The Needs of the Queen (Kaybee & Shadows)


Oct 6, 2013
The various types of Zerg which made up the swarm could be seen as rather simple, yet surprisingly complex creatures. They seemed to live for little else than to destroy, conquer and evolve to increase their numbers at the expense of other species. For those looking on from the outside, it may seem as if that was enough for the vicious creatures. To an extent, they were correct. But with so many different types of Zerg, there were those which carried with them other needs which didn’t focus upon their newest conquests. Baser needs which were near universal amongst a majority of species and, while perhaps lower on the tier of desires for the Zerg than those which fit their more destructive nature, was very much alive within them.

The hive was alive with near countless numbers of Zerg. Various types of units could be found here by any unlucky soul who dared to make a move against their kind. And near the center of this large, living infrastructure of connecting organisms was the infamous Queen of Blades. Various types of Zerg would circle around their Queen’s general location as they saw to protecting and aiding the infested female in any manner to which she required of them. Theirs was a symbiotic relationship. One of mutual benefit in a way which others would view as twisted beyond words. And it was this relationship which had caused a number of their rank to sense something different stirring within the female.

The majority had continued with their regular routines within the hive, except for a pair of viper type Zergs which sought out their Queen’s current location. The two were amongst the healthiest and most virile of their unit. A logical choice in potential partners for their current leader. The pair moved along the creep which near covered the entirety of the hives floor, as they approached the female in whatever she may be doing and called to her with what to most would seem a simple primal snarl. They walked with intent in their step as the pair gazed upon their Queen and, without words, seemed to begin relaying how they sensed a need within her. A need which they sought to satisfy for the sake of the hive.
That the Zerg had changed her with the process of infestation was obvious to Kerrigan and many others besides, but for those many others she suspected that was where consideration of the matter halted. Out of the pain that memory alone brought them for Jim Raynor and the remnants of the Raiders, out of fear for what might become known were that memory to spread for Mengsk and his own...

Kerrigan was fairly certain that she was the only one who wondered how she had changed the Zerg... In fact she suspected she had changed the zerg almost as much as they had changed her, though many of those changes were not precisely obvious to anyone who did not examine the creatures closely.

Part of it was her gender she knew... The Zerg technically did not have genders when she arrived, the hives themselves and the queens could technically be designated as female due to the fact that both produced children in some form or another but neither required a male to fertilize their eggs, millennia of selective breeding and carefully enforced mutations ensuring that both were technically asexual and capable of fertilizing their eggs on their own internally. Kerrigan's arrival had forced a dichotomy upon the hive though, where before there were nothing but asexually-repdroducing creatures, now there was one half of a binary, a half that occasionally demanded to become whole.

Kerrigan was female and a powerful psychic to boot, the infestation had done nothing to diminish her desires as a woman -if anything it had increased her libido- and had only enhanced her psychic powers. In short, the hive knew when she wanted to get fucked and responded to satisfy that urge for sex, and in order to do that, the hive's creatures needed to become male, but in copying something of the template for maleness from her mind, they had taken her urges as well, creating a loop.

She wondered how her hive would cope if she were removed from it... Would their unsated urges cause them to rampage? Would they adapt as they already had, and eliminate maleness and libido as quickly as they'd produced it? Would they seek out human women like her to infest so that they could sate themselves?

Kerrigan lingered on that mental image -dozens of human women being infested and turned into fuck-toys for the hive to loose their newfound lusts upon- and a slight smile touched at her lips as she unfolded her legs and reached down to the space between them that was beginning to gather heat. She stroked her outer lips and labia, letting out a soft sigh as pleasure tingled where she touched, looking up and smiling as a pair of hydralisks entered the chamber precisely on cue. Even had she not known where they were due to her connection with them as their leader she knew by now exactly how long it took them to respond to her arousal after all.

The purple flesh of her womanhood beginning to glisten with moisture as her arousal grew with anticipation, Kerrigan stepped down from her 'throne' where she sat and strode -hips swaying seductively- towards the serpentine Zerg forms, reaching out to caress their own growing manhoods, taking each in one hand even though both were larger than her fingers could quite fit around and stroking slowly.
The Zergs watched as their Queen descended from her seat to approach the pair which had answered her call to the hive. They observed as she strode with a seductive sway which enticed the males approach toward Kerrigan in a way beyond a simple desire to respond to her needs. Their own manhoods grew steadily in preparation for seeing to what she desired, with both of the males letting out what could only be assumed as a satisfied snarl over those initial strokes of the female’s hands. Both of their arousals hardened further within their Queen’s grasp, as one of the serpentine creatures hunched its lengthy, flexible upper body down and curled it around her side until his maw was within close vicinity to her firm bottom and the dripping womanhood which radiated with arousal further beyond it.

The one Zerg which was coiled itself partially around her body would then part its grotesque maw to let out a lengthy appendage of a tongue which gave a few licks along her firm cheeks before slipping further along her inner thighs. Kerrigan would be able to feel the trail the tongue took as the slippery tongue moved like a serpent in its own right until the tip came to stroke itself along the moist folds of her labia. Somewhere between a trained lover and an in heat beast, the hydralisk began to work its tongue along those warm, dripping folds as it tasted of its Queen while taking over where her fingers had left off only moments prior. Its tongue was more skilled than a simple beast, yet indeed carried with it an eagerness of near animalistic proportions, as it lashed that lengthy tongue along her arousal with the tip of its tongue peeking its way inside every so often.

While its sibling went about servicing their Queen between her legs, the other hydralisk had arched forward until its own tongue was able to slip out and pay attention to those swelling breasts of hers. While the infested female’s anatomy may be different from their own, they could sense from their shared link exactly what parts of her body might serve them best in bringing her pleasure, as his tongue worked over one of the twin mounds, before alternating to the other. His tongue was a touch rougher than its sibling, as it nearly acted like a moist lash which smacked itself firmly across her hardening nipples every so often.

