Rex's Little Student ((Closed to AnonymousRelated))


Dec 18, 2012
Alexis sighed as she woke up a little late because she seemed to have set her alarm for the wrong time. "Dammit," she growled before sitting up slowly and looking at her feet hanging off her bed. "Fine..."

Yawning, she got up and walked over to the shower room. She was already late, so she might as well take a shower. Once she was done, she put on lipstick and blew dry her hair as she usually did. Then, the raven haired 18 year old put on her skin tight green jumpsuit, which went amazingly with her emerald eyes. Looking at herself in the mirror, she winked before pulling on her black combat boots to finish the look.

It didn't matter if she was late anyway it was just another group meeting... Rex wouldn't even notice, right? It's not that she didn't care, she was just laid back by nature. That was when she noticed on her calendar that her private lessons with Rex started today.

"Wait... what???" Her eyes widened, "gosh darn it!" Alexis then booked it to the place where she was meant to meet Rex. When she got there, she was bent over panting- mentally slapping herself.
S.H.I.E.L.D has been taking in and training talented and gifted youths since long before Peter Parker, long before Xavier's Institute for the Gifted. They had plenty of experience in teaching and showing young blossoming adults how to become the perfect them.

Rex himself hadn't been with the program for long, but he'd been a S.H.I.E.L.D Agent for a classified amount of time. What he's done, where he's been all a mystery. The only things known about him are what he let's be known. Having worked with the Secret Avengers multiple times, assassination and abduction are his calling card.

His current group of 'Young Avengers' had a strong and promising 18 year old among them. Her name was Alexis, and she had determination and a power which would have given her the edge in her private lesson, if only she weren't so unfocused. The place where he had told her to meet was a dead-end alley under a freeway overpass. When she got there, he was already waiting in ambush. Dropping down from above her, Rex wrapped his arms around her frame and with a grunt tossed her into a nearby pile of garbage. "YOU'RE LATE!" Rex barked before locking his gaze with hers. Come at me. Rex repeated in his mind.
"I'm sorry!" She hissed back at him in her feisty fashion, but that was when he flung her into the garbage. "Oh," she growled, "you're dead!" She got up, too proud to admit that she had been thrown like that.

When he spoke to her in his mind, her eyes narrowed and she suddenly crouched close to the ground before her light frame sprang up through the air and went for tiger claw, about to get him right in the face with her hands that she was bracing in a particular way. She landed right on him with perfect precision- the landing not messy, but the positioning a little tricky as she landed with her legs wrapped around his waist, aiming right for his face.

She sunk her nails into him, but realized that her laces somehow ended up snagged in his belt. How the hell did that happen? People thought Peter Parker was clumsy, but they had yet to witness the natural grace that Alexis Mason had.
Rex wore his usual black jumpsuit, it zipped up the front and had built in straps for fastening sheaths to the front of it. The sleeves of the jacket could tear off and also could house up to three bladed weapons. His belt which was also black had a various selection of tools useful for catching people off guard, or blinding them from afar. This belt just so happened to get caught on one of the long and always undone shoelace of Alexis'. She sunk her nails in as best she could, but he simply use Ki hop to strengthen the tissue beneath the skin where her nails broke through. Such control and flexibility of his ability was what he wanted to teach her.

He had witnessed it with his own eyes. An AI training bot was set to current level Peter Parker, at half strength and she took it on and managed to beat it without being able to tether. Her natural reflexes from being linked to people and having observed their observations, gave her an edge on almost anyone. But she forgot one clear and present thing here, this wasn't Peter Parker she was dealing with, and it most certainly wasn't going to be easy to just figure out Rex. He was trained by the same man who trained Logan in swordsmanship. There wasn't many people who could just outfight him.

