Alone (MellowYellow &Me)


Jan 5, 2015
Korra was out in the town when something unexpected happened. At first she thought someone near her was earth-bending, but then it just got bigger and bigger. She started to try to run, to get away from the feeling and find out what it was when people started screaming and she realized she wasn't the only one who felt it.

There was an earthquake that not even 100 earth-benders together could stop. It was growing quickly and Korra couldn't even run anymore. She crouched down as her body felt like it was going in circles the shaking grew so bad. Eventually car windows were being broken in and buildings started to fall. The roads started to crack and come up.

Because of the shaking waves were getting bigger and bigger and coming into the city.A building started to fall her way, she hoped everyone else was safe. She used her own earth-bending to dig a hole down so the building wouldn't hit her but she hadn't planned on the fact that there were tunnels under the roads. She fell until she hit the bottom, she was still mostly fine until a large piece of road struck her head, then she saw only black and heard more collapsing around her..
He had hoped, ultimately, that today was going to be a simple one. In advance he had planned to hold an Equalist rally, had already headed to the destination and slipped on his mask and traditional attire... he had been all set to preach to the world when the quake hit with the force of a mighty bomb. A skilled and powerful man Amon was, an earthbender he was not. Like many others he was forced to make a break for freedom and safety.

The man in the hood and white mask had hopped that sticking to the less developed areas would be safer- less things to collapse atop him- but his hopes had been dashed when the roads themselves began to collapse beneath his feet from the constant poundings of distant tremors. One minute he held his footing and the very next the blackness gave way and swallowed him up as if the very planet wished him dead.

If that was the case, it would have to try harder than that. Amon awoke in the smoky pit almost half an hour later, and by that point it seemed that the quake had stopped. He gave a low grunt and moved to sit, only to hiss as he realised one of his arms was aching. Either he had broken it or just twisted it bad, but either way it was in no mood to function. Grumbling then he crawled step by step out of the blackness, and then emerged on the ghostly street. All empty, not a sound to hear. It was hard to tell, but it seemed at least a quarter of the city just got a beating while the rest remained untouched.
Korra woke up sometime after. She wasn't sure how long she'd been out. Her hear hurt and she was still seeing little spots of black here and there. She tried to sit up and found the task nearly impossible for a few reasons. One she was covered in rocks and chunks of debris, if her effort to escape the quake she got a little overzealous and made the hole she fell down too large. Typical. The rocks and other things were easy to throw off. The second problem however was she hurt all over. Her ankle was throbbing, it felt pretty bad, but it wasn't broken. As she sat up she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She placed her hand there and brought it back to find blood on her hand.

The blood was dark, and it had soaked through her shirt. Her stomach felt queasy at the sight but she stood none the less. The cut was not too big but it was deep, she'd need some help soon. At least her head was clearing so she probably didn't have any real damage there. It was times like this she wished she could just air-bend already, she would be woosh out of the hole! No luck... The had to climb her way out of the hole, which wasn't too hard to do with all the debris that fell as the road cracked open. Once she reached the street she pulled herself out and sat tenderly poking her swollen ankle. There was hardly any noise at all, maybe everyone evacuated? She did see one figure though through the dust. "Hello?" She called out.
From what little Amon was able to make out in the darkness, it seemed much of the populace had made a break for it to save their own skin. Some, crushed under falling debris, had not been so lucky. Amon didn't dwell on them, not while his own life was still at risk, and continued his slow and steady trek through the desolation. He ached all over, and the arm dangling at his side was evidence of how close he came to death.

Somewhere in the distance was the noise of shouting and chaos, and through the haze of the clouds he could see some of the police zeppelins move through the sky at a steady rate. He ignored them, tried to meld with the shadows and walked down one slope of shattered bricks and dead mortar. Now it was his turn to stop, the masked figure finding himself glaring toward the equally injured avatar. "Given the circumstance, I would say neither of us are in a shape to fight. And if we're to have any chance to survive here, I would also say that fighting is a surefire way to get us both killed."
Her first reaction was rage at seeing Amon. It took all her will power not to chuck a ball of fire right at him, or open the cracked road under him and let gravity do the work. However she also knew she was in no shape to get up and fight as he would probably just dodge it anyways. Just the idea of standing made her ankle throb, and she really didn't need to rip the cut in her stomach open more. She wasn't sure what to do. She held her hand to her stomach trying to stop the blood.