Both of the Zerg male’s worked over Kerrigan with her unique tongues as they enjoyed the attentions of her hands along those thick, throbbing arousals which protruded upward from their midsections. The tips of their manhoods were already letting out a few early droplets of their seed, which would then smear itself along Kerrigan’s hand as she made them glisten with their own fluids. The Zergs tongues still doing what they sought out to accomplish, as the one over her chest began to pay special attention to the hardening nubs at the peeks of her breasts, while the one curled partially around her body to get at her sex had begun to delve his thick, lengthy tongue deeply within her folds in near thrusting motions. The three of them working the other over in an entanglement of limbs and bodies, as the hydralisks enjoyed their Queen’s attentions while continuing to service and get her prepared for what was to come next.
Kerrigan was fairly certain that the Hydralisks of her hive had somehow managed to evolve the ability make their tongues rough or soft as they/she wanted them to be as they always seemed to be exactly what was needed at the time. One smooth one slithering over the curvature of her ass and along her thighs while a rough one coiled and slithered along her chest, teasing her sensitive breasts and already-hardening nipples. She lifted her right leg as the smooth tongue traced up her left thigh, spreading them slightly as the hydralisk slithered up against her netherlips and then -in perfect unison with it's broodmate's tongue lifting itself from her breast to lash wetly against one hardened nipple- slipped into her womanhood, eliciting a gasp from the hive queen.

Then it was out and sliding along her outer lips again, parting them and gliding wetly over her clit to make her shiver slightly in pleasure. She kept her hands moving though, teasing and pumping, sliding along the alien phalli in smooth strokes lubricated by their abundant precum then dancing lightly about the tips of their lengths, teasing and toying with the flared heads of their cocks. Even as Kerrigan moaned softly and the hydralisks turned the foreplay up a notch with the rough-tongued one paying special attention to her sensitive nipples and the smooth-tongued one sliding into her in earnest to pump wetly into her and slide his tongue against her inner walls she did not halt in her steady teasing.

Th Hydralisks were completely hard by now and even without one of them adding it's copious and slick saliva to the mix as it's tongue slid in and out of her Kerrigan was dripping with want. She flicked her gaze to the smooth-tongued one silently, bidding him to move from her netherlips to the puckered star of her asshole, as she took another step to spread her legs even further. She waited, feeling the slick tongue move as she had asked against her rear for a few passing moment before she deemed it sufficient and gave a gentle pull on the hydralisk cocks still in her hands.

She didn't even need to guide them to her holes to make the message clear. The Queen wanted them to fuck her properly now.
The smooth tongued hydralisk was quick to answer his Queen’s unspoken command, as his flexible tongue pulled itself free of her dripping sex with a wet slithering sound, before promptly moving to penetrate her puckered rear. Unlike many of the males of her native species, the Zerg carried with it none of the possible hang ups toward using their tongue between a partners cheeks, as the almost serpent -like appendage plunged deeply to both prepare Kerrigan and draw out what pleasures it could from the female. His tongue moved like a small piston near the end as it started to move about in wet little thrusting motions, until she gave the gentle pull on his cock which signaled her wanting the next stage in their intimate tryst.

Similarly, the rougher tongued Zerg would give the peaks of her breasts a few parting flicks of its own slippery appendage, before drawing away from the now lightly sheened mounds to join its sibling in giving their Queen what she desired. The rougher tongued hydralisk slid around to stand behind Kerrigan, while the other moved closer toward her at from the front end. Their heated, throbbing cocks were pressing along her firm rear and lower abdomen respectively, as their phallic protrusions then began to move with their lower bodies in slight, almost tentacle style motions which allowed them to start nudging the swollen tips of their arousals into her dripping sex and puckered star respectively.

Allowing for their Queen to aid with her own hands in guiding those thick cocks toward her lower holes, the hydralisks began to push forward as Kerrigan’s puckered rear and glistening sex parted rather eagerly for them to fill her. The males started to let out low hisses and growls of satisfaction over the sensation which steadily engulfed their cocks as they moved inward to further pin the Queen between their upright bodies. Allowing for Kerrigan to hold onto the pair in any way she preferred, the two began to raise themselves further, until her feet were no longer able to touch upon the ground; allowing for gravity and their own movements to aid in steadily feeding inch by thick inch of their cocks into her body.

Once they were into their desired position, the pair of hydralisks moved their clawed appendages to grip around Kerrigan’s body; the one facing her front grasping her hips to begin pulling her further down onto their cocks, while the one behind the Queen slipped its hands around her abdomen to grip at those heaving breasts. They adjusted the sharpness of the claws to avoid causing Kerrigan any physical damage, before digging them into her firmly as they started to move in unison with their lower bodies to begin sliding the female upward and downward upon the length of their throbbing, almost vibrating appendages.

They soon began to find that perfect rhythm between the three of them, as the energetic Zerg carried out their Queen’s desire of being fucked properly. Her body rose and fell repeatedly, with every thrusting motion causing her to be impaled even deeper onto those thick hydralisk cocks. The males were already rather lengthy in size, but actually seemed to be growing even longer as Kerrigan took them deeper and deeper; allowing for their Queen to always take them as deeply as she could into her stretching sex and tight little asshole while still allowing for further inches to spare. Their bodies moved in an increasingly frenzied series of motions, with the sounds of their bodies slapping together starting to fill the room along with the various sounds which escaped from their maws as the loyal hydralisks went about thoroughly enjoying this embracing of their Queen.
Kerrigan cooed as the tongue slithered between her cheeks and entered her rear for a brief few moments but then she had given the order and she found herself with much more impressive pleasures both present and anticipated to contend with. She reached forwards and back as she felt the hydralisk's thicknesses pressing against her lower entrances, her claw-tipped wings allowing her to hold onto both the hydralisk behind and the one in front of her simultaneously as their lengths began to flex and push into her of their own accord. She didn't know why or how they had developed semi-prehensile cocks when they evolved to pleasure her but the fact remained, they did add something to every encounter...

Then the hydralisks began to press closer to her and Kerrigan's breathing deepened as she felt herself being filled. While her outer lips gave easily to let the thick male organs into her her inner walls wrapped tightly around them once inside, a perk of her zerg-touched humanoid body that she'd discovered very quickly after awakening from the chrysalis. Even as the twin alien cocks swelled and pushed deeper into her -stretching her lower holes as they filled her more and more with every passing second- she felt no discomfort, only pleasure. Even as they began to lift her off the ground she simply moaned, her tongue lolling slightly in her open mouth as she panted and whimpered like a bitch in heat.

While she'd had many perfectly satisfying human lovers in her years as a ghost, none of them could even come close to matching her experiences with the hive in sheer intensity... She was suspended in mid-air now, held up only by the two cocks stretching her pussy and ass wide open as her arms and wings were doing little more than steadying her and yet even as she could swear she could feel them pushing so far inside her that they should be pressing against her intestines and womb by now they were still penetrating deeper and deeper, their lengths practically vibrating against her taut inner walls, causing her to alternate between deep groans of pleasure and utter speechlessness at the overwhelming sensation. The fact that one of the hydralisks was playing with her breasts again -this time with his blunt-clawed forelimbs- did nothing to help that matter...

