A New Solution (Shadows)


Sep 28, 2013
The canoe moved at a languid pace through the water, guided carefully to avoid hitting the many floating mounds of ice that surrounded them. Supplies were scarce with the war on, this was one of the last good boats that the Southern Water Tribe had left and one wrong turn could leave the hull being gutted. Fortunately it was in safe hands. Despite being only a few months past 15 Katara was quite the natural when it came to waterbending.

Slow and skilled motions of her gloved hands manipulated the waves behind them, on occasion shifting direction and allowing them to probe along the stream. Every once in a while the brunette would glance over her shoulder just to check what was ahead and then she would briefly focus on her sibling as he aimed his spear into the water. Fishing run... since they were the only people in the village in their teens, it was a job best suited to them.

"Anything yet?" Katara called back. It was slim pickings thus far, two crab-trouts resting in the woven basket behind her. Decent amount of meat, but only if it was rationed well. They'd need to get much more before they returned to the village, especially with what was to come in the coming week.

Much to her, and everyone else in the tribes, shock it had turned out her brother was the Avatar. When someone from the water tribe throws a fireball from their hands, well there's really only one prospect there. All the same they had practiced as best they could these past years, leaving the siblings well off in the training department. But they'd still need to travel, build up his skills in the other schools, and then hopefully he could be the one to bring balance to the world.

It was a nice idea, and Katara would gladly help him each step of the way. Giving a small sigh and adjusted the binding of her parka and then resumed guiding the boat along the currents.
“Not yet, but we’re getting close. I can smell them.” The older water triber responded - ignoring the logic over whether they would be able to smell their usual prey from under water - as he carefully surveyed the flowing currents for any signs of their future meals. This was followed a few seconds later by Sokka moving a hand toward his grumbling stomach to give a few soothing pats, “Easy there, stomach. The meat can’t hide from us forever.”

In many regards, it was hard for one to look at Sokka and think of him as the next Avatar, but there was little else to explain what had happened a few years prior when he defended his sister from a fire nation scout. It did also make sense in that the Avatar cycle was next destined to go to a member of the Water Tribes following the vanishing of whichever Air Nomad was supposed to have inherited the title prior to the war. It was just strange in how there was such a large gap between the passing of one nations birthright of an Avatar to another, but then it seemed as if what exactly happened to the previous Avatar may forever be clouded in mystery.

“Wait, there’s another!” Sokka alerted his sister while trying not to so loud as to scare away the meat as he raised his spear to take aim at the unfortunate crab-trout which ventured too near their canoe. Despite the dark haired youth having largely mastered the essentials of waterbending by now, he did still tend to favor the old fashioned way of hunting for meat, as his aim proved true with a quick stab into the water which awarded the siblings with another catch for their basket.

“Hah! Got it!” He announced triumphantly while holding the spear upward to reveal their largest catch yet. The crab-trout flapped around on the spear for a few moments longer before Sokka deposited into the basket, as he then looked over the captured meat so far and gently rubbed at his midsection while speaking with a soothing tone similar to a parent addressing a troubled child or pet, “Are you happy now, stomach? Oh, yes, you are. Yes, you are.”

Sitting back onto the opposite end from his sister, Sokka allowed himself a few moments to rest his legs as he looked over their catch so far and then back over toward her. “A few more like that and we should be set.” He considered while glancing over at the vast, icy water which surrounded them, and let out a contemplative sigh, “We’re finally going to make our move soon, huh? I can’t believe it’s already been a couple of years since…, well, you know.”

Lifting his head upward for a few moments, the teen let out what would initially appear to be a simple breath of air, but actually resulted in a small gust of wind which gave them a slight push forward as a side result. “Much as I want to go, a big part of me is really going to miss this place.” He admitted to his sister while giving her a lingering looking over as a sly smirk touched upon the corner of his lips before noting with a tease, “Buuut… at least I’m taking the best part of our village along with me for company. I just hope you don’t get jealous over all the attention your brother gets from the ladies when they find out he’s the Avatar.”
"Since... yeah, I know," Katara replied simply. She seemed the more responsible of the two, as ever, though he could refer to more serious matters whenever the need was there. She gave a sigh and then took a seat, looking at their gathered catch and pondering how long that would last on it's own. "Better not try and eat all that... it's, you know, important," Katara said, gesturing one gloved hand in the hopes she wouldn't need to eleborate further.

At his next words a noticeable flush crept upon her chocolate-coloured cheeks, leaving her hmphing and looking upward in annoyance. "Pervert," she said simply. She knew her brother all too well by now, how she being the only elligible woman in the southern tribe had left him curious to sample the sights while they travelled. She hoped this wouldn't distract all his attention away from her though.

Quietly she moved over and sat down beside him, knees pulled up under her chin while her breathing continued forming small puffs of steam before her. Taking her time she glanced at her brother and said "You know, I don't mind you paying attention to other girls... I mean you're going to be the future chief here, and you're the avatar besides... just, you know, don't forget about me, okay?"