Then she heard what he had to say. "So what are you proposing, a truce?" She called out. Honestly it made her a little relieved, even injured like she was she could put up one hell of fight, but for how long? "And how do I know you won't attack me at the first given opportunity?" She asked thought it was a stupid question. Obviously he could have already attacked her if he wished. Korra would have to remember to be careful what she wished for. She was wishing for help, she ended up with Amon.
He didn't doubt his ability. Already he had proven, even on his own, that he could handle the young avatar in a fight. However the injuries had dulled him, and he wouldn't want to risk making things harder than they already were. "Because, much as neither of us wants to admit it, you need my help to survive her and I need yours. In our present condition, neither of us will last without some aid," Amon explained in his usual low and thick voice.

It was some cruel and twisted irony no doubt. The Avatar and her exact opposite, stranded and forced to work together. But he, without his equalists, and she without the police force, it left them with no other options. "We help each other until we reach the undestroyed section of the city. Once there we go our seperate ways and act as if this never happened. I believe that's a fair bargain." He knew she was young and hotheaded, but hopefully smart enough to know how low her chance of survival was alone and in her injured state.
She didn't like it, not one bit. Probably because she she knew even through her cocky demeanor that Amon could probably best her in a fight even with out her being injured. He was right about not lasting alone though. She had no idea how long she had been out, so she didn't know how much blood she may have already lost and losing more alone would be dangerous even with a truce. "Fine." Was all she said. She wasn't stupid.

She liked the 'go separate ways' part of the deal. It meant he was less likely to attack her as soon as they were safe. Even standing as far from her as he was however she noticed the strange way his arm hung too low. "You're arm is out of it's socket...." She sighed and figured part of helping each other would be helping with injuries as well. "Come here." She said in her rather demanding tone. She said and stood up. Favoring her right ankle and just using it for balance with all her weight on her left leg.
Out of it's socket... that was what he had feared, but he was no healer and had no way to be certain. Just letting it hang there wasn't going to be good for it anyway. So he gave a nod and approached her, moving slowly and cautiously just in the event that it was some ploy on her end. Then, once close enough, Amon stood still and looked the young woman over while she examined his injured arm.

By that point he noted the red in her abdomen. Whatever was under her shirt it wasn't fatal, otherwise she would have been coughing up blood or barely moving. Still, it wouldn't be in anyone's best interest to leave that bleeding mark unattended. As Amon braced himself for her to move his arm, he calmly remarked "We need to find some bandages for your stomach. Leaving it unattended won't do any favours for us."
She was glad he mentioned her stomach because she wasn't about to. Something about not admitting weaknesses in front of the enemy. However, did that count if he wasn't currently the enemy? "My ankle is sprained too." She mentioned softly, not sure how she felt about it.

If he tensed up it wouldn't work very well, and she needed to get his arm back in, she rested her hand on his shoulder, to steady herself as well as to help his arm, she placed her other hand onto his arm. "Oh yeah this will be easy to pop back in no problem!" She said focusing more on the arm and less on who she was talking to. "I'm gonna do it on three okay? One..." And she shoved popping the arm back in. Never tell them when you're gonna do it, they are more relaxed that way. "There, you still won't have full function over it for a while and it will still hurt, you should probably see a doctor and make sure that's all that was wrong with it too."
"There's not much I can do in that case. I know bandaging, but not how to deal with a sprain," he replied. He was all set to go on three, only to give a barely restrained hiss of pain from the sudden push of his arm, the gesture sending a spike of pain lancing through his body. It took a great deal of self-control not to strike her for that little stunt, but all the same he held back and resorted to heavy breaths in his mask for a few more moments.

"Hnph..." He stood up straight, not wanting her to think that she held some upper hand on him for that daring little act. No doubt she took some enjoyment in the act. The hooded man glanced about and set his gaze to rest on a partially collapsed. Most homes had some sort of medicine in them, surely? "Come on," Amon said sternly as he approached the building. He ducked in through the blown-apart doorway and got to searching, pausing then when he found a box nailed to the wall. Prying it open with his good arm revealed bandages, disinfectant, tweezers... he could patch the cut up, or at the very least keep it together until they got back to civilization. "Take your shirt off," he said simply, now taking out the disinfectant and the bandages.
She would have to lie to say she didn't enjoy it, all the pain he caused her? Yeah, it kind of felt good to get away with that even if it was helping him out in the long run. At he breathed heavy a thought crossed her mind, it left almost as quickly as it came. What was stopping her from ripping that stupid thing off right now? Destroying it? She had to remember that they needed each other right now, and they were under a truce. Plus, with his arm back into place, she probably needed him way more than he needed her.