She knew it was coming as the steady descent further and further onto the twin tyranid cocks came to a halt but that didn't stop Kerrigan from giving a banshee scream as they began to move. They moved like pistons, hammering at her front and back as they took her fast, hard, and oh-so-impossibly-DEEP with every stroke. She could feel the one in front touching the very deepest points of her womanhood with every thrust and yet see as she looked down that inches to spare remained outside her. It was a familiar sight by now and it never failed to make her head spin or redouble her pleasure as she moaned over and over, already only seconds away from what she expected to be the first of many orgasms.
Her screams, along with the pleasurable sensations which they drew out and could sense through their symbiotic link served in further encouraging the hydralisks as they increased the tempo of their thrusting. They fucked the once terran female fast and hard as she began to practically bounce upward and down upon those pistoning cocks repeatedly; the sounds of their moist joining echoing out with series of fleshy smacks as both sides of their Queen was pushed to newer limits. With nearly every encounter it seemed as if the hive needed to up their game if they wished to constantly hit those peaks with the female, but they also seemed to have little trouble in meeting that challenge.

Indeed, what had started off as simply evolving to satisfy Kerrigan’s needs had over time become something which they greatly enjoyed in turn, as the two hydralisks let out a series of vicious cries which carried with them the overtone of their own pleasures in fucking the female. Their excessive precum was already pouring from those swelling tips; the fluids coating the insides of her sex and tightening ass until they eventually began leaking out from around their cocks whenever they pulled away enough to thrust back inside of her. The resulting mixture of their arousals began to fall down Kerrigan’s inner thighs, as they set the first roads for what was coming as both Queen and hive members started to reach their peaks.

They lived to serve their Queen, but the way the two were taking Kerrigan now was almost like they were the ones in charge as they fucked the woman pinned between them almost like it was she who was there for their pleasure. The one mauling at her breasts began to further tighten its grasp while brushing its dulled claws along her nipples; the pointed portions not being enough to nick anything off, but still hard enough to be felt with every flick of its digit across those tender peaks. Meanwhile, the one grasping at her hips was pulling her down even harder, as they seemed almost intent on making sure they were filling her holes as far as they could, while both of their cocks started to swell and their hard thrusting motions grew shorter and faster.

Their sounds of almost violent passion filled the room and immediate area, while others of the hive too far away to hear them could still sense what they were doing. Sense the level of pleasure being brought about by this unique threesome. Their own knowledge of what was happening being fed back into each other and to the three which were involved in the actual copulation; perhaps adding a strange exhibitionist edge to the encounter as the two hydralisks felt their orgasms hit as they both erupted in near perfect unison with the other.

The one grasping at Kerrigan’s hips pulled her down and held her there for a moment as that first thick, sticky flood of their seed flooded out to fill her in both holes. Their cocks swelled and narrowed with every heavy burst of their cum, which resulted in Kerrigan being able to feel every gusher of their warm essence rolling upward within her womanhood and firm ass before they spilled out from the tips. She was held down and made to feel their seed flowing into her while impaled deeply upon both of the cocks, before suddenly starting to let her rise upward to let a good portion of the fluid spill out of her stretched holes, only to pull her down once again as they made her continue to ride those their considerable endowments while each of them rode out the peak of their shared orgasm.
In the early days there had always been a very clear give and take relationship between Kerrigan and the hive when it came to pleasure. She was serving them and relieving them of their desires or they were serving her in the same fashion, the act never being entirely mutual on the part of either of them. They served her because they commanded, she served them because it was her duty, since they had developed these senses and capabilities for her to begin with.

Now though, as the relationship between kerrigan and the collective consciousness of the Zerg was growing deeper and stroger -both literally in terms of the psychic bond and figuratively in terms of the intensification of the shared feelings and emotions- with every passing day she found that the act was growing more equivalent, felt and understood by both parties. While the initiation of the act remained divided by from whence it came, the act itself was felt and enjoyed by all involved. She took as much pleasure in servicing as in being served where once she would have been lucky to cum at all when she was merely tending to the needs of the hive and not being tended to herself, and it seemed the hive were much the same way. At the start, foreplay was only performed as necessary to ensure she was prepared, now it was intimate, sensual, and the hive initiated it without even thinking. She'd even caught the very environment caressing her or teasing her on occasion, though she wasn't sure how to ask if the buildings themselves needed lusts tended to as well. They were living organisms after all, she just didn't quite know how to communicate with them the same way, nor was she certain how that would work, though she was sure a way could be found...

None of this was in Kerrigan's head at the moment however. Coherent thought being rather difficult when one is screaming in pleasure at being fucked near-senseless by hydralisks. She'd already cum once, covering their lengths in a wash of her juices as the steady flow of their hot pre-seed filled what little space was left inside her and flowed back along their lengths, squelching and squirting from around their cocks as they pistoned in and out of her, covering her ass and thighs with a mixture of arousal and precum that was steadily beginning to drip down her legs towards her toes as they fucked her. She was being stimulated from almost every angle now, every sensitive spot touched inside and out, her nipples tight and hard and a darker purple flush washing over her skin as she screamed and cried in ecstasy.

She was aware of the rest of the hive watching too, paying attention to the activity even as they went about their tasks. That too was a recent development as before the rest of the hive would only really react to a coupling by going around it if it happened to be in their way but now they watched her get fucked, and both she and they took some perverse pleasure being watched and watching respectively.

In this case, that little extra mental push was enough to send Kerrigan over the edge when they pulled her even further, forcing her body to accept penetrations she never would have thought possible just before the hydralisks pulsed and erupted inside her. She couldn't tell if it was just one orgasm stretched by her perceptions or several blending together so much as to be indistinguishable from one another but the high of pleasure seemed to go on forever, mixing her juices with theirs as they filled her to overflowing with their hot cum. She bucked and convulsed, adding to the mess with every convulsion and every thrust as they kept on fucking her even through all three of their orgasms.

Then it was over and Kerrigan's body went limp for a minute as she tried to recover. Her toned legs dangled loosely, still forced a little bit apart by the thick cocks that yet remained inside her, the purple flesh stained to more of an off-white by the thick mess of fluids covering her thighs while her dangling toes hung just above the puddle of mixed juices on the floor beneath them. Her entire body still shuddered occasionally with aftershocks of pleasure as she slowly brought her head back up, her eyes regaining some focus as she broadcast her thanks to the hydralisks. She could still feel plenty of cum inside her, churning warmth trapped by her holes tightening back up as the hydralisks narrowed and shrank inside her with each spurt of cum but that would probably flow out once they pulled out of her, adding to the mess beneath her.

