Black Butler (wiki234 x Rauk)



Foul energy filled the hellish place that Sebastian Michaelis called home. The clouds of pure evil suffocated the tortured, and damned spirits as they lay waiting for their turn to be devoured like a buffet of souls in this realm of eternal darkness. No place on Earth could possibly even begin to compare to the absolute terror embedded into this horrifying place. Among the demons, Sebastian was one of the most cruel and malicious. He was not a savage, however, and enjoyed savoring his prey as he slowly devoured their pathetic souls one by one in a careful manner. Knowing that their fraying energy is being absorbed by him, forcing their spirits to fade from existence all together, simply to satisfy his temporary hunger made him giddy with excitement.

A lengthy amount of time had past since Sebastian's last proper meal, and it was now time he located a new target. Word had spread that there was a feisty female, with much anger in her heart on Earth. Such an angry spirit would make for a tasty soul, he thought to himself, as he prepared to manifest himself physically into the mortal plane once again. His plan was of course, for her to summon him. Whether she completed a sufficient ritual by accident or on purpose mattered not to him. He only needed to be invited into her home, so that he may give her his mark, and construct a contractual agreement to serve her until her soul is prepared and ready for harvesting. It was her anger that interested him the most, as it just so happens he had been craving such a meal. Focusing on her energy, and attempting to supernaturally find her physical location, he began his magics to manifest himself to her in an acceptable human form. Patiently, he then waited for his opportune moment.
serena was a young noble teenage girl that had everything like few of the lucky girls who lived in a place like she did. Her mother had died when she was young and her father....well he was born in hell. Serene absolutely hated her father, no love or respect from him and the worst thing is the how he had left them for dead in the streets while he continued owning a large well business and living the life of freedom and riches.

A few years later serena worked hard enough and slowly rose to power by herself just like her father with her own successful business and company herself. She owned her own mansion and everything she could really need but something was lacking, and that was of course revenge. her only life goal now, the only thing that kept her alive after all these years.

she sighed as serena was exploring the town alone, the wind blowing through her hair as she walked down the sidewalk through various shops. nothing really interested her at the moment for now
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