Before/After Rp
I'd like to give this RP a try... I want to take a strong willed, independent woman (Pic 1) and train her to be a pleasure slave (Pic 2)... I have several male characters to pick from on my F-List Or we can create a new character together
I can write between 1-3 small paragraphs per post depending on the situation, but will never give one liners and ask you don't either
If you want to leave the RP, that is fine... BUT PLEASE TELL ME! ... I have had several people just drop for no reason, some right after having me set everything up... It's rude and I don't like it... Please talk with me...
Some Details
Before: Pic 1
After: Pic 2
1- sexual exhaustion/pleasure overload
2- shocking/whipping
3- question/answer
4- orgasm control/denial
5- aphrodisiac/sexual stimulant use
If there is anything else wanted, we can talk about it ^.^ I would also prefer threads
** Edit: I would also like this RP to be 80/20 Smut over Story... ^_^
I'd like to give this RP a try... I want to take a strong willed, independent woman (Pic 1) and train her to be a pleasure slave (Pic 2)... I have several male characters to pick from on my F-List Or we can create a new character together
Some Details
Before: Pic 1

After: Pic 2

1- sexual exhaustion/pleasure overload
2- shocking/whipping
3- question/answer
4- orgasm control/denial
5- aphrodisiac/sexual stimulant use
If there is anything else wanted, we can talk about it ^.^ I would also prefer threads
** Edit: I would also like this RP to be 80/20 Smut over Story... ^_^