Incest was not much of a taboo in the water tribes, particularly in these trying times, and thus they had formed a bond a touch closer than the average brother-sister dynamic. Not that they had done much more than kiss once or twice, but it was clear there was a new depth to her affections.
The young Water Triber had noticed the flush of his sisters cheeks which followed his previous remarks, as he remained seated while she moved in closer to take a spot beside her older sibling. Sokka could tell she had something on her mind as she sat there in silence for a brief period, while his arm nearest to her slowly crept upward to wrap itself around her shoulder. Good for sharing body heat while out fishing. Also good for showing warmth of another nature, as Sokka gently rubbed his gloved hand along his sisters far shoulder while she began to share her own thoughts on what may await the eligible young Avatar during their travels.

Pausing for a few moments to let her words and fears soak in, the elder sibling let his serious side peek out from the previously lighthearted exterior. “Katara…” The young Avatar started to speak as he scooted in closer within their little corner of the canoe, “There’s no way I’d forget about you. No matter what happens once we’re out there, you’re still the closest family I’ve had during these past several years. There’s no way I’m taking that for granted.”

It was a statement which rang true for the pair, especially after losing both of their parents due to the war at a young age. True there was Grangran, but the siblings own bonds were on a different level compared to their purely familiar bonds with their grandmother. “C’mon. I’ll always have time for my little sister. What other girl out there has the patience to help me pull fishing hooks out of my thumb every other time we go fishing?” He considered with a lighthearted tone to his voice, before giving her a teasing little smirk as he noted, “Besides, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of guys trying to put the moves on you once we’re out seeing the world, too.”

The elder sibling had meant it, as he considered the beautiful young woman his sister had become, before adding in a half-joking manner, “Of course, first they’ll need to get through your brother, the Avatar!” Giving her shoulder a light squeeze as he raised his head in confidence over his declaration of sibling protectiveness, Sokka then allowed for his head to tilt in her direction until his cheek was gently resting upon her crown. His eyes loomed over Katara as he took in the sight of her womanly curves peeking out from under her garments. Her scent strong due to how close they were, along with the warmth provided between them making it where Sokka didn’t want to let her go so quickly.

It was then that the elder sibling had come to a decision over something he’d considered for some time now; a hint of lewdness peeking out from the corner of his lips, his heart suddenly racing a little faster within his firm chest, as he adjusted his head enough to let his voice carry directly into her ear, “How about if… as part of an early ‘celebration’ for finally leaving the village… we share a very big first together before anyone else has the chance to beat us to it?”
He could be dumb, he could be crass, and he definitely wasn't the person she had imagined to save the world... but Katara knew she loved him all the same. He was still kind, supportive, and he'd give his life for her a hundred times over if he had to (not that such a scenario would ever actually arise). When he embraced her, her cheeks grew even darker and she gave him a warm and innocent smile.

She relaxed and gave a small snicker "Please... as if I'd let other guys come near me. Unless they're rich, then you're on your own," she joked, giving another tittering noise. Katara was of course not a very materialistic person- when growing up with so little, you learned to get by without much outside of your own too hands... trying to seduce her with riches and gifts was hardly going to work on her.

Katara was all set to relax there on the slowly drifting boat, a mutual warmth between them serving to dispell much of the cold. really she could have fallen asleep, and seemed set to when her brother said something that made her eyes pop open and left her looking up at the older male until their eyes met. "Y-you... you mean...?" Katara gulped loudly, and proceeded to look around in the off chance that someone somehow heard them.

All alone... good.

Finally the young waterbender whispered "... sex?" She knew about it alright, reading the few scrolls the village had on the arts of pleasure, and she found herself deeply embarrassed. A few housewives had handed them over to her on her fifteenth, a gift for the future. "Well I... I guess we could... but only as long as you promise to start out slow. Seriously, I know what you're like, you'll rush straight in."
The older sibling blinked at his sisters’ whispered response, as he took a glancing look around at their surroundings himself before leaning in a little closer and teasingly responding in kind, “Why are we whispering? I don’t think the polar bear dogs will tell anyone?” Flashing a small smirk her way, Sokka did raise a questioning eyebrow at her request as he inquired with complete seriousness on his part, “When have I ever been known to rush my way into things??”

Then again, there was that incident during his first hunting trip with their father. Also how he nearly washed away their canoe the first time he tried to use his bending for fishing. Along with a dozen or so other incidents in between which immediately came to mind. “Okay, maybe you have a point.” He admitted while rubbing at the back of his head in slight embarrassment, before looking upon his understandably nervous sibling and leaned forward to kiss her in a platonic manner on her forehead, “I promise, Katara.”

Giving her a reassuring smile as he gazed into those soft blue eyes of hers, Sokka then followed up the previous sign of affection with a very unbrotherly kiss on her lips. They shared a number of similar kisses in the past, but this one seemed a touch different, as the older sibling leaned in closer while his free hand moved to cup a gloved hand over her clothed breast. Despite the layers of clothing separating their touch, this was still one of the more intimate things they had done together as his lips parted to let his tongue brush along his sisters’ own lips to seek entry and let their embrace deepen further if only for a few moments.