She thought about asking them to clean her off as well but they'd both got what they wanted already, and besides none of the hive gave a damn if she walked outside covered in cum. To say nothing of the fact that if she got cleaned off she'd probably be dirty again in a matter of minutes from attending to some other member of the hive. That and cleaning her was a job better suited to the hive drones anyways...
They continued fucking the Queen of Blades until each of them had been near spent on their respective climaxes, as the pair of hydralisks began to slow their motions to simply let the female hang limply upon their softening cocks. The overwhelming mixture of fluids which had accumulated within her holes would begin spilling out a little more steadily from around their thick arousals; making for quite the mess as the siblings awaited for Kerrigan to regain some of her senses. Hearing her thanks through their connection, the pair gave the infested terran a few appreciative licks along her panting face and the tops of her heaving cleavage, before they went about dismounting the Queen off of their softening cocks.

Their lower bodies slithered downward until her dangling toes began to touch upon the sticky floor beneath them, before moving even further down when it seemed as if Kerrigan’s legs hadn’t regained their strength after the hard fucking she received. The pair held her with their claws to keep her in place for a few moments as their lengthy, softening yet thick cocks slowly slipped out with a moist schlick noise along with the increased sounds of their warm, sticky mess flowing down to further widen the puddle. The hydralisks came free of Kerrigan with a moist ‘pop’ to leave their Queen’s used holes to deal with the sudden emptiness, along with the overwhelming portions of cum which spilled from her orifices with a series of wet splattering sounds.

She was lowered further until she was on her knees, which allowed for even further portions of their seed to soak in around her as they pulled away to let her lay upon the ground in a pool of their own making. Kerrigan would have made quite the sight for any of her old companions, as the infested female laid within the sticky pool of semen while her two inhuman lovers began to move away after completing their admittedly pleasurable task of dealing with their Queen’s immediate needs. She was allowed a few moments of rest to lay within the sticky results of her threesome, but the connection she shared with the Zerg would likely tip her off on how there were others wishing to indulge in seeing to her needs.

Within a few seconds, a shadow began to loom over Kerrigan as another of the hive, a Lurker, slowly moved to crawl over its Queen. The Zerg was facing toward the female’s splayed upper body as it crawled over her, with its sharp limbs moving on either side of her body, until the creatures own lower body was starting to hover over her face. Even without the symbiotic connection, it was rather clear what the bipedal creature desired, as its own thick, sticky cock began to protrude further from its lower abdominal section. It became evident that within the process of seeing to Kerrigan’s own desires, a few of her hive had come to require some assistance of their own, as the bulbous tip of the beasts cock began to rub a slimy trail along her cheeks while in search of its relief.
The pool of cum was slowly shrinking, consumed by the creep for additional nourishment for the hive to ensure efficiency, but given the sheer amount of mixed fluids spilling from Kerrigan's holes and dripping down her legs there was still an impressively large puddle between her knees as she was lowered to the floor. She lay there for a while, debating sending the mental command to have one of the drones come in here to attend to cleaning her rather than venturing out into the building itself to be attended to by them. Post-coital bliss beginning to fade, Kerrigan thought to struggle to her feet and venture outside to continue the day and slowly began to drag herself into a slightly more dignified position, or at least one which didn't have her ass in the air and on display for any wandering 'ling to use, but even as she did so she was opening her mind back up to the hive collective...

Given the amount of desire she was feeling in the hive right now... Apparently he wasn't the only one that got off on the voyeurism and exhibitionism... If they keep adapting to me like this, I might need to have them kidnap women anyways... Just so they have a few holes aside from mine... As much as she enjoyed the regular amazing sex she was a battlemind, and she needed to fight as much as she needed to tend to the needs of her hive... One the other hand... Could she force some species to mutate? Give them a female form to satisfy the males? Maybe she could kidnap another ghost and convert her?

A shadow falling over her face distracted Kerrigan from her curious reverie and a nudging at her cheek informed her as to the situation. The hive was growing impatient to be tended to, and a lurker had decided to come in and inform her so more personally than through the mental connection. Kerrigan sighed, though it held a smile behind it even as the slimy phallus trailed against her cheek. She would need to start soon, otherwise she'd just spend every hour of every day fucking and getting fucked, and as fun as such a thing might be, she had stuff she needed to do too...

A few human women... Kidnap them, kill the men... She sent out the order for any Zerg not currently waiting to see her to take care of. There wouldn't be very many of course int he state the hive was currently in but the human settlement hadn't detected them yet and wouldn't be expecting a Zerg attack, even if this was an outer-rim planet... Feeling assent in her mind as some of her forces prepared to move out, Kerrigan opened her mouth and reached out to the Lurker's cock, catching it at the tip of her tongue and letting her mouth follow through, her lips wrapping about the shaft gently as she braced herself for the coming thrust, grateful that unlike her old human form, this body could easily take a cock into it's throat with very little pain...
The available members of the swarm needed little else than the command of their Queen before they started moving out to carry on her orders. Many were doing it simply due to this being a direct command of Kerrigans, while others went out with their own selfish desires to add further Terran women into their collective now that they had acquired a taste for mating with them. At the same time, the rest of their numbers would at the same time continue on with their own tasks or survey on through their connection as Kerrigan was approached by the large Lurker; their own lusts for the female being shared amongst them as their large brother loomed forward.

The Lurker let out a low, seemingly pleased hiss at the feel of the female’s tongue slipping out to brush along its swollen tip and assist in guiding it toward her soft lips. Sure enough, the moment her lips were wrapped around the already slicked head of its cock, the large Zerg would suddenly thrust forward to bury itself as deeply as it could into her mouth and throat. The creature showed a modest amount of concern for the comfort of its Queen, yet clearly intended to see its own needs attended toward as he tested her altered body’s durability by working nearly half ot its length down her throat in a single thrust.

A satisfied sound came from the Lurker, which was felt amongst the hive, as he already began to buck those powerful hips of his into the female’s willing mouth. The girth of the Zergs cock was enough to cause a noticeable bulge within her throat, which allowed for a lewd visual aid to let its fellow hive members to observe a rough estimation of how far he was shoving his cock down Kerrigan’s throat. Heavy grunts and crackling sounds could be heard above the female as the Lurker started to work up a hard, yet steady motion in fucking her face, while the Creep beneath them began to vibrate with life as the Queen laid out atop of it during such heights of intimacy.