In another smooth and very fast motion, Rex spun around one hundred and eighty degrees and pinned Alexis forcibly to the brick wall. Again using Ki hop to give himself the burst of strength to do so. With her legs wrapped around his waist Rex's right hand came up and gripped at her throat his left hand was under her rather round and sexy ass. He knew she was still tethered to him trying to figure out what his next move was, but Rex kept his mind perfectly clean and clear until he locked eyes with her again. "If I were a villain, you'd be a dead rookie right now," he said looking her over, grinning the images slowly forming in his head. First of her in her suit, then of her with it mostly off. "I think I know what your problem is. You're distracted, you've a lack of focus. You need to be able to concentrate on one thing and one thing in particular." Rex continued his speech hand around her throat still. "Are you a virgin?" he asked her blatantly his mind slowly drifting to images of him, with her.
She grunted, swearing as the other spun around and suddenly had her pinned against the wall. She began to squirm slightly, using all the energy she could to focus in on what he would do next. Perhaps he was going to toss her yet again, go for one of her pressure points? No, no, no!- she couldn't read him and that was what aggravated her most. She needed to remember who she was fighting. Growing up, she loved to rough house with her foster brothers because she always ended up beating then with her tethering ability... well, with Rex, things were proving to be a little different. Not that she was that surprised.

When the other wrapped a hand around her neck, and placed another hand beneath her rear, her eyes widened. Nobody ever touched her. She squirmed a bit, almost thankful it was happening with Rex and not some random villain, but still.. this was hurting her pride. She continued to try and tether in desperation- wanting so badly to know what was coming next-not sure if she was dreading it or wanting it.

She glared when the other claimed that she was distracted, "how can I not be distracted? Your hand... It's on my ass!' She choked, looking frantic as her ears turned pink. She whimpered suddenly when the other asked her if she was a virgin. She tried to look away stubbornly, her face growing more red, "Yeah, I'm a virgin! So, w-who cares?" She coughed.

Caught in the moment, she almost totally forgot that she was tethering until she started picking up thoughts that Rex was having... of them.. together... and her barely clothed. Her eyes winded and her anger rose as the other decided to have the audacity to think about her like this. This was so embarrassing! It felt like watching a porno with her as the star!
Rex could feel that she had received the opposite end of her powers now. It wasn't likely that anyone had ever taken the time to come up with a mental game to play with her that would, well literally break her. She said that her being distracted because of his hand on her ass, and so Rex gripped down on it really nice and tight. "You're going to make excuses as to why you can't focus? What happens if it's a villain that does this to you? Will you be able to resist the way it makes you break focus then?" Rex asked her.

He however didn't wait for a response. He instead released her throat and pushed off the brick wall behind her with both feet. Flipping backwards and landing nimbly on his feet Rex looked back up at her, his eyes locking onto her's through his dark sun glasses. His platinum hair slicked back. Brace yourself!

Rex wasted no time in attacking, his attack was also extremely fast. The attack was designed by a Karate Grand Master to open a flaw in an enemies armor. But Rex had modified the attack a little in order to achieve a different effect. Gathering both his hands at his sides, Rex thrust them forward and out at her. While there would be no visual she would certainly feel a rush of pressurized air.

Seconds later countless slashes seemed to slice apart the seemingly homemade costume. Standing upright as the ribbons of her costume tumbled down around him, Rex looked up as her breasts spilled out of the holes and she tried to cover herself. "I think you need to learn how to focus, and focusing on an orgasm is a good way to start."
"No villain would fucking do this to me!" she protested lamely, gasping when the other squeezed harder. She bit her lip hardly and then brought her hands up with intentions of going for his face again. There was no way he was going to get to her like this! This was just downright humiliating!

However, when Rex let go and flipped back, she sighed in relief and didn't even care to brush herself off, knowing, especially with his warning, that something more was yet to come. She was just about to start tethering when... it happened so fast. She couldn't even believe it! How was this possible?!

She cried out in anger when he suddenly shredded her entire costume that she had worked so hard to make. "You bloody bastard!" She growled towards the other, only to realize then that she was almost completely nude now in just her boots and in front of the other. Her eyes grew so wide at that moment and she quickly covered herself up with her hands, but kept switching between covering her breasts and her crotch. "Rex!" She exclaimed in horror, "what is the meaning of this??"

When he brought up focusing on an orgasm, her breath caught in her throat. She'd done that to herself once before out of curiosity and was too ashamed to ever do it again. That was something she'd tell nobody. But this... this guy...