The kiss would eventually come to an end, with Sokka’s tongue flicking along his siblings lips as a parting gesture as he took a second to catch his breath. “You’re getting better and better at those kisses.” He remarked with a wide smile while pulling his hands away and slowly moving to sit closer near the center of the canoe; gazing upon his sister with obvious desire in his eyes and the now noticeable bulge between his legs as he went about slipping off his mittens before starting to undo the thick blue coat which was worn for protection from the cold as his breath began to grow increasingly warm to dissipate a portion of the surrounding chill in the air. While still far from a Master, Sokka did learn enough about firebending basics to know about generating warmth from his chi, which meant that they needn’t worry as much about the practicalities of shedding clothing while out canoeing in the icy terrains.
Katara shot him a quick glare when he asked that question, as if quietly daring him to seek elaboration. She could make a whole speech about how he would so often look before he leaped, and ultimately Sokka seemed to catch on without further incentive on her end. She smiled then and sat back, finally welcoming those warm lips to her own in a most lewd manner... it was nothing she thought as being outright wrong, but she still didn't want others catching them in the act.

She pulled back, panted softly and smiled softly at her brother. "Practice makes perfect," she said, as she so often did. All the same the younger woman was flush with pride at the compliment, one that had her heart beating faster inside her chest. And that quickened pulse only seemed to grow all the quicker when her brother unveiled a bit of his strong body to her, eyes roaming over his chest while she bit her bottom lip.

Fair was fair...

Slowly and steadily Katara unlaced her parka at the waist, letting it slide off and giving a shudder as cold air slithered along the caramel surface of her collarbone and midriff. The bandages around her breasts came undone, revealing the perky c-cup mounds peaked by dark brown nipples stiffened by the cold. Katara flushed deeply, and her smile still remained as a sign that she was still very much into this.

At last the furry boots and trousers came undone, sliding off her slim legs and revealing the way up to her exquisitely tight and previously untouched pussy. "A-ah... c-colder than I thought. Stop staring and get over here, before I catch something."
The older sibling watched with rather obvious (in more ways than one) interest as his sister undressed in front of him for the first time. This was his first time actually getting to see Katara in full since she budded into a beautiful young woman and -as evident by the dopey smile on his features, along with the growing bulge between his legs – the future chief of the Southern Water Tribe was enjoying what he saw. Sokka started undoing his own boots as she finished up, although his efforts were slowed by the way he kept losing focus to keep watch on every revealing inch of his sisters body; only for his attention to snap back to the task at hand when she called him over with that notable chill in her voice.

“Always so pushy, even during sex. “ The dark haired teen teased before picking up on his efforts at undressing; the young hunter and warriors toned, tanned physique on further display as he undid the front of his lower garments and scooted them down to his ankles. Sokka struggled almost comically for a bit to kick them off, and nearly managed to kick them into the water as they finally flung off of his legs and landed on the edge of the canoe, as he sat there and took in a deep breath while splaying his thighs apart in a way to give Katara a nice view of how her brother was ‘special’ in other ways.

The water triber was rather suitably endowed for somebody expected to both be the future leader of their tribe and the hope for the worlds future, although Sokka didn’t give the shivering sibling long to simply watch from a distance as he eagerly moved in closer to provide her with some ‘warmth’. Kneeling in front of her, the older male gave a smile which was both charmingly offbeat and strangely romantic, as his arm slipped around Katara’s back to pull her in closer for a tender embrace. Her soft breasts pressed into his firm, warm chest as he gazed into her eyes and gave a smirk while pondering, “I wonder if this’ll warm you up?”

Keeping matters somewhat slowed for her benefit, Sokka did take the lead regardless in pulling Katara a little closer before planting his lips against hers for another passionate kiss. Their chests remaining pressed to the others, with Sokka’s lower body scooting forward until he felt the head of his cock starting to nudge itself between her soft thighs. One hand curled around her back, while the other slipped lower to begin kneading at Katara’s soft cheeks with a firm, yet gentle hand. Each of these actions serving to both act as the first stages of foreplay between the two, but also allowing for Katara to share on the heat radiating from the firebending related warming of his chi.

The kiss would continue for a fair while as the two embraced, fully naked, in the middle of the water surrounding by ice every way they looked, until Sokka finally pulled his lips away with a touch of hesitation. A single strand of saliva would briefly connect their lips together before breaking off, as the unexpected Avatar continued to press himself rather intimately against his sisters boy as he inquired with a mixture of sincerity and typical teenage confidence, “There. You feeling any better now?”
The Water Tribe men were all said to be exceptionally well-endowed, and looking at that brief glimpse of her brothers tool seemed to make that a truthful statement in Katara's mind. She felt her breath hitch as he drew in closer, only to then let out a muffled little squeak of pleasure into his mouth. The passion welled within her, and just as she hoped she was able to feel the warmth radiate off him and ward off the plentiful chill in the air.

Once Sokka pulled back a shiver ran up her spine, a low murmur of delight vibrating inside of her throat. "Much... at the very least I won't get a cold," the younger woman said with a snicker, taking the time then to adjust one of her hair loops to keep it from becoming unravelled in the heat of the moment.