The Creep slithered beneath Kerrigan as small tendrils crept around her body until finding the budding nipples of their Queen. They wrapped the clingy material around the female’s nipples and started to massage them for further stimulation as she allowed the Lurker to make use of her mouth, while further tendrils coiling their way around the mounds of her breasts to grip at them like lengthy fingers. The contrast of the Creeps rather gentle, yet firm caresses, along with the harsher thrusts of the Lurker stretching her throat were rather stark. At the same time, they seemed to move in near perfect unison through the hives connection, as both seemed to oddly compliment the other as they had their go at working over the Queen of Blades.
A choked noise escaped Kerrigan as the Lurker thrust, her gag reflex triggering for a split second before she suppressed the reaction, the corners of her lips twitching slightly in what would have been a smile were it not for the thick shaft parting them. She shifted slightly, a shiver of pleasure passing through her as the lurker's cock shifted slightly in her throat, propping herself up in her elbows and closing her eyes as the second thrust came, penetrating deeper, her neck distending further to accommodate the girth, feeling the very tip of the zerg shaft nudge against her collarbone slightly to elicit another shiver as she realized how deeply he was pushing, and how much of his length yet remained.

Enhanced by infestation, Kerrigan felt no pain from the penetration and she used that to her advantage. Placed perfectly to give the Lurker easy passage, she closed her eyes and simply let the creature use her, enjoying the gentle molestations of the creep as it's tendrils reached up to caress and massage her breasts and reveling in the oh-so-casually-lewd nature of it all. The very fact that she knew herself to be totally unbothered by being in this position if anything made it all the more arousing for her, distracting at the very least.

Still, while the attentions of her hive were distracting, they were not so great that she could not focus, and focus she did, watching as her warriors began to close in on the small settlement. She wriggled her tongue absentmindedly against the underside of the Lurker's cock as she watched the attack, feeling faint remorse as a number of zerglings and hydralisks were snuffed out by the human defenders, fierce joy as the bunkers began to crumble and cave in, exposing the marines inside who her forces fell upon with abandon, opening a gap in the line...

"Ah!" Kerrigan's physical eyes snapped open as her mental eyes closed defensively, momentarily blinded by the unexpected light of psychic power that had appeared. Her brow furrowing slightly, Kerrigan closed her eyes and focused again, devoting a little more of her focus to shielding her mind against another burst of energy like that. That was almost as powerful as me... As a Terran ghost... And they have shields... She was hunting in her own way now, paying barely any attention to the lurker or the creep, letting the pleasure and eroticism fade into the background for a moment. There! Two Hydralisks falling, the attack having come from no visible source, Kerrigan directed a score of hydralisks towards that area while the zerglings continued to mop up the bunkers and moved towards the homes, sniffing for female scents for capture. A Ghost... Someone to be turned like I was... Another queen...

Kerrigan's lips twitched at the corners in a smile again and she opened her eyes, satisfied that her forces now knew what they were looking for, a wicked glee in her now that she knew that what she was about to gain was much more than what she had set out for... In the mood as she was, the Queen of Blades began to rock of her own accord against the Lurker's thrusts now, humming a half-remembered happy tune to vibrate her vocal chords against his cock as she now fucked her own throat on his length, eagerly trying to make him cum. This is going to be a good day...
The others within the hive could pick up traces of what was occurring to their brethren as they carried out their Queen’s orders on finding human women for the swarm. They sensed the battle. They sensed the loss of many of their own. But they also sensed the seemingly inevitable victory and conquest over the colony which would insure their success in this latest assault against the Terrans for their own needs. This sent the remaining hive members into an energetic frenzy as they carried on with their own tasks at hand, which in turn showed itself with the way the Lurker and Creep began to pick up the pace of their own attentions to the turned female.

The large Zerg let out a satisfied growl at the feel of Kerrigan’s throat humming out a happy little tune as the thick tip of his cock plunged deeply down her gullet. His thick length twitched within the snug , vibrating confines of the females throat as he fucked her face with further recklessness. She may have been the Queen of Blades, but for this moment she was almost like any other female making herself open to the near bestial couplings of a male in need of release. The thick tip reached depths which would have been impossible without the changes to her body, as a slight bulge could be seen within Kerrigan’s throat which widened and shrunk depending on the current position of that invading organ.

As this was happening, the Creep continued in its efforts to make sure the rest of the Queen’s body was attended toward, as those flexible tendrils began to pay special attention toward her nipples with clingy tips that allowed for them to pull at the hardened nubs through the living suit which she wore. Another tendril, thicker than the ones paying attention to her breasts, began to nudge upward and move toward Kerrigan’s exposed sex. Sure enough, the phallic shaped tendril plunged upward with a single motion, taking advantage of her recently used orifice as it quickly found a rhythm with the lurker so that both were thrusting into their Queen in unison.

The humming vibrations, along with the feel of Kerrigan’s lips and throat stretched around its girth, were not lost upon the Lurker as it felt itself nearing a climax. This showed in how the Zerg began to fuck her face with faster, harder motions, which were similarly matched by the Creep that seemed intent on making sure she enjoyed herself while servicing its brethren. The phallic shaped tendril fucked her harder, as a smaller tendril slipped upward to join in by exploring along the female’s glistening folds until it found the sensitive nub of flesh that was its target.

Quickly wrapping around Kerrigan’s clitoris, the tendrils tiny little bumps which decorated its length began to rub and pulsate around the trapped skin; adding another source of potential pleasure amongst the trio as excessive amounts of precum had started spilling out into Kerrigan’s mouth from the ready to burst Lurker. The large creature let out a mixture of strained growl and hissing noises as it finally reached its peak; pulling its hips away until only the tip remained between Kerrigan’s lips, before thrusting forward in unison with the first torrents of thick, warm seed which filled her mouth before being literally forced down her throat with every inserting thrust of its cock.

Almost as if intending to fully mirror what the Lurker was doing, the tendril thrusting away between Kerrigan’s legs began to swell in a similar fashion, with the first of many streaming bursts of cum flowing through the fleshy tube almost like a hose. Every fresh spurt came out in thick enough portions to cause the tendril to swell and actually be felt within the female as she was forced to briefly stretch out further to accommodate every new feeding of its seed. Excessive portions of it would spill out to similarly be fed upon by the Creep afterward, as the tendril playing at Kerrigan’s clit would continue to work over the exposed peak throughout the remainder of this lewd ordeal.
Not only would it have been impossible for Kerrigan to take such a thick cock so deeply into her throat before she was altered she could never have taken any cock into her throat for nearly so long either. She still needed to breathe, but where her human body had been limited by it's genetics and it's strange wiring that had endured despite many inefficiencies simply due to the fact that a human was impressively powerful even with poorly-optimized internal organs, she had been improved, made better. Kerrigan could last for hours without needing to take a breath, be that in the depths of space or oceans (thanks to the exoskeleton of sorts she'd grown in the process of her transformation) or -much more commonly- taking zerg cock after zerg cock without so much as a pause for air between one thick alien shaft and the next.

