Bait and Switch [Ilatria and Everundine]


Apr 29, 2014
Leaning against the dirty wall of a Hightown alley, Fenris unclenched his fist and looked at the coins in his hand. The noble he had robbed luckily wasn't that aware of his coin purse- which is probably why the other thieves recommended him- and the phase ability that the lyrium gave him helped him get away with it undetected. But he could never be too careful, Danarius could be anywhere in Kirkwall, along with any of his guards. Stuffing the coins into on of the pouches on his armour, Fenris set off for the steps leading to Lowtown, hoping he would blend in down there.

Looking around for the dwarf that agreed to help him for money, he had some difficulty. Like all humans looked that same for dwarves, all dwarves looked the same to elves. The only difference that was this particular dwarf had a fear of the surface. Finding the rather scared man, Fenris just dropped five gold coins on the counter. "I have your money." The claws of his gauntlets dug into the soft wood, impatient as Anso counted it, holding it up to the sun. "Just need to make sure, aha.." Anso's nervous laugh made Fenris want to punch him in the face, but luckily he could keep his temper low.

After a minute or two, Fenris' attention was brought back to the other when he spoke once more. "Now, what do you need me to do again?" Scowling ever so slightly, how could he forget their conversation from earlier today?, Fenris spoke with a deadly edge to his voice. "I need you to hire someone to go to the building on the paper I gave you. Something important is in that chest. I need to know. But it's most likely a trap." It had been the oddest thing that morning. Someone came up to him and handed him a paper, telling him to go to the alienage. Pushing aside the offending comment, he made his way there through the shadows, only to see Daniarius' men bringing a chest inside an abandoned building. He needed to know what was in that chest, but knowing him, it was a trap to bring him back.

"And, uh, how am I supposed to do that?" Anso asked, only to have his collar grabbed and Fenris leaning over the low counter. "You're supposed to figure that out, seeing as how that's what you promised." Throwing him back into the shaded stall, Fenris stalked off, climbing up a ladder to get onto the roofs. It was a risky move, but if he stayed low, he had a clear aerial view of the alienage. Hopefully Anso would be able to find someone tonight, he had a feeling Danarius wouldn't stay in town long.

(I don't have very good starters, sorry)
Diaval Hawke had never been one to turn down a paying job, so when the dwarf Anso contacted him about a simple retrieval mission he accepted without a second thought. Easy money, right? Wrong. The chest Anso had spoken of was completely empty. Disappointing, really. The mage's black hair fell into his eyes and he pushed it back with a slender, calloused hand. His green eyes moved to meet Varric's grey-blue ones and he shrugged his broad shoulders. He rubbed a hand over the short stubble he had growing over his chin and turned to leave the premises. "Um, Hawke?" Hawke looked over at Aveline, then scanned the faces of Anders and Varric before following the gaze of his friends to the group of eight Tevinter Hunters staring them down.

"Only two against one? Varric, this is too easy," Hawke spun his staff before widening his stance. "Bianca agrees whole-heartedly, my friend," Varric readied his beloved crossbow and let loose a bolt, settling it in one of the hunter's necks, "One down, Hawke. I think Bianca and I might be able to take care of this ourselves." Hawke laughed as he whirled his bladed staff, hacking off a Tevinter arm before throwing cone of cold, quickly followed by stonefist. In the end he took out three, though Varric argued it was more like two and a half since he hadn't really killed the one Tevinter, he was going to just let him bleed out when Aveline did the merciful thing and slid her blade between his ribs to pierce the heart.

And just when they thought it was over some Tevinter Captain moved to block their exit, calling for his troops which must have been hidden elsewhere. It was then Hawke saw the elf. So lithe and so beautiful with his silver hair and the intricate pale markings which covered his face and arms. His strength, impressive, and the power he held, amazing. An elf that could punch a hole through a man's chest? That was an elf he would prefer to have on his side and he hoped it wouldn't come down to another fight. A group of Tevinters was a cake-walk for his band of misfits, but a single elf with that kind of power would probably prove to be a tad more difficult.

He studied the elf, his pale silver hair and eyes made his seem like some sort of ghost, a lovely wraith come to haunt Diaval's dreams. "So are you what this was all about?" He gestured toward the bodies. "If so, you're welcome," he leaned on his weapon and gave the elf a charming smile. "I would ask who would set a trap like this but from your...conversation with the captain I gather you were once-" he tried to think of a better term than slave since the elf obviously didn't care for that one, "-a Tevinter captive."
It had only been a few hours until nightfall, and that's when Fenris stood up. Stretching out his legs, he caught a glimpse of movement from the alienage. Maybe Anso had gotten to work, his suspicions confirmed when he saw the group enter the same building from that day. Soon after the door closed, he saw a group of Tevinter soldiers move into place... eight of them from what he could see. Scowling, it had been a trap after all, he saw the captain and lieutenant move into their place on the stairs, it seems they were prepared to either let their soldiers die or stop them before they killed what they assumed would be him. A bitter smile made it's way onto his face, they had no idea that a slave could outsmart them.