She didn't like how stern his voice was, but then again, she talked like that too so who was she to get picky... She felt bad walking into someone else's home, however it's not like they had much other choice. She followed him slowly having a hard time with her ankle and was simply glad there were not any bodies in here. "Take off my, what?" She blushed sure it was tattered already but taking her shirt off, she was a woman, what did he expect her to just shrug and pull it off? She grabbed the hem and raised it up, exposing her stomach and most of the cut. "Wouldn't this be good enough?"
Amon turned, looking at the toned caramel skin she had exposed. Even with the wound it did serve to show that she was quite attractive and fit. "For now. But the dried blood likely isn't very hygienic in the long run. I'd advise finding some replacement," he remarked. He set a white cloth on the surface before him, poured a bit of disinfectant onto it and then moved the rag toward the partially exposed young woman.

For a brief moment he considered warning her of the stinging sensation it would cause, but then again what favours had she done him? She gave him no such warnings. A skilled hand guided the disinfectant-coated rag over her wound, wiping away the dried and fresh blood and applying a deal of pressure to stop any further escaping. It looked marginally cleaner by the time he was done wiping it with the disinfectant yet he made no remark. "Now," he said, tossing the piece away and grabbing the needle and thread "Comes the harder part," Amon added.
Korra flinched but didn't pull back. "Ow, hey!" Her hands held up the shirt tightly, she was suddenly very happy she had something to grab a hold of. The liquid was cold and yet caused the wound to sting horrible... she hated the feeling but said nothing more.

When he grabbed the needle and thread Korra swore she felt her head spin, but it could have been her imagination. This was going to suck, big time, but it had to be done. She took a deep breath. "Hold on..." She dropped the hem of her shirt and hopped up on a coffee table near by that was still standing. "Okay..." She said shakily pulling her shirt back up. The last thing she needed was to twitch of fall while he was sewing her up, it would just cause more work, and more pain. She was not looking forward to this, but she had a feeling that he might be.
He was no doctor, but his hands were able to move with some grace and skill as the large cut was steadily closed up by the slow and steady motions. It was a temporary measure, not one that would permanantly deal with the issue, and she would need to check with another healer when they got back to the main city... but this would keep her safer. Once done with the needle and thread he grabbed the bandaged and swiftly wrapped a bit around her injured abdomen.

"There," he said, snipping the bound length from the full roll of bandages. "It's not perfect but it should do the job. Unfortunately I can't do anything for the ankle, you'll just need to be careful with it," Amon said. He wiped his hands clean in another cloth and breathed out. Well that was the first problem handled for the time being...
She nodded hearing him talk. She'd held her shirt so tightly her knuckles were white. Though the stubborn Avatar had not made a single noise, her eyes were closed as she tried to focus off of the pain of the needle's repeated trips through her skin. Se was tired, and honestly had thoughts of just crawling into a bed somewhere, but was also worried about her friends.

She stood up letting her shirt fall back over her stomach and paused looking a little uncomfortable. "Um." She started off, it felt so weird to say this, but she meant it. "Thank you." She nodded at him.
"Our truce wouldn't work if I'd just left that as is," he replied matter of factly, nodding toward her. Letting silence grow between them he was starting to feel the strength and motion return to his other arm. At the very least the ache had left him thought it would be a little while longer before he was confident in using it again. Amon rolled his neck, cracking it loudly and then sighing in relief from the sensation of relief washing through him.

"Next order of business should be getting food. And following that a place to spent the night." Amon looked out the nearest shattered window and noted how dark the sky had become. Soon it would grow cold, and nights in Republic City could be quite harsh. It would be in their best interest to find somewhere warm.
Korra was honestly happy when he mentioned food and a place to spend the night, seemed she wasn't the only one with this on their mind. "Should be pretty easy finding food." She said digging around the home. She would find who owned it another time and pay them back for what they were taking. She found some food that wasn't ruined and was happy.

"Finding someplace to sleep without broken windows will probably be the hard part." She sighed gathering some bread and other food and handing him some. Moving slow being careful about her new stitches and sore ankle.
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