"How will that help me... At all???" She cried out.
"It's going to help because it's going to hurt like Hell when I fuck you." Rex said as he approached her quickly, one hand going to her throat again and pushing her back against the wall once more. His other hand moved to her leg where he gripped her thigh and lifted her right leg off the ground. Forcing her to wrap her leg around his waist, Rex tore off his glasses and locked eyes with her.

"You're a virgin, so naturally this will hurt. You'll need to focus on how good it will feel, because if you don't you'll just stay in the pain and never have fun," Rex said to her as he pinned her hips to the wall with his own; their crotches practically touching. He could feel her finger still covering herself, and he released her leg in order to unbuckle his belt. Once he had, Rex repositioned her against the wall so that her hand would rub against his cock.

She had a hot body, Rex had always thought so, but he also knew about her power and kept everything in completely separate space in his mind when he thought about that. When she was around, he would always be completely clear headed. "Fighting crime is kind of like that, it hurts, a lot sometimes. But if you focus on how good it feels to stop a bad guy from doing something really bad to someone else. It feels even better," he said to her eyes still locked on hers.

"Tether to me, there are some things I want to show you." Rex said as his lips came down on her own in a passionate kiss. When she would finally reach to his mind, the scene that would be playing would be exactly as she had described, a porno but with her as the pornstar.
"Rex!" She exclaimed breathlessly, the true face of a virgin when he spoke those words to her. She gritted her teeth slightly and growled when he came up and wrapped her leg around his waist- she moaned weakly as she felt their crotches pressing up against each other... the wetness that her body was creating nearly smearing up against the front of his clothing... her trembling snatch started to drip was anticipation as the breath was caught in her throat. When he took of his sunglasses and looked into her eyes, her eyes widened and she blushed, feeling so incredibly vulnerable.

As he momentarily let go, she was standing there- frozen in shock- that before she knew it, her leg was back up and his cock was free- her hand straying near it. Biting her lip, she tried to look unthreatened toward him, but the face if a virgin said it all.

She crashed her lips to his as he told her to tether to him. Nodding weakly, she allowed herself to do so, only to whimper helplessly at the graphicness of the scene... how hard he pounded her and how embarrassingly lewd she looked. Her pussy moistened as she saw it and she melted into his kiss. She found her hand toying curiously with his cock as these images flashed across her mind. It was an odd feeling- holding his cock while watching herself be pounded by it at the same time.
Rex felt her fighting against the inevitable truth that she was a young woman with urges that she had never satisfied. This sort of thing could, and very much so would be taken advantage of out by others. So it needed to be broken. And who better to do it than the man who was training her how to be like him. The reason that she has an incredibly hard time reading him while tethered in combat, is because he's not thinking about what he's doing. He's just acting on a plan, he's always thought everything through six steps ahead. Everything is preplanned, calculated and executed, then repeated until success. This was the process she needed to get into, in order to micromanage her power in such a way where she would be unstoppable.

But she wasn't to that level, and here she was; having fight and the will power to struggle, then fading fast into a blur of pleasure. She meshed her lips back against his, kissing his with a feverish passion that said she wanted to see what was going on through his mind. The moans and loud screams of pleasure that he showed her were only the beginning of what he could give her. It was obviously highly and extremely frowned upon for him to do something like this to one of his pupils, but some people learned different than others.

Pushing his tongue into her mouth, Rex kissed her passionately and roughly. Sliding his hand off from her throat and around to the back of her head. He continued to kiss her fiercely, and he groaned as she began to stroke his cock. At that moment the images in his mind faded, and he then solely focused on the immensely pleasurable feeling that was her hand jerking him off, slowly getting him harder and harder until he was fully erect. Rex was over ten inches long, nearly eleven, and two and a quarter inches in diameter. Taking a handful of her hair, Rex tugged her head away from his and locked eyes again. A string of saliva connecting their tongues. "Focus on the pleasure, focus on yours while being linked with me and feeling mine. See and feel only that in your mind, both things all at once." he told her as he began to grind his cock against her sodden and dripping pussy.
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