While normally this energetic facefucking would have left Kerrigan ready to summon another hydralisk or a few zerglings to satisfy lusts reinflamed by the lewd act though, the creep had been growing more and more of an active participant than she was used to. She'd felt the living ground that grew in and around zerg territory often cup and fondle her body on the rare occasions that she found herself lying on the ground but it had grown much more daring now, reaching up to actively stimulate her breasts, teasing her nipples, squeezing with finger-like extrusions and even reaching up at her still-raised hips to tease her clit making her groan and moan in pleasure about the lurker's shaft.

Then she felt something thicker, and for a moment thought her mental abilities had faltered somehow and she had failed to notice a zergling coming up behind her until she realized the angle of the length pressing against her entrance and became aware that it was the creep, growing still bolder in learning how to stimulate her. It was an impressive argument for the creep's status as just as aware as any other zerg organism and -more important to the present- it was an impressive shaft that slid into the queen of blades. Not quite as relentlessly cunt-stretchingly thick as a hydralisk but long and more than a little bit prehensile, coiling and warping in on itself slightly as it pistoned in and out of her in time with the lurker's thrusts into her mouth, spit-roasting her neatly between the two of them as they pumped faster and faster.

The buzzing and vibrating nodules that wrapped tightly about the hard button of Kerrigan's clit were just the icing on the cake, and they pushed her over the edge in very short order. The queen of blades shuddered reflexively, dimly aware of the lurker twitching and flexing in her mouth and throat, of the creep-tentacle pulsing and twisting deep in her womanhood as she came, her holes tightening around intruding tentacle and shaft alike, adding a fresh wave of the queen's own juices to trickle down her thighs.

Then, while she was still riding the high of pleasure Kerrigan felt the lurker's seed fill her mouth and then get forced down her throat, the white heat of it's cum travelling one way while the very pleasurably tangible swell in the tentacle travelled the other and both of them exploded inside her, two pools of thick heat nearly meeting in the middle of her body to prompt an orgasm that didn't just have Kerrigan shivering but prompted several full on convulsions from the queen of blades as tentacle and lurker just kept on thrusting into her, filling her to overflowing with cum from both ends of her body, prompting a fresh orgasm with every few waves of the thick and sticky heat to explode into her. By the time they were barely more than halfway done Kerrigan was a trembling wreck, her eyes rolled up in her head unseeing as lurker cum squelched against her lips and dribbled thickly down her chin to fall to a small pool below while creep 'cum' practically flowed from around the tentacle in her pussy in a thick white river that trailed down her legs into a steadily growing puddle of mixed juices that her knees were resting in.
The creature humped away at her face with powerful thrusts as it continued to ride out that peak period, with even is weaker thrusts which inevitably came afterward proving to be harder than what the average Terran male could muster. That already thick girth of the Lurker’s cock could be felt swelling within Kerrigan’s throat as the beast flooded her mouth with a steady flow of its thick, warm essence. The amount which was flowing out with every fresh stream may have been enough to run the risk of drowning a normal Terran female, but the Zerg members within the hive had indeed appeared to evolve and adapt in such a way as to produce just enough to remain within their Queen’s admittedly extended limits.

The tentacle taking her from the other end was seemingly matching what its brethren was doing, albeit with the added effort of the smaller tendril continuing to work over that sensitive bit of flesh for the majority of the climax. The motions of the tendril around her clit would start to soften its efforts, as the small extension of the tentacle worked with a precision similar to a man’s skilled finger in letting their partner soak in the resulting afterglow of a good screw, while the larger tentacle pumped her with so much of its ‘seed’ that she was spraying out the excess portions from around the corners of her stretching folds.

When the Lurker pulled free of Kerrigan’s mouth, the large Zerg was actually continuing to pump out smaller bursts of its cum from that swollen tip. As said tip pulled free of her lips, it would then let out a few parting spurts of thick, sticky fluid onto her face and chest as the organ hung freely from beneath the massive creature. The remaining strands of the Lurkers warm seed would continue to flow out of that bulbous tip, while the creep itself finally let go of the females clitoris and slowly pulled itself free of her pussy to allow a flow of formally trapped ‘cum’ to add into the considerable pool beneath Kerrigan.

The tendrils which had massaged at her breasts and nipples would similarly pull away, as the Lurker and the creep beneath them began to let their Queen ‘stand or fall’ under her own will power for now. The thick pool of fluids beneath Kerrigan beginning to dwindle away as it was consumed in a similar fashion to the earlier mixture caused by the Hydralisks; leaving a relatively dried spot for her to rest upon for however long she may need to recover. For its part, the Lurker would slowly move away once it was certain the female would be fine, as its now satisfied cock began to retreat within the beasts’ massive body. The creep underneath her squirming about in a light, massaging motion, while smaller tendrils reached up to begin wiping away some of the excess cum from her body, until nearly every trace of their coupling was absorbed away; save for the current state of the Queen of Blades herself.

Others within the hive watched as Kerrigan was granted some time for recovering from the intense mating, yet there was an undeniable hunger and lust within several of them as they observed the female following her intense mating. It was about then, however, that the hive began to pick up the signal from the remaining brethren which went out on the Queen’s earlier mission. The news they received through their link was rather satisfactory for each of them, as it seemed they were on their way back with fresh Terran females for the swarm to enjoy.
It would take far more to make the Queen of Blades pass out from pleasure but the treatment had certainly overloaded Kerrigan, leaving her hanging there motionless as the Tentacle and the Lurker finished pumping their cum into her. She was still shuddering faintly with lesser orgasms every few minutes but aside from that she was still, and as they finally pulled back away and out of her Kerrigan just slumped to the creep a last few waves of pleasure from the friction of their departure and the subsequent wash of cum following the retreating members making her shudder and spasm a few more times.

The tickling undulations of the creep under her were erotic but in a quiet way, like a pleasant and well-performed massage accompanied the the slight sensation of cum slowly being wiped off of her and sucked away from her skin and exoskeleton. From outward appearance alone it was as though she'd never been so much as touched, though Cum was still flowing from her womanhood, still too much for her to hold inside her without it leaking out, and while the creep dutifully consumed every drop that left her, it did nothing to clean the inside of her body.