Making his way down after the group made their way outside, he heard the brief sounds of battle before the captain addressing the group. "I don't know who you are friend, but you've made a serious mistake coming here. Lieutenant! I want everyone in the clearing now!" It seems they were weaker than Fenris had originally thought, it only took one surprise attack from him to slaughter the eight other men hidden just behind the lieutenant. But little did he know that the lieutenant was currently dealing with Fenris' burying his sword into his stomach before shoving him in the direction of the steps. "C-captain... he's here..." A choked voice came out before he heard the body hitting the ground, the signal for him to move into place.

"You're men are dead, and your trap has failed. I suggest running back to your master while you still can." He spit the word master out into the captain's ear, his lips formed into a sneer. A few seconds later, he felt a hand on his shoulder. "You're going nowhere, slave!" In that instant, Fenris couldn't think. His vision clouded red and the next thing he knew, he heard himself snarling out "I am not your slave!" and ripping the man's heart out from his chest. Crushing it and watching the man collapse, he took a couple deep breaths to calm himself before shaking his hand to get rid of the blood and filth on it and turning to the group in front of him. From what he could see, there were two humans and a.... beardless dwarf? Shaking his head, he could see that the leader of the group had a staff on his back. Eyeing it warily, his proud demeanour diminished somewhat. "I.. apologise. When I had asked Anso to provide a distraction from the hunters, I had no idea they would be so... numerous." He paused, listening to the man speak. He was uncomfortable under his gaze, but it wasn't as bad as Danarius was.

"It's a long story." Fenris looked down, not wishing to share his story unless he knew he could get help. But even so, he was going to have to to get help. "Thank you for the help, but I may need more. I can pay you if you wish." Frowning at the word 'Tevinter captive', some of his rage bubbled to the surface. Stepping down to be on even ground, he forced himself to stay in place. "I wish it was as harmless as being a captive, but I was-am- a slave." He wasn't free yet, he wouldn't be until Danarius and Hadriana were dead. "My master wishes the return of his property and what is on me. He could care less if I were dead as long as the skin on my back was unharmed." Taking a breath, he looked at the male. He didn't look like a mage, he had black scruffy hair and he wasn't exactly clean-shaven. "And that's where I need your help. He won't be in town for long, and I need help getting into his mansion and confronting him." His eyes narrowed as he looked to the highest point in the city, his fists clenching and unclenching.
Diaval frowned, he did not like the idea of this man thinking he was still a slave. "I don't know who you are, but I would never mistake you as a slave." Hawke watched the elf's face contort with a rage he could barely restrain. He stepped forward and extended a hand for the other to take. "I would be happy to help you, I happen to dislike slavers very much." The elf's gaze made his feet feel like lead weights and he heard Varric laugh quietly. Hawke knew that the dwarf knew exactly what Diaval was thinking. His foot stepped sideways and 'accidentally' found Varric's foot.

The rogue covered his yelp with some coughing and Hawke cleared his throat awkwardly. "I'm Diaval Hawke," he offered, "most just call me Hawke."

"Those markings you have, what are they?" It was Anders who had spoken, Aveline regarded the elf with suspicion and Varric just waggled his eyebrows every time Hawke glanced his way. The elf's eyes skimmed over Anders, Hawke could see the distrust immediately and he wondered why that wasn't in his eyes when he looked at Hawke. "This is Anders. Aveline is with the guard, and Varric is a business partner of mine."
Noticing the frown on the other's face and his extended hand, Fenris unconsciously flinched away. The other's comments did nothing to quell the bitterness in his heart or voice. "Then you have a bad judgement of people." He muttered, letting the other continue what he was saying. It was a relief that the other would help him, and he also disliked slavers, which was always a plus. Raising a single black eyebrow when he heard the dwarf cover a yelp with a cough, he didn't know what was going on, and so he made no comment.. out loud at least. 'Odd group..' His thoughts were clear as his eyes ran over the group. Two mages, a warrior, and a rogue. How did they band together and get along?

Nodding his head at Hawke, he introduced himself. "My name is Fenris." It was simple, short, and sweet. Just like he was trained to say it. Of course, the magisters loved to hear the elf speak, his voice was unique to the silky smooth voices of the other citizens of the Tevinter Imperium.