Katara made sure to keep her slim caramel legs spread, light muscle built upon that fleet frame that had accumulated from years spent navigating the hazardous blankets of ice that surrounded their village. Sighing happily she made sure to get comfy on the surface of the boat and let her hands rest on he older brothers back. "Alright well um... nice and slow. Just, you know, don't cram it all in in one go."

She knew her brother, and she knew he was liable to stab like a spear if he wasn't reminded.
“Naturally, I couldn’t have you getting sick when we’re so close to setting out together.” The older sibling suggested with a sense of pride over his growing control over certain parts of his bending. The feel of her hands along his back added an extra warmth of their own, as Sokka briefly reflected on how comfortable he tended to feel in his sisters embrace. Just everything about this situation seemed natural for the pair, as he flashed a smirk at Katara’s reminder. “Oh, she of so little faith…” He teased, despite realizing there was indeed that chance of him cramming himself between those soft thighs if left to his own devices. Not that he was about to admit that to his sister, naturally.

Propping up one hand against the corner of the canoe for leverage, Sokka would slip the other hand between them in order to slowly run his index and middle fingers along those soft petals. The firm, yet gentle digits would drag their way up and down along Katara’s sex several times, before pressing inward to slowly part her labia with the tips of those fingers. They would curl slightly, making her stretch to accommodate the angles in which they were squirming about inside of her, while his own hips slid forward to press the crown of his cock along those parted folds.

“Nice and slow….” Sokka repeated her earlier words with a slightly strained smile, as that contact of so very sensitive skin sent a shiver through his body as he half-joked, “But so very eager….” The young Avatar was a person of his word, however, as he restrained himself by continuing to rub along her parting lips until he was able to very slowly squeeze himself between them

She was able to take the swollen crown of his cock within the first few moments, as Sokka continued to work his way forward until hitting that virgin barrier and instead allowed his hips to remain in place while still giving slow rolling motions to let them both feel out how tight of a fit it was for them both. His breathing had grown somewhat labored, as his breath came out in warm huffs while both keeping an eye on where they joined and on his sisters expression for any signs of causing her pain. “Feels even better than I ever imagined, Katara.” The older sibling would acknowledge with a small chuckle out of happiness on finally take this step together, while his hips pressed forward to delve deeper with a persistent, yet restrained force as he breathed out a questioning, “Ready?”
As soon as she felt his fingers parting her netherlips Katara knew that this was going to get painful before it got pleasurable... But she knew this was a step to take at some point, and that she could hardly keep shying away from doing this. She wanted it and she wasn't going to back down from a little bit of a challenge just because there was a high chance of pain. It would be worth it- she wanted to be his first.

Once the fat head started to pry her open she felt herself clinging to her older brother even tighter, not enough for her nails to break the skin but certainly enough for Sokka to notice their presence. It felt a whole lot bigger than it looked, quite the feat considering that it looked monstrously big to start with, and now it was starting to make Katara wonder how she was to take the whole thing. Her lightly toned muscles twitched in anticipation while her shallow breath fogged the air.

He wanted the go ahead, making Katara hesitate for just a moment. It would hurt, no matter how they went about it, but... well she trusted him ultimately. Katara smiled weakly "S-sure. Go ahead," she breathed out softly.
It took every ounce of his control to not ram his way home into Katara the moment she gave him the final go-ahead, but Sokka kept true to his promise by leaning forward to place a reassuring kiss on his sisters forehead before slowly, yet surely, pushing his hips forward to fully take and give of the others virginities. His lips rested upon her forehead as his breath came out in short, strained bursts as he pushed past that barrier and soon found himself further engulfed in the younger waterbenders’ embrace. “Finally…” He breathed out in a longing sigh as they took a moment to adapt the others size; the way in which he spoke giving away an indication of how he’d wanted to share this with his sibling for a rather long time.

Now it was his turn to feel himself embraced in her warmth, as the dark haired male pulled back on his hips before thrusting forward; this time going a little faster, a little harder than the last time. His hips rising and dropping within the canoe as the pair started to lightly shake the boat beneath that steadily building rhythm. One hand remained planted upon surface of their boat for support, while the other moved slip between them and grope at one of her breasts. Sokka may not have been experienced in the matter, but he did seem to have a natural technique about the way his hand started to knead at the flesh, with his fingers paying special attention to play at his sisters budding nipples with a few squeezing and rolling motions.

“When did you get around to developing these behind my back?” Her brother would lightly tease – his voice coming out with a light strain which would only grow stronger – as he smirked down at Katara while continuing to fondle her chest by moving his hand to her previous unattended breast. The entire time, his hips had begun to build up a steadier pace, as he started to thrust into the beautiful young water triber with increasing levels of force and momentum. Over half of his considerable endowment had managed to work its way into Katara at this point, as Sokka seemed intent on testing the limits of how far she could take his length on their first time together.