She waited for a time though, enjoying the creep's more gentle ministrations. The hive was agitated, many more of them already needing release thanks to what she'd just broadcast, but the terran women were being brought back to them now, and she could ensure that at least a few of her brood sated themselves on the converts instead. She pulled memories from the hive, memories of the chrysalis that had changed her into what she was now, and she ordered her drones to begin creating more of them, adapted slightly. The women would be trapped as they changed, unable to move, but they would be able to feel, and their minds would be telepathically open, and every last one of their cocoons would be open for the rest of the hive to enjoy their holes as they transformed.

the only one who would be in a full chrysalis was the ghost they'd found, and Kerrigan had a special plan for her. She would arrange the terran women in their chrysalis, a circle with the Ghost's chrysalis at the center, and then she would let the pent-up hive loose on them. Meanwhile in the middle, she would be atop the Ghost's chrysalis and let a few of her most powerful warriors take. She would open her mind, broadcast into the Ghost directly to break her as she changed as well as letting all of the non psychics experience it as well, and they in turn would feed their pleasure back into her to help break the ghost.

The Overmind had taken weeks of work to warp her into his Queen of Blades. She would do the same to this women in mere hours, perhaps minutes...
Many of the hive were indeed eager for their own go at the Queen of Blades, but they still lived to serve the transformed terran. As such, they held onto their barely contained lusts as they worked on following her orders for the captured colony women to be held within the specially designed chrysalis cocoons. The women struggle to what futile ends it would bring them, as each of them were dragged along like simple stock for the hives nearly insatiable needs. It wasn’t too unfamiliar from what terrans tended to do with cattle on farms, only the hive had far different designs in mind for these mammals.

A large chamber was prepared for matching the Queen’s demands. A couple dozen women of healthy enough stock were able to be returned from the raid on the colony. The non-Ghost females were taken care of first, as they found their clothing ripped away by claw and tooth of the different Zerg breeds, until their soft flesh was on full display for the alien creatures. The women would scream even louder, with a few even letting slip a rather shameful moan, when a few of the hive would ‘sample’ of the females with a few exploring licks along their breasts and between their legs. They echoed within the chamber, which stirred up the other members of the hive in a further frenzy to begin.

One by one, the women were placed within their respective chrysalis in varying positions. Like demanded of Kerrigan, however, they would have openings available for use by the hive. Openings which could be resealed with ease when not in use, yet at the moment were very much opened, as the women were propped within on their backs or stomach within their cocoons. Those facing on their stomachs would be forced into a slightly bent over position, which would allow for their soft rears and pussies to arch upward against the edge of the cocoon to better present themselves at the respective entry points for the hive. The ones on their backs were placed near the entry point with their legs raised upward, spread out like the eager sluts they were destined to become, with their parted sexes lined up with the entry point.

A few were even placed within cocoons which held multiple openings, with the second opening being placed near the terrans frozen open mouth for use by those which had taken a liking to fucking their Queen’s face in recent days. Whatever the erotically frozen position they were placed within their respective chrysalis’, the results were going to be the same, as each of the hive worked with an eagerness to finish the task which went beyond simply wishing to fulfill their Queen’s orders. Truly, the entirety of the hive was quite literally buzzing with excitement, as the majority of those whom had waited for their turn at Kerrigan were now starting to fill the massive chamber in anticipation of this little frenzy kicking off.

Last, but certainly far from the least, there was the center chrysalis cocoon which Kerrigan had ordered, which was laid open while a couple of hydralisks dragged the blonde ghost toward the horrifying sight. She was already partially encased in a substance, largely around her arms and legs to minimize her struggles compared to the other women, along with a portion over her mouth to keep her silent for now. They alerted Kerrigan of how they were ready to begin as the blonde was placed within the last of the chambers. While doing so, the zerg made certain to place her facing upward, so that their Queen may look down upon her directly during what was to come next, as she was slowly yet steadily encased within the unsettling embrace of the cocoon.
Even for someone of Kerrigan's power this would be a feat, but with the entire sheer psychic force of the hive itself at her back to ensure that there would be no complications she was sure she could do it. The ghost was trapped in her full chrysalis now while the other women were trapped in their half-open ones. Their minds were unimportant things, to be broken as convenient since all they were needed for was to provide additional willing holes with which the hive could sate the lusts Kerrigan had inadvertently imposed upon them, so all those chrysalis' needed to do was provide the impetus for the changes to the body to occur. Not only would they be left more physically resilient -the better to take in the variety of pleasure tools the various zerg species had to offer- but they would exit the crystalline structures looking far more appropriately zerglike, much like herself.

The mind of the ghost on the other hand was not something to be broken entirely but to be molded instead, turned to her side. The Blonde woman was awake now Kerrigan knew, and she had directed the overlord floating overhead to use it's considerable psychic power like a sledgehammer, a pure exertion of mental might to suppress any abilities the ghost might try to use. She would have done it herself, but for this to work would take all the concentration she had to begin with, and suppressing the ghost on top of all that would have stretched her powers dangerously thin, even as formidable as they were... Turning where she sat atop the ghost's Chrysalis Kerrigan scanned the surroundings once more, ensuring everything was in place. The terran women would need to be acclimatized at first and so she had ordered her hive to organize itself, the drones and zerglings first, the former with their tongues and the latter with their nearly-endless stamina to ensure the women's holes were properly prepared, then the lurkers with their larger cocks, and so on and so forth, ensuring that each zerg would leave the woman stretched enough that the next one to come along would not break their body when it stretched them a little further. Their bodies would also become more accommodating as the chrysalis' went to work of course, but Kerrigan wanted them trained, since the advantages of hybridization were no replacement for a proper regime of stretching and exercising...

Last but not least by any stretch of the imagination, some of her own most favoured warriors were next to her, each of them ready and waiting for the event to begin. She opened her mind, connecting herself to each and every one of the zerg next to her, focusing on receiving their pleasure and the pleasure of the women trapped inside each chrysalis as well. Then she focused, holding on to those connections and at the same time opening the connection with the ghost beneath her, it was stable for the moment, thrumming with anticipation but unburdened by any real sensation thus far. The real trick would be maintaining this network that would feed all of the pleasure felt by every woman here into the ghost, not to convince, but simply to force her mind to accept that being a hybrid was bliss, pure and total pleasure, to convince her to open her mind entirely and let Kerrigan reach in and remake her into her very own hive princess.

Deep breath in, deep breath out, no variables forgetten, no part of the plan left unattended to...