Looking over at the mage who spoke with a glare, Fenris looked down at his arms. "I imagine I must look strange. This is lyrium branded into my flesh. In case he ever needed it.." His eyes darkened with anger, he had to be civil to the people helping him. He traced the outline of one of the runes, the one that gave him the ability to phase. Even though he lost everything, it was that ability that kept him alive. "Anyway, we should get going, he must know that his original plan failed." He addressed Hawke in particular, getting the feeling the other's would listen to him.
Hawke noticed that this Fenris was an elf not fond of idle chatter, straight to the point and blunt were all his words and there were no extras either. "I can't come with you, Hawke," Aveline's voice pulled his attention away from the elf momentarily, "I must get back to the city guard, I can't afford to get mixed up in some of the business you get into." She smiled at him and he grasped her shoulder, "Thanks for tonight, Aveline, get back to guarding the people of Kirkwall." She walked up the stairs past Fenris, her eyes watching him cautiously as she went back to her post. "I'm glad to know you, Fenris," Hawke enjoyed the man's voice but could tell he was not exactly comfortable using it.

"Yes, and he be even more glad to know you a bit better," Varric chuckled at his own joke and Hawke glared at the dwarf, he really was infuriating sometimes. Diaval swallowed the hard lump that had formed in this throat while listening to the story of Fenris' brand. A terrible, gruesome thing to do to someone, as a mage himself he couldn't imagine forcing that on some poor soul. The lyrium brands explained the pull he felt toward the elf and Hawke ground his teeth together as he hoped to run into this Tevinter slave owner.

"We'll follow your lead," he gestured toward the stairs and found himself following closely behind Fenris. "Do you know what sort of back up plan this man will have in place? He will have already planned for failure of his men, having obvious knowledge of your...talents." Something about this elf was extremely alluring to Hawke, he chalked it up to the lyrium brands, preferring not to think too hard on the matter before they walked into a fight.
Looking over at the red-head, he said nothing as she said her goodbyes, only nodding when he was spoken to directly. The silent form of communication was sometimes inconvenient, but it served it's uses when the time came. That, and he was set on edge with the recent events. He was about to say that Hawke didn't really know him, no-one did because he made sure they didn't get too close, but the dwarf Varric had to interrupt. Tilting his head in confusion, it took a moment for Fenris to get what the dwarf was actually saying. Feeling the tips of his ears redden, he turned on his heel and took the lead, wishing this night over and done with.

"I do not know what he has planned. He is a mage. In the Imperium, he is a wealthy and powerful man, but here, he is someone who sweats when death comes for him. He will most surely use any tricks up his sleeve to capture me... dead or alive." Death would be a more welcome option, seeing as how Danarius' uses for him were.... interesting. "But just because I fear death doesn't mean we have to be reckless." Fenris stopped as soon as they reached a large building, Danarius' mansion. "For the past few days, I haven't seen anyone leave or enter. We should be careful." His hand reached for the broadsword on his back, kicking the door open and walking carefully in, sword in both hands.
Hawke nodded his silent agreement, he had no plans of being killed because of some lowlife. He took in the inactivity of the mansion and rubbed his chin in thought. "There doesn't seem to be much going on. Maybe he has barricaded himself in. It seems likely for a cowardly man such as this to do." He took the bladed staff from its place on his back and grinned at Fenris. "After you," he flourished his right hand and did a little bow. This was obviously Fenris' fight and he would not take the pleasure of killing the man from this elf.

It seemed to Diaval that taking that right would not be taken very well by the Lyrium branded man and he wasn't eager to get on his bad side, having seen first hand what those brands made him capable of doing. it was no surprise to him that the door was locked. "Why don't I take care of that for you?" Varric grinned as he picked the lock, "No such thing as a locked door in my book."
"Not so much cowardly as prepared. Despite sweating as death comes for him, he is smart. He will be prepared." A small explanation, one that was said over his shoulder, but he nodded his head. "He probably did barricade himself in the master bedroom, so if he does have minions, we'll have to fight our way through." Fenris didn't really want to go into too much detail of how big the inside was, the master bedroom was up a grand staircase and down a long hall. He was a little wary, Hawke had his staff in his hand, and it could mean that he was plotting with Danarius to capture him once more. But thanks to his knowledge of the place, he knew that he could use secret entrances to escape.

Turning to Varric as he offered to unlock the door, Fenris merely nodded. It would be good to not damage anything, lest the guards decide to butt into the scene. After the dwarf had unlocked the door, he strode in and thanks to quick reflexes and the swing of his broadsword, killed two of the men waiting in the shadows. "Watch out! They're hiding in the shadows!" Another swing injured the man who snuck up behind him, and he could soon feel the familiar sizzle of magic go by him.
Hawke pulled his body backward, narrowly missing the sizzling shock spell that narrowly missed both Fenris and himself. This was not good. He was an apostate, yes, but never had he resorted to blood magic or demons. Yet here there were shades, never a good sign as far as he was concerned. He rushed into the room and spun his bladed staff as he encased a shade in ice before splitting it open with the end of his staff. A bellowing laughter escaped his throat as he reveled in the battle, he had always loved stories of righteous mages bringing justice to the demons of the fade and he felt like one of those heroes just then.

