She lifted her skirt, started running faster as she found herself in a darker alley then she was used to. Her eyes widened when she realized it was a dead end, she had absolutely no where else to go. '' Please.. I'm harmless..'' She said as she held her wand behind her back, could easily defend herself but lately she had been trying to keep her magic under wraps since hearing there was someone looking for halfbloods like her.
"Oi, Malcolm, check this out."

Malcolm turned from his desk as Horace approached his desk with a wide parchment. The enchantments on the parchments let one scroll around an overhead view of London from the Aurors office, making tracking through the streets a far less arduous task than it might have been. "What am I looking at?" Malcolm asked blankly; the map was large, and not particularly closely zoomed. Whatever Horace was seeing, he was not.

"Here," his colleague pointed out, pressing a finger down onto the map to enlarge a section. A seedy part of town, to be sure, mostly bars and clubs. It contained a fair amount of gang activity but that was work for the blue caps, not the Ministry. Something did catch his eye, though; a group of figures moving at a decidedly hurried pace through the back alleys of the neighborhood. One woman, a witch by the coloring of her blip, chased by three men, all wizards. That certainly smelled of Ministry duty.

"Very well, I'll go sort these folk out," he said with a sigh. He stood from his chair and started moving about; a dark coat covered his tucked in shirt, black leather gloves covered his slim, long-fingered hands, and a gray newsboy cap flipped on top of his head. Glimmering green eyes surveyed his desk and snatched up his cypresswood wand, the familiar heft and handle of the delicately curved instrument never failing to make him feel at home. He waved that hand over the map and a phantom image appeared in the air; Malcolm grabbed the edge of that phantom map and pulled it outwards. The ghostly image, much like a window shade, retracted into the map as by spring.

"Back in a jiff," he said with a tip of his hat and a cheerful smile.


The streets of London were dank, to say the least. Recent rains left puddles at corners and dips in the road, the cobblestone streets glistening slickly with wetness. Malcolm's want waved delicately at his shoes. "Silencio." He tapped his feet on the cobblestone and nodded with some satisfaction, his leather boots making not a sound on the hard stone as they tapped. And so he set off at a jog, following the mental map he had painted for himself.
'' Please don't hurt me. ! '' Amelia said as she looked at the men closing in on her, her heart raced. She was terrified that they would hurt her, or do far worse to her. It wasn't her first time in the city but she hadn't been out of school very long, she was still getting used to life outside of hogwarts school of witch craft, wizardy. She had been born a half blood, knew what was done to halfbloods. The one thing that scared her more then losing her life, that was losing her family or having something else taken away from her.
Getting lost in the streets of London was a prospect Malcolm had no interest in. The map on his wand guided him keenly through the wet streets on silent boots. Eyes scanned every alleyway as he passed it, curious as to whether those he tracked were alone in the night. A few individuals appeared, here and there, but hey were muggles one and all, and irrelevant one and all. He cursed as the tenth minute of his search ticked past; there was too much ground to cover on foot. He sighed and curved into an alley.

Pop! after echoing pop! carried him from one bank of shadows to the next, pretense of stealth lost in the interest of speed. But now he was gaining ground, and very shortly found himself within spitting distance of the four pinging dots on the map. And he saw them: a trio of men with wands staring down a cowering woman at the end of the alley. His want flew from its place on its hip and aimed.

"Bombarda Maxima!" A concussive burst of energy ripped from the tip of his wand and slammed into the middle man of the trio. He slammed face-first into the cobblestone while the men flanking him burst aside and bounced off the alley walls, shortly following him to the ground. Malcolm crossed the street and was on them in seconds. "Petrificus Totalus! Petrificus Totalus! Petrificus Totalus!" Three men became three boards, rooted to the ground in varying states of consciousness.

He reached into his coat and revealed his badge to the woman. "Malcolm DesMoines," he told her, "just in the nick of time, it seems."
'' Amelia Devereux... We went to school together. I was a year behind you though.'' Amelia said as she nodded when she saw his badge, smiled. She didn't know if he would remember her or not she was easy to forget, she had even been in the same house he was in. Her nickname had been Amelia the mouse because her voice was so soft it sounded like a squeak when she spoke, she hadn't really outgrown that aspect of her past.
Malcolm quirked an eyebrow at her, examining her features. It has been years since he had even thought of Hogwarts, much less actually been there. He had some find memories, some harsh ones, and a number of memories that he had no words for. Hogwarts was a strange place, one he had enjoyed immensely, but he could comfortably say he was happy to have graduated. Though in the cold months, the scarf he wore was still the blue and silver of his house.

Her face looked vaguely familiar, like the face of a celebrity that you haven't seen on film after several sounds of plastic surgery: remembered, but fuzzy and distorted. "I'm not so good with faces," he lied, "I apologize. We should move, though," he added, casting his eyes around. "I've a bad feeling we aren't safe here."
'' I know were not safe here.. '' Amelia said as she took out her own wand, smiled at him. She waited for him to give her a signal so use the spell for transportation or apperating. Of course she had only been running from the men that were now rooted to the ground, she was very impressed. She wasn't surprised he didn't remember her not a lot of people did really, she had to admit she didn't really say a whole lot unless she was asked a question. One more thing he might have remembered if he remembered her was the fact that she had a horrible stutter when she was nervous, her right eyebrow always twitched when she stuttered.
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