Kerrigan flipped over onto all fours, exposing the lips of her womanhood shining with arousal that had been growing with the anticipation ever since the warriors had returned and bracing herself against the chrysalis itself, ready to be taken as she looked down into the blonde woman's blue eyes and uttered a single word that would unleash the zerg and put a start to this... Ritual.

The hive was on edge as they organized themselves according to their Queen’s instructions and planning for this ‘ritual’. The drones and zerglings were first in line for dealing with the other woman in the numerous pods, as hardened cocks and dripping maws were prepared for that moment when she would give the final signal to begin. They dared not jump the gun, regardless of how badly they wanted it, as their mental connection amongst another only served in heightening the arousal within the swarm itself. They each knew it would be worth it, however, since after this day there would be enough females to satisfy each of their urges whenever they so desired.


That was all it took. Like hungry beasts upon their prey, the drones and zerglings charged forward to make use of their respective chrysalis pods. It was the first time any of them would sample a human outside of Kerrigan, so there was an added fervor to the creature’s efforts as zerglings mounted upon each of the pods available to them and eagerly sought entry with their inhuman cocks. The women would find themselves penetrated by perhaps the smallest of the zerg, yet even they were larger than most human males, as even those whom had bedded many partners in the past would find themselves testing out new limits of girth and length.

The drones, meanwhile, would delve their tongues into the openings until the slippery tips of those flexible appendages were granted their own entry into the captive colonists. Their tongues were unique in the sense that, while not so sensitive as an actual cock, they did derive a sense of direct sexual stimulation from probing about and licking away at the humans more intimate of places. A number of the women were also positioned in such a way as to allow two drones the room for pressing heads together and let a second tongue go to work as both of their lower holes were stuffed with the slimy, squirming invaders which fucked them like a set of tentacles.

Within seconds, the surrounding area was filled with the sounds of zerglings crying out in primal pleasure as they made use of the humans, along with the noisy licks and slobbering noises of the drones tongues feasting away on their erotic treats. At about this same point, those lucky few which were chosen by the Queen of Blades had wasted little time, as an appropriately named Defiler would turn out to be the first which would scurry upward with its multiple legs and hastily mount the eager female. The centipede-like zerg would almost hug itself against Kerrigan as those sharp limbs either wrapped around its Queen’s slender body or gripped firmly onto the chrysalis underneath them, as the female would feel not one, but two cocks pressing along her lower body.

The twin cocks were laid out atop of the other in a perfect evolution of being able to fill both of her holes at once, as the lower cock squirmed almost like a serpent while prodding at her moist slit, while the other did similar to poking at that perfect little rear. Knowing what she could take, the Defiler was quick to press its lengthy body forward, as both of its cock pierced their way into Kerrigan with a perfect, if perverse, harmony. She was quickly filled in both orifices by the twin cocks, as the unique ridges and bumpy knots which decorated their considerable lengths rubbed along her inner walls; hitting every sweet spot which she enjoyed having stimulated during sex, as that portion of the zerg promptly rose and fell in a fierce thrusting tempo.

The rest of its body was still holding her tightly, as its own mouth opened to let its tongue slither out to give an affectionate lick along the female’s face, before sliding lower to start caressing along those swaying breasts as they added their own pleasures to the expanding melting pot of perverse eroticism. Its lengthy body managing to start fucking her even harder in both holes, while the legs/limbs around her body and the chrysalis underneath them held Kerrigan perfectly so as to not push or pull her away from her position despite their increasing tempo. The sound of moist bodies slapping together emanating from where they were directly joined in this unnatural union, while the tongue continued to lather up the females ample breasts, with bits of excess drool dripping down onto the surface of where the Ghost was being held captive.
There were no words, not at first, for Kerrigan could not even find the mental space for anything but stunned and slack-jawed silence. She felt everything at once, every terran woman experiencing her first zergling, her first drone tongue fucking, sensations she had felt many times before given whole new levels of intensity by the mere fact that these women she experienced them through now had never done so, like experiencing her first tentative adventures in pleasure with the hive all over again and all at the same time. There was a degree of pain in the net as well as even the smallest zerglings were a step above anything the women had taken before and their bodies were only just now beginning to mutate and morph to accommodate such penetrations but that only served to enhance the sensation and made the newfound pleasure as it vanished while their bodies adjusted and adapted all the sweeter.

Then Kerrigan focused, reforging the faltering mental link with the ghost beneath her, putting her all into holding that connection as she heard the defiler approaching her from behind, it's many legs tapping against the crystalline material of the chrysalis and then wrapping about her own body as it conformed to her. She was surprised by the second cock, a new mutation that she hadn't felt before, though she knew already that the two shafts would fit into both of her holes perfectly the moment she felt them brush against her entrances. She stared down at the ghost, gritting her teeth to try and marshal her focus, only to lose it entirely for a moment as the defiler rammed it's twin shafts forward and Kerrigan's entire world went white.

She came to with her entire body trembling, only still on all fours thanks to her elbows having locked as the entire rest of her body was shuddering and convulsing with pleasure. Her jaw was slack, her irises barely visible as her eyes had rolled up and gone half-lidded in pleasure. She could feel the link was still there though, maintained by the ghost inside the pod for a brief moment as the blonde woman had found it difficult to push away the immense influx of pleasure. Even as Nova finally managed to cut off the link from her end, Kerrigan took it up again, ensuring it was maintained, as the Queen of blades was rocked to the core by those thrusts. The whole event had only just begun and already she was reduced to little more than a conduit, her entire being devoted to the pleasure she felt and transmitted down into the ghost beneath her, who was writhing and moaning in her chrysalis, her ecstatic face a mirror to Kerrigan's own. The ghost was still not entirely willing of course, but the sheer amount of psychic lust and pleasure being forced into her -especially as Kerrigan's own pleasure was only growing as the Defiler put it's tongue to work on her breasts- was not something she could ignore.

If she had the mind to do so, Kerrigan would have grinned as she felt Nova cum, but as the feedback struck her through the link Kerrigan found herself cumming as well, clamping tightly down around the Defiler's twin thrusting cocks as she howled her ecstasy to the world. The psychic feedback didn't end with her though, sending orgasms through each and every one of the women around her as well, setting the entire network of minds alight with pleasure that bounced outwards and then reflected back inwards, setting off a second orgasm in Kerrigan and Nova, creating a mad feedback loop of pleasure that surpassed any descriptor and left every one of the women trapped in an seemingly-endless loop of climax. Strong minds and psychic minds would survive the onslaught, but the women in the pods around Kerrigan and Nova would already be able to feel their minds drifting away, unable to hold on to any sense of self or personal desire in this maelstrom of collective consciousness and shared plesure.
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