He heard Varric shout Bianca's name, pleased with himself and the crossbow as it buried a bolt into a second shade. Then it was silent. He knew that this would not be the end, this manse was rather large and he assumed that this former master of Fenris' would have something there which was a little more tough. He knew the strength and talent of Fenris, what he was capable of handling alone, but he wouldn't be prepared for Fenris to have brought along a few more for the fight. "Onward and upward, right?" He raised his eyebrows in good humor, hoping to see the elf smile just once. He had no such luck.
Avoiding the claws of a shade that managed to sneak behind him, he cleaved the last one in half with his greatsword, wiping some sweat off of his brow. He had to admit that the battle got his blood pumping, and he could only guess that the others enjoyed it as well, seeing as how the dwarf Varric occasionally shouted a female's name, which he could only guess was his crossbows name. His skin almost crawled from the use of magic- both malicious and on his side- something that he wouldn't get used to.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he had yelled through the roar of battle to tell Danarius he was there, he turned to the mage and nodded, a small twitch of his lips that barely lasted half a second. "You would be correct." He stalked off towards the main hall, surprised to find a wrath daemon. He knew that Danarius would be desperate, but not this desperate. He didn't know what deal he made, but it had to be a good one. Unfortunately for Fenris, the daemon wouldn't be able to kill his master seeing as how with the parties' combined effort, they were able to kill it easily.

Seeing that it dropped a key, he bent down and picked it up, knowing from the design it was for the master bedroom. "He'll be in here." He announced when they reached the door, he turned the key and opened the door bracing himself only to find..... nothing. Letting out a small yell of frustration, he fisted one of his hands into his snowy hair, taking a breath to calm himself. "I assume that he has many valuables laying around. Take whatever you wish... I-I need some air.." He quickly walked out of the room, slamming the front door when he reached it. Feeling the cool spring air cool his heated body, he leaned against the wall and punched it, frustrated and angry that he had a chance at freedom and it slipped away from him.
Hawke admired Fenris' agility and strength, he was such a slight and beautiful creature to be so powerful. He was not surprised the man wanted Fenris back, Fenris was a strong ally in battle and would be an even greater foe. His heart felt the frustration in that fleeting form as the elf made his way out of the mansion. Hawke looked around, kicking open a couple of trunks and collecting whatever was inside to inspect later. It didn't take the mage long to follow Fenris outside. He wished he could provide a little comfort to the elf.

"I'm sorry we missed the bastard," Hawke offered, sympathetically. He shared a look with Varric, if he knew the dwarf as well as he thought he knew he would be dying to hear more of this elf's story. Anders was not as sympathetic. He seemed to not trust Fenris, Hawke could see it in his eyes. But then there were few that Anders did trust, Hawke was just lucky enough to be one of them.
As soon as he saw Hawke, he couldn't help himself. "It never ends. I escaped a land of dark magic, only to have it hunt me at every turn. And now I find myself in the company of yet another mage. I saw you casting spells inside, and I should have realised sooner what you really were. Tell me then: What manner of mage are you? What do you seek?" Even though he had helped him, he couldn't be sure. This could all really be a plan, Hawke could just really be working off of a script.. or not. Most magisters in Tevinter hated Danarius, all they did was kiss ass to keep him happy and to receive favours. But it would be profitable for Hawke to do this, he did notice some things peeking out of his pockets. But he didn't really blame him. If Fenris decided to stay and help Hawke, he would live in the rundown mansion and hope that no one would want to buy it. It didn't escape his attention that Anders was getting a bit mad from what he had said, but he wondered if he would be yelled at. The perfect excuse to rid the world of one more mage.
Hawke was slightly taken aback by the harshly worded questions. They were more like accusations than questions and he had always thought himself pretty straightforward. He was not a man to con others, it was quite possible he was one of the most honest people in Kirkwall but the citizens of Kirkwall were not known for being honest. Hawke noticed Anders' blood boiling, he placed a kind hand on the other mage's shoulder. "I'm not sure what you mean, but I'm afraid there has been a misunderstanding. I'm not seeking anything, merely lending a helping hand."

"He's known to worm his 'helping hand' in others' business fairly often," Varric chuckled and crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Why is it that it's always me that is the brunt of your jokes?" Hawke sighed.
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