Around them, the water would start to lightly ripple, albeit caused in part by the motions of the canoe the pair of teens were sharing their first time upon. But there was also the slightest touch of bending being put behind those ripples, as the water seemed to lightly push and pull itself around them in perfect unison with the unlikely Avatars bending abilities. Subconsciously, Sokka would continue to add further force behind this unintended display of waterbending, as he started to slide in and out of Katara with increasing friction while their shared levels of pleasure steadily mounted up. The canoe itself being moved to and fro slightly due to these rippling disruptions in the currents flow, as if their immediate surroundings were moving along with the pace of their lovemaking.
"... I grew them just for you," Katara replied, trying to sound sarcastic despite the quick gasps and grunts leaving her with every shallow jerk of her brother. She did however have to admit that her whole body had begun to develop rather suddenly, and although only on the cusp of sixteen she looked every inch a woman. Still tight as all hell though, and the pleasure and pain seemed to ebb and flow through her at regular intervals.

Whenever she would loosen a bit he could sink in deeper, but in doing so Katara could feel pinpricks of discomfort race through her. Water Tribe women were a hardy sort, able to survive in the harshest place on the planet, thus she was able to endure this without crying out or vocalising pain all that much. Every once in a while, usually when Sokka was motioning to pull out a bit, the grind against her tight virginal muscles would cause a quiver of pleasure to fill her. The strong hand toying with her perky bust certainly helped in that regard too.

Moaning again she leaned up and pressed her soft lips to her older brothers neck, kissing away at the exposed surface- unskilled but eager, Katara sought out wherever got the best response from her action. "Mmng... s-starting to feel good..." she breathed out against his neck, pale steam rising out of her sweet lips.

Some part of her wondered if doing it in the canoe was dangerous, particularly with how the rocking was getting a little more potent from the strength of her brothers hips... but that worry was now melting away as the pleasure filled her sweet body.
“O-Only starting? Need to… to fix that…” The older male let out with a low grunt before flashing a strained smile at his sibling, as Katara would soon begin to feel an increase in the frequency and force behind those thrusting motions. The feel of her lips kissing upon his neck, along with her soft breath caressing his exposed skin served in further encouraging Sokka as he put more of his strength behind the actions of his legs and hips as his lower body repeatedly rose and fell between his sisters parted thighs. He kept true to his word on trying to take it slow where needed, but the pacing of their lovemaking would continuously grow in intensity as the myriad of pleasurable sensations flowed within both of the Water Tribe siblings.

The canoe beneath them was similarly matching this by now as the motions of the young Avatar’s body was further displayed within the way the water around them would ebb and flow beneath their simple craft to rock it along the small waves. These motions never seemed to interfere with the steady pace the young set of unconventional lovers had built up for themselves, however, as Sokka felt himself beginning to press his way up to the hilt within the warmth of his younger sister. That kneading hand currently upon Katara’s right breast would start to simply cup itself over the soft mound, while his firm chest sandwiched the open palm between them as he pressed himself even closer to her sexy young body.

“Katara…. I’m almost…. there…” He breathed out while rocking even harder between her soft thighs, while the hand previously pressed upon the canoe for support let go and cradled Katara’s head as they laid flatly upon the surface of the canoe. The sound of their bodies slapping wetly together starting to join in with those of the resulting currents from the boat rocking; said sound of passion growing both louder and faster as they matched the way in which Sokka was starting to thrust like he normally might if she hadn’t asked him to take it slow at the start.

His breath could be felt coming out in sharp huffs along her soft hair as his lips cradled along her forehead, which allowed for his voice to be heard as his body began to tense up while nearing his peak, “I’m going…. going to….” The quickened rhythm with which he was pistoning every inch of that thick cock within the embrace of his sister had grown to a fierce pace; his heavy sack being felt as it repeatedly connected with Katara’s inner thighs, before he pushed his way in deeply and started to tighten up as he erupted within her.

Labored, panted, deeply groaned out sounds of pleasure could be heard flowing out of Sokka’s parted lips as he flooded his younger sibling with torrent after torrent of his thick, warm seed. The canoe itself was pushed forward a good several feet as the waves beneath it kicked up during those last few moments, before immediately starting to dye down in terms of any direct bending manipulations. Their modest craft now simply rocking within the not yet steady water, as the one responsible for their disruption held tightly onto his sister while rocking into her at a slower, gentler pace while letting every last drop of his cum flow out of that pulsing tip.
It was getting better, Katara felt, with how the tight inner muscles of her body seemed to gradually yield to the preposterously potent prick driving in and out her her. Her squeaks and muffled mewls of pleasure gradually shifted and gave way to sweet shuddery moans of absolute bliss, her caramel skin developing a clear sheen of sweat in direct defiance of the cold that abounded them. She was enjoying it, loving it even!

"G-g-go ahead!" she gasped out, careless of her brother's impending release. As far as she knew it was just natural to finish inside, and any other alternative didn't seem to exist in her mind. She was a naive young woman in some respects, despite being skilled and motherly in others. For now she was just a beautiful figure caught in the throes of absolute delight, panting and moaning as she too felt her release hit.

