Supernatural Highschool

Oct 17, 2012
The Setting:
Blackwood High seems like a normal high school. It has a football team and cheerleaders. Jocks, geeks, goths, and freaks mix in the halls. But, beneath the surface it is very different.

Blackwood Town has a secret. Supernatural creatures live amongst the ordinary humans. Why they seem to concentrate in this otherwise boring and normal midwest hamlet is not known, but although not publicly acknowledged, everyone knows they exist and whispers abound.

And at the high school, supernatural children go to school with normal humans while trying to keep their true nature hidden.

The Game
A string of gruesome murders, including of students at the high school, leads a group of students to band together to try and find and stop what they suspect is a vampire living in the town.

I am looking for a small group roleplay (2 females and 2 males, for a total of 4 players including myself as a male) playing 16+ age highschool kids.

I'll be the GM of the story and direct the plot/scenes, but the summary is that this band of 4 will have clues that lead them towards the suspect, which even could in actuality be one of them, a teacher, a coach, the principal, etc.

All the characters should have some secret supernatural background. That means standard roles like Vampire, Werewolf, Demon, Angel, Nymph/Fairy, Shapeshifter, Witch/Warlock, etc. The key limiter in their powers will that being in high school, they don't have full or consistent mastery of their abilities. As part of the character generation process, I will work with you to set limits on what they can or can't do. For example, a girl might be half-Fairy but find her power of seduction backfires at times and makes the wrong person obsessed with her instead of her target. Or a half-demon might be strong and tough, but have to shave horns hidden under his hair and have a tendency to turn red when upset. So, not quite superheros, but just ordinary teens with some special powers they are learning to control.
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