The head of his cock must have hit in deep enough to force her cervix open, and it left Katara letting out a strangled gasp of pleasure and pain interspersed, her muscles tensing before letting forth a gush of her warm juices while Sokka responded in kind with a veritable torrent of potent seed. She slumped back into the boat once he finished, letting out sweet whimpers of delight as her high seemed to ebb away from her.

"That was... oh wow..." she breathed out. Opening her eyes she gave him her brightest and most beautiful smile before hugging him tight "Better than I can even describe! Wow... by the time you get done saving the world I think the village is going to get a whole lot bigger."
“My… thoughts exactly…” He breathed out in agreement over his sisters summary of their first time together; letting out a brief chuckle over the matter as let himself rest into her soft body. One arm returned to propping himself just enough to keep from simply smooshing her under his weight, as he gazed down at her soft features while she opened her eyes. Sokka would flash her a somewhat prideful, yet very relieved and affectionate smile over hearing how she shared in his feelings over their experience.

With a smirk over her remark on the village population growing by the time they were finished ending the war, Sokka couldn’t help but to give a somewhat pervy grin on the subject as he considered with a shrug, “Hey, we gotta rebuild the tribe from the Fire Nations damage one way or another, right?” With a chuckle, he pressed himself ever firmly into his sisters embrace, as his lips sought out her own for another lingering kiss as they soaked in the afterglow of the moment. His body continued to let out an extended amount of warmth from his firebending, as he did make sure to assure her, “But don’t worry, Katara. I’ll always have time for you.”

The waves around them had since come to settle back to how they originally were, as the canoe simply floated over their usual fishing area in silence as the siblings soaked in one of the last moments they would have together before setting out. But they would need to return eventually, with Katara receiving a rather brotherly kiss on the forehead from Sokka as he rather reluctantly started to sit up from his position, “Much as I’d like to stay like this, we probably should finish up the fishing and start back before it starts getting dark.”

Pulling out of Katara with a slight whimper at the loss of her warmth, Sokka would reach over for her clothing so that she could get dressed as he temporarily increased the level of heat that was coming out with every breathe taken to further dissipate the surrounding chill until they were dressed. “We’re so making this a regular thing from now on.” He pointed out with a smirk at his younger sister as he half-joked, “I mean, think about it. How many people can say they’ve had sex in all four nations these days? And as the Avatar, I feel it is my duty to do so as part of my duties in restoring balance to the world.”

Grabbing his own clothes to get dressed so they could finish up the fishing trip before Gran Gran got worried, Sokka finished reflecting on their trip in a few days by noting that, “Now I’m really looking forward to getting started on going out andseeing the other Nations for ourselves.”
After that, once they were sure there would be decent stocks of food for the rest of the village in their absence, they had taken off across the sea. They would have a long way to travel for this- first of all they would have to head to their sister pole if they were to find a waterbending instructor of respectable skill. Traversing the length of an entire hemisphere... it was certainly no mean feat.

Then there would come a time where an earthbending instructor would need to be found, and neither sibling knew where to begin there. Presumably a city like Ba Sing Se. And a firebending instructor, but Katara was sure there wouldn't be willing mentors falling from the sky trying to aid the avatar in the midst of a global war. As for Airbending... gods only knew, but once more Katara had some vague notion- surely some manner of secrets remained in those old temples.

That was something to consider for the future, something many steps away on their journey,

After some days spent sailing they came upon the island of Kyoshi, territory that seemed to an extent be both of the water tribe and the earth kingdom, but just a touch more tropical when compared to the poles. The people had been more than eager to welcome the Avatar (and his sister) to their home, and they had been treated with quite a bit of hospitality by the locals. In particular the local Kyoshi Warriors, named so in honour of the former Avatar much like their island was, had been quite kind.

Their leader seemed even more pleased to know him. Suki looked even more attractive without the ceremonial garb, now dressed in a sleeveless green tunic and trousers of a darker green shade. She was closer to Sokka's age, just a few months past 16 now. Walking along the cresting shore of the island she looked ahead to the sea and turned her focus back to Sokka.

"And that's about all there is to out lil' island. Not a whole lot to see is there? But that's part of the appeal in my eyes. Gives a real sense of community, if that's not too corny to say," the martial artist said with a laugh.
The island of Kyoshi had been a real wakeup call for Sokka in terms of realizing how big of a deal the Avatar truly was for so many people. His sister and he had heard many stories of the Avatar growing up back in the Southern Water Tribe, but it was something else to actually be out there in the world and seeing the impact it had had on others for themselves. The locals were incredibly hospitable to the siblings, with Sokka himself finding a particular interest in the local warriors whom had taken the name of one of his past lives.

Walking alongside the leader of said group, the young Avatar had come to quickly find himself as taken by Suki (if not more so) then he was the simple beauty of the small island. “It’s not corny at all. The tribe Katara and I come from may be on a massive stretch of land, but it’s definitely got that smaller sense of community about it.” He replied to the beautiful martial artists comment with an understanding smile, even as his eyes took the chance to look her over and soak in how amazing she looked outside of her ceremonial garb.

“This place is great, Suki. I can see why you and the other Kyoshi Warriors were so intent on keeping it safe when we first arrived here. I can definitely relate to that feeling of wanting to protect your village and community.” He reflected while giving a quick look around at their surroundings, before gazing back in her direction and adding with a flirtatiously sly smile, “Pluuuus, I have to admit, the scenery here is a lot nicer than most of what I see back home.”

They had a brief altercation upon first meeting about girls being warriors, but it was quickly resolved at the time, with Sokka since coming to appreciate Suki as the warrior, leader and protector she is. Atop of this, standing out there with her outside of her usual garb, he was quickly coming to appreciate her as a woman. “So, tell me? With all of your responsibilities on the island and to your fellow warriors, do you ever find time for anything else?” He inquired, gazing into her eyes as they enjoyed the others company, while showing an interest which seemed to go beyond a mutual respect for another.
The brunette smiled faintly, and clearly she was glad to have some semblance of approval from the Avatar. He wasn't quite what she had expected him to be, but he still turned out to be a very nice guy. And it was also nice to know he liked the island that so many sailors passed by with nary a second glance. "Well, it is a rather important tradition- and out culture and heritage are pretty heavy things around here."

At his next question she gave a hum and paused for thought. Placing one foot upon an upraised stone she took the time to glance over the breadth of the island. "Not a whole lot I suppose. Mainly my time revolves around practice and training, keeping the other girls in shape... every once in a while I teach some history to the kids on the island. You know, pass on the knowledge and see who might want to be a Kyoshi warrior in the future."

Her brunette locks flew lightly in the breeze, highlighting her prettiness. She was a bit stronger looking than Katara, a more refined build with slightly nicer curves, but the caramel-skinned waterbender was just a touch cuter than the martial artist. "My life is... well, I guess kinda focused on one thing only I guess, not that I really mind. Why?" Suki asked, glancing quickly over her shoulder at the travelling Avatar.
The water tribe native followed her gaze as Suki spoke of what she did on the island, which brought a small smile to Sokka’s face as he considered, “Reminds me a little of the village after our dad and the other adults left. I tried to carry on in his place by teaching those growing up the ways of a hunter and warrior.” A short pause as a few memories came to mind on how those lessons often played out, before finishing with a nervous rub at the back of his neck, “It, uh… it had mixed results. But mostly positive!”

When she glanced over at his direction to inquire on why he asked, Sokka found himself momentarily lost in those soft, expressive eyes, as he mustered up the courage to let out how he felt, “Well… I was just thinking? Since I only have a couple of days at most on the island before my sister and I need to leave, that it might not be the worst idea to make the best of our time together.”

His hand reached out to gently, yet boldly take her own into his grasp, as the visiting Avatar slowly turned her to fully facing his direction. The other hand stretched out to take her second, as his caramel complexioned fingers encircled around her lighter hands, while his eyes sought out her own, “Look…. I’m sorry if I’m coming off strong here, but the more time we spend together, the more I want to know the warrior and the woman in every way possible. Before I have to leave and we don’t see each other again for who knows how long.”

A cool breeze ran through the air, as the sound of gentle waves crashing along the shore of the island could be heard, while Sokka threw caution to the wind and pressed himself closer to the beautiful Kyoshi Warrior. He half-expected to receive a slap or hip toss to the ground for what came next, yet it didn’t halt the Avatar in closing the remaining gap before claiming her lips in a heated kiss. It was a kiss which lingered for several moments, as Sokka was uncertain on what may happen once it ended, as he let his eyes close briefly while enjoying their first shared embrace.

Slowly, reluctantly, the Avatar would pull away of Suki’s soft lips, as he gave the Kyoshi native a half-smirk while confessing, “I’ve wanted to do that for the last few hours.”
Indeed it would have been trivial for her to toss him flat on his ass in a single fluid motion, but a general sense of curious kept her from acting out too rashly. The pretty brunette glanced to his hands holding her own and noted how oddl comfortable it felt to let his hands grip hers in that manner. With a community this small she hadn't had much in the realm of romance over the years, despite her attractiveness.

And then they kissed, the act catching her unawares and leaving her mewling softly into his embrace. True they had only met recently, but this... again there was something about it that both comforted and pleased her, a new sensation of warmth pulsing through her. It ran from her heart to the furthest veins of her body, making her spine tingle as a new sensation filled her. Even once he pulled back it seemed to take the brunette a few moments to get back on track.

"That... well that did feel pretty good." They had only known each other a brief while, but he did have a point on how getting together again would be a bit of a pain with the war on and other duties getting in the way. Suddenly Suki was smirking, quirking one brow his way "I guess that's why your sister seemed to get a little defensive when I showed an interest in you. You must've had plenty of practice with her."
Her response to the kiss and the sudden smirk on her face had caused Sokka’s own features to brighten up in sly smile as she inquired about his sisters earlier defensiveness. The young water tribe member did give a short pause as he considered how others may not look kindly on the relationship he shared with Katara, but he felt no shame over what they had shared together over the past few years. “Well… it wasn’t entirely ‘practice’, but we definitely got in plenty of chances to refine the others kissing technique before leaving the village.”

Giving a light smirk, the visiting Avatar moved intimately closer to Suki, as he leaned in closer and tilted his head so that their cheeks would brush the others. His lips close to her ear, she would be able to feel that warm air brush along her soft earlobe, before he whispered into there, “In fact, we’ve gotten around to ‘practicing’ a few other things than simply kissing with another.”

Giving a light nibble to Suki’s earlobe, the caramel complexioned male than straightened himself out, while his hands began to slowly guide her soft fingers forward. Within seconds, the beautiful Kyoshi Warrior would find her fingers being drawn to rub along the growing bulge of Sokka’s considerable endowment. His grip was firm, yet soft. Guiding without forcing, as his hands slipped around her own to cradle the backs of them while her fingertips and palms were allowed free roaming of the pent in his garments.

Letting her fingers explore along the growing need between his legs, Sokka gazed down into her eyes, lips brushing together as he inched in for a softer peck on the lips, before asking with a smirk as his hips began to press forward, “Would you like to see for yourself what else I learned?”
Suki's eyes had widened at the news, but it did make the depth of their relationship a bit easier to understand. She had heard tell that the people in both the north and south poles didn't think much of incest, and with how casually Sokka spoke of it, it seemed to be the case. Suki was hardly offended by the prospect and indeed it was handy to note that he had some experience in this- more knowhow than she could speak of.

Her hand caressed him, and inwardly she was able to feel a heat build and build within her. So this was... well even with a layer of fabric in the way there was quite a bit of warmth to Sokka's manhood. "Huh... now that... wow and it really fit inside Katara?" she asked. Suki had about three inches in height over the waterbender, so imagining her being able to take the whole thing was quite impressive.

Once the offer as handed her way Suki seemed to ponder it for a moment, before smiling and shrugging "I'll try anything at least once. Come on, I know a decent spot nearby." She led the way forward, soon showing the young man up a steep hill that led toward an old shrine of wood and stone. It had long since gone into disuse and all religious idols of the islands namesake were gone, moved elsewhere. No worries of sacrilege and it had enough space for two people to do the nasty without fear of interruption. Upon entry she casually peeled her shirt off, revealing the twin bouncing mounds of her heavy bust "Well... let's get down to business."
“It took a little effort on our parts, but it eventually did.” The visiting Avatar responded with a sense of pride over Suki’s question on his sister managing to take his cock, as the male enjoyed the feel of her exploring fingers stretching over the growing arousal in his lower garments. Not that she necessarily felt any better or worse than Katara, but it did feel nice to experience the touch of another person along his body.

At the response and suggestion over knowing where they could go to have some privacy, Sokka was very quick to follow along as he half-jokingly remarked, “Once?! Not if I have anything to say about it!” When they eventually arrived up the steep hill to the entrance of the old shrine, the Avatar found himself staring at the old structure with curious eyes the closer they got to it. Perhaps it had something to do with his past lives (which made Sokka silently question if Avatar Kyoshi had ever come here for similar reasons as their own in the past), but there did seem to be something familiar about the location, as they entered the cleared out structure in order to get started.

His eyes widened slightly, an appreciative smirk touching upon his lips as she pulled away her shirt to expose her ample breasts, as Sokka mused, “I do love a girl who can be assertive in the bedroom. Or shrine room, as it were.” Wasting little time on slipping off his top in turn, the firmly built young water tribe warrior would then wrap an arm around Suki’s waist and pull her in close for another kiss on the lips. This one it was considerably more heated than the last, as his lips parted and his tongue played along the entrance of her soft mouth to gain at least a shallow entrance to taste of her during their embrace; the contrast of their skin tones being rather striking now that further portions of their bodies were exposed.

Feeling her soft breasts pressing along his firm chest, Sokka would hold the kiss for a few lingering seconds, before releasing to let them continue with their late night encounter. “Like you said; let’s get down to business.” He teased with a sly smirk as he undid the front of his pants and dropped them down to his ankles; allowing for his by now fully erect and very eager cock to spring free in anticipation of Suki’s touch. She would find that he was even bigger than he’d felt through his clothing, but surely it was nothing with a proud Kyoshi Warrior couldn’t handle.
Once their lips parted Suki was left with the odd and alien sensation that she could only properly define as 'wanting more.' Yes, as exquisite as that liplock had been in such a brief instant, Suki simply wished it had no ended at all. Feeling a desire like that well within was most definitely new to Suki, but she... well she certainly didn't have anything negative to say about it, she was hoping to get to feel lust far more often.

Once Sokka's trousers came down she blinked in surprise, eyes widening as she glimpsed the true size of his manhood. There were a few rather crude sayings about water tribe men, and it seemed more than one of those stereotypes had been confirmed by Sokka. It was worrying in scale but a Kyoshi warrior could hardly back down from a challenge laid out to her. It would be quite shameful if she did.

Suki dropped her shorts, revealing the full firmness of her toned legs leading up toward her exposed and slightly shaved mound. The brunette inspected the dimensions of the shrine before pinning her hands to the firmest looking wall and pushing her ass out toward the Avatar. She was slightly damp by now, evident even in the dim light offered in this cramped environment. "I'